Suhaib Webb – The Rules For Reading Warsh (Lesson Eight) Two Words With Tawasut
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah. Assalamu
ala Sayedina Muhammad
Waala Aarihi Waashabihi
Welcome to lesson 8. Masha'Allah.
Learning the foundations
of reading
wash back to nafir.
We have reached now the last lesson on
This is just a drop in the ocean
to be honest with you. My goal is
to get you reading. My goal is to
get you reading correctly and not necessarily to
unpack all of the side important discussions now.
They have their place,
we introduced
this idea.
Lesson 6, we started to talk about the
exceptions to the rule. Lesson 7, we talked
about 2 words the scholars agree we're not
going to read with.
And now on lesson 8, we have 2
more words in front of us out of
these 7 kind of exceptions to that
for our way of reading, we're going to
read the in
these words
with Tawasut.
With Tawasot.
And what are these two words? Number 1
khalas in Sultan Najm.
How are we going to read this? We're
going to observe idram
of the dal
the fatha tanween into the lamb.
And then we're going to read that lamb
with tawasot
because it took the place,
of course, of the vow that was on
the hamza.
So we're gonna
and don't forget at the end to do
taqleel. Don't say.
Right? Don't
make imana.
There are other ways to read this.
Kalas which are acceptable
the way that we are learning is
It was
Right? Just to explain it to you, make
it simple, I talked about this a lot
before and it's coming,
What happened to the hamza? It's gone.
What happened to the bamma on the hamza?
It went on the lam. And the way
that we are reading, we recognize that even
though the hamza is gone, we're still going
to read the Badal
because it was
So we're gonna say
Sayna Imam,
Taafat al Adfari says
So I'm gonna say,
Super easy.
The second word is el an.
Al an appears twice
in Surat Yunus.
As we read it in But
in wars, the same thing is gonna happen.
Meaning that the Naqal of harakatulhamzaalalam
or masitulhamza.
Meaning that like
and has
right? The hamza goes but stays so goes
on the lamb
it. Now
The on
that hamza.
And we said earlier, just like
the lamb maintains
that that tawasut,
here also the tawasut is gonna stay. So
I'm gonna say
We can unpack this,
we can break this down
some more difficult complex discussions
and I know Masha'Allah,
and some of the great
you're probably saying,
so hey, you skipped a lot here, bro.
Right? You skipped a lot here, but there's
a reason.
I want to get people who study with
me reading,
reading a correct
as I was taught to me by my
after they start reading, if they're interested, they
can unpack that because I challenge people. Are
you teaching people all the turik of hafs?
You're not. You're just teaching them how to
read hafs.
as I was taught,
by different teachers over time, get people reading,
get them confident.
So let's talk about these two two words
where we are going to read with Tawasut.
Right? We are going to read with.
Number 1,
Number 2,
The first is.
And then the lamb,
Okay? Don't get it confused. I know sometimes
it could be hard to to hear it
and see it, but just just remember.
That's it. May Allah
bless you and increase you
and raise you insha'Allah and facilitate things for
Let's quickly go through what Sayedna Shaul Tabi,
he says about this chapter. You don't have
to memorize these lines, man. This is actually
more for me to review. He says,
So mention the exceptions of the rule. He
he talked about that, right? Then he talks
about what comes
right from
the second
Sahih before
the hamza in the madbadah, like Quran
in Mas'ula.
And then he says
And then, of
course, we talked about it. You'll say
Right? So he says
He gives examples. Right?
So he says that what comes after hamzatawasul
like and
He notices here that there's a difference of
opinion. I didn't give you the difference. I
didn't say, I said it's an exception,
but we're gonna read it with Tawasut.
Right? I didn't tell you read it with
Qasr. Right? I didn't tell you to read
it with the exception, but Sayna Ibn Shatabi
There's some differences here, but I'm teaching you.
So So if you hear another
person read it differently, don't freak out. Don't
freak out.
He recognizes
some of these differences that we went over
in regards to Mad Badal 3
and 4 words.
The first three we said
You're gonna read them with Kasr.
The first two words,
Bani Israel
The last two words,
Khalasa's last two words we're going to read
with Tawaslut
for a very important reason
outside of it being al sud al rih
that we're learning for a very important reason.
May Allah bless you and increase you