Suhaib Webb – New Course- Quran For Newbies

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
A non- Muslim student discusses their past struggles with finding resources to study the Quran and appreciate it. They mention a study program offered by the school that will provide a detailed understanding of the Quran and allow non- Muslim students to participate. The student encourages those interested to sign up and enroll for the program.
AI: Transcript ©
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I embraced Islam over 32 years ago, one of the greatest

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challenges I ran into was finding resources about how to understand

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and appreciate the Quran, and really had to navigate that on my

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own. I'm happy to announce myself as well as our school at Swiss

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will be offering a series of programs on the foundations of

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Islam for non Muslims, and one of them is a detailed study of the

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first chapter of the Quran, as well as the last few chapters of

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the Quran that will not only give sort of the, you know, basic

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understandings of what is the Quran, the role of the Quran, but

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a deeper dive into why the Quran is important today. What lessons

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the Quran can provide for us that are transformative. If you're non

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Muslim and interested, contact us. We have scholarships available.

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You can also enroll at join dot sway if you're a Muslim

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and you're interested, you're more than welcome to join, because

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there are a lot of gems to be found there that will really

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impact and increase your capacity to have an intimate relationship

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with the book of God. Sign up now at join dot sway I think

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you're really going to enjoy.

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