Suhaib Webb – Sharing Pics Of Israeli Victims

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The speaker discusses the importance of not sharing images of deceased individuals for fear of harmful consequences, and the need to limit personal voices and share information about the deceased. They also address the issue of covering individuals in public, which is a reward for anyone who covers them, and express their desire to empower their Israeli counterparts. The speaker provides guidance on the issues and promises to answer any questions.
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A number of people contacted me asking about
the ruling for sharing images of the deceased,
especially in light of
those tortured and naked bodies at the hands
of the Israeli genocide and ask Allah Ta'ala
be tofiyukin to give a succinct answer, be
it in the
Number 1, it is an obligation for us
to amplify what is happening in Palestine as
best we can. As I mentioned,
I believe yesterday, As the prophet said about
the believers,
they support one another. This
It's actually a command that we must
one another. That being said, it is then
an act of worship.
Sharing things online is an act of Ibadah,
and Ibadah
must be accompanied with sincerity.
We should not be sharing things for likes
if the Palestinians are sharing things for life.
It's a very different reality that we have
to appreciate, and we have to make sure
our intentions are there, that we're sharing these
things for the sake of Allah
and not for likes, not for attention, not
for fame, only for Allah.
So I believe the best thing to do
is to limit our own personal voices and
to amplify those who are closest to the
epicenter of this genocide and this massacre,
and that's the Palestinian people and the Palestinian
because they're opposed to be idnila or closer
to ihlas,
closer to sincerity, closer to the reality of
the pain.
The second thing is that imam Ahmed narrates
with a good isnad that during the battle
of Uhud, after the battle,
a group of women wanted to come to
the martyrs, and the prophet said,
meaning keep them away because those men, their
their private parts were exposed and they were
in compromised positions.
Also there's other texts where the prophet ordered
the deceased to be covered. That doesn't mean
it's not allowed to share images of the
deceased as some have stated years ago, but
what it's talking about is is covering their
and keeping people from seeing their private parts.
So we understand here the second rule that
it's not allowed to share anything which would
be haram to share if someone was alive.
That takes us to the third principle, and
that is
the honor that Islam gives to all human
beings, whether alive or dead.
This applies to all humanity
And especially after someone is dead because they
no longer have control of their body, control
of their agency, their utility,
We are commanded to be highly respectful
of the dead, especially
if it's going to take away from their
honor or the honor of their families. So
we should not be sharing images that are
not only going to be harmful to that
dead person in the sense that they knew
about it, It will be embarrassing
embarrassing for them. But for their families who
are alive, who are going to see images
of their loved ones on social media
in compromising positions. This is unacceptable. And we're
the voices of our Palestinian brothers and sisters
pleading with us. Please don't do this. It's
shameful, especially if you understand the epistemology of
Palestinian Liberation
and Arab culture, you can understand the sensitivity
And finally, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
said, and whoever covers a believer,
Allah will cover that person in the hereafter,
that has two meanings, it could mean covering
their sins and what's hidden from the people,
but also it means to literally cover a
So either way, there is a reward and
a blessing that will be equated to in
the hereafter, and what's inferred is that the
is forbidden. The opposite of that is halal
to expose
a person's * or to expose,
their evil, unless, of course, there's conditions for
that. So I hope that will give people
some basic guidelines on this issue. We ask
Allah to
liberate the Palestinian
brothers and sisters and to make us true
allies to embark on al Fikum. Again, my
apologies for taking too much of your time,
but these are important issues. Feel free to
reach out to me if you have any
questions about sort of what's going on. And
if I'm able to answer, I will do
my best.