Suhaib Webb – Imam Ahmed Models How To Argue

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the importance of morality and the discernment of the process in online dating, comparing it to the complex meaning of intra- Islam fighting. They also mention the significance of discernment in attracting people and the desire for a return to the truth.
AI: Transcript ©
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SubhanAllah man, how many times we get into

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arguments with people, fights or whatever, then afterwards

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we make dua for them? That ain't happening.

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But look at imam Ahmed Abu Hanbal who

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teaches us the value of intentional

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religious morality and ethics

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that centers us in an age where declaring

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people irredeemable is so easy.

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He actually would make dua for the people

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he considered as astray. He would say

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Oh Allah, anyone from this Ummah who is

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not upon the right path.

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And that person assumes assumes they are on

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the truth,

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then return him to the people of truth

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so he can be return him to the

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truth so he can be from the people

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of truth.

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Look at the maturity,

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the nuance,

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the discernment of this imam, and then compare

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that to the simplistic shallowness

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of intra Muslim fighting online,

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and think about how far we've come away

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from our ancestors.

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