Suhaib Webb – AlGhazzali on Constantly Attacking Teachers

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses the dangerous trend of individuals attacking theiter and the influence they have on teaching. They advise individuals to run from theiter and not to believe the hype and lies that people are saying about teachers. The speaker also warns against the hype and lies that people are saying about teachers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Very important advice from Imam Abuhamad Al Ghazari

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and I'm sure some people might jump into

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the comments and say bad things about Imam

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Abuhamad Al Ghazari but the question is,

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ask them to show us their qualifications. They

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are not worth a drop

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of the scholarship and what Imam al Ghazali

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did for the ummah.

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And that's a very dangerous trend. And his

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advice is actually really contextually appropriate because we're

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seeing now deliberate efforts

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by those who are working to destabilize Islam

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and Muslims to

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create a break between the leaders,

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the teachers, the educators, and the youth.

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And he said, if you see someone constantly

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attacking the scholars and the ulema,

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run from them. You should run from them.

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Because if you separate people from ulama, then

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they become.

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They both become

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people become juhala and deen, their ulema become

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juhala of the people. So be careful of

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this fitna and don't believe the hype and

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the lies that people are saying about teachers.

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