Suhaib Webb – The Beauty of True Humanity- Insights from Imam Al-Razi & Quranic Teachings

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the use of Subhanabab in the Bible and its relation to Muslims. They also mention the legacy of our cousins' similar origins and the desire to be seen as being offtakes. Speaker 1 describes the physical appearance of Subhanab as being offtakes and being envious of Muslims.
AI: Transcript ©
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And Imam Al Razi, he says something very powerful that

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oftentimes Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to the Muslims as the

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humans instead of Muslims, because it was through the teachings of

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Prophet Muhammad, sallAllahu, alaihi wasallam, and through the

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instructions found in the Quran and through the legacy of our

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noble ancestors, that we are the embodiment of true humanity.

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Subhanallah, it's something beautiful in the Quran. What so?

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Allah says, Aya sadhu NAS, Alam, ata hum, allahum and Fadi, like

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they are envious of the people, meaning the Muslim.

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