Suhaib Webb – Meet Sulaiman ibn Suward A 93YearOld Muslim Who Inspires Generosity

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the importance of Islam and its impact on the community, emphasizing that Muslims should not be afraid of ask questions and that they are doing things for the Muslims. They also mention that while Islam may not be perfect, it is a gift and an opportunity to give things good to the community.
AI: Transcript ©
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But look at look at Suleiman, who

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understands that Islam is a gift and even

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at the age of 93,

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he finds the capacity to give something good

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to the community. If you're new to Islam,

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don't expect Muslims to do everything for you.

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But also ask ourselves,

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what are we doing for the Muslims?

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