Suhaib Webb – Good Assumptions of God (Part One)
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The importance of good or bad assumptions in Islam is discussed, including the concept of "theodicy" (theorical), which is the ability to choose between doing things physically and using the universe. The importance of practical tawhid (the ability to pursue practical life and pursue the Holy Spirit) is emphasized, along with the importance of having a strong faith and respect for one another. The segment also touches on various narratives and personal experiences of Islam, including the message of mercy and the upcoming gathering of empty promises.
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to, our first session here on
having good assumptions with Allah
First of all, I wanna thank the folks
at Instagram actually who have given us
access to,
this kind of software update, which is yet
to really hit the scene, which allows us
now to broadcast
not only on Instagram, but
across all of our social media platforms.
So I wanna thank,
folks there for for
providing us that, for the month of Ramadan.
InshaAllah, what I thought we would do is
read from a very important text,
written by a scholar. His name is Ibn
Abidunya, and I'm trying to fix my camera
here. Sorry. This is kind of new.
Ibn Abidunya wrote a large number of books,
large number of texts, but one of the
important texts he wrote is this text, Husnu
Husun, of course, means good.
To have good assumptions,
van means assumptions. So hosun is good assumptions.
The word van in Arabic is very important
because it it implies
something for which there are possibilities,
something for which there are actually possibilities.
And what that means is something happens to
me and I'm not sure, is it good
or bad?
Having a good assumption is.
Having a bad assumption is.
And we live in a time of incredible
and we've come out of a time of
incredible loss.
Whether it was through COVID or any other,
means. I see,
our sister here, the wife of our dear
brother, Zaid,
one of our former,
students at Swiss who
we lost to cancer,
and we loved,
and continue to love him. And and we
know that that was a tremendous time for
her. See people here in the chat who
I know who've lost
people, lost
jobs, lost a number of things.
And and these begin to take a toll,
and then you couple that with the hyper
cynicism of the secular west.
And it it becomes very difficult to find
the light in the dunya that we need
to carry us
to Surah al Mustaqim.
So what we're going to do is read
this brief text
that shares a number of important narrations
from the prophet
as well as early Muslims on
how we can create the capacity
of hope.
How we can have the capacity of hope.
the Uyghur community,
brothers and sisters in Ethiopia.
Even here, you know, in New York City,
people were shot today. I saw a brother
here in New York City after I prayed
Isha got shot in front of me.
SubhanAllah. So these are times that if we
are not
centering ourselves
on Islam
and centering ourselves on the teachings of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
we may lose our footing,
and we may
drown under the tides of hypersonicism.
we ask
and we begin
this text and this explanation.
And we relate this text
with an
back to the writer.
As I said earlier, Husun means something good.
Or our lord, give us good
in in this life. Yeah. About 2 months
ago, I saw a person get shot right
after a shot in front of me.
Give us good in this life and the
next. So the word hosun means good.
Avan, as I said earlier,
is actually touching on one of the most
challenges that Muslims face in their theology.
that is the challenge
And theodicy here means why do bad things
the difficulties of life.
So before we begin to read this text,
it's very important that we
understand 3 important terms,
which are key to Islamic theology,
is now taught simply
to show which Muslim group is wrong.
have so much internal hate for themselves
that they cannot manufacture
an to solve the problems of the world,
to project light into the world,
to strengthen the ummah of the prophet, we
taught to hate each other so much that
the only way we can teach aqira
is by hating each other.
But the Sahaba,
they hated each other, they studied,
and they became one family.
We, many of us, maybe we're one family,
we study,
and then we hate each other. There's something
seriously wrong there.
So I wanna share with you 3 important
concepts before we start to read some of
these really
healing, powerful narrations of the prophet They're they're
You will find yourself being rebuilt
by every letter of the blessed messenger
The first is kada,
and kada is everything that Allah
has decreed before time.
Of Allah.
And here I'm using
The second word
is the ruling of Allah.
And the third word is cusp
cusp with
The utility of people that Allah has given
us all utility.
Allah has granted us the ability to choose,
not to act in the sense of our
physical actions or by the decree of
Allah but our psychological
and the
emotional choices
are what Allah has given us freedom to
That's why Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says to
say, when
he threw the dirt in the face of
his enemies,
You didn't throw it. Allah threw it.
So Allah has granted us the moral
to make choices, and that's why sometimes you
decide to do something and physically you can't
do it because you do not control
your physical body, Your physical your physical body
and everything, every action you see in the
world is by the decree of
So that takes us to the meaning of
these three words, and I wanna make this
rather quickly
The first is
and the of Allah, and this is where
Muslims sometimes get confused,
can actually
contradict one another.
For example, Allah
commanded us to believe,
but he decreed
that Abu
would be a Kafir,
and he decreed
that Abu Bakr would be a believer.
So the hukum of Allah is why he
sent prophets.
The hukum of Allah
is the way that we make sense
of a chaotic,
cynical world,
And that's why we consider Islam a rahma,
and whoever doesn't have access to revelation and
the prophets
is lost,
incapable of understanding
the will of Allah
that pierces through
the world in this extremely
bright light through
the prophets and books.
So the Qada of Allah
is that some people are gonna drink.
The command of God is don't drink.
People will ask,
then how is Allah going to judge us?
And that's a fair question, and that takes
us to the 3rd
component of our discussion
is the choice, the utility, the moral
compass that Allah has given us freedom to
choose in.
Right? Allah says,
We show people how to live their life.
They choose whether to live right or to
live wrong.
So the Muslim
this is very important.
The Muslim is the one who when faced
with the contradiction
the ruling
submits to the ruling. That's what it means
to submit to Allah.
So when Ibrahim is commanded to slaughter his
he submits to Allah.
The secular world would have said the knife
is abuse.
But his faith in Allah's command, he knew
that in the knife was life.
says, after that, we we made his offspring
abundant. From that moment came life because he
submitted to Allah.
So Qada is the defined decree
that existed before creation, predestination.
The hokum is what's right and what's wrong,
found through books and prophets.
They can contradict.
And the third is the utility, you know,
if somebody wants to write notes, the kasab,
k a s a b, of the servant.
And the Muslim is the one who chooses
the hokum of Allah,
submits to the hokum of Allah
even if the entire world is falling apart.
And that's what makes them Muslim to Allah,
not Muslim to the dunya. That was make
them Muslim to Allah and not Muslim to
shaitan or Muslim to their nafs.
And this is the main job of the
to help increase our capacity,
to understand that the barakah
and the blessing
is in submitting to the.
It's not easy, of course.
It's not easy.
And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, taught
us who will will will add every night
a little something about theology
just so
people will be able to build their literacy
of these important concepts.
The prophet
taught us 2 important qualities
that will carry us through those moments
where the ada and the hukum
don't align.
When they align,
we exercise gratitude.
When they contradict,
we exercise resilience.
And that's why we say that iman
rests between shukr
and sabr,
and resilience.
And that's why we need each other as
an ummah.
When we talk about supporting one another as
it means, masha'Allah,
that we support one another
in the face of these contradictions.
Those contradictions,
those probabilities, whether it's good or bad, that's
Is the inability of.
I have to I have something's happened to
me. I can either assume God hates me
or God has tested me for a bet
something better.
Something happens to me that I don't want
to happen to me, and I begin to
question my relationship with Allah.
The believer,
no matter the circumstances,
tries to have a
with Allah.
And that's what we're gonna talk about tonight.
We're just gonna read a few
of these beautiful ahadith
that are narrated by Sayna ibn Abi Dunia,
And I hope
that they will
each and every one of us as we
live in an incredible
incredibly cynical time,
not to get caught up in the melancholy
of this age
and to see that is
an important
component of practical tawhid.
Everybody has theoretical tawhid, what we want is
practical tawhid.
And we see this in the Quran,
when the hypocrites
realize that the enemies are gathering again together
against the Muslims.
Allah said they have a bad with Allah.
But in short Al Ahab,
the community of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
when they saw all of those armies gathered
around Medina,
what did they say?
That is what Allah, his messenger, has promised
promised us.
And Allah says it only increased him in
and guidance.
Let's begin insha'Allah
with the first hadith.
Every night until the end of Ramadan,
will try to be here insha'Allah.
The first hadith is from Jabir ibn Abdi
who narrates that I heard the prophet
none of you
none of you should die
he or she
has a good
of Allah
So that means at the moment of death,
the believer
is between fear and hope,
they should choose hope.
And that means that throughout our life, because
we don't know when we're gonna die, we
ask Allah to give us long lives full
of goodness, Insha'Allah.
And the word
is actually very beautiful in the narration,
that it implies
a person has the choice to do this.
So no one should die except he or
she has exercised,
having a good assumption
with Allah
This hadith is related by Imam Muslim.
And since none of us know when we're
gonna die,
we should try to constantly state
stay in a state of having that good
assumption with Allah. As we'll talk about it
in a few nights,
Sometimes a negative assumption with Allah
is masking an unhealthy
Right? An unhealthy sense of narcissism. We ask
The next hadith, the second hadith in each
night will try to read 10 hadith.
And this hadith,
it's actually really incredible.
And this narration
and that is
was a companion of the prophet
He was a Sahari.
he, subhanAllah, he he
ran into Hayyan Abu Notr,
and he asked Hayyan,
where are you going?
And he said to him, he informed him,
I'm going to visit Yazid ibn
al Aswad.
Yazid ibn al Aswad was a student of.
While Yazid ibn Aswad was from the great
students of the Sahaba.
So that means
actually was older than him.
Hayyan, he told
that I have come to know
that Yazid is extremely sick
and suffering from serious pain.
he said, I I wanna I wanna go
with you. Let me go with you to
visit him. And here we see even though
was very old,
that he understood the importance of visiting people
and supporting people. Those now we know brothers
and sisters from Pakistan, they're going through tremendous
Make sure you reach out to people from
Pakistan. Brothers and sisters from Afghanistan
have been consistently going through incredible challenges. Reach
out, touch base, check-in with people. Here in
New York City today, we all know what
happened. It's important we know I almost, you
know, I used to live close to that
area in Sunset Park. There's a large number
of Muslims there. There's a few Masjids there.
You know, just reach out and and and
have that
care that we see here, the Sahabi.
He has that care.
So he said to Hayyan,
can I can I join you
to go visit Yazid ibn Aswad? He said,
So subhanallah, they they they went to his
and as they arrived and entered, the the
family of of of Yazid became
jubilant because of Sahabi
had came to visit them.
And as as they became closer and closer,
and this hadith
Yazid said to Yazid actually, he was incoherent,
and he suffered from blindness.
So he began to reach with his hands
like this.
And then finally, they understood he was trying
And when he when he was able to
to hold his hand
in his hands, he began to rub
the hand
on his chest
and on his face
and on his body.
And when asked, he said, because this hand
touched the hand of the messenger of Allah,
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
He was seeking the blessings of a hand
that had touched the hand of Sayedna Nabi
It's hadith of Sahih again. Let me emphasize
this, that the early Muslims, they didn't see
this as shirk.
There's a difference between shirk and.
For Akhadayat, he took his hand and he
began to wipe.
Some narrations say the hand
of. Some said that he wiped the hand
of, and then he wiped
on his face and his his chest, and
he said, you know, this is the hand
that touched the hand of the messenger of
And then he said to him,
can I ask you a question? I wanna
I wanna ask you a very serious question.
said can you can you tell me something?
Some information I wanna ask you.
He said, sure. He said,
in this situation now that you find yourself,
how is your assumption with God?
He said, my sins are drowning me,
and I know that my destruction more or
less, I'm gonna kinda give an easier translation,
is near.
my hope in this Allah's mercy.
My sins are drowning me. They're abundant.
And my my my death is close.
But I still have hope in Allah.
When Waathila
ibn Asqa heard that, he said,
and then the people in the home of
Yazid, they said,
And then
said, I heard the messenger of Allah.
Say that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
I am to my servant
as he I am to my servant as
he or she assumes me to be.
And then there's another narration says,
So let him or her
about me
what they want. This narrated
by imam ibn
radiAllahu ta'ala anhu in his chapter on
the section called and this is very important
that many in many of the books of
the sunnah,
you find a chapter on having good assumptions
with God. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
knew that this is gonna be a challenge,
so he left us this beautiful information
because of his love for his
ummah. The 3rd hadith, one who called,
and this hadith is from
who said that the prophet
he said that Allah
The prophet
in this hadith is related by Imam al
Bukhari and Imam Musamin saying that Imam.
The prophet
said that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, I am to
my servant as he or she assumes me,
and I am with
him or her
when they remember me.
As Allah
says in the Quran,
This is a great question, and I talked
about that in the very beginning,
that we should always assume the best of
Allah even in the face of test and
And our job as a community, and that's
why we had to be very careful of
how we treat each other. If the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam forbid Muslims in Medina
to walk around with their weapons exposed because
they may hurt each other, What would he
say about the tongues of Muslim
on social media
who are constantly stabbing each other with their
Didn't the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
know the important redemptive and restorative relationship we
should have with one another when he said
when he was asked, who's the best Muslim?
He said, The
one who the Muslims are safe
from his tongue
and his hand.
And did it the prophet
That you will not enter paradise until you
believe, and you will not believe until you
love each other.
The next hadith, the prophet
is from Jabir ibn Abdullahi radiAllahu anhu. Again,
He said that the prophet said
And this is very similar to the first
hadith, except there is an addition to it,
that the prophet said none of you should
die except he or she has a good
assumption with Allah,
Because indeed the people before you, what destroyed
was a bad assumption of Allah. And what
are some signs
we have
a bad assumption
of Allah?
First is we use
the misery of the dunya
as an excuse not to worship. Of course,
this is not talking about people who may
suffer with depression
or clinical issues. Of course,
we're not talking about that situation.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala cure them and
bless them and we love them, and we
are here to support them a 100%.
We're talking about people who
are not having those kind of challenges, but
they use the world
to justify mistreating Muslims.
They use the state of the world
not have that passion and worship to Allah
So therefore, their ihsen is to the dunya
instead of Allah.
They don't worship
Allah as though they see him.
They worship the dunya as though they cannot
see Allah
The second
quality or sign that I have
is I do not have respect and love
and admiration for my fellow Muslims.
And I am not kind to them and
loving to them and guiding them. And maybe
I need to be firm, but it's the
firmness of love,
not the condescending firmness that destroys people.
As the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
do not
let shaitan
your brother and sister.
And the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he
said that after the obligatory
the most beloved thing to Allah is to
bring joy to Muslims.
And Sayedidididhiallahu
ta'ala anhu, when he was asked, what is
it that you love the most
after the obligations?
He said,
meaning like prayer and fasting and Hajj the
he said,
to bring joy to believers.
Subhan Allah.
The next hadith
is from Sayna Salman al Farisi
radiAllahu anhu, who was from Persia
and accepted Islam, and we all know his
beautiful story.
Listen to this hadith, man. He said that
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
This hadith is from Sahih Muslim,
and related by Imam Ibn Hibban,
and listened to this
hadith. The
that Allah
has a 100 parts of mercy.
One part
in this
material world
is when we see creation being kind to
each other,
And the other remaining 99 parts
has kept for the day of judgment. Allahu
Akbar. This hadith
The prophet
said that Allah
has a 100 parts of mercy.
One part is in this dunya, and the
other 99 are waiting for us, You Allah.
Forgive us and have mercy upon us, inshallah,
in the hereafter.
The 6th hadith
is also from Abu Hurayrah Radiallahu Anhu
with Isnaqat
said that the prophet
that good assumptions
of Allah
are a good form of worship.
Having good assumptions of Allah
is an act of worship. And you think
about how the dunya tries to suffocate us,
how meta modernity and secularism
are brutal.
They are intolerant if we don't toe the
line on things like aesthetics
and art, and language. If we don't align
with their political theories, if we don't align
with their understanding of the application of economic
theory in the world, If we differ with
the abuse and the continued injustice that's happening
against the environment,
if you were to act
in contradiction to anything
that the secular world, matter of modernity,
pushes as sacred,
you will see that true intolerance is not
found in Islam.
True intolerance
is found on the other side.
Just take something like, you know, aesthetics, beauty,
or what's considered handsome.
And let let someone
violate even one of those rules for what's
understood to be acceptable,
and see how they are
dealt with
by the cold, harsh hands of modernity
compared to and that's the danger. People want
to posit
secularism and even atheism as impartial.
That that's that's nonsense.
It's extremely partial
towards faith and towards
morality and towards certain values,
completely impartial.
The next narration
is actually
an antidote that happened in the time of
Marek ibn dinar, who was one of the
great early Muslims,
And Sayna Imam
ibn Abi Dunya narrates
that Hashem
he said, I saw Marek ibn Adinar in
my dream.
And I said to him,
And he
said I said to him, like, You Allah,
like, what have you what have you set
forward with Allah?
How have you found death? And we know
in Surat al Zumr,
it is clearly stated that our souls, while
we sleep, at times, if Allah wills, can
be united with dead souls,
and we can have conversations with them.
Very clearly mentioned in the 39th chapter of
the Quran. You can find it under my
highlights under the spooky on Instagram.
I go into detail about this issue.
So, Said Na Yahya,
he said, I saw Malik al Mudinar.
Sorry. Satan that hasn't. He said, I saw
Marik ibn dinar in my dream, and I
asked him, You Allah,
what did you sin for? How have you
found your situation?
And he
I I set forth a lot of sins.
And what erased those sins
what erased those sins
was my
good assumptions
with Allah.
That Allah would forgive me.
That Allah will forgive me. And it's very
important to realize
that no sin's brutality
can overcome the rahma of Allah if someone
truly repents to him.
So he said,
have I set forth
SubhanAllah. SubhanAllah. SubhanAllah.
Then he narrates and and these are all
from the Salaf al Salih. So after mentioning
a hadith, he then begins to narrate some
anecdotes from the life of the early Muslims.
And so the 8th hadith as we finish
tonight, insha'Allah,
from Abdul Wahid Nizaid
He said he saw
I saw him in my dream.
I said to him, like, how are you?
And he said to him, we have achieved
salvation by the pardon of
Then he said, then what do you advise
us? What do you command us to do?
Like, you succeeded. You achieved salvation.
What do
you command us?
And listen to what in his dream
he said to him.
You should attend the gatherings of dhikr. Like
this now, this is a gathering of dhikr.
Means like the gathering of the il, the
gathering of knowledge.
We are together
You you should
attend the gatherings of dhikr, study circles, and
so on and learning the Quran and dhikr
of Allah.
And the second thing, you should have a
good assumption with your Lord, your master,
because they are sufficient
good for you.
You Allah
The next the 9th insha'Allah as we come
to a close for tonight insha'Allah is from
Ammar Ibn
So Omar Ibn Said, I saw Hassan
Ibn Said in my dreams.
And I asked him.
When I saw him, I said, I was
hoping to see you.
So what's going on with you? Tell me
about you.
then Hassan ibn Nasari, he said to Amar,
glad tidings. Rejoice.
They said to him, I have not seen
than having a good assumption with Allah. So
rejoice. Rejoice. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in the
Quran commands us.
You must be happy with Allah. You must
be happy with this deed. You must be
happy with the Quran. You must be happy
with Sayyidina Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam, and
we cannot underestimate
the impact of a post colonial world
that is now augmented with hyper Islamophobia.
That perhaps as we have mixed with other
people, we have inadvertently
found value in hating each other more than
loving each other. So we know we are
no longer a loving, healing community. We are
a chastising
community. We are engaged in fratricide,
cannibalism, and the worst form
that Muslims don't need enemies with the way
that we're killing each other and fighting each
other now.
Because perhaps inadvertently,
we still have a post colonial,
tells us there is value in hating Muslims.
May Allah protect us. SubhanAllah.
The last narration, insha'Allah, as we finish tonight,
is from
narrates this hadith
that the prophet
The prophet said to the Sahaba, if you
like, I can inform you
of the first thing.
The first thing Allah will say to the
believers on the day of judgement.
This hadith is related by Sayni Imam Ahmed
in his Musnad, Sayni Imam Tabarani in Al
Prophet said,
if you like,
I can tell you the first thing Allah
is going to say. You imagine when Allah
speaks to us? May Allah make us from
those people.
The first thing Allah
is going to say
to the believers.
And the first thing the believers
are going to say to Allah
on the day of judgment.
The first thing
may Allah make us from these people who
hear this.
The first thing that Allah will
say is
Do you love do you love meeting me?
Say the Aisha narrates the hadith
loves to meet Allah, loves Allah loves to
meet them.
And say the imam in
he mentions the say the Ibrahim,
sratosaram. At the time of his death,
the angel of death came to him and
said, Allah has commanded me to take your
And say to Ibrahim, he said,
what kind of friend
takes the soul of his friend?
And the angel said, what type of friend
hates to meet his friend?
What type of friend hates to meet his
So the first thing that Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is going to say to the believers
per this authentic hadith
is you love to meet me?
And the believers,
they're gonna respond, absolutely
Absolutely our creator.
Allah will say to them, why?
We hoped
in the dunya.
We hoped in your pardon,
and we hoped
in your forgiveness.
Now Allah
will say to them,
my forgiveness
now is obligatory
for you.
Subhanallah. This is the first thing.
Allah is gonna say to the believers on
the in the hereafter,
you love to meet me.
They're gonna say
because we used to hope
in your pardon
and your forgiveness.
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will say
to them,
very beautifully,
My forgiveness
is now an obligation for you.
We're gonna stop here.
I'm working to finish this translation of all
these narrations
so we can share them with people on
YouTube and Facebook, on Instagram. Unfortunately, they won't
let me share it using this format.
And just a quick announcement, as you know,
we run a school Suheib Web Institute.
We need 500 people this Ramadan to sign
up. It's only $9
99ยข a month, and this is the kind
of education
we provide you.
At Swiss.
and informed.
So it's in restorative,
and informed.
And we love the ummah of the prophet
salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we, we don't
take money from governments.
We don't take money from rich donors.
We take money from the blue collar worker.
So if you can, visit
for your entire family, for all of our
classes, Alhamdulillah,
classes like this, and
you'll help us grow. We need 500 subscribers
this month of Ramadan. We'll see you
To my Malaysian brothers and sisters.
And I hope insha Allah to visit. I
just said in Malay,
Malaysian. As we finished, we ask Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
We ask Allah
to bless our brothers and sisters in Malaysia.
We ask Allah to bless our brothers and
sisters in Somalia and Kenya and Ethiopia
Ethiopia where there's a tremendous conflict happening.
We pray for our brothers and sisters in
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Uzbekistan.
Our brothers and sisters in
We ask
to protect
our brothers and sisters in India.
And we ask Allah
to bless the people of Pakistan
with and to give them goodness.
We pray for our family in Afghanistan.
I have relatives, subhanahu, from Afghanistan.
Pray for brothers and sisters.
Our our eager brothers and sisters in
East Turkmenistan. We ask Allah
East Turkmenistan.
We pray for our brothers and sisters in
Yemen, Palestine,
in Syria, Iraq,
and all over the world, in England, in
Canada, in Australia,
in Brunei, Indonesia.
We pray for brothers and sisters in the
in Ireland,
Spain, Africa,
in Egypt, Maghreb,
Ask Allah to put the hearts of the
upon truth.
unite our hearts
Allah Ask Allah to make us a means
that his religion is raised
given dignity.
We ask Allah to bless our marriages, to
bless our children. We pray for our new
Muslim brothers and sisters and their parents
and their family
who they are struggling with in this blessed
month. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala open doors
you. We pray for our sick,
brothers and sisters
across the globe. We know that during Ramadan,
a number of our beloveds
are struggling with mental health and depression and
We ask Allah
increase you in goodness, to relieve your
sorrow, and to replace it, insha'Allah,
with love and warmth. And we pray for
pregnant women who are unable to fast and
are worried about their children. May Allah
give you
and for the fathers as well.
We pray for our parents. May Allah forgive
them and guide them. We ask Allah
open the doors of of harr to them
and for our siblings.
We pray for our friends and anyone we
know who may be sick or ill. We
pray for brothers and sisters who may be
struggling with eating disorders
like bulimia and and anorexia.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect them this
month and we pray pray for brothers and
sisters who may
subhanAllah be suffering with abuse.
We ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to remove
the abuse from them and to show them
a way out of this difficulty and to
allow us as a community to be at
their service.
Allah to unite us with the prophet
as we believe in him and haven't seen
Oh, Allah, unite us with him.
see you all tomorrow
Around the same time, 11:30
PM. Every night we try to read 10
important narrations,
10 important hadith
from this book Husnuddin Bila of Sayyidina Imam
Ibn Abi Dunya.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.