Suhaib Webb – Palestine, Resilience & Victory

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The importance of the Qwhd in Islam's teachings is discussed, including its use to express one's spiritual teachings and the struggles of the United States during the pandemic. The segment also touches on the importance of strong community support for people affected by the pandemic and the need for guidance and assistance. The segment ends with a call to protect everyone and rebuild the United States.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, alhamdulillah wa salallahu
wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala as
-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Euphoria, happiness
and celebration have permeated the world, particularly the
hearts of Palestinians, whether Muslim or Christian, and
especially the Muslim community, alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
What I wanted to talk about briefly is
some reflections we can make through the lens
of the Qur'an and through the lens
of Sayyidina al-Ikhwan ﷺ, through the Prophet
ﷺ's sunnah.
You know, subhanAllah, in the Qur'an, Allah
ﷻ in the 30th chapter, He notes that
the believers were happy when two disbelieving armies
had fought, the Persians and the Romans, and
one defeated the other.
Allah ﷻ says, وَيَوْمَئِذِ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ
It's a really beautiful verse.
It says, and on that day, when they
became aware of this defeat, the believers became
euphoric, became joyous.
With what?
بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ With the help of Allah.
There's another way to understand this.
It could also mean بَأْسَبَبِيَة That they became
joyous with all those things that Allah caused
to happen to make that victory a reality.
So what we understand is that, subhanAllah, if
it's a behavior of the companions of the
Prophet ﷺ to celebrate the victory of one
disbelieving army over another, we should also celebrate,
alhamdulillah, the victory that the Palestinians, alhamdulillah, have
achieved as the most neglected, forgotten community, suffering
from massive malnourishment and poverty.
The infrastructure was destroyed.
Everything was wiped out.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave them victory,
walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
And we celebrate بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ Our celebration is
conditioned on the help of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala or those things that Allah has
caused that brought about victory, falhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
That's very important because some people, you know,
since October 7th, I heard people say مَتَىٰ
نَصْرُ اللَّهِ أَلَىٰ إِنَّ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ أَقْرِيبُ As
* Baqra verse 241.
But I think people misunderstood this verse and
I'm going to get a little technical but
there's a reason for it to show you
how the qiraat help bring a beautiful cadence
to our interpretive capabilities and understanding of the
Quran and seeing in our lives.
This verse مَتَىٰ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ is not a
question of doubt and how we know that
is because it says حَتَّىٰ يَقُولَ الرَّسُولُ وَالَّذِينَ
آمَنُوا مَعَهُ That until the Prophet ﷺ or
a prophet and those who believed with that
prophet said, it would be impossible for us
to believe that a prophet or those with
him from the faithful would have doubt in
the help of Allah.
So that's not the meaning of the verse
and that's where the qiraat comes in from
the seven we have the qiraat of the
Imam al-Nafi' that doesn't say حَتَّىٰ يَقُولَ
it says حَتَّىٰ يَقُولُ مَرْفُوعُ There's a reason
for this it's really beautiful because if we
say حَتَّىٰ يَقُولَ it means like in the
future like they they know it's going to
happen but they're anxiously awaiting it and with
حَتَّىٰ يَقُولُ it means قَدْ مَضَىٰ The help
has already happened so when we bring both
qiraat together we understand that the faithful believe
that the help of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala was is and will always be there
and that's the great resilience that we saw
in the Palestinian people subhanAllah may Allah ﷻ
continue to bless them and that's why you
know some ulama noted that the hadith of
the Prophet ﷺ that there always be a
group from that ummah who will be victorious
on the truth is the people of that
area subhanAllah the gift of resilience as it's
called you know in the Quran Allah ﷻ
praises the people of resilience and knows that
it is a important component of our tarbiyah
that we as a community have to cooperate
on so across the globe we saw people
despite the horrible lack of leadership from Muslim
countries we saw Muslims on the ground college
students you name it coming together to support
Palestine in any way they could amplifying their
voices as much as they could وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ
وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ and we learned something from the
Palestinian people that we may be living in
comfort and we may be living in incredible
affluence and we may be living in in
what we would say our safe situations but
are we as resilient on the truth as
they were and as they are and that's
why in Surah Baqarah it's really amazing Allah
ﷻ says وَالصَّبِرِينَ
here if you pay attention all of the
nouns before الصَّبِرِين are the like the subject
الصَّبِرِين the grammar changes it takes a yet
becomes the object why because this is a
form of praise and the verb is not
mentioned meaning I specifically recognize الصَّبِرِين or I
the Quran speaking on behalf of Allah ﷻ
أَمْدَهُ I praise and laud who out of
all the things that we mentioned the people
of resilience سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ how Allah
ﷻ blessed him to be resilient and the
Prophet ﷺ reminds us that in the famous
hadith that Allah has not given something better
to people than resilience we ask Allah ﷻ
another lesson that we take is Allah ﷻ
is noting in the Quran that with taqwa
we can overcome any obstacle with being dedicated
to the obedience of Allah ﷻ we are
able to overcome any difficulties Allah
ﷻ says that whoever is dedicated to being
obedient to Allah ﷻ Allah will give them
a way out of any situation we saw
that سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ in Palestine people praying people
fasting people holding on to the acts of
worship under such incredible situations I remember last
year people sent me questions about the validity
of their fast and you know how would
they fast and how would they break their
fast and this came from Palestine سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ
and here we are once again and this
is not to make us feel guilty this
is to awaken us living in opulence living
in comfort are we dedicated to the obedience
of Allah ﷻ our little issues our little
problems when compared to the meta problems that
the Palestinians faced our brothers and sisters in
Sudan faced and recently the students in Bangladesh
faced who overcame tremendous odds no one's talking
about their effort to throw out Sheikh Hasina
we see that people who have a lack
of resources are rich with taqwa and that
those of us who may have opulence without
taqwa Allah ﷻ we are we are completely
impoverished سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ so let us be inspired
to rededicate ourselves to what matters we saw
so many things around us fall apart so
many politicians so many people we thought were
friends of the community so many expectations we
even had from Muslim leadership fail us and
it hurts but that is a necessary component
of tests and trials Allah ﷻ says when
the Qibla was changed some people they turned
on the heels when Isra and Mi'raj
happened some people left Islam Allah ﷻ says
that Allah will distinguish what is right from
what is wrong what is filthy from what
is pure so this moment also is a
moment of what we call tajrid where the
reality of life has been exposed to us
and allows us to re-center our values
our trust in our relationships because the hypocrites
have been exposed and the people who maybe
they were hypocrites but they did not stand
up and they did not take on a
cause for which there is no moral dilemma
whatsoever also the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ
know that if entire nation came together to
help you they could not help you unless
Allah allowed them and if entire nation came
together to harm you they cannot harm you
unless Allah allowed but we see the سُبْحَانَ
اللَّهِ that the Palestinians had no one but
Allah ﷻ to defend them and to take
care of them and look after them and
once again it's a reminder for an ummah
that has been looking for help and assistance
in every direction except Allah ﷻ emulating others
who let us down wanting to be like
others who failed us seeing that as what
really constitutes living a good life all of
that was exposed as habaa and manthoorah as
the Quran says just like carton wool had
absolutely no value so let us pull back
a little and look at our loyalties and
look at where we put our trust and
realign that around the struggle of Palestine in
particular and other struggles and that allows us
to see who's on the truth and who's
on the falses another incredible lesson is that
you know Muslims we were maligned constantly to
be a the object of a ridicule the
object of suspicion and that's because people are
jealous they are jealous because what Allah has
blessed us with and one of the greatest
blessings we have is our character the prophetic
character and we live that prophetic character it
shines bright and it touches many people many
people were impacted even my own family who
are not Muslim did a three did a
complete 180 excuse me and and now are
totally realigned in a way which is brought
them nearer to the deen alhamdulillah but but
but also brought them in alignment with justice
because the true cause of justice has very
little allies subhanAllah from Allah's creation because most
people are not thankful as the Quran mentions
and what we see today is as hostages
are being freed on both sides just compare
just compare like the hostages that are being
freed on behalf of Palestinian people back to
the occupying entity look at the condition of
those hostages compared to the thousands of hostages
that have been held by the occupying entity
for in some cases decades coming out with
mental illness coming out malnourished coming out physically
abused and physically assaulted being ridiculed been sexually
assaulted so we have to ask ourselves which
community is truly prophetic and which community has
truly aligned with the noble values of humanity
throughout the last 75 80 years and it
becomes very clear that alhamdulillah we are a
community of incredible adab and akhlaq and that
when we hold on to that character and
it's not easy to hold on to it
because jannah is is is one of the
promises of good character we can transform the
world subhanAllah we can transform the world it
it should escape nobody that the people of
maqluba you know one of the favorite dishes
of our Palestinian family is maqluba a dish
which is turned upside down through all that
they've gone through may Allah accept all those
who have been killed and all those who
are lost and give them the highest level
of jannah and may Allah families who lost
i had a friend who lost 22 family
members innocent family members children many of them
in one weekend how the people of maqluba
have turned the earth on its head and
exposed the reality of the notions of power
the notions of justice who really has the
right to lead the world morally and prophetically
it's the Muslim ummah and we have to
ask ourselves then if we look at our
own society we have to really look into
this very deep question and that is what
type of people are we are we aligned
with the prophetic values like the Palestinians were
over the last year are we aligned with
high morality as they have been even with
people who they were holding as captives while
their own family members were being killed the
Palestinians and war was happening and murder was
happening and still they treated those people with
dignity the axiom which we respect and appreciate
all human beings the last lesson i think
that's really important for us to reflect on
at least for those of us here in
the west the united states is building a
stronger community now i say that because this
is not over we have college students that
have been kicked out of school or suspended
under academic probation that people have lost their
jobs at all levels all levels all levels
of society are we in a place that
we can support those people are we in
a place where we are strong enough as
a community when certain communities are unjustly threatened
we can step in and offer them jobs
offer them support offer them an outlet that's
the job of the believing community so moving
forward now we have to think about alhamdulillah
how do we scale in a way because
unfortunately world powers are doing nothing for Palestine
subhanallah their neighbors are doing nothing for them
even though it is a sharia obligation upon
them to assist them as best they can
through negotiations through assisting them with aid and
so on and so forth how are we
going to scale and how are we going
to focus on our unity that will give
us the critical mass to push forward as
a community of light as a community of
prophetic education as a community of guidance ask
allahu subhanahu wa ta'ala may allah bless
all of us we ask allah to protect
the palestinian people we ask allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala to give them security safety and
help them rebuild and reclaim what is rightfully
theirs barak allahu feekum wa jazakum allahu khayran