Suhaib Webb – Between Fear & Hope
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In a conversation about the impact of transito on human existence, the speakers discuss the negative impact of fear and hope on people's emotions and behavior. They suggest that fear inspires hope and that hope is a positive aspect of life. They also mention the importance of creating a balance between fear and hope in order to achieve a healthy balance between them.
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Being here in Andalus is an absolute gumball
of emotions from, like, extreme euphoria and happiness,
like pain, suffering, sadness, and trauma with what
we lost. Now it's kinda like what life
is, especially in this era. An era, I
want you to think about this. If you're
into fitness, if you're a parent, whatever, You
see these videos that are so curated, when
you look at them, you feel bad that's
what they're meant to do because they create
an idea of excellence that's not humanly possible.
And that's the irony of transmodernity,
that it actually burdens human beings with things
which Islam recognizes they are incapable of doing.
How do we
kind of travel through that, if you will,
take the path, move through the tunnel of
transmodernity? Imam Al Qazari says with 2 important
fear and hope. Ibn Al Qayyim says fear
and hope are like wings on a bird.
Without 1, you can't fly. And Imam Al
Qazari says that hope is good as long
as it leads to responsibility.
And fear is good as long as it
inspires hope. SubhanAllah. So, let's try to work
on creating the capacity for a balance between
in fear and hope that keeps us motivated
and responsible.