Suhaib Webb – The Impact of Muslims in Andalusia- Unveiling the Power of Unity and Diversity

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
A speaker describes a conversation they had with Subhanous sends about Muslims leaving Spain. The speaker describes Subhanous as a powerful statement and an Uber driver in Horanata, which led to the formation of a group called the Islam Church.
AI: Transcript ©
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He said, I wish the Muslims never left

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SubhanAllah. He said it to me in Spanish.

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And I was shocked to have this conversation.

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Sometimes Allah

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will bring people in your life,

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as a means to strengthen you.

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No one knows

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nobody knows really who the supporters of Allah

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are, how people can come into your life

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and strengthen you in moments that you might

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need to be strengthened.

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And so he said to me, like, I

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wish that Muslims never left Spain.

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And I said, SubhanAllah, like, that's such a

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powerful statement, like, why? And he said, because

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Islam, when it was in Andalusia,

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it brought people together

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and it brought out the best in human

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beings regardless of

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their race,

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their language,

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or their religion. He said this to me,

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he was an Uber driver

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in in Horanata,

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