Suhaib Webb – The Foundations of Arabic II – Lesson Five
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The speakers discuss various verses and phrases used in English, including "will" and "will" used in English, and "will" and "will" used in French. They encourage the audience to practice with phrases and use them in their conversations. The speakers also encourage the audience to practice with phrases and use them in their conversations. The discussion is on a video recording, and the speakers encourage the audience to practice with these phrases and use them in their conversations.
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Taking some time for some reason.
In the name of Allah, the most merciful,
the most compassionate.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
And peace and blessings be upon the Prophet
Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, the Egyptians,
the Arabs, and all the non-Arabs.
And peace and blessings be upon him, in
the beginning, the end, and the highest of
the heavens, O Lord of the Arabs.
So last time we talked about the definition
of Iʿrāb, we said Iʿrāb huwa taghīr, the
changing, awākhirī al-karīm, the changing of the
end of words, līkhtilāfi l-ʿawāmīlī, due to
the different words that come in front of
it that impact it, like inna, kāna, uzunna,
ḥarfu jar, ḥarfu jar zā'īt, lafṭan aw
taqdīran, we talked about lafṭan aw taqdīran last
time, maqṣūr manqūs, jā'a mūsā, jā'a
al-qāḍī, hādha muʿshtari.
Now I want to talk about the types
of Iʿrāb, faqālu
rahimuhullah wa aqsamuhu arbaʿatum, ayy aqsamu al-iʿrāb,
idhan indama nasmaʿ karimata aqsam, fahimna anna hunaka
kulli, wa kulli hunaka al-iʿrāb, wa juz
'uhu arbaʿa, rafu'u nasbu, khaftu jazmuhu, faka
anna karimata iʿrāb pizza, wa nuqassim hādha pizza
ila arbaʿati aqsam, hādha fal-mantaq, wā hādha
muhim, wā hādha si'ati in shā'a
Iʿrāb is made up of four parts that
he mentions above, rafu'u nasbu, khaftu jazmuhu,
each of these forms, the foundation of the
By foundations I mean foundations of meanings, not
abstractions, not taqawā'id, al-maʿāni, idhan al
-qawā'id masnaʿah, wal-maʿāni nateejah.
Every word that you come across that is
muʿarab is going to fall under one of
these four cases, rafu'u nasbu, jarru, jazmuhu.
Al-Ḥarīli says, wa-in turid an taʿriqa
al-ʾiʿrāba li taqtafī fi nutqitha al-sawāba,
fa-inna hu bi-rrafi thumma jarri wa
-nasbi wa-jazmi jamiʿan yajri, sahib al-mulḥa,
al-mulḥa is the book we study after
ajumīyah, but to save you time I put
it in the book, some of the important
So when you go to mulḥa al-ʾiʿrāba
after this it's easy, understand?
Maybe you ask, why did Suhayb put parts
of mulḥa al-ʾiʿrāba and his explanation of
Because it's the next book.
So if you familiarize yourself now with the
aviyāt I've put in here from mulḥa al
-ʾiʿrāba, mulḥa al-ʾiʿrāba will be easy for
Wa-in turid, if you want, and taʿriqa
al-ʾiʿrāba, to know what is al-ʾiʿrāba,
li taqtafī, to protect, to make sure your
speech is correct, fi nuṭqika al-sawāba, fa
-innahu bi-rafi thumma jarri, wa-nasfi wa
-jazmi jamīʿan yajriyī.
So today what we want to talk about
is rafu, but not in detail.
And I'm going to change the order of
how I teach you.
We're not going to follow the order of
ajurūmiyyah 100%.
When we finish rafu case, then we're going
to go to the seven things that are
When we finish the nasbu case, we're going
to go to the 15 things that are
When we finish the jarru case, we're going
to go to the three things that are
When we finish the jazmu case, we'll go
to the two things that are jazmu.
Then we'll go back to the middle of
the book.
In shā'a Llāh it will be beneficial,
in shā'a Llāh.
So if Arabic was a house, this is
the foundation.
And I told you one of my teachers
told me, why does it start with rafu?
The ulamā, why did they start with rafu?
To remind you.
yarfaʿilāhu ladhīna āmaru minkum wa ladhīna qutul amadīya
rajāli There
are certain signs that we know a word
is rafu.
It's going to come in a second, in
the next lesson.
He says, wali rafi arbaʿu alamāt.
He says, wali rafi arbaʿu alamāt.
Rafu has four signs.
dhamma wāw alifnūn dhoʿan dhoʿan as an acronym.
dhamma wāw alifnūn So I made a chart
So you can practice this easily.
And memorize it easily.
alamāt al-raf arbaʿa The first is dhamma.
alhamdu nasru yadhakkaru So here we see nouns
and a verb.
mudāriʿ faqat liʿanna al-māḍi maftuḥu al-ākhiri
abadah We already talked about it.
kama qāla al-harīri fa-ḥuʿmuhu fatḥu al
-ākhiri minhū ka-qawrihim bāna wa sāraʿanhu kama
qāla sāhib al-murḥa ya'ni wa-ḥuʿmuhu
al-māḍi fatḥu al-ākhiri abadah or fatḥu
al-ākhiri minhū ya'ni mabniʿ ala fatḥ
ka-qawrihim sāra sāra maḍi wa bāna maḍi
anhu fatḥa fatḥa izan bin nisba siyāq al
-rafa al-fiʿl al-ladhi yuhimmunāhu al-mudāriʿu
faqat laʿamr wa la-māḍi falidharika
qāla sāhib al-mulḥa wa laysa fil-afʿāri
fiʿn yuʿrāba siwāhu wa tamthīru wa laysa fil
-afʿāri fiʿn yuḍrabu siwāhu wa tamthīru fīhi yuḍribu
sāḥ ya'ni sāhib al-mulḥa al-ʿarāb
lamma takallama ʿan al-afʿāri qāla wa laysa
fil-afʿāri ya'ni lā fiʿl yuʿrabu yuʿrabu
siwāhu yuʿrabu siwā al-mudāriʿ wa laysa fil
-afʿāri fiʿn yuʿrabu siwāhu wa tamthīru fīhi yuḍribu
yuʿrabu siwāhu wa laysa fil-afʿāri fiʿn yuʿrabu
siwāhu wa tamthīru fīhi yuḍribu yuʿrabu siwāhu yuʿrabu
siwā al-mudāriʿ wa laysa fil-afʿāri marfūʿatun
khalās the next sign is wāw we have
five special nouns actually there are six but
we're only going to mention five now that
take wāw instead of dhamma to mean rafu
like abūka akhūka, hamūka fūka, dhūmālin abūka
zārani al-yawm alayka anta as-alani ayna
limāza quta abūka lanna abū wa akhū wa
hamū wa fū wa dhūm are from a
special type of noun called asmā'u al
-khamsa wa fil-ḥaqiqa asmā'u al-sitta
hatta qāda sāhib al-mulḥa wasittatun turfaʿu bilwāwi
wasittatu bin turfaʿu bilwāwi wa bilarif wa bil
-yall abūka, abīka abāk inn abānana fī
uidhdalārin mubīd abūna shaykhun
kabīh idhhabū ila abīkum When
it has well, it's rafu.
The letter alif for the dual, rajulani, sahirani,
inna hadani, nasahirani.
And finally the letter nun connected to mudare.
That nun is a sign of raf.
Only with mudare you need to worry about
Then there are four signs.
How do you recognize that a word is
With dhamma.
If it's from the five, six special nouns.
Five yaani?
If it's dual, as we're going to talk
about later on, alif.
And if it's a imperfect, like this, but
this wow and nun is connected to it.
Or alif and nun is connected to it.
Or ya and nun is connected to it.
That nun is the sign of raf.
Bi thabati nun.
Or bi ithbati nun.
We're going to explain this brothers like alif
This is only a muqaddimah.
Why did I make this here for you?
So when you go, when you're going through
it and you're studying, you can go back
and look at this chart.
It's super easy.
Right now you're going to feel like a
deer in the headlights.
It's okay.
It's normal.
But so many people have time to watch
this person debate this person.
This person say this person's out of Islam.
This person's like this, but they don't have
the strength to learn Arabic.
Now you see the nateeja.
So you have to push yourself.
Here I'll say examples of Quran of rafu.
Based on what I just told you.
Where's the rafu there?
What word is rafu?
It's dhamma.
Dhamma, khalas.
Itha jaa anasru Allahi.
Itha jaa anasru Allahi.
Anasru Allahi.
Because of dhamma.
Yalla, minhaz.
Next example, yadhakaru illa ulul albaab.
Where's the rafu?
Yadhaka ulul albaab.
Go with the first answer, ya shaykh.
Stick with the first answer.
Ulul albaab sah, but hadha sab.
Based on what we just learned, you said
it the first time.
La yadhakaru, ya shaykh.
Fi'al mudari, dhamma.
Ulul also is marfu.
It's marfu.
Bimanan dhu.
But stick to the easy rules I gave
Yadhakaru, you said it the first time, then
you doubted yourself.
Don't doubt yourself, man.
You're doing good.
Yadhakaru fi'al mudari, marfu bi'l dhamma.
The next verse.
Alladhina yazkuruna Allaha qiyaman wa qa'udan wa
ala junubihim wa yatafakkaruna fi khalqis samawati wa
la rub.
Who can give one of those?
Yazkuruna wa yatafakkaruna.
Bithbati an-nun.
Good, good, good.
Bithubuti an-nun ya'ni.
Bithubuti an-nun, ya'ni.
Hunaka qalu in hadhani la sahirani yureedani an
yukhrijakum min ardikum bisihrihima.
Yukhrijani bil alif.
Alif muthanna.
And of course, there are three recitations.
Inna hadhaini li abu Amri.
Qalata la tasqee hatta yusdir ar-ri'a
'u wa abuna shaykhun kabir.
Qalata yusdir ar-ri'a'u wa abuna
shaykhun kabir.
Al-nasqee, ustaz.
Taba' al-nasqee lana hadha manqoos.
Maqsoor, al-maqsoor.
Ya'rabuhum maqadara.
Faa hadha al-awwal.
Wa taa taba' lakin lana takala man taa
Ya'ni taa man yuhaddithu.
Takalana man akhalna.
Faa laa laa nusqee yu, ya'ni.
Hatta yusdir ar-ri'a'u wa abuna
shaykhun kabir.
Fi'alun majhool also marfoo, sah?
Lakin laisa honaika majhoolan.
Laisa honaika majhoolan.
La la yusdira hadha hatta yusdira ri'a
Ri'a'u fa'il.
Min babi fa'al.
Yusdira af'ala yuf'ilu.
Aslama yuslimu.
Lakin good, good man, good.
Okay, so we finished now.
Yusdira, we finished the front.
Now we start ar-ri'a'u, abuna,
shaykhun, kabirun.
Where is the marfoo at?
Ar-ri'a'u fa'il.
Ayo, dhamma.
Dhamma, faa.
Wa abuna shaykhun kabirun.
All of them are marfoo.
Ayo, abuna asma'u khamsa.
Asma'u khamsa.
Abuna, ya'ni.
Ya'ni ya'ni.
Shaykhun kabirun.
Taba'an, sahla.
Hunaka nutqa muhimma.
Important point, ya'ni.
If you look at all these examples, you're
going to notice something.
If you already know this, it's good.
If you don't, it's going to save you
a lot of time.
And that is that you notice sometimes the
i'rab is with a haraka.
Oo, oo.
Sometimes, like here also, the i'rab is
with a letter.
Ithbaat an noon.
Thuboot an noon.
The alif is the sign of rafu.
So then pay attention.
That means sometimes a word's i'rab is
because of the vowel.
Sometimes a word's i'rab is because of
a letter.
Fa'i'rabu bil harakat, wa'i'rabu
bil huroof.
Hadha muhim jidden jidden.
Hal fahimtuma?
Hadha muhim muhim.
Pay attention to what I'm about to show
Please get this.
If you look at the examples above, you'll
notice that something is happening to the i
'rab of the word's ending.
Hadha ana katabtana.
Each one to help you.
In the case of hamdu, nasru, an yathadhakkaru,
the i'rab is a vowel, dhamma.
In the case of yathadhakkaruna, bith thuboot an
In the case of yukhrijani, yuridani bil alif.
In the case of abuna shaykhun kabir, al
Even here is dhamma, but the rest are
harakat, are a haroof.
That means i'rab is going to happen
in two ways.
I'rab bil harakat, wa'i'rab bil
Wa la tharitha laha.
And I wrote it one more time here
just for like, you know, emphasis.
The second case is nasb.
We're going to stop today after.
We can finish them insha'Allah.
This is all just an introduction.
After this, we're going to go raf'u,
each one.
Nasbu, each one.
Jarru, each one.
Jazmu, each one.
So when we think of nasb, we think
of fatha.
So if dhamma is the father of raf
'u, fatha is the father of nasb.
Wa laysa lil af'ali fi'anu yu
'rabu siwahu.
Ayy, siwahu al-mudari.
Fa khalas, I don't need to worry about
maadi, amr, nothing.
Just mudari.
Meaning mudari is the only one that accepts
i'rab because mudari ayy, mutashabih.
Yushbihu al-ism.
We said mudari, actually in Arabic, doesn't mean
It means to be similar.
So lan nu'mina laka hatta narallaha jahra.
Lan nasbira ala ta'amin wahid.
Yani lan nu'mina, or lan nu'mina, or lan
Lan nasbira ala ta'amin wahid.
Izan lan nu'mina, lan nasbira, fatha fatha.
The same rule, mudari, lam yattasil bilwaw aljama
Wala ya' aljama'a, wala alif al-tathniha.
Yani mush yu'minan, yu'minun, tu'minun,
ila akhiriha.
La lam yattasil bi'akhirihi shay'un.
Izan mudari mudari.
Yani bidun waw aljama'a, wa bidun alif
Bidun af'al al-khamsa, yaf'alani, taf
'alani, yaf'aluna, taf'aluna, yaf'alina.
Falan nu'mina, fahunaka naqul nu'mina fi'lun mudari
mansoobun billan, wa ala matunasbihi al-fatha al
-zahira fi'akhiriha.
The next, kathra al-muslimati.
Qala ibn Marik wa ma'ata bi'alifin
qad jum'a yuksaru fi'jarri wa fi
'nasbihi kama'a.
Ma qala ibn Marik fi'alifiyatihi, wa ma
'bita wa alif qad jum'a yuksaru fi
'jarri wa fi'nasbihi kama'a.
Ay, yakun maksuran bi'jarr, wa maksuran bi
Yani bil-muslimati majroor, inna al-muslimati mansoob.
Lakin, kama qala, yuksaru fi'jarri wa fi
'nasbihi sawa, or kama, yani sawa'un.
Fi ibn Marik masha'Allah ken jinyasa, yani.
Qala wa ma'bita wa alifin qad jum
'a yuksaru fi'jarri wa fi'nasbihi kama
Al-muslimat, ra'aytu muslimat, ra'aytu mu'minat,
inna al-muslimina wa al-muslimi, mati, wa
al-mu'minina wa al-mu'mina, si.
The letter ya, muslimayni, or muslimin, or rajulayni.
Yani ra'aytu al-muslimin, ra'aytu rajulayni.
I need to put the example here at
I made this for you guys today.
Yani ra'aytu al-muslimin, ra'aytu rajulayni,
mansub al-ya.
Wa akhir lan, ay, hatf al-nun.
The nun of af'aru khamsa is omitted
because there is an article of nasb in
front of the mudare.
So if we took out the lan, what
would it be?
If we just read this, ay, wa taf
Bi itbati al-nun marfu'a, bi anna
al-aslu kulli shay raf'u.
Lakin innama wada'tu harfa al-lani amama hadha
al-fi'ri, ahdif nuna hadha al-fi
'ri, wa akul lan taf'alu.
Fa alamat nasbihi shay'an.
Harfa al-nasb, wa hadf al-nun.
Hadha al-nasb.
Man arada an yutqina al-nasb, fa alihi
biharihi al-awmuh.
Al-fatha, wa al-kasra, wa al-ya,
wa hadhf al-nun.
That's it.
Wa wada'tu hunaka al-ayah al-mubarakah al
Ustadh, I have a question.
Go ahead.
Lan taf'alu, la taf'alu.
What's the difference between the meanings?
No, la is a jazm, not al-nasb.
No, no, la taf'al amr, nahi.
Hay, thaman, huwa jazm, jawazm al-nahi.
Qala lam al-amr wa al-du'a,
wa la fi'l-nahi wa al-du
Hatha ma qalibna ajroom, wa la fi'l
-nahi wa al-du'a.
Wa min wa ma wa mahma, ya'ni
ila akhiriha.
What's the meaning?
What's the different meaning?
What's the meaning between?
That means it's not allowed for you to.
Lan means you'll never do it.
Hatha qala al-harif mulhatihi lan, bi ma
'na nafi al-istiqbal.
Nafi, eh, al-istiqbal.
Lan taf'alu, ya'ni abadan.
But it's not amr, it's ma'ud al
No, no, hatha wasf, wasf, ya'ni lan
You'll never do it, like a threat.
Hatha mitha wa'id.
Wa amma la, bi ma'na la yajuzu
La taqrabu zina, la taqrabu, wa la taqraba
hadihi shajarata fatakunaha min al-zalimeen.
La taqrabani, ya'ni la taqraba an-nun
mashat, bi lam al-nahi.
Hatha laisa, laisa lam al-amr, lam al
-amr ya'ni huwa thal yaqoolu ha katha,
ya'ni thal yaqool, khayran, thal yaqoolu ha
Hatha amr.
Laka amma la, la al-nahi.
Ya'ni la yajuzu laka an taf'ala
Wa hatha tab'a fi qutub usul fiqh,
ya'ni dhikra ima asayna imam al-shashi
rahim wa laa fi usulihi.
Wa kadhalika al-baydawi fil-minhaj, wa al
-imam harami fil-waraqat, hatha dawru ahli usul
Al-farq bayna la, wa lam, wa ila
Faqal la taf'alu, ya'ni la taf
'alu hadha.
Aw takuna min al-dhalimin.
La taqoolu ra'ina, wa qoolu undurna, wa
isma'u, wa lilkafirina adhagun.
Ani, ya'ni.
Honaka la taqoolu, la yajuzu lakum an taqoolu
hadhihi al-karima.
Fa illa lam taf'alu, wa lam taf
Sayati insha'Allah.
Isbir, isbir ya shaykh.
Hatta nata khalas man al-nawasi, ya'ni.
Fa qala lan.
Thing is, I got confused with like, for
Amar an-Nahi, we know who's Amir.
But in Mudareh, it's kind of, who's the
person is talking?
It's kind of unknown.
La, wa sayati insha'Allah.
Nahnu ma'ak ya kheer.
Mashleen ma'ak.
Qutwa bil-qutwa.
Yadan bil-yad.
Hatta natla' al-jabal.
Makan hadhi al-as'ila jameelatun jidn, wa
ana ahib hadhi al-as'ila, wa urida
nushajji'aka ala kathrati al-su'al.
Lanna al-su'al ilaj mu'tham al-ashad.
Qala lan taf'alu.
Fa honaka al-aya, inna al-muslimina wal
-muslimati wal-muminina wal-muminati, wa al-qanitina
wal-qanitati, wa al-sadiqina wal-sadiqati, wa
al-sabirina wal-sabirati, wa al-khashina wal
-khashi'ati, wa al-mutasadiqina wal-mutasadiqati, wa
al-sa'imina wal-sa'inat, wa al
-hafizina furujahum wal-hafizati, wa al-zakirina Allaha
katheeran wal-zakirat.
A'dallahu lahum maghfiratahu wa ajuran azeemah.
This verse, Masha'Allah, is a great opportunity
for those who want to follow the rules
that we have just taken.
Because it contains many attributes.
For example, Muslims are attributed to the word
Ya, Muslims are attributed to the word Kasrah,
and the rest of the attributes are the
And their Furoojahum are attributed to the word
Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, is attributed to
the word Fathah.
Katheeran, here, is attributed to the word Fathah.
And I will leave you to finish this
by yourself.
I put it as a question at the
Find all the attributes in this verse.
And even there, when you say, Ya Musa
lannoumina Fathaha, Hatta naraya, But this is a
short verb.
From the Alif Lazimah.
Like, Nus, I mean, Hatta naraya Allaha, I
say this just as an example.
Hatta narallaha jahratan, Fa akhadatkumus sa'iqatu wa
antumha, Tanzurun nas'alata ta'ala bil'afiyah.
So there are many attributes, but some of
them are the witnesses.
And why did I put this verse there?
Because of a verb.
And there is an example of Alamuthanna, Wadribalahum
mathala alrajulayni.
This is the substitute.
We didn't study the substitute.
Hatta mathalan kolan wajulayni.
Two men.
So this is the subject.
The subject is the subject.
Akaltu khubzan, akaltu ta'aman khubzani.
So bread is the subject of food.
In Arabic.
Fahuna mathalan rajulayni.
Or it could be, this is the substitute
after the verb.
Farajulayni mansub liya.
Because they are twins.
How do we know that?
Li ahadihima.
This pronoun goes back to two men.
Wa kadharika janna kam?
How many heavens?
So mansub.
Mansub by what?
Mansub by ya.
By ya niyabatan ani al fathan.
Fi hadhil jimna.
Who's give the nasab on these sentences?
Who's a i'rab?
I'rab li mada?
Who's a amil here?
Wadrib ya muhammadan.
Or ya muhammadan lahum ya ashabik mathalan.
Anta ya rasulallah lahum mathalan.
Ja'alna li ahadihima jannati li ma'na.
Ithana makhatam.
Huna huwa rasul sallallahu alaihi wa sahbihi wa
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Sual jameel.
Limada ya ulu?
Bayakul mathil lahum.
Lianna adarb laha ma'ani kathira jadid.
Minha almithal.
Lianna la'allana nureed indama numathil li shaqs
shay'an ka anana nadribahu.
You know?
Like wake him up.
So the mithal should like wake them up.
Like darb.
Hadihi balagha.
This is like example, right?
Wadrib and misal come together with like example.
Wadrib is the fa'il.
The fa'il.
The fa'il.
Ya Muhammad is the fa'il.
Wadrib anta?
Mathran maf'ula bihi ya shaykh.
Rajulayni badal.
Lil maf'ul.
Ja'alna li ahadihima jannatayni.
Ja'al jannatayni maf'uli ja'alna.
No, it says.
No, walhamdulillah.
Hadihil as'ila jameela.
Wa hunaka al mithal al ukhra fa illam
taf'aloo ya ayyuhal kuffar.
Walan taf'aloo ya ayyuhal kuffar.
Lam taf'aloo fil maadi walan taf'aloo
hatta yawma al qiyama fattaqunna.
Lakan al shahid huna, taf'aloo lan.
Harf nasb.
Harf nasb.
Wa ayn al nun?
Nun miskeen.
Sarat yateem.
Ayn al nun?
Al mashat.
Al mashat liyanna mansoob.
Shaykh, fi hadil jameela lam taf'aloo.
It's like what lies in maadi.
But she lies in mudari.
La ya shaykh.
Lam, hadha may sama harf al jazm wa
harf al qalb.
Ayyuhal qalb.
Yuqallib ma'na al mudari ila al maadi.
Amma lamu fa huwadahu al harf al qalb.
Yani lam taf'aloo, you didn't.
To say from the very beginning all the
way up until the time, this point, you
didn't do it.
Hadha tawqeed ya shaykh.
Wa lam, from this point till the end
of time, you'll never do it.
It's like what like a past perfect something
like that in English.
You never did it, you'll never do it.
I get it.
La walhamdulillah, lahna fi khidmatikum.
Thumma qala sahib al sharh al miskeen, examining
these different words.
The same thing I put, last time I
put here for you.
If you look at the i'rab, you
see sometimes it's with a vowel, sometimes it's
with a letter.
Fatha, kasra, yaa, haf al nun.
Just like thumma, alif wa un nun, sometimes
it's a vowel, sometimes it's a letter.
Same thing with mansur, sometimes it's a vowel,
sometimes it's a letter.
Hadhi al muqaddima muhimmatun jiddan jiddan.
Amma al tharithu fahuwa jarr, al khaft al
Ahlu Andalus kan yaquluna al khaft, wa al
magharib khaft, wa al maghariba yan.
Lakin al an jumuru qaruhu jarr, mashina ala
madhhabi al basriyin.
How do we recognize jarr?
First of all, kasra.
Kasra hadha ab, ab al jarr.
No, no, no, no.
Ayyamin ma'dooda, ayyamin wa thkurullaha fee, ayyamin
Next is jarr, abi.
Yidhabu ila abikum, an abi hurairata.
An abi hurairata, yaa.
wa kadhalika fee
yawmayni, yawmayni,
inda rajulayni, salamtu ala muslimayni, salaytu
salatayni, ila akhiri hayat, wal akhir huwa fathah,
mislu Ibrahima, fee suhufi Ibrahima wa Musa, wa
nattakallam a'n haza, wa nattakallam a'n
lima, wa nashrahu insha'Allah fil mustaqimah, wa
hadha sayyatee, halihi la ana ma manahi almuqaddimah
faqat li anwa'i al-i'raab, bi
kay usahil li tulab, tasawwar al-baab, tasheel
al-abwab, ijlanan li tulab.
Ustadh, what did you say about Ibrahima?
I didn't get it quite.
I said it's going to come.
I know you're asking why.
Because Ibrahima is not an Arabic word and
it's a proper name, ya shaykh.
Mamnu' man as-sarf, la yaqbalu kasra, fee
suhufi Ibrahima wa Musa, hadha sayyatee, ana abi
hurayrata, latakull ana abi hurayrati, limadha, anata wa
ta'neeth wa al-alam, alami wa ta
'neeth, sayyatee insha'Allah ya shaykh, hadhihi al
-muqaddimah ya shaykh, isbir shwaye bas, anta tattubu
Afa, afa ustadh.
La la, la tata'afak, yani.
Bas isbir ya shaykh, hadhihi al-muqaddimah.
Qabala al-biryani wa qabala al-shay wa
al-laddu, labud, hunaka khiyar, hunaka tufaha, hunaka
burta'an, hunaka al-muqabbalat, yani.
Laka maulana yuridi yakun lahma ratu, hatta al
-khubs, ba'da al-khubs al-lahma.
Hunaka al-aya al-mubaraka, kama qala li
shaykhi al-Qur'an ustadhu liman la ustadha
lahu, wa al-Qur'an qa'moos liman la
qa'moosa lahu, wa al-Qur'an kutba nahu
wa sarfu al-balagha liman la kutba lahu,
wa al-Qur'an shaykh al-lugha wal
-ma'ani wal-kalimat liman la shaykha lahu.
Qala Allahu ta'ala wa adhkuru Allaha fee
ayaamin ma'doodat, hunaka ayaamin ma'doodatin, faman
ta'ajala fee kam yawm?
Fee yawmayni.
Two days.
Hadha majroor bil ya' Fala ithma alayhi waman
ta'akhara, fala ithma alayhi liman ittaqa, wa
ittaqo Allaha wa'lamu annakum ilayhi tuhsharoon, hunaka
idhhabu bee qameesi hadhaa, faalqoohu ala wajhi man?
Abikum yani.
Hunaka something missing.
Abi ya'ti basira.
It's okay.
It's still.
Abi, abi.
Yani ana.
Abi ana.
Ya'ti bee basira, wa'tooni bee ahrikum ajma'eenam.
Mush abikum.
Idhhabu bee qameesi hadhaa, faalqoohu ala wajhi abi.
Abi man?
Abi Yusuf.
Alayhi salatu wa salam.
Faya yawmi ya mutakallim.
Lakin majroor bil idhaafa.
Wajhu, wajhi, abi.
Laqulu abi majroor bil idhaafa.
Lakin hunaka ya kalam kateer.
Bas ateytu hunak li altawdeeh.
Wa hunaka fee deeni Allahi afwaja.
Yani fee deeni.
Deeni Allahi.
Wa aakhir case ya maulana huwa ghazm.
Wa aljazzm lahaa alamataan faqaet.
Wajazzm yakhtas bil afaal, kam yakhtas jarru bee
Kama takallamna aldarsi almadhi.
Kala lam ya lid wa lam youlad, subhana
wata'ala fa hunaka yalid wayo lad, matzoom
bil laam.
The first one is silence, and the second
one is memorization of the letter Illa or
the letter Nun.
For example, it is called.
But if we put the letter La in
front of the present tense, we remove the
The second is when it is Af'alu
If it is from Af'alu khamsa, and
you put Jazm in front of it, the
same as the Nasb, you hide the Nun.
So do not call upon another god with
And this will come.
Then he said, may Allah have mercy on
You need to pay attention to this stuff
Then he said, may Allah have mercy on
And he went back to the basic rules.
So Imam Ibn Ajrum said, may Allah have
mercy on him, For nouns, the only thing
you are going to worry about in nouns
is what?
He said, may
Allah have mercy on him.
Next time inshallah, Tuesday, when we meet, we're
going to start the raffle case.
Oh man, here we go.
Now it's time to get busy, brothers.
Alas, so take this weekend to review.
Try to practice with those verses.
Where's the raffle, where's the Nasb, where's the
Jazm, where's the Jaru.
Yani al ilm, la yati al ilmu ila
bi tatbiq.
Tatbiq qawa'id.
And be patient with yourself.
Don't be too frustrated.
Be patient.
Tatbiq means to practice.
From tabaq, plates.
Can we get those recordings for reference later?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm recording it.
I'll send you the links inshallah.
And it's on YouTube, man.
It's on YouTube.
Yeah, yeah.
It's on the Swiss YouTube, not on Nasheq's.
I think this one might be on my
YouTube, but we're going to start putting them
on the Swiss YouTube only.
As a playlist.
Easy for everybody to follow.
Barakallahu fikuma.
Wa inshallah ta'ala.
Inshallah, Shaykh.
Salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Wa salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Wa salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.