Suhaib Webb – The Names of Allah SWT wImam Imad
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The importance of fasting as a shield and the use of the symbol " Hels" in Arabic is discussed, along with the need for forgiveness and covering one's sins in the future. The speaker uses "Generation" in Arabic to describe actions and suggests forgiveness is a result of a "will" rather than a "will". The church's "will" approach is discussed, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and the need for a "will" rather than a "will."
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Let me start by saying,
may Allah
accept our fasting,
our Priyamilayl,
our prayers, our charities, all the good deeds
we're doing.
Let me ask you,
as we continue with those beautiful names of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the beautiful month
Ramadan in the,
reflecting on the Quran and the attributes of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
that are related to
to Ramadan.
Let me ask you,
how we doing?
How is our
the prophet said
fasting is a shield.
The prophet
described fasting as a shield.
the shield we are choosing,
you know, insha Allah or the names of
All of the names of Allah
are shields.
Are we living,
the merciful Allah Allah? Are we merciful to
Have we shown mercy to others? Have we,
shown mercy to the poor and the needy?
Have we shown mercy to our family members?
Have we shown mercy to our children?
Have we have we shown mercy? Have you
in the food bank,
this Ramadan? Have you done anything in your
food pantry,
this Ramadan?
All the refugees we have in all over
all over. Have you done anything? Have you
felt the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
by being merciful to others?
How about the tawba?
Have we repented to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
Do we know that by now that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala accept
a guaranteed that
Allah will accept us when we go back
to him.
Have we looked at our sins and counted
them and asked Allah
to forgive
us. And,
you know, have we have we,
are we feeling that the month of Ramadan,
the beginning of it is mercy? Are we
feeling the mercy? Are we given mercy?
The middle of Ramadan is,
forgiveness as the prophet
And that's
why the 4th name,
that we have chosen for this series is
Al Ghafoor
Al Ghafoor,
in Arabic is also again an exaggeration
of we we we roughly
translate this word as forgiving, the forgiving one.
He's merciful. Yes. He will accept repentance.
Yes. Out of his mercy and love, out
of his that he he he already pre,
guaranteed for us that he will accept our
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is the one who will,
forgive us. The word
in Arabic means to shield or to cover.
Actually, in Arabic means a satra.
Satara in Arabic means to shield or to
It means to,
shield you because prophet
that's that fasting
is a shield.
It protects us from sin. It protects us
from from from many things.
So, in this name,
the forgiving,
the one who shields us.
We often ask Allah
to forgive us. Right?
But but but also, when we ask Allah
to forgive us, we're asking him mainly for
3 things.
To cover our faults in this life. Right?
To cover our sins in this life.
To cover us and and and and to
protect us and shield us.
From sins in this life. To protect us
and shield us from,
the the the,
in the hereafter and to shield us and
protect us most importantly
from the hellfire.
covered or shielded us from many things in
this life.
So, anytime we say or ask Allah
to forgive us or ask Allah
with his beautiful name,
the forgiving. We're asking Allah
to shield us. We need to be shielded.
We need the shield of Allah
in this life and in the hereafter.
We need we need that Allah
in Surah Nuh remind us Surah Nuh
10. Here's the word
now always ask
Allah for forgiveness.
For indeed your lord is oft forgiven. Allah
is after forgiven.
throughout the Quran,
remind us
You would see all these names coming together
here in
verse 289. We're asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Oh Allah forgive us.
Oh Allah have mercy on us. Right?
You are you are our sustainer. You are,
our creator. We're
asking Allah
to forgive us
and forgive our sins.
For for that reason,
I I, there is there is those names
of Allah
All these extraction from that word,
in the Quran to let us know
that the stages again of exaggeration
of the name. As we said, Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
You know, when we say in
perhaps maybe one sin.
means that Allah will will forgive many, many
even it was worth thousands of sins.
And Rafar,
is is the word that would that would
reflect the idea that we don't even know
how many sins we have.
So, those those words,
as they move this and then, you know,
you know, few sins,
thousands of sins, or multitude
that we don't even know what they are.
So, you see those those those those expressions
coming in the Quran to describe,
to describe this. Allah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
has no limit,
when it comes to forgiving sins. It's limitless
when it comes to forgiven sense. The Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
says one time,
The Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, Gabriel
came to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
He said, give a glad tiding or give
the good news to your
What's the good news?
Allah forgives all sins. Allah forgives all sins.
The prophet
he said,
he said, even if the
robbed and if person committed
then then Gabriel said, even if he done
that. Then the prophet added that. He said,
again, even if he is is stole and
even he committed adultery, the prophet said, the
add asked that three times to to Gabriel
even if he's done this. So the prophet
have chosen,
you know, 222
social sins
that was that was there was big sins
And Gabriel keeps saying and see us, even
if he done that, Allah will forgive the
actually, the last time Gabriel, when the prophet
asked him about those sins, the prophet said,
the prophet said that Gabriel
said, Allah will forgive his sins even if
he stole
and even if he drank alcohol,
even even if he committed adultery.
And then he says,
that that have get give that. Gabriel said,
give the glad tiding to your Ummah or
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. He is the
glad tiding from Gabriel, from Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam to Gabriel,
to us inshallah ta'ala
If you if you if you've meet Allah,
and and and you associate no partners with
with Allah,
but Allah forgives all sins. Allah forgives
all sins.
There's a hadith that I love
in to relate every Ramadan to my congregation.
And the hadith could see he's not talking
to the believers only. He's talking to all
the sons of Adam and Eve. That's all
of us. He said,
Adam, oh son of Adam,
if you call upon me
and if you beg of me,
I will forgive you. I will forgive
you. I will forgive
say, Look. What Allah has given us this
really analogy. He said, oh sons of son
of Adam, if your sins have reached the
peak of heaven.
Now, imagine.
The peak of heaven.
Where is that peak of heaven? You know,
for us, we might look at this
huge universe
and where is heaven, you know, figuratively speaking.
But if your sins have reached the peak
of heaven,
you come to me.
You come to me and ask me for
forgiveness, I will forgive you. Well, that's one
analogy. Here's another analogy that Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is telling us. He said, oh, sons
of Adam. If you come to me
imagine. I want you to think that. If
you come to
Allah, imagine how much sand
we have on this earth.
Right? And imagine if you could take 1
piece of sand at a time.
Right? And separate them and count these pieces
of sands. That's what the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam said that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says that if you come to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala with this whole earth
sand earth is sand,
forth of sins.
So if if it reaches the peak of
heaven, You Allah.
Allah makes it very general in the beginning
of this Hadith that
as long as you come to me begging
and asking for forgiveness, I will forgive you.
And then and then Allah
is trying to ease our,
understanding that, okay. How much sins would Allah
forgive? Well, if the sins reaches the peak
of heaven,
Allah will forgive you. If if your If
your If our sins reaches
as much as there is sand on this
then then you meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That that that that you're not associating partners
with. There's partners with. His emphasis on here.
His emphasis on monotheism. Not to associate minds
with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, I will
forgive you.
The prophet, salamamu alayhi wasallam,
in this beautiful hadith,
You know, let me before I tell you
this hadith,
you know,
when we wrong someone,
when we wrong someone that we love,
they just just just take it from It's
just an example so for us to understand.
When when when when we wrong somebody we
love. Right?
And then you go to that person and
ask that person
ask that person to excuse you. Right?
Or to forgive you or ask that person,
you know, to accept your apology.
Why are you going to that person and
and asking them? What what what does it
matter? Right? What does it matter? What matter
is that you acknowledge that you love that
You acknowledge that that love you a person.
So, if I wrong my wife
and I I I acknowledge in a in
a in a in a weak moment or,
in in in,
under stress,
perhaps I have said something to my wife
that I didn't mean to say,
or perhaps I have,
you know, done something to a very close
brother that I'm not supposed
to do, and then I come to that
brother and ask him to forgive me or
ask him to accept
my apology.
Why would I do that?
if I am not acknowledging
that I have wronged somebody that I love,
that I have wronged somebody
that, loves me back.
in this hadith, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
We stage this hadith so we can understand
it in the proper way.
The prophet said
that a person have committed a sin.
And, that person turned to Allah
said, oh Allah. I have committed a sin.
So, forgive me.
Oh Allah. Forgive me. Shield me from this
Then, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Allah which says,
servant knew
that there is a There is Allah. There
is a God
forgives the sin,
that forgives the sin
takes sin into account,
then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala say,
I will forgive my slave servant. Let me
finish the hadith. Then then the person went
back to sin. Then he acknowledged that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala,
forgive his sin.
Then, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala makes the same
statement that that this this servant acknowledges
that I am a person.
I am I'm I'm Allah that I am
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and I
am the one who will forgive the sins.
Then at the end of the hadith,
as let my slave servant do whatever he
wants as long as he is turning to
me in repentance
and come back to me in in in
in forgiveness. Come back to me. Ask me
for forgiveness and come back to me in
repentance. So what does this hadith mean? It's
not an open
invitation for us
to commit sins and knowing that Allah
will forgive us. Allah will forgive, and Allah
will forgive, and Allah will forgive. Here is
an acknowledgment
that a person knows that they wronged the
one that they love which is Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.