Suhaib Webb – The Rules For Reading Warsh (Rule Four) The Exchanged Madd

Suhaib Webb
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The speaker is teaching the audience to read the Quran and explains the difference between the in the way the speaker is teaching them and the people who are studying. They also give examples of exercises and exercises that are being taught. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning the process and trusting the process.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:16 --> 00:00:19
			Welcome back to learning how to functionally
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			read wash.
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			May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make it easy
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			for you, don't be nervous, don't be stressed
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			out, enjoy this moment I'm here for you
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			If you have any questions, I'm at your
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			service. Alhamdulillah.
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			You know you're the people of the Quran
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			and you have a great honor. Alhamdulillah.
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			Listen to,
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			how I read, Surat Al Asr
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			and see if you notice a difference between
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			Hafs and Wash as far as Amad
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			that you may not have heard before when
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			you're reading in in havs?
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			This is house. Very clear. Very easy.
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			Not in sand. This is knuckle. We've talked
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			about it a lot. We haven't studied the
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			rule yet, but I want you to just
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			get used to it.
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			So you hear something.
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			all of the Quran reads it with
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			The in the way that I'm teaching it
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			to you, he reads it with what's called
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			2 long seconds. Right?
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			This mad is called.
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			Badal. We talked about it a lot before.
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			Right? Because I knew it was coming, and
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			I wanted you to, like, prepare for it.
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			When you hear me talking about things, it's
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			because I know it's around the corner,
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			and I don't want you to feel like
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			like a deer in the headlights, you know,
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			everything's coming at you so fast. Oh, yeah.
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			I remember that. Oh, I've heard that before.
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			It's about creating a climate of knowledge, and
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			the climate of the knowledge that we're focused
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			on is, of course, this beautiful recitation.
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			So this is called.
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			Because if you look at the hamza, it
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			comes before
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			the the
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			Usually, for example,
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			and then the hamza, mud and hamza, mud
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			and hamza.
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			But here we see the hamza
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			the mad.
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			This is called Badal because it exchanged
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			it exchanged.
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			I wanna give you, another example from Surah
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			Quresh. See if you can hear the differences.
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			It's not Mad Badal of course in in
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			war so I'm reading with
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			and then of course
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			but you heard Masha'Allah
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			the first
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			Now I want to test you quickly, and
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			I want you to know that
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			if you're not the only words that you're
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			going to find this, you're going to find
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			this in different words throughout the Quran,
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			but alhamdulillah, I want you to get the
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			And most of the prints of warz actually
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			have a red color that tells you this
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			is Mad Badal,
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			So it makes it easy as I'll show
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			you later.
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			But I wanna test you now. I'm gonna
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			throw 1 chapter at you and then one
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			verse at you and ask you.
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			I'm gonna read it twice, so you tell
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			me in the comments. Is the first one
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			or and why? Is the second
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			one or
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			So let's take the first chapter. So I'm
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			gonna read it twice, and in the comments,
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			you can tell me, is it wash or
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			hafs and why?
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			Okay. Just gonna read not the whole chapter,
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			but but that's all we need for this
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			I'm gonna read it one more time the
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			same, amount, but you tell me which one
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			is it, wash or haves?
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			The second exam is a verse from sort,
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			Al Baqarah,
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			and you tell me which one is house,
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			which one is wash, and why in
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			the comment section.
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			So you tell me which one is,
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			which one is wash, and why.
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			Let me give you another example with a
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			letter besides,
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			here in, in in
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			in verse 6.
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			this is havs.
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			Lee, just like.
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			So we're seeing a pattern here. Right?
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			that has a hamza in it, that hamza
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			is being exchanged
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			and and and and to the lamb, and
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			the lamb takes the vow that was on
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			the hamza. Remember this. That's called.
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			So just just pay attention to it. Don't
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			don't make it a big deal now. Don't
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			get into an argument or whatever, but just
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			remember that. That.
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			If there is a hamza involved,
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			then hamza is going to lose its
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			vow, and the vow is gonna be given
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			to that lamb.
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			In what's gonna happen in wars? I just
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			told you.
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			The vow
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			at is gonna be taken off of the
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			hamza and put on the lamb.
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			This is not what we're learning now, but
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			that is madbadl, by the way. We're gonna
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			learn it soon. So I read,
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			but this is not hamza.
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			We're gonna talk about that
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			next time.
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			So now what we have in front of
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			us is mad badal.
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			Mad badal is when the hamza comes in
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			front of the haraf al mad, and we're
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			going to read it
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			for harukkah.
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			Mentions this
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			when he says
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			he says that whatever comes after a
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			what it means is that all of the
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			Quran read it with had to sit in
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			a wash. You're gonna find
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			a that allows you to read it with
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			then he says
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			but it is also related that Sidna, Wash,
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			he read it with
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			But I told you 4.
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			And maybe you're like, see.
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			What's going on here? I have a good
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			suspicion, man. The next line he says,
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			that the people who read Wash, you know,
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			the major players who passed it down and
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			who read
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			it recognize that the
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			should be read with 4 harukah. Doesn't mean
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			that others are wrong.
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			All this is allowed. It doesn't impact the
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			Quran. Alhamdulillah, the Quran is preserved.
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			So and then he gives examples.
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			Meaning that
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			that there are
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			the the majority of ahu ada of wash
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			who read
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			with 4 haraka
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			as I taught you. So what does that
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			mean? That means that actually in the recitation
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			of Warsh has
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			But he says something that I haven't talked
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			about yet. I've I've showed it to you.
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			that is he says
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			We talked about it. But what we didn't
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			talk about is what what he calls
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			that the hamza is changed for a reason.
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			Those reasons are 3.
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			We're gonna talk about that next time.
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			May Allah
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			bless you and increase you. So what do
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			we learn
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			When the hamza is stabbed it, and after
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			we're going to read it and how we're
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			learning to wash together
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			arba'a harakat.
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			It's gonna make things a lot easier later
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			on. No need to talk about why now,
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			but just trust the process. May Allah bless
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			you. I look forward to seeing your comments
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			in the comments box.