Suhaib Webb – SWISS Islamic Studies 1618 Lesson Eleven The Hereafter
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Hope everybody is doing well.
Let's get started.
Sorry. Today has been
a pretty crazy day and busy day for
me, so
my apologies.
Let me get to where we were.
Hope everybody's doing well. Ramadan,
Mubadik, Insha'Allah. I hope
everyone is having a great Ramadan.
Insha'Allah. How's it going so far?
You guys can let me know.
Insha'Allah. I hope that it's
so far, it's very different than than what
we're used to.
Not as much community
engagement as we've we used to perhaps in
the past.
So how is everyone's Ramadan going?
Good. Good, man. Good.
May Allah make it easy. Oh, man. Ibrahim,
that's awesome, man.
Knocking out that *.
So last time we were talking about Al
Akhira. We said that Al Akhira
is everything that starts from the moment of
And we were talking about the grave,
as mentioned in Surat, Atova. And then we
talked about the punishments of the grave and
the bliss of the grave.
And now we're talking about how to protect
ourselves from the punishment of the grave. And
we said first was to read Surat Tabarak
at least daily. And of course,
Surat Tabarak is the 67th
chapter of the Quran.
Masha'Allah. Very important chapter
and very easy to memorize, Masha'Allah.
And then we mentioned that another way to
bring about or protect ourselves from the punishment
of the grave is charity.
Right? That, you know, charity will extinguish,
for those who give it, extinguish for them
the the the heat, the punishment of the
Right? And that a person
will will find shade in the hereafter, One
of the only places they'll find shade
on the day when the sun is above
everybody's head, we're gonna talk about it. It's
called Yom Al Hashar,
is through their charity.
And this is where we stop talking about,
in 6.11,
causes of the punishment in the grave.
We're gonna mention only a few of them.
We're not going to mention all of them.
But the first is very important, especially now
as you are entering adulthood. You're adults and,
many of you are going to be heading
off to college, Insha'Allah, and, you know, begin
to forge
the journey of your life. And one of
the things that I can't emphasize enough
is the importance of being an advocate for
and being someone who,
is concerned about the rights of
marginalized and underserved.
We know
that the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam when
he came back to say the Khadija
and he told her what he saw.
One of the things that she mentioned to
him is that he helped
the poor.
So we are intrinsically tied as a prophetic
to the perennial values of justice.
In fact, in Surat Al Hadid, Allah says,
Allah says in Shoto Hadid
that we sent books and messengers
so people could establish justice.
So the purpose of
sending prophets and books
is justice.
do not be oppressed and do not oppress
The prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam when he
would walk to the masjid, he would make
this du'a.
Oh, Allah, I seek refuge in you from
being an oppressor or oppressing others.
And, of course, you know now the current
political situation
across the globe,
it's crucial,
it's prophetic that we stand with other communities,
and we we stand for our own community
most importantly.
There's a beautiful hadith,
Oh, my servants, I have made oppression
haram for myself, Allah says.
So I've made it also haram for you.
Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
But if we think about
oppression and justice, we don't want to restrict
it only to the,
community aspects of justice. We can also expand
it to say environmental justice.
Have you ever thought about in the Quran
Firaun and his armies are defeated?
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says
that the heavens and the earth didn't weep
for them. One of my teachers told me
because they didn't know how to treat the
heavens and the earth, so there was no
There was no fraternal bond between the environment
and Fir'aun and his people because his people
did not know how to treat the environment.
Sayna Ibrahim, we know that a lizard. Right?
Sorry. Sayna,
he said to us that
even the fish in the sea will make
for the Ma'alimukhir,
for the one who teaches good.
One great scholar, he said, because the person
who understands religious knowledge
will know how to treat the fish
and to engage them.
So when we talk about
justice and helping the oppressed,
we don't only restrict this to
communal justice, we also want to think about
environmental justice.
Economic justice, we're going to be reading soon
We find, you
know, don't cheat people,
economic justice, and so on and so forth.
So when you think about yourself as a
member of the prophetic community, it's very important
as you navigate
the early contours of adulthood
that you begin to think about how you
can serve
and be an ally
to your own community
as well as those who may need your
The prophet
mentioned how important this is in the hadith
which is in front of us now.
There's a man who will be punished
so severely in the grave that he will
inquire of the angels,
why am I being tormented in such a
And they will say,
You passed by someone being oppressed, and you
didn't help them.
Now we can understand the story of Sayidina
Musa. Right?
Not not the one that we talked about
before, but in.
Right? Because in Surat Al Kahf, he does
3 things which are quite strange. Right? He
meets Sayna Khadr
and as they're walking,
they see a young boy in Khadr. He
kills the young boy and, you know, Musa
like, you kill somebody.
He knocks a hole in somebody's boat and
sinks it. Sayidina Musa asked him about that.
he built
the wall
didn't receive payment for it.
In those three situations, I want you to
think about something that we talked about earlier
about prophets.
It is
for Sayidina Musa to mute himself
in the face of any of those three
because they constitute
and a prophet will never be quiet
in the face of injustice.
So the death of a young person,
somebody's property being destroyed,
and then even someone not receiving a fair
it is impossible
for Sayidina Musa
to remain silent.
to be Muslim
means that you have to
align yourself with the call of justice.
And here,
very scary hadith.
You pass by
a person being oppressed, and you did not
help them.
The next is failing to clean ourselves
properly from urine and feces.
The prophet mentioned the person's being punished in
the grave, he said,
like you prayed
without purifying yourself.
3rd is to slander people and to spread
false information and to try to create trouble.
And the prophet, salallahu alaihi wasalam, one time
he was walking in a graveyard and he
pointed at 2 graves and he said,
These these 2 occupants are being punished
and not for something that you would consider
The first, he didn't protect himself from like,
he didn't purify himself from urine.
Yeah. Like backbiting.
And the last one is someone who used
not only backbite, Namima is worse than backbiting.
Backbiting falls under this, but Namima is like,
if I went to you and I said,
man, Shayan Ibrahim said this stuff about you
so that I could create
trouble between you.
That's called naman
and namima. And the prophet said, namam
said that the namam will not enter paradise.
So, yes,
like a like a person who who who
is backbiting, but now not only my backbiting,
I may even be telling the truth, but
I'm doing it to create trouble amongst people.
This is called namim.
So backbiting falls under that as well.
The the next thing that we believe in
is called a siraat,
and this is mentioned in the Quran.
Allah says,
and the 37th chapter of the Quran, I
believe, at verse 23.
Imam al Baqadi mentions this hadith, this and
the long hadith of Abu Sa'id al Khudri
said that the prophet
was asked by the companions about this verse.
What is?
He responded it is a slippery bridge,
and on it, there are clamps and hooks
like a thorny seed that is wide at
one side and narrow at the other, and
it has thorns with bent ends.
He says some believers will cross the bridge
as quickly as the wink of an eye,
some as quickly as lightning, some as strong
winds, some as fast horses, and some as
she camels.
So some will be safe without any harm,
some will secure be secure after receiving some
and some will fall down into *. The
last person will be cross the last person
to cross
will actually be dragged.
Allah mentions the Surat in the
guide them to the path of *.
The next is the scales. And, of course,
these are not like the scales you and
I have in front of us now. Allahu
Adam, the reality of these scales, but we
know that there are 2.
Allah mentions in numerous places in the Quran
and specifically here in chapter 21 verse 47.
Yeah. So here for for Hudu whom this
whom is talking about the the disbelievers, man.
He's not talking about the Muslims.
So the strong opinion is that people who
cross the Surat will go into paradise, Shaykh.
But in in our 3rd course, in this
in this,
this is just an introductory course.
But on our 3rd course in this subject,
we actually have an entire course. Actually, it's
the 5th course, sorry,
just dedicated to the hereafter.
And we go through all of the details
of it. It's very cool, man. Very interesting.
So the scales after a person has been
interrogated, his deeds will be measured in front
of him.
If his good outweigh his bad,
and he was a believer and Allah blesses
him, he will experience bliss.
If not, then his case is left to
to Allah to punish him or to forgive
him. Excuse me.
Scholars state that the scales are 2 scales
whose reality,
their physical reality is only known to Allah.
They are mentioned in the Quran.
And we place the scales of justice for
the day of judgment.
So no soul will be treated unjustly at
And even if there is even the weight
of a mustard seed, you'll bring it forth,
like, meaning the most miniscule
and I actually don't like it when they
translate things like this.
What it should say is, and the most
most, you know, minuscule
deeds will be brought forth
and sufficient
are we as an account. That mean nothing
will escape Allah's
no deeds that we've done.
It's also mentioned in a very beautiful hadith
from Imam Ahmed where the prophet
he said,
Allah, the almighty, will choose a man from
my community, from the Ummah, on the day
of judgment, and 99 books will be opened
before that person.
Each one spanning a distance as far as
the eyes can see.
Allah will say to him as the books
are open, do you remember that sin?
Have my scribes, the angels who recorded your
deeds, been unjust?
He will say, no, my lord, they have
Allah will say to him, do you have
any excuse for yourself? He'll respond, no, my
lord. Suddenly,
Allah will say to him, you do have
one good deed that I'm aware of.
And this day, you will not be wronged.
And a small piece of paper, it's a
better translation,
will be presented and written on it is
Which means I testify that there's no god
except Allah and that Muhammad is a servant
and messenger. Then Allah will say,
present the scales, and the man will ask
freely, my lord, what is on that card?
And what are all these books?
Allah will say to him, this day you
will not be judged you will not be
treated unjustly.
Then he, subhanahu wa ta'ala, will say, place
the books on one scale and this paper
on another,
and the scale with the paper on it
will be heavier, subhanAllah, because of
La ilaha illallah Muhammad.
How can we add weight to our scales?
Like, how can we add good
to our scales? This is a very beautiful
hadith, very easy to memorize.
It's the last hadith in Sahih al Bukhari.
Which means there are 2 phrases that are
beloved to the most merciful, meaning Allah,
easy and light on the tongue
and heavy in the scales, meaning heavy and
good in adher and reward.
What is it? SubhanAllahi
wa bihamdihi. SubhanAllahi
wa bihamdihi.
It takes us now to a discussion about
It's important to note that belief in Jannah
is fard.
What's called
means what is known by necessity from the
deen. Like, everybody knows it. Like, everyone knows.
You can ask a child, you can ask
an older person
that we believe in Jannah.
It is an obligation for you to believe
in paradise, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said in a sound hadith,
that paradise is a fact and that *
is a fact.
What is Jannah?
Paradise is a reward granted by Allah
to those who believed in him and struggle
to live faithful lives.
It is from his fadl,
his blessings from those what we call
mumkinat, maybe maybe not.
It's not an obligation to give anyone Jannah.
It's not an obligation to give anyone *.
That's a fadlu from
Allah, a blessing to those who believe.
There are different levels of Jannah. There are
8 gates of Jannah that we'll talk about
future in other classes.
But there are 7 levels of Jannah mentioned
in the Quran,
and, of course, each one
has a greater degree of blessings and rewards.
Let me ask you a question.
Which one of those levels of Jannah did
the prophet
say we should ask for?
Which one of those levels of Jannah did
the prophet
If you ask
Allah Here's my question. Right? Awesome. Masha'Allah Musa.
Masha'Allah ICU AD.
Shayan holding it down.
Musa, great.
The prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
when he said,
ask for yeah. Those are in order. When
he asked for when you ask for for
Jannah, ask for for those.
He wasn't just talking to righteous people. Right?
There were people in front of him. They
weren't so good.
There were people in front of him who
There were people in front of him who
were really good.
Why would the prophet
tell people who are struggling,
if you ask for Jannah,
ask for.
Like, why? Like, can you imagine if you're
that guy that was struggling with your deen?
Or you're that woman that's struggling with your
deen? And the prophet
said to you, even though he knew you
were struggling,
ask for a firdos.
How would that make you feel, man?
So here we see something. Have you ever
been around people who,
like, they use yeah. Exactly, Maria. Like, to
to, like, imagine how you feel, man,
if you were struggling, if you were,
like, having some challenges in in your deen,
And still the prophet
told you,
Yeah, Maria,
ask for firdos.
Ask for. Even though you knew you had,
like, ratchetness, man.
Imagine how that would soften the heart of
a person
if Sayidina Muhammad
said to them,
ask for the highest ask to be with
You know, there was a Sahabi. He,
he used to
the lectures of the prophet
with with consistency.
And he
he would go home and he would get
So he came to Sayidina Muhammad
and he said to him, you Rasoolullah,
when I'm with you,
I become somewhat so happy.
When I see you, when I hear you,
when you talk with me,
I feel like my iman is so strong.
But then when I go home and I
return to, like, my my normal habits,
I realized that, like,
I'm not as good as you are. So
I worry that I won't be with you
in Jannah.
So he said, actually, I weep
because I won't be in Jannah with you.
Like, if I make it to Jannah,
I won't make it to your where you
So I become sad.
So the prophet said, You'll
be with who you love.
When I was in Egypt in Al Azhar,
I wrote a poem about this.
You know, my Jannah without you is *.
Like the Sahabi saying, you know,
to be in Jannah without being Bijambi Sayna
Muhammad without being next to you is like
*, subhanAllah.
So the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to
say to the Sahaba, regardless
of how good or bad they were,
ask for freddoos.
Have you ever been about around people who
use religion to make you feel insecure?
Have you ever been around people who use
religion to intimidate you?
There's a difference between motivation and intimidation. Right?
Have you ever seen sometimes religious people, they're
What happened to them? Did they forget that
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
He said,
ask for firdos.
Aim high.
So for those Al Aala,
then the second is Al Matwa. Al Matwa
is mentioned in Surat Al Sajjad. Al Khuluud
is mentioned in Surat Qaf.
Al Naim
is mentioned in,
Al Aqaf.
is mentioned in Surah Araf,
Dar al Salam, Surah Yunus,
and Dar al Jalal.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make us from
Ahlul Jannah Insha'Allah,
people of Jannah Insha'Allah,
we actually have a course
where we spend almost a month going through
all of these.
So so amazing. Masha'Allah.
So amazing.
A question that a lot of young people
ask me is, were Adam and his wife
actually in Jannah?
That's a question, because there is an opinion
that you find among some scholars that
the Jannah that Adam and his wife in
was different than Al Jannah.
But the strong opinion is that it's the
same. Because when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala talks
about Jannah in the hereafter,
he always uses aliflm, aljannah.
And when he talked to Adam and his
wife, he says, aljannah.
That's a good question.
So the strong opinion is that if you're
here in the 7th level,
Cheyenne is asking, can you move around? Like,
you go, like, visit different parts of Jannah.
So if you're here,
this is where you're gonna stay.
But if you're in the 6th, you can
visit the 7th. If you're in the 5th,
you can visit the 6th and 7th. If
you're in the 4th,
you can visit the 5th to 6th and
7th and so on and so forth.
Another question that people ask me that's very
important is, will they be able to be
with their family's agenda? Like, let's say
you're here,
your parents are here. Yeah. Only 7 levels
as mentioned in authentic hadith and and found
in the Quran.
let's say, like, am I gonna be with
my family?
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in Surat,
can't remember the verse.
And that we are going to unite families
of faith together in Jannah.
No. No. Ahmed, once you enter Jannah,
that's why it's called Al Khulood.
You're not gonna go out
So you can unite with your your family.
In fact, ibn Abbasi said, there'll be some
some family members who are like here, say,
like, Dara Salaam,
and there's other other families. And for those
and the other families will ask Allah to
join them. And you find this in their
duas mentioned,
And they'll be brought together. And even
some of the du'a people of Jannah for
their families will bring
their other family members from *
This takes us to the discussion about hellfire.
As a Muslim, you must believe in *.
* is a punishment of Allah for those
who believed but committed sins and evil,
or those who rejected faith.
They'll eventually be evacuated
from there to heaven.
Those people so let me read it again.
As a Muslim, you must believe that *
in *, * is a punishment of Allah
for those who believed
and committed but committed sins and evil and
didn't repent.
They will eventually be evacuated from there to
heaven. As mentioned, authentic hadith, it is also
an eternal punishment
for those who die knowing and rejecting Allah
by disbelieving in him.
The prophet
after you pray the dawn prayer say,
It's very nice.
Allah save me from hellfire. When I first
started learning Arabic, I'll tell you a funny
I was traveling with my teacher. I was
in Kuwait.
I said,
make me from *.
He said
he said, don't say that, man.
Save me from.
Prophet said whoever prays
and says it 7 times,
If you say that,
he passed away.
will save you from *.
And the same thing when you pray Maghrib,
before you talk to anyone, say,
oh, Allah,
save me from * 7 times. If you
die on that evening,
also you'll
be agreed that you'll be saved from hellfire.
Yeah. We can take questions now
We have a few minutes left, and we'll
on Friday.
Yes. Not necessarily, Omar. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
We talked about this before, like,
dua can be answered in this life or
in the hereafter.
Right? So it's possible that it could be
answered now, but also it's possible it could
be answered in the hereafter.
There's actually a really beautiful hadith
of the prophet
who says that a person will make dua
for something and Allah will not answer that
person. They keep making dua, keep making dua.
And the will say, oh, Allah,
answer Omar's dua, for example.
And Allah will say,
leave him. I love to hear his voice.
And in that narration, it mentions that that
person, subhanallah,
they will be given better in the hereafter.
Amen. Are all of the duas you supposed
to say after salah supposed to be said
after the fard?
Or after you are done with the sunnah
and the entire after
the, like, after the.
I mean, you could ask for those kind
of things, but, again, you know,
we know from other narrations and texts, like,
Allah is not going to give you superpowers,
So, you know, you could ask in jen,
no, Allah give me the the the, you
know, the superpowers, but Insha'Allah, in this life,
no, man. Ain't gonna happen. You could ask,
but it's not gonna happen.
Won't happen, bro. But you can ask for
for it in in jannah Insha'Allah. Don't get
upset, man. Are you DC or Marvel? That's
the bigger question. Are you DC or Marvel?
The DC or the Marvel Universe? That's the
bigger question.
Any other questions?
So there is a hadith of the prophet,
salsam, iman that says 3 things happen when
we make dua, or 4. One is that
it could be answered. Number 2 is that
Allah answers it with something else which is
better for us.
Number 3 is that
by making Dua, harm is removed from us.
And number 4 is that it's answered in
the hereafter.
Maria, so we talked about that before. Right?
We talked about that very early on,
I think, in the 1st or second class.
Can you imagine we only have like a
week left of this class,
a person who
does not know is going to be judged
by Allah with his mercy and justice.
But a person I think May 8th is
when we stop, and then we'll come back
after May 8th. So a little over a
week, and then we'll take a break for
Eid and then we'll start with the stories
of the prophets inshallah.
So so
there's a difference between someone who openly rejects
and someone who doesn't know. Right? We talked
about that before. Masha'Allah. You can find it
in the first or second lecture.
A question from Alina.
My brother leads tarawee. How do I correct
him if I see mistakes?
No. No. So the opinion of Imam Malik
is you can say, and
if he makes mistakes in Quran, you can
correct him. So
if he makes a mistake in Quran, you
should correct him. Quran has a haqq upon
all of us.
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a sound hadith,
he was walking by someone's home and he
heard a woman reading
said, yes.
Came to me and he didn't correct her.
But he didn't tell her also stop reading
the Quran. This is some nonsense people say
can't read the Quran if they read Quran.
If people find women reading the Quran
as, like, some kind of, like,
bad thing. What's wrong with those people, man?
Like, how do you see bad in that?
Absolutely not. A woman's voice is not.
Whoever said this is foolish.
You know, Alina, one of my teachers I
studied with one of my sheikha I'll I'll
send I'll put the video. If I can
find it, I'll put the video in your
classroom. You can see me. I'm reading hadith
to one sheikha in in Morocco. She's a
female scholar. She's old.
But subhanAllah,
one of my teachers used to say, in
can it so Sultan
Murrah, if if if the voice of a
woman is a Urah, how do we have
the hadith of Aisha?
How do we have the hadith of Salamah?
How do we have all the prophetic narrations
of women if their voices are
meaning that they have to hide their voices?
If women's voices
why in the Quran does Allah quote women?
So this is some insecure
nonsense, man.
There's no evidence
Right? Insecure people.
But there's nothing in the Quran and sunnah
that says a woman's voice is
There's a difference between, like, you know,
filthy talk, enticing talk,
and dhikr and Quran, like,
how would it how it must feel to
be a girl
to be told that you can't even read
the Quran,
but the Quran is light.
There's a difference between little pump and the
or whatever
these little all these littles.
Right? There's a difference between the Quran and
but we're gonna tell young women you can't
even read the Quran.
It's a bit that is a bida. That
is like such a bad thing to tell
people that
Any other questions before we before we jump
So then
on Friday, we're gonna pick up I'll have
your exams hopefully done by Friday or Saturday.
It's a lot of them,
and then we're gonna start talking about the
levels of health.
Great to see you guys as always. Ramadan
The voice of a woman is not distraction
unless somebody can't control himself. Why can't the
ears of the guy here in her voice
be that he's the one who's the distraction?
Talking in a filthy way
or saying something
just people talking or reading the Quran and
making dhikr.
It's not the same thing.
You guys have a wonderful day.
Make dua for us at Iftar, and I
will see you
at 4:15.