Suhaib Webb – Allahs Guidance and My Early Studies

Suhaib Webb
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AI: Summary ©

A man named Suhaib Webb describes his history as a Muslim man and how he found out about Islam through Christian teaching. His "medical person" and "will" were also discussed. Later, a man named Malcolm X found out about Islam through a friend's Christian teaching and eventually sold a book of pamphlets for a price of $16,000. Later, a man named Speaker 1 found a man who had a turban and a beard and eventually sold a small book of pamphlets and eventually found a man who had a turban and a beard and eventually sold a man who had a turban and a beard and eventually sold a man who had a turban and a beard and eventually sold a man who had a turban and a beard and eventually sold a man who had a turban and a beard and eventually sold a man who had a turban and a beard and eventually sold a man who had a turban and a beard

AI: Summary ©

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			As I said, my name is Suhaib Webb.
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			I became Muslim, actually, in 1992.
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			I'm not Bosnian.
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			Everybody asks me if I'm Bosnian for some
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			I'm definitely not Syrian.
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			People ask me if I'm Syrian as well.
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			My wife's Lebanese, but I'm not Syrian, alhamdulillah.
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			And I became Muslim at the age of
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			like 19 and 20, more or less, around
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			that time, in Oklahoma.
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			I'm originally from Oklahoma.
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			And I became Muslim through a number of
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			Number one, as a young person, my mother's
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			very religious.
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			My father was very religious.
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			My mother didn't like to eat at restaurants.
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			She's like old school, you know, like auntie
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			style, except on Sundays after church.
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			I used to have to wear suits to
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			church, bro, like Shirvani, but the white style.
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			And it was there that I began to
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			learn about theology.
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			And there, like when I was around 8
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			or 9 years old, after studying about all
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			of the Old Testament prophets, they introduced Jesus,
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			and then like Jesus is God.
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			So I remember saying to them like, well,
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			the other prophets didn't worship Jesus, so like
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			what will happen to them?
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			They didn't worship Jesus.
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			So very early on, I had like some
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			natural sort of contradictions I found with Christianity.
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			Another problem I had was like in the
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			white church, Jesus looked like Shawn Mendes.
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			You know, in the black church, Jesus looked
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			like Chris Brown.
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			And in the Latino church, you know, he
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			looked like whoever, man.
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			And so I was just like, man, this
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			is like idolatry.
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			Because I had black friends, so I would
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			go to black church, which was a lot
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			more fun.
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			And, but like God was black, you know.
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			So that also made me confused, right?
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			But for me, even at a young age,
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			the fitra was telling me like this is
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			Like this is idolatry.
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			And then I had a Muslim friend that
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			I used to hang out with after school
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			in Oklahoma City.
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			I played basketball for Blake Griffin's father.
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			I went to what would be kind of
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			like the Dunbar High School of Old DMV
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			area to play basketball, but injured my leg.
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			And then I had this really good friend
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			who was Muslim.
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			And so that was really the first time
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			that I was able to ask questions.
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			Before that, I read the autobiography of Malcolm
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			X because I had an assignment my freshman
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			year in high school.
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			So I was a DJ.
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			So I thought Malcolm X was a cool
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			name because it rhymes like breaking necks, cashing
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			checks, fools I wreck, Malcolm X.
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			So I was like, man, it rhymes with
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			everything, right?
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			So I had no idea who he was.
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			So I was like, I'm going to get
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			this Malcolm X book.
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			And read it and then became aware of
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			like, you know, like the dangers of America.
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			The lie very much is told in this
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			country, especially about people.
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			The white supremacy and its history as it
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			played out in this country.
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			And then more importantly, the end.
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			That's why I encourage every young Muslim, especially
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			as young Muslim men are looking for sort
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			of like masculine kind of direction.
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			My father wasn't there.
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			My father was a guy that's there, but
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			not there.
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			You know what I mean?
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			He's in the room, but he doesn't talk
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			to you.
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			So sometimes we look for masculinity in areas
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			that are unhealthy.
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			But as a Sunni community in particular, our
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			model for masculinity within broader America is Al
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			-Haj Maraka Shabaz.
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			So you should read his autobiography and it
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			will really touch you in ways, especially as
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			a man.
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			I know at that time I was looking
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			for like a role model, so to speak.
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			And he was just so brazen and unapologetic.
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			I was like, this guy's amazing, you know.
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			We're the devils, but this guy's awesome, you
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			And it also challenged me as a young
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			white American to wrestle with some of the
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			demons and exercise some of the demons that
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			we're not taught about.
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			That we don't know about.
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			And then I went to an inner city
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			high school and I had people on my
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			basketball team who were on food stamps.
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			I had people on my basketball team who
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			had to borrow money from me to eat.
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			And so experiencing that duality along with Malcolm
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			and then meeting my friend who was Muslim,
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			I really walked into that situation ready to
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			talk about Islam.
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			And I'm going to be honest, we used
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			to smoke weed together after high school.
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			He was Muslim, right, quotations.
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			And it was in those moments that I
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			had real conversation with him.
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			And so he was finally, he told me,
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			man, you just need to read the Quran,
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			You just need to read the Quran, bro.
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			So I went to the library, I got
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			a copy of the Quran and I was
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			actually producing music for someone who was very
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			much into the nation of Islam.
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			And he was telling me, you're the devil,
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			you got blue pupils, the sun's going to
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			eat your head out.
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			Just all kind of crazy.
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			I was like, man, we're in trouble.
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			He's like, that's why you sunburn.
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			You need vitamin D.
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			But then he wanted me to DJ for
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			him, which was ironic, right, it's kind of
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			So I finally went to the library, got
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			a copy of the old Yusuf Ali Quran
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			that was printed backwards.
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			I don't know if anyone's ever seen that
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			It's like the old one, it's like this
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			And I remember I was young, like 15,
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			16 years old.
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			And I started reading it, but it was
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			backwards and I couldn't understand anything.
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			So I thought, yeah, I guess we are
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			the devil.
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			Can't understand the Quran, you know.
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			Then I figured out it was printed the
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			wrong way.
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			And I started to read it, and then
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			really, it was that period of like three
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			years of just reading the Quran.
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			And I used to hide the Quran in
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			the restroom, sorry.
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			Because my mother would make me like lahman
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			mashweeyan, you know, like, my life would have
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			been over, man.
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			She found Muhammad's Bible in the house.
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			And then towards my senior year and my
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			freshman year in college, thank you so much,
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			I actually met a Muslim for the first
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			I was involved in a drive-by shooting.
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			So, you know, when you go to jail,
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			you become a wali of Allah, you know.
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			Like, that's where you make real dua, you
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			And I was a blood in a crip
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			So I had on red shoes, red shirt,
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			and everyone was wearing blue.
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			And they're like, that white boy's a blood.
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			And I was like, oh, no, I'm not.
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			I just like read, you know, simply read.
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			It's my favorite artist.
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			And I thought I was gonna get rolled
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			up on and then I started making dua,
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			like, if you're Buddhist, guide me to Buddhist.
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			If you're, you know, Yahweh, guide me to
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			be a Yahud.
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			If you're this, guide me to this.
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			And then finally I said, like, if you're
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			Allah, like, take me to Al-Islam.
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			Then I got out.
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			Alhamdulillah, I was a minor, so they couldn't
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			keep me.
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			Long story.
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			Don't worry, mothers, I've been fixed.
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			And the first thing that happened, I was
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			like, I have to go back to that
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			Muslim man that I met.
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			He had a turban and a beard.
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			He was from Brooklyn.
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			Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Basir, he's died.
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			He died in COVID.
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			May Allah accept him as a shaheed.
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			And so, like, I felt like I have
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			to go to this guy, man.
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			Again, the need for a male role model
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			as well.
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			So I went to him.
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			I used to sell mixtapes in the swap
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			I don't know if you have swap meets
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			in Virginia.
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			I know in D.C. you do, like
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			Iverson Mall.
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			And at that time, he gave me some
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			The first pamphlet I ever was given was
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			the Ikna pamphlet, Islam at a Glance.
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			And so I took that home.
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			I had the Quran, but I didn't understand
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			the Quran, right?
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			Like, you need some tools to sort of
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			understand it.
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			I read Islam at a Glance, and then
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			I got a book, a small book of
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			And that was it.
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			It was a wrap.
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			And I thought I was Muslim.
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			I had a girlfriend.
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			This is crazy.
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			And I wouldn't eat pork.
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			We used to say no pork on my
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			fork, strictly fish on my dish.
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			And then she was like, why don't you
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			eat pork?
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			I was like, because I'm Muslim.
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			This is crazy.
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			May Allah send you signs.
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			And she said to me, there's no way
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			you can be Muslim.
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			So I thought it was because I was
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			And she was like, no, no, you don't
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			live right.
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			Like, imagine a non-Muslim man.
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			She's like, you live foul, bro.
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			Like, you live foul.
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			I'm like, I mean, hello, right?
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			We're kind of like engaged in foulness, right?
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			And then I was like, what do you
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			She's like, my uncle's Muslim.
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			It's not just not eating pork.
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			You've got to stop smoking weed.
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			You shouldn't have a girlfriend.
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			There's no tribe before you buy it in
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			She started giving me like a khutbah.
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			You know, I wish I had it recorded.
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			It's like, I'm not bad.
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			You know, she started going hard, man.
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			But what she said made me think like,
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			oh, I'm like a hypocrite.
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			Because one thing I want to tell you,
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			at least from my perspective as a non
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			-Muslim, is we think Muslims, at that time,
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			we thought Muslims were uber committed.
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			Like, there was this guy named Salim Salim.
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			We couldn't say his name, so we called
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			him Salim Salim in my high school.
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			And he had a sister.
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			And they were like, don't talk to his
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			sister, man.
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			Her dad will come and kill you, boy.
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			Like, we had this image that Muslims are
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			very committed to their faith.
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			We actually respected it.
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			So, she gave me this mawa'idah, you
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			And that made me realize like, oh yeah,
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			like I'm a hypocrite.
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			So then I went back and talked to
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			that man.
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			And then alhamdulillah, I became Muslim.
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			You know, at a young age.
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			After I became Muslim, I finished a degree
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			in education, which means the life of poverty,
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			Especially now, now with the new administration.
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			And then I had a teacher from West
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			Africa, named Sheikh Ahmed Diay, who I studied
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			with for 10 years.
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			I speak Wolof, alhamdulillah, like this much, which
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			is the language of Senegal.
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			And I memorized the Quran with him.
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			And so I studied the major, small, like
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			major Mutun, we say Mutun.
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			Small text with him I had to memorize.
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			And then I went to Egypt, in Al
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			-Azhar, and I lived there for 7 years.
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			I went to high school again in Egypt.
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			I had to take shahada again in Egypt.
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			It's a funny story.
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			I went to the university to get my
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			papers, and they were like, William Webb.
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			Like, fi'alan fa'eel.
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			They were like, who's William Webb?
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			I was like, I'm actually Suhaib.
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			He was like, la maktoob hina ee.
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			Al-Mad Webb.
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			So I was like, yeah, you know, I
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			came from Obamastan to study here.
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			And he's like, no, but you're not Muslim.
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			I was like, look at me, man.
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			He's like, no, no.
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			I was like, I memorized the Quran.
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			He's like, no, no, no.
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			William, la yomkin.
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			So I had to become Muslim again, you
00:10:14 --> 00:10:14
00:10:15 --> 00:10:16
			I took shahada.
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			I said, alhamdulilah, aladhi hadani lidinihi maratayn.
00:10:20 --> 00:10:22
			I got to take shahada twice, alhamdulilah.
00:10:22 --> 00:10:25
			So I became Muslim, and then alhamdulilah, I
00:10:25 --> 00:10:26
			came back and served.
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			I worked at Dar Ifta.
00:10:27 --> 00:10:31
			I was there during the original, real, organic
00:10:31 --> 00:10:33
00:10:33 --> 00:10:34
			I was on the ground.
00:10:35 --> 00:10:36
			One of my teachers was killed.
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			Then I came back, and I continued my
00:10:39 --> 00:10:42
			studies after sharia in the qiraat with Shatabiyya,
00:10:42 --> 00:10:44
			which alhamdulilah, I was able to study and
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			still doing exams now on that.
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			And now I'm here.
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			I live locally.
00:10:48 --> 00:10:48
			My wife is from here.
00:10:49 --> 00:10:50
			I have no choice, alhamdulilah.
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			Free babysitting, alhamdulilah.
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			Because her whole family is here.
00:10:54 --> 00:10:55
			She has 84 cousins.
00:10:55 --> 00:10:56
			I have four because I'm white.
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			Total cousins, alhamdulilah.
00:10:59 --> 00:11:00
			And so I'm happy to be here.
00:11:01 --> 00:11:02
			But I thought it's important you know something
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			about me.
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			You know, if we're going to teach and
00:11:04 --> 00:11:06
			learn together, we should know each other.
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			I have four kids.
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			I have a 23-year-old, 21-year
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			-old, 5-year-old, and 2-year-old.
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			It's insane, mashallah.
00:11:14 --> 00:11:15
			If I had a mixtape, it would be
00:11:15 --> 00:11:19
			called Diplomas and Diapers by I Am Broke,
00:11:19 --> 00:11:19
00:11:20 --> 00:11:23
			And I was in Boston for a number
00:11:23 --> 00:11:24
			of years, three years, alhamdulilah.
00:11:24 --> 00:11:26
			And then in NYU, I taught for six
00:11:26 --> 00:11:28
			years at NYU and worked with Imam Khalid.
00:11:29 --> 00:11:31
			And then came back here because again, my
00:11:31 --> 00:11:33
			whole extended family is in the area.
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			But I've been like on the DL, just
00:11:34 --> 00:11:35
			chilling with my girls.
00:11:36 --> 00:11:37
			Being a dad girl is like the best
00:11:37 --> 00:11:38
			thing, alhamdulilah.
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			So what I was asked to talk about,
00:11:40 --> 00:11:41
			are there any questions you have for me
00:11:41 --> 00:11:44
			at a personal level before I get started?
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			Yes, sir.
00:11:45 --> 00:11:46
			How did you...
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			Could you put the mic closer to your
00:11:47 --> 00:11:48
00:11:48 --> 00:11:48
			Sure, sure.
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			Which MedHab did you feel like was the
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			most appropriate and how did you decide that?
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			So in the era that I became Muslim,
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			in the 90s, you didn't have like, we're
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			Generation X, which means we had no choice.
00:12:01 --> 00:12:01
			You know?
00:12:03 --> 00:12:05
			So I didn't choose a MedHab.
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			The resources that were around me were Medici.
00:12:08 --> 00:12:09
			My teacher was from West Africa.
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			But then later on in Egypt, we were
00:12:11 --> 00:12:12
			trained in five MedHabs.
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			Like when I give answers, I don't give
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			answers just with a Maliki MedHab.
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			Because that would be very hard for people.
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			So I study also Hanafi, Fiqh with a
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			Mufti from Darul Ulum Karachi.
00:12:23 --> 00:12:25
			If you're familiar with that, with Mufti Taqi
00:12:25 --> 00:12:25
00:12:26 --> 00:12:30
			But my personal practice is in the Maliki
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			Any other questions before we get started with
00:12:37 --> 00:12:38
			the topic?
00:12:39 --> 00:12:40
			Was it okay that I did this introduction?
00:12:40 --> 00:12:42
			I just want to get feedback.
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			I think it's important you know somebody if
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			you're going to spend time with them, right?
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			And you can appreciate a little bit more
00:12:49 --> 00:12:50
			about where they're coming from as well.
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