Suhaib Webb – Maximizing the Blessings Nurturing the Rights of Allah in a World Focused on Other Priorities

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the right of the creator to observe and use the blessings of Allah. They stress the significance of the rights in the current climate and the need to consider the rights of so many things around us. The speaker uses the term "right," which refers to the one who created us.
AI: Transcript ©
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So Imam al Muhasibi

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in this text that we're reading together

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focuses on one of the fundamental rights that

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we have to observe,

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and that's the right of the one who

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created us. Like, how often do we even

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think about the fact

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that Allah

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gave us everything?

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What have we given back

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from what Allah has given us? How do

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we use

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the blessings that Allah gives us? That's riyaya.

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The word riyaya,

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is a shepherd. So how do I shepherd

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the rights of

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Allah in a time now where we're pushed

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to think about the rights of so many

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things around us, which is super important.

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