Suhaib Webb – Mastering Ihsan- Learning from the Prophets Path to God

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of learning as part of their job as a church leader. They emphasize that learning is required for their job and that everyone has an obligation to God. The speaker also mentions the importance of learning as a church leader and the historical context of their job.
AI: Transcript ©
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What is an obligation to God?

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That's the first step and my first step

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towards Ihsan is to learn because no one

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can be a better Muhsin than the Prophet

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Muhammad ﷺ.

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No one can be more aware of Allah

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than the Prophet ﷺ and all of the

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Prophets from Adam to Abraham to David to

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Moses to Muhammad ﷺ to Sayyidina Jesus ﷺ.

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So I have to learn as the Prophets

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learn and walk as the Prophets walk.

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