Suhaib Webb – Salvation in Islam Compared To Other Beliefs

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of a heavenly father and how God loves everyone. They also mention a teacher's comment about being content with one's house and not being rich or left wing.
AI: Transcript ©
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But also he's merciful to the believers, and that's why he says

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a Rahman, a Rahim, a Rahim is a specific type of Mercy regulated

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to those who faithfully worship and admit and surrender and

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believe in Allah subhanahu wa taala that will be exercised in

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this world as well as the next. And it's not tied to wealth, and

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that's something that we need to be critical of in this age, the

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idea of the prosperity gospel, like, the more God loves you, the

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bigger your house is. Like, this is ridiculous. A Rahim doesn't

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mean necessarily that you're in good graces with God, so now you

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got the massive house. No, you're in good graces with God. No matter

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what you have. You've been blessed with contentment. As one of my

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teachers said, I would rather be underserved and poor and content

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than rich and Amal content. You.

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