Suhaib Webb – Lessons From Isra & Miraj

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The importance of finding stability in life and a culture of liberality is emphasized, along with the need for a culture of liberality. The challenges faced by Muslims in their religious education, including language use and the loss of their Prophet sallati, are discussed. The importance of proving oneself through actions and learning from past experiences is emphasized, along with the success of Islam as a means of fulfillment and productivity. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a program on Islam and a discussion of the importance of learning from loss and the success of Islam in society.
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So I was asked to talk about this
topic that we're going to start here monthly
We actually have a text for you that
we'll bring next time.
It's a small text.
It's not big.
So don't worry.
Alhamdulillah written by Imam Al-Muttaqi on What
it means to be near Allah and that's
a very important topic in a time where
the material world is At least it appears
very unstable The foundations of many things we
thought we could trust especially since October 7th
have really revealed themselves to be very fragile
in and outside of the community internationally and
locally So I think that that text is
like a really nice book because one of
the things that our school that we function
Focus on is functionality not abstractions like that.
You're practicing Not just thinking.
Imam Al-Khazari said Like the fruit of
knowledge is worship and oftentimes we get caught
up in sort of platitudes and big ideas
and big thoughts But at the end of
the day like if I'm living foul, it
doesn't matter, right?
It's the end of the day if fortnight
is keeping me from making Fajr.
I got problems Right if Netflix bingeing got
me, you know keeping me from making it
to Fajr.
I Need to check myself So it's fundamental
level what we try to focus on is
Functionality, so I think you'll find the text
is not an abstract text But it really
provides you with a roadmap of how to
find stability by being near Allah Subhanahu wa'ta
'ala in this world and what that means.
What does it mean to be near Allah?
He defines it He talks about it.
He goes into detail and what I like
about it is it almost presents it Like
it's the back of a cereal box.
Here's like your macros.
Here's what it means to be near Allah
Here's how you understand if you're near Allah
and he addresses some of the common things
the reductivism that we find now Oh, I
didn't get a feeling.
What do you worship Allah for a feeling
or do you worship Allah?
So one of my teachers used to say
man Yeah, I bought a little half a
Yeah, I bought a hat like whoever worships
for a feeling worships the feeling But the
Sahaba didn't feel good when they were being
tortured, but they worshipped Allah so how do
we reframe and pull away from sort of
that I Would say shallow definitions of what
it means to have that relationship and get
into a deeper more intimate relationship with the
Creator tonight what I would talk talk about
because we're not going to start to text
is a very important topic and that is
the Islam the marriage of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and how that ties into
nearness to Allah in a more general way
and some of the principles we can take
from that story this month of Rajab and
Allah where most scholars agree this happened and
How that can help you and I think
about especially what's going on in the last
few weeks people feel very unstable But also
over the last year Specifically since October 7th
We pray for Gaza that Allah will free
people of Gaza and Palestine as well as
Sudan and the Congo and everywhere else and
here Those challenges have rocked the community in
many ways first of all Islam encourages us
to think about history as Something that we
use for constructive and critical reflection something that
we are able to allow to sort of
soak into our minds if you will and
Generate itself through our actions, and that's why
I worry and I say this respectfully as
someone who Taught in the Academy and now
is working potentially on a PhD in the
Academy is Sometimes I worry that even in
the Academy we allow ourselves to supplement words
Not in the Academy because we have to
write a certain way in the university system
but now even in Masajid we are replacing
religious nomenclature with secular nomenclature and this Reveals
itself in two ways number one most Muslims
and most Americans now are using political vocabulary
So now when you talk about a bad
Muslim You don't say that's like a person
of bid'ah or that's the class if
you say what that's a what?
liberal so that is a sign of colonality
One of the greatest signs of a colonality
is that I've lost my vocabulary.
I no longer have a connection to the
words that my religion Affords me to use
in order to emancipate my mind From the
challenges of language that are met within the
I live in and To think about how
important words are just think about Adam alayhi
salatu salam.
What's the first thing Allah taught him is
wa allama adama asmaa kullaha is words So
a Muslim in America that is unfamiliar with
at least basic foundational religious nomenclature Religious vocabulary
would be like Adam if Allah did not
teach him the names of all things What
will happen to you?
And so that's why sometimes in religious scholarship
its job is to furnish you with kalimat
as Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala gave words to
Adam fata laqaa adama min rabbihi kalimatun is
one of the qiraat from ibn kathir That
the kalimat came to Adam Allah commanded the
kalimat those words of repentance you go to
Adam Allah commanded those words you go to
him and you teach him and also the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam numerous narrations He'll
use a word on the sahaba will say
what does that word mean?
But also now as an extension of Islam
and the prophetic office The job of scholars
especially in America is to provide you a
language That allows you to synthesize your faith
with your world and this was exposed in
the last year When students across this country
begin to protest and when students begin to
they look to Shu and they look to
Imams and even during the Election not necessarily
for answers, but words and That's why most
of the time we know two words really
well halal and what?
Haram, but there's like seven words when it
comes to rulings So the the importance of
investing in education is to push in To
it having a a meaningful relationship through meaning
that empowers you to function to be functional
so in the Quran we have words for
history that we don't use and they are
years used synonymously with history and We should
think about them and dr.
Ismael Farooqi a lawyer Hamill and Shakaha was
here triple it May Allah Subhan Allah put
light in his grave one of my teachers,
MashaAllah Taught the importance of an Islamic language
Islamic wording So for example in the Quran
Allah Subhan Allah uses the word Ibra for
historical occurrences Ibra Is a word Abra Sabeel,
which means to cross to pass over Abra
Sineen Abra Shuhur it happened over these last
few years it happened over these last few
months Why because and this is very beautiful.
It's very different than his story because his
story is told by who has power his
story But Abra is something that I learn
about history Something that I learned about my
past that literally travels from the instructor to
the students Then it travels to my mind
it travels to my heart and if it
reaches its goal Whatever I've learned from history
should travel to my actions.
It's a very beautiful word man And it's
much more deeper and holistic and then say
just simple words about the past Another word
that the Quran uses for historical moments is
Ayaah Signs And signs are those things that
direct us on how to live Yurshid aw
yuwassilu ilas sawab aw yurshid ilas sawab for
Muslims those signs are things that direct us
to how to live right That's why the
majority of the stories in the Quran are
about the Yahud because we are Most likely
to be like them because we have the
knowledge and we are an adjudicating religion that
has law So hence we need to be
careful that we are not like maghdoobi alayhim
and that can happen So that's why the
story is always mentioned to remind us of
how not only to live but how not
to live Allah subhana wa ta'ala Made
a third of the Quran according to Imam
Ibn Taymiyyah is stories Subhanallah a third of
the Quran is stories and The words used
for these stories and for the shorter genre
of historical accounts Again are very powerful like
qasas If you ask most people they say
a qasas means story, qasas doesn't mean story
in ancient Arabic if I say a qasastu
bi athari It means I followed him to
follow furtadda ala atharihima qasasa Sultaqaf We followed
him Step by step by step because when
we follow someone's life or follow someone's story
We should take the good and the bad
as though we're traveling with them mashallah and
learning from their experiences That's why even now
in community organizing one of the most important
things we can do to overcome collective community
trauma is storytelling There's a great article in
Atlantic a few weeks ago on the lost
art of riwayah The lost art of storytelling
I remember my great-grandfather was a storyteller
you could sit You're just you can just
make up a story like pow From his
dome you tell a story that has value
that has a lesson that has a meaning
Allah subhanallah in the Quran commands us to
think about the importance of history when he
says wadhakir hum bi ayaamillah And remind them
of the days of God The scholars commented
that the days of God are those days
that Allah helped the righteous supported the believers
and vanquished the enemies of truth That's why
the sahaba radwanallah alayhim Very early on I
mean this is the early sort of iterations
of hadith literature come out of what the
sahaba sitting together and talking about al maghazi
The battles of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam In this battle and this happened and
that battle this happened this happened and this
happened and so on and so forth and
so forth and oftentimes we find them reflecting
historically say to I should said the worst
day of the message of Allah in Sahih
Muslim was the day of Taif Sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam and Even the Prophet is called
seerah Because in rhetoric the Arabs named things
by what they do They name human beings
incense I tell my wife this all the
time because we forget mashallah.
We're called incense But also we're called basher
because we show our emotions and our skin
They call a car what?
Sayara from the same word is seerah Why
because what are you doing a seerah?
Because it it moves you Why would they
call the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam the seerah Because it's though you
are in The car with the message of
Allah now in our context or you're riding
with the message of Allah Sallallahu alayhi wa
That's what one of our teachers used to
say man canna fee vayti He's sooner that
your midi.
Faka anna nabi fee vayti Like whoever has
the book of a termite in their house.
It's like the Prophet lives with him Sallallahu
alayhi wa alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam So
that takes us now to one of the
more important historical events That happened in the
life of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, which is a very restorative moment in
his life I mean the early part of
the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam is very much about managing catastrophe and
the you know acute feeling of instability That's
how his life starts Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
His tribe had become weak Banu Hashim Their
strength had become weak their economic sort of
role had become weakened He loses his father.
He loses his mother.
He loses his grandfather He loses his wife.
He loses his uncle.
I mean in many ways and that's why
my problem with romanticized History if we're to
be honest the early life of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is about managing loss
and Dealing with tragedy and If you were
to think about it this way in his
lifetime the odds for a child surviving who
lost his mother and father The cards were
stacked against him Sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa
sahbihi wa sallam from birth To the time
he makes hijrah That portion of his life
one of the mainstays of that is how
do you manage loss?
How do you deal with tragedy?
Sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam
and what we learn from Al-Isra wa
Mi'raj Are things that if we think
about Constructively can be transformative can have that
Ibra the Ibra effect Number one he lost
so many things Alayhi salatu salam and one
of the narrations he describes Sayyidina Khadija radiyallahu
anha as the one who provides for me
She's my Rizq Radiyallahu anha and he used
to love her so much That in Sahih
Muslim when her sister Hala would visit his
home in Medina and Hala she she resembled
her sister Hala bint Khuwaylid and So one
time she came actually to his home and
it caught him off guard and he said
Hala Hala It reminded him of Sayyidina Khadija
even though she had passed away After numerous
years then Sayyidina Aisha asked him like what's
He said you know she supported me when
no one supported me.
She believed in me when no one believed
in me She was there for me when
no one was there for me Sallallahu alayhi
wa alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam He lost
his uncle and if you think about this
he lost his emotional support His financial support,
but he also lost his like the community
the lobbyist The one that has the ability
to go into community and sort of lobby
on his behalf is his uncle That's why
the the discussions about killing him really start
to wrap.
You know ramp up after the death of
his uncle Sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sahbihi
wa sallam So he loses emotional support, financial
support, and he loses like political support But
Imam Ibn Atta Allah says Rubbama ataakak faqad
manaak Wurubbama manaak faqad ataak In the Hikmah
he says maybe Allah gave you but he
kept you from something and maybe he kept
you from something But he gave you something
Ghalib the great Urdu poet He said you
know if you question Allah's giving and taking
from you Think about Musa who goes to
a bush to get fire and comes back
with a fire of Prophethood Wa asaa an
takaruhu shai'an wa huwa khairu lakum Wa
asaa an tuhibbu shai'an wa huwa sharru
lakum Wallahu ya'lamu wa antumu la ta
'lamun Allah, I love something is bad for
me I hate something is good for me
at the end of the day leave it
to Allah And that's one of the challenges
we have leave it to Allah Sahibul Hikmah
says arih nassaka minal tadbeer Give yourself a
break from planning everything Like leave it to
Allah work hard, but leave it to Allah
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam between
loss tremendous loss he also has to Restrategize
and move from Mecca to Taif and here
we see a very important concept don't give
up if you're on the haq He could
have given up You know he had less
than 60 followers at that moment of Israa
Al-Mi'raj Imagine it was not going
viral how many people you post on social
And you look all the time how many
likes how many likes how many likes who
commented how many likes who?
Now people want to buy like subhanAllah even
you know buy friends that they don't even
know from North Korea or wherever South Korea
You know really?
But they feel good about themselves.
I had a student one time.
He was only 14 He posted something had
22,000 likes so I said to him
like are you okay?
He's like ah imam.
I bought these likes I was like you
actually do that.
He was like.
He's like.
I was like.
How do you feel like mashallah?
I'm you know I feel great It's 14
right so I said to him like but
how many of those people know you he's
like none I was like I know you
and you're still great They don't know you
doesn't mean you're great He's like man, don't
blow it for us If you're not dealing
with reality even I don't know what to
tell you but the metrics of social media
in the age of exhibition have created a
sense of value which is false and And
that is best articulated by our inability to
push through When we face adversity But anyone
on the way of the message of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will face Different levels
of adversity within themselves within their family within
their community and within society it has to
happen So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
doesn't give up Because there's something very important
My teacher told me this years ago When
he wanted me to memorize the Quran I
told him how can I memorize the Quran?
I'm from Oklahoma like we don't even speak
English Like let alone like memorize this holy
book He said if you feel insecure with
yourself feel secure with Allah and That's the
height of trust So Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Doesn't give up in the face
of material loss because the command overrides what
you see The command of God overrides the
results we see in front of us So
whether I have a thousand followers whether it
goes viral whether it's accepted by everybody Doesn't
mean we're not concerned about style and impact
of course we are But the superficial concern
with being sanctioned by public acceptance May render
us incapable in Ineligible for the sincerity and
fidelity which are requirements for prophetic work Because
prophetic work if it knows it's the haq
it doesn't stop Because it's with Allah Not
with the people and this is what it
means to worship Allah as though you see
him even though you can't see him You
know he sees you Ibn Atta'Allah has
a great hikm.
He says It's actually beautiful what he says
here, and you have to pay attention because
it's a little complex He said there's a
great gulf between the one who uses Allah
to prove creation and the one who uses
the creation to prove Allah المستدل علي عرف
للحق The one who uses Allah to prove
reality around them is the one who knows
the truth لأهلي وأثبت لوجود الأصول and who
can take it back to its essence ومن
يستدل علي and the one who needs God
or needs the world to prove God He
said something very powerful لعدم الوصول إلي that
person hasn't reached God yet Understanding God He
says When did God he say disappears that
you need to prove him Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala is Transcendent the haq when did he
disappear so you need to use something to
prove him when everything is his creation Allah
And what when did he Become so far
from you that you have to use things
in the world to draw near to him
It should be the opposite and I want
you to pay attention to what I'm saying
even if it's complicated for you Understand that
Islamic theology is much more distilled Rabbani and
deep with God and Tawheed than anything else
out there And if you're furnishing your mind
with snapchat and tik-tok and all those
things out.
It's fine.
We're all on there but if I don't
have the names that I talked about earlier
and Understanding that I don't have have that
I talked about earlier that I'm learning as
you're here tonight MashaAllah, then what is furnishing
my understanding of God in Islam is probably
the world I live in the things around
me Like marriages oftentimes people come they complain
about the marriage and subhanAllah feels like I'm
watching a show on oxygen I Mean they're
telling me a story, and I'm like man
I did I did not see that on
one of them shows man like 90-day
fiance is whatever like I've heard the story
before Oh, yeah, I watch it all that.
I know you do But you have to
ask yourself, what do you make tilal of?
What I make tilal of will tell me
who I am so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam knows Yes, the deal who I
don't would you look up the Khalaq Nice
to deal with a Khalaq.
I'll allow the Khalaq.
We would you look up and makhlouq He
looks at the world to Understanding to hate
not the other way around and of course
that's a process It's not easy, and it
shouldn't lead to irresponsibility It should leave actually
to it lead to actually deeper appreciation and
a more mitigated role as a citizen in
society But the outcome of that is oh
if I'm on the right path, and I'm
responsible, and I'm not harming people I'm not
gonna stop Because Allah said fest a pin
camera on it Continue as you've been commanded,
so it doesn't give up and say well
Islam is not popular Whatever forget that dude.
I'm done.
It's been real only got two followers, man.
I'm out No, he goes to Taif And
he goes to Taif and what happens he's
rejected by children, man Khairul Khalq Kullihim The
best of creation rejected by children physically assaulted
by kids Like could you imagine if I
came here tonight?
And I was I was walking at a
bunch of kids start on rocks at me,
and I started bleeding.
I would leave Like I'm out.
Kahwa cafe.
I'm done.
I'm gonna you know whatever man feels well
not anymore But I you know wherever I
can go that's not on the BDS list.
I'm going I guess I'm going home But
the point I mean the point is right
we would all leave The Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu
sallam makes dua for them Then he goes
back to Mecca, and it's just at this
moment that the Israa Mi'raj happened around
this time Why what's the lesson for you,
and I especially in this age of Islamophobia
Islamophobia is you know Nancy?
I think I saw her years good friend
of mine.
We were in Boston together You know we
were at death threats Fox News did a
story on me You know what I came
to a conclusion at that time that Islamophobia
is not only interested in conditioning the public
participation of Muslims But at its greater level
and remember this parents Islamophobia wants to condition
our private practice of Islam so even in
our home.
Oh don't join the MSA You won't get
into a good school So now we're sanctioning
Islam in our home as an extension of
the fear of Islamophobia May Allah protect us
Even overseas you get a beard you start
wearing a hijab Ah, you're a sheikh, you're
a preacher, you became a mullah sahib Right,
I just want a beard.
I just want a kufi So Islam has
been not only militarized in the public square,
but even in the homes of Muslims the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is taught something
at that moment that we can benefit from
and that is Ya Muhammad If everyone on
the earth rejected you because of the truth
If everyone has turned away from you on
the earth because of the truth you are
carrying from Allah and You can take this
to you sister if everyone in that high
school is turned away from you Everything on
campus is turned away brother If your family
has turned away If you're being ridiculed by
anyone at work or other parents are ridiculing
you because you want your kid to become
Hufadh Here we can now take a lesson
from Israa Al-Mi'raj that if everyone
on the earth rejects you because of falsehood
Those in the heavens have accepted you because
of Haqq and that if you don't have
material friends in front of you that you
can count on your finger But you're living
a righteous life and a responsible life with
good character Know that Allah says in the
Qur'an, Allah is his friend, Jibreel is
his friend and the righteous are his friend
and the Malaik are the friend of Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam That's why Imam al
-Shafi'i when he was being attacked by
He said I talk to Allah If I
find myself alone I talk to Allah so
Finding in this is it seems contradictory because
oftentimes people tell us their religion You know
untethers you from your individuality to the extent
that you lose yourself But actually it's through
the knowledge of Allah that we attain the
knowledge of self when I don't follow who
knows their Lord knows themselves and That leads
to an anchored personality, which is centered in
calm in the face of the constant flux
of life So that's the first lesson Tried
to start at MSA at my school people
made fun of me.
So what?
Those are number those in the heavens alhamdulillah.
They're praising you.
They're they're making dua for you They're you
know, you're being remembered in gatherings greater than
these gatherings Oh, I wasn't invited to this
party, but they're gonna do haram I went
here and I did zikr of Allah the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever remembers
Allah in a gathering Allah remembers them in
a gathering yeah Allah So one of the
ways that we can buttress Ourselves from the
fear because what is the fear of social
acceptance is that social inacceptance means loneliness and
Loneliness is like the second leading cause of
death now in America sad.
There's a great book called bowling alone But
for us We can mitigate that to a
certain degree By being with Allah being on
principle being confident The last lesson and we'll
stop here and we'll open it up for
questions Is there something very beautiful that happens
on al-israa al-mi'raj and it
forces us to ask a very deep question
What is intrinsically valuable to me what makes
me feel valued and I'm 52 years old.
I can't believe it subhanAllah alhamdulillah.
I'm now official cha-cha Cha-cha Jahan
Alhamdulillah Yeah, but don't ask me for nothing
in order.
I'll make a fool of myself but subhanAllah,
you know I Thought about this for a
long time that throughout life The more we
are connected to values are Things that we
habituated, and I know it sounds like dad
talk Things that we habituated when we were
young So my wife she said to me
like every time at night you come home
you have to read like why every time
Is that something I had to do in
the Azhar?
That's I had to do in the kutub
with the Sheikh That's like I found I
find that like if I don't read I
feel like I'm losing value like if I
don't study I feel like on the way
I read a shot of here on the
way from Tacoma Park to here I want
to use my time.
I read part of the al-fi also
pneumatic what I need to use my time
Not not because odes guys, so no no
that is a habit that started when I
was 20 19 years old man and Because
that habit has been there so long It
equates to value for me So how you
live now trust me is actually very important
because you're formulating what you will find value
on later on in life That's why I
said wallah alhamdulillah became Muslim when I was
young so I can memorize the Quran Because
I find value in that like if I
miss that I feel like I've done something
not not in a Unhealthy guilt way, but
the guilt that keeps you from eating a
sandwich at three o'clock in the morning
way right a healthy sense of responsibility So
look at yourself now and write down not
now when you go home What gives me
Value this is going to help animate you
as a person to not only make you
more fulfilled But you'll be a better spouse.
You'll be a better parent.
You'll be a better imam.
You'll be a better person because you know
yourself and You know things about yourself Number
two you want to ask yourself.
What are my negotiables?
What am I flexible on?
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Teaches us that
in the greatest moments of our life Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala recognizes us by our habits
what I'm basically talking about is look at
your habits look at my habits What habits
like till now I have trouble going to
sleep before 2 o'clock in the morning.
I used to be a DJ at 17
I used to come home at Hajj My
mother said where you been church you ain't
been in no church boy Right why you
smell like that?
What else?
Incense what kind of incense is that?
strong incense son, but the habits that we
develop and That's what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam said as related by Sayyida Aisha the
best actions are those done even if they're
little but consistently I'm really trying to say
I hope it's coming across That no matter
what habits you have I have a relative
That has really bad habits.
We're Irish Scottish, so we we got in
our blood man, right that gin is calling
us, right and Not the gin you thinking
about different gin in the store.
They're both the same though And I remember
one time he told me man if I
don't drink.
I don't feel like I had a complete
day Because he's been drinking since we were
15 I Said if I don't read the
Quran he told I don't start preaching preaching
You got upset at me But the point
is that is a habit that we both
developed when we were young and there's memories
Associated with your habits by the way.
I remember my teachers who died I remember
teachers I read to I remember living in
Egypt and going to bed.
There's a way that I read into the
blind Shaykh I remember you know the Shaykh
I had from Sudan I'm you know you
remember you tie memory to those habits that
you developed that brings even a more beautiful
cadence to the moment but that's where you
find value and That's where people will recognize
you and know you My oldest daughter Shu
Shu to Shifa Shu Shu you know You'll
hear more about her because we have these
interesting conversations because I told her you need
to learn this one Yeah, it's very rare
a spahani wash from a flavor.
She said Bob.
I know convert So what I mean, I'm
not you're crazy about this stuff, bro I
was born with this with a crescent in
my mouth, but you for you the Crescent's
I don't have whatever a Crescent Okay next
Right, but I remember when she was young
she drew a picture of me when I
was in the Azhar of me reading the
Quran She drew like a little baby picture.
You know the lines and stuff Then we
moved back to America.
She drew a picture of me holding the
cell phone See something because your habits are
who you are and people recognize you by
the habits you acquire So if we look
at Islam marriage And what I want you
to do tonight when you go home is
what do you have it?
Don't don't destroy yourself.
I'm not encouraging you to do that, but
let's parse There's got to be a few
things we can work on The province of
Allah what he was Salama in the greatest
professional accomplishment of his career is Islam marriage
It's called a apt He's not called the
Habib of the of Allah the Messenger of
Allah the Prophet of Allah is called what
so behind a levy asra The Abdi and
in the most difficult moments in the Quran
and the moments of the Quran where the
Prophet sallallahu Alaihi wasallam his life is recorded
as his greatest success Aba done either Salah
Allah calls him apt apt apt Allah's servant
Allah's servant Allah's servant.
He's the Prophet of course alaihissalam, but his
habit was Ibadah What's our habit What is
our moniker and Allah says when I thought
I'll go to Jinnah what is that you
The abudu I didn't create you except to
How far am I away from what I
find important and what I have as a
habit Compared to what Allah has commanded me
the last point is If you speak Arabic,
it's actually very beautiful You should ask yourself.
Why isn't that called ladle to Israel what
a roach?
How the whole a little why mirage Because
it's through sacrifice.
It's through sticking to principle.
It's through staying close to worship that we
achieve achieve a success that transcends this world
and I'll show you how I heard this
from Sheikha the battle katani Allah.
I'm from Scandinavia That it's called little to
Israel mirage because mirage has a unique meaning
a roach means to go up and come
down But mirage means to go up and
never come down again What I found out
like a vicaric So it's to a life
which is committed to principle as best we
can Not not perfection Perfect perfection is not
something we're asked to achieve but effort and
then creating a set of habits that trigger
worship and devotion to Allah we are raised
in this prophetic way and If we face
rejection or difficulties in school Or at our
job or at home If we're on the
principles that we've been taught alhamdulillah as best
we can Allah will raise us Until we
reach the maqam of Sayyidina Muhammad, and we're
with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in
the hereafter Barakallahu feekum, wa jazakum allahu khairan.
May Allah bless all of you.
Ask Allah to Forgive us.
I just wanted to say one thing about
our sister Esra I don't know some of
you know, but instead of DC which I
founded with Lauren some years ago Alhamdulillah in
DC We have a community member who is
actually on one of the planes the plane
in DC not in Philadelphia now I'll make
it easy for everyone that was impacted and
And They found her, alhamdulillah, her body Yesterday
her father was with us at Juma time
And he was making dua and we're making
dua that her she will be found and
just as we said Ameen Wallahi, her uncle
came and said she was found subhanAllah But
we ask Allah to accept her as a
shaheed She was married.
She has an amazing husband brother Hamad.
May Allah bless him and There's no words
that can encapsulate this.
There's no theology that can describe this We
just make dua and we leave it to
Allah, but if you can please Asra Hussain,
if you can just like make dua for
her Allah will grant her Jannah and Allah
swt will forgive her and give sakinah to
her family Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh