Suhaib Webb – The Key To Sins

Suhaib Webb
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Speaker 1 discusses the concept of the " dry eye" and how it is related to evil behavior. They explain that the " dry eye" is due to a false belief in death and the root of evil is control and short-term thinking.

AI: Summary ©

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			When Obama's sheikh used to say that the
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			dry eye is because of the dry tongue,
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			no thicker.
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			And the dry tongue is because no thicker,
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			no thinking about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			And that's because a person has false hopes.
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			And a person has false hopes because they
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			forgot death. And the reason they forgot death,
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			he said, is
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			and loving dunya in an unhealthy way and
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			being controlled and suffocated
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			and submerged by it is the root of
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			all evil.