Suhaib Webb – The Wisdom of Prophet Musa- Learning from Others

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and phrases with no discernible dialogue or topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Look, subhanAllah, at Sayyidina Musa, even though he's

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a prophet, and Khadr is not a prophet.

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But Sayyidina Musa, Moses, when he learned that

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someone knew something he didn't know, he traveled

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to him.

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He didn't say, are you a scholar?

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Are you a prophet?

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Are you a Rasul?

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هل تعلماني مما علمت رشدا؟

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هل تعلماني مما علمت رشدا؟

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Can you teach me a little bit of

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what you know?

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So avoid this.

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If you see people who know more than

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you, learn from them.

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Take the good, leave the evil.

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