Suhaib Webb – How to Stop Showing Off – A Guide to Overcoming the Need for Validation

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The speaker discusses how Facebook's surface expression of force and views as a way to gain fame and social recognition. They mention that Facebook shows off people's behavior once in a while for fame, but people do not seem to notice this and do not care. The speaker argues that Facebook's focus on posting is not about finding everyone's attributes, but rather finding the right people for social media.
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I'm just going through the motions.
And now we see it goes back to
this imperfect tense. Right?
Like, they always do
this. They're always showing off, not once in
a while because it's normal.
showing off is something that's gonna come with
people. We have to fight it. But these
are people who don't care. They're not filtering
It's just for
fame, just so people think they're good in
the community.