Sikander Hashmi – The Pandemic One Year Later KMA Friday Message

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The speaker discusses the difficulties of the coronavirus crisis and the importance of learning and being cautious to avoid future restrictions. They emphasize the need for patient and careful approach to difficult situations, including loss of income and social media. The importance of finding balance between blessings and success in life, finding a trial to determine how to use them, and finding balance between personal and professional activities. They stress the importance of accepting the advice of Allah to recount the journey and recount the situation to become ungrateful, and stress the importance of not being in close contact with Allah and not waiting for something more to push them to get closer to Allah. They end with a reminder of their quarantine measures and a message of their return to them.
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Respected elders,
dear brothers and
sisters, my young friends,
We begin as always with praising Allah
our creator,
our designer, our sustainer, our protector,
and by sending peace and salutations upon his
beloved messenger, Muhammad, son of Abdullah.
I hope and pray, my brothers and sisters,
that you're all doing well on this, once
blessed and beautiful,
Friday. May Allah
protect you all.
No. We are March 12th today.
It is,
pretty much exactly 1 year,
since the first,
case was discovered
here in Ottawa or actually in Canada,
we had to make the difficult decision
of suspending salatul jama'ah.
And I was thinking about it this morning,
subhanallah, and, you know,
at that time,
nobody in this world,
no none of us, nobody in this nobody
in this world had any idea of what
was coming to hit us.
You know, we had no idea what was
coming. Like, we were just completely
you know, so so
blind about the future as we are for
for everything that happens in the future because
only Allah
what is going to happen. Only Allah,
is the the one who holds
the the, who is Alim Al Raib, who
who know who holds knowledge of the unseen
of the future. So we had no idea
And, you
we were thinking, oh, this is going to
last maybe a few weeks. I remember March
break was canceled, which is, of course, very
difficult for my young friends,
even for the parents, of course, and families
who had travel plans and so many other
things, subhanallah.
And things are moving so quickly so quickly
within those few days.
Announcement after announcement, cancellations and closures, and this
is something that none of us probably had
ever experienced in in in our lives. And,
you know, the reason I mentioned this is
is not you know, we don't have a
in our dean of, you know, commemorating
traumatic events or commemorating
You know, we we don't do that. And,
actually, it's healthy that we don't do that
when we relive
it is it is not good for us.
It it can hold us from, it hold
us back from move on because we're constantly
reminding ourselves
of the difficulties of the past,
reliving them and that brings back, you know,
the the the trauma or the challenges or
the the feelings, the emotions associated
with that difficulty. So you you probably noticed
we don't have that tradition of commemorating deaths
and commemorating, you know, subhanallah, when the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
who saw, you know, the most difficult
of times,
during his lifetime, great tragedies,
you know, the the Internet, of course, at
Ohrid and,
the the marchers, subhanallah. But still, there is
no commemoration. There's no annual commemoration of that
date. And another reason potentially also is because
the the, you know, the the one year
is really just a period in time.
And we're at every moment, we're living through
a certain period of time from a certain
event. So, you know, taking,
as, something which is special and and a
moment to commemorate, this is not something that
we find,
in in our tradition.
But it is good to reflect,
And it is important to learn lessons
so that, you know, it makes us stronger
and more grateful now and in the future
so that the the the past doesn't hold
us back, but rather
we reflect to learn lessons and that it
makes us stronger as we move forward. And,
again, when I think about it, what we've
experienced over the past year is a clear
Like, we probably couldn't have a clearer example
of our weakness
as human beings, of how small we are
and how,
how much we don't have in our control.
Because one of the things we're you know,
we like to believe and that we're told
is that we are powerful, and we are
able to do things, and we are in
control, but the reality is we are not.
We plan,
but our plan is subject to the plan
of Allah
As Allah
tells us, you know, in the Quran and
it's it's stronger than planning. It's plotting.
Right? They plot, but Allah
also plots.
And Allah
is the best of plotters. So there's a
plot that Allah
has and everyone else's plot is subject to
that. If Allah's plot if Allah's plan allows
us to do what we want to do,
what we think we should do, then it
will go ahead. But if Allah
plan and plot say that no, it is
going to be otherwise,
then only and only what Allah has planned
is gonna happen. Doesn't matter what anyone else
in the world, doesn't matter how powerful you
are, no matter how rich you are, no
matter who you are, what you have. If
it's not according to Allah's plan, meaning Allah
has allowed you to do something, it is
not going to happen, and that is a
tough lesson that the world has learned over
the past year.
of course,
as the weeks the days turn to weeks,
the weeks turn to months
changing to the seasons.
Actually, very soon last year, a year ago,
questions about Ramadan came up. And we're back
full circle.
You know, we're back full circle full circle
back into that situation again of looking forward
to the month of Ramadan
and, to be perfectly frank,
not exactly knowing how Ramadan is going to
be right now. Yes.
Things seem to be brightening up,
there's a big but, and that is, the
numbers are going in the wrong direction,
here in Ottawa and other places as well.
So it is not out of the room
of possibility that we could have further restrictions,
or, you know, further lockdowns,
and stay at home orders,
Allah protect us. God forbid.
So, therefore, let's not take things for granted,
and let us continue to
try to do our best being cautious, especially
with close contact,
with people outside of our households.
Let's try to do our best so that,
you know, we can at least,
offer a salah in the masjid, in JAMA'A
once again this Ramadan so that we don't
have to go through another year, another Ramadan
without being able to worship together. Will Allah,
give us the ability to witness the month
of Ramadan and to worship in it in
the best way possible.
Now much has changed in the past year.
First of all, many of our brothers and
have lost loved ones,
elders, neighbors who are no longer with us.
And whenever we think of of those moments,
of of grief,
even if it's much later, we should say
This is what the
has taught us. Even if it's decades later,
when memories come back of loss and of
The prophet
reported to have said perhaps some issues in
the chain of narration, but nonetheless, there is
no Muslim who is afflicted by a calamity.
And when he or she remembers it, even
if it was in the dim and distant
they say
that rarely to Allah we belong and unto
him is our return, that Allah will give
them a reward like that of the day
when it befell them.
So even if there has been a long
and there's a calamity that, you know, even
if it happened as the translation says in
the dim and distant past,
and we remember it and we say
will give us the reward
like that of the day when the calamity
actually occurred and the summer that we,
exhibited at
that time. And, of course, we ask Allah
to shower his mercy, forgiveness upon all of
our brothers and sisters,
who have returned to him. May Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala them as shuhada as Allah may
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala elevate them and grant
them the best place in Jannah for those
coming out of Alameen.
And then, of course, we have those who
fell ill,
those who are currently ill or perhaps are
still feeling the effects. So those who have
recovered actually from the virus, but they refer
to as long haulers
because the impact on their body, even though
they no longer have the virus, the impact
was so severe that it's taking them months,
perhaps even a year now, to recover. So
we ask Allah
to grant,
good health and a recovery to all of
those who are ill. May Allah
reward them for their patients and may Allah
cure them and bring them back even better
than how they were before. On top of
we know that there have been losses
in terms of business, especially small businesses.
Loss of income for people who were,
relying on certain,
you know, businesses or or certain jobs,
even in in areas like transportation, you know,
taxi drivers, Uber drivers,
and so many other areas, business people who
had, investments, who made great investments,
you know, into their businesses and who have,
of course, been forced to go through lockdowns.
There's been a loss of income and increase
in debt.
Even charities.
Very charities, particularly Masajid, who were,
very much reliant
on, you know, Friday prayers, on collections that
are done on a weekly basis to pay
for their rent, to pay the utilities, to
pay for their loans,
they're to pay off their debts, finding themselves
in severe difficulty. So we ask Allah to
grant relief to anyone and everyone who is
suffering through financial hardship. We ask Allah
to remove the financial difficulty, the burden of
debts. We ask Allah
make it easy for our brothers and sisters
to support all of our institutions, particularly our
masajid and our charities.
We also have families who are,
people who are going through great stress and
and as a result, that is being seen
in their family situations. So there's tension within
family members, especially, you know, being forced to
be together,
particularly those whose situation maybe was not very
good before the pandemic. Now being forced, you
know, to be together, not being able to
get a break from each other,
you know, children,
being overwhelmed,
being online, too much screen time, online schooling,
you know, the list goes on.
Work never ending from home. There's so many
different examples that of of
stresses and, that are caused,
as a result or as a side effect
of this pandemic,
that is causing real,
you know,
negative impacts,
that are being seen within families. So we
ask Allah
to remove the stress and anxiety from all
of our brothers and sisters. We ask Allah
to grant calm and peace
inside all of our homes. We ask Allah
to increase love and understanding
between spouses
I mean, I will remind you my brothers
and sisters of the words of the prophet
when he said,
related by Suhayb
that wonderous is the affair of a believer.
What is it? It is wonderous. Some translations
will say strange, but
in a positive way,
wonders is the affair of a believer
as there is good for him or for
her in every matter. And this is open.
Prophet word
here is cool.
Right? No restrictions. It's open.
There's good for him, good for the believer
in every matter.
And this is not the case for anyone
but a believer. This is a special blessing.
This is a special gift from Allah
for the mumineen, for the believers that there
is good in every single matter. And the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam explains.
And he says, in al Sabatul Sarwa
that if he experiences or she experiences pleasure,
good times,
what do they do?
He thanks
Allah and it is good for him. So
what happens?
How is every matter good for the believer?
And if there is goodness,
and if he experiences pleasure, he he thanks
and that is good for him or for
And if he experiences or she experiences harm,
he shows
patience, exerts exerts patience
and it is good for him. So the
has told us that in every situation, there
is goodness for us as believers. In every
it's open. No restrictions in every situation.
But every situation, that means, is going to
require 1 of 2 responses.
Every single
situation that we experience
is going to require
1 of 2 responses,
or sabr,
either gratitude
or patience.
And when we do that, then every matter
is going to become good for us. SubhanAllah.
So my brothers and sisters, well, you know,
many have suffered greatly, and I don't want
the difficulties and the hardships
that many of our brothers and sisters that
our neighbors,
and people around the world have experienced because
indeed it has been very, very difficult.
So many have suffered greatly and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala make it easy for them. But
others have actually found blessings through this pandemic.
It is a jeeb, the way that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala operates.
That there is a calamity, there is a
and people are dying and people are in
pain and suffering and facing all these hardships.
Yet, there are people who are actually blessed
through this pandemic.
Subhanallah. You know, finding
time with family, people who never had time
now actually getting to spend time with their
families, people who are actually enjoying working from
home. Because for some, it is not working
at all. For others, it's wonderful.
It's it's it's nothing could be better for
them, you know. Being able to reconnect
family ties, being able to, you know, thinking
of others and reconnecting to Zoom meetings and
so on. You know, savings even financially. Who
could have thought that in the pandemic, actually,
many people,
those whose incomes were not affected actually have
saved a lot of money. Because the ways
of spending
pre pandemic were no longer possible during the
pandemic. So they actually ended up saving a
lot of extra money. You know, some have
been able to explore, go out and explore
nature and reconnect with the nature of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Others have been able to
find new opportunities,
you know, whether it's business or or other
types of opportunities.
They've actually found an opportunity within the pandemic
to actually,
you know, to to enjoy the blessings of
But here's the important part, my brothers and
sisters. Whatever the case may be
okay? Whatever the case may be, Whether you
find yourself in difficulty
or whether you find yourselves
in enjoyment or in in pleasure or in
What determines
what determines our success or failure in a
trial and let us be clear, this is
a trial. Even for those who have not
felt anything and who have been saved,
who haven't lost any relatives, who haven't lost
a dime in income, probably may have made
more, may have saved more. Okay?
So for everyone, what what determines our success
or failure in this trial and it's a
trial for everyone
is not how we are tested,
but rather how we respond to the test.
This is an important point.
worldly blessing and success,
being blessed in this duniya and being successful
in this duniya
is not necessarily
a sign of being favored by Allah
or by or that of being close to
But rather that could be a test as
well. That sometimes
we fall into this trap of equating
worldly blessings, worldly success
with this false confidence, this belief that Allah
must be happy with me. Allah is blessing
me, so therefore Allah is happy with me
and whatever I'm doing is good.
Whereas the reality may be the opposite.
The reality
may actually be the opposite. So never,
you know, never take things for granted
and never become complacent
thinking that, oh, I'm okay. I'm good. Allah
has blessed me. Allah has given me a
lot. Well, all these other people are being
tested and tried. They're going through difficulties.
That's because, you know, they have there's maybe,
you know, whatever. Allah decided to test them,
but I'm okay because Allah has kept me
safe. So I must be doing something right,
and I've got something going here with Allah.
My relationship with Allah is strong. I haven't
got nothing to worry about. No. No. No.
No. No. That's not the right way to
approach them, my brother and sisters.
Okay? That is not the way of the
believer. That's not the way believer is to
approach the blessings of Allah
But rather, the believer thinks that, oh, Allah
is blessing me, and these blessings are actually
also a form of a trial.
These blessings
are actually also a trial for me as
to how I use these blessings and how
will I react and whether I develop that
type of attitude or not that I'm not
supposed to have.
So for those who face difficulty
and those who observe patience,
I want you to know because I know
people have gone through great difficulties, great challenges,
especially those who lost loved ones, and they're
not able to get together. They were not
able to say, you know, to to gather
together for du'a, to meet each other, hug
each other, all of those things. It's very
difficult. So I want you to know,
so my insha'Allah, on the day of judgment,
you arrive in front of Allah subhanahu wa
there will be a momentous word for your
K? Regardless of the difficulty you've gone through,
whether it was the loss of a loved
one, loss of income,
losing your business, you know, losing your job,
losing your family, whatever it is, but you've
been patient. Allah
promises are always true.
Only those
who endure patiently
will be given their reward without limit.
And it's actually, you know, hard to imagine
what that's gonna be like, and only Allah
knows knows best as to exactly how that's
gonna be manifested.
But just
the fact that the reward is so great
that there's no accountability for that reward, there's
no accounting for that reward as to or
or any measure of that reward. It's going
to be without hisaab. It is going to
be without limit, and Allah is just gonna
give you that reward.
K? So if you've been through difficulty and
hardships or you're going through it right now,
know that the sabab that you are,
exhibiting and that you're forcing yourself, you know,
to and it's hard. It's not easy. Right?
And you're trying to be patient. You're trying
to hang in there. Insha Allah, the reward
for that will be way worth it. Okay?
Like, it will truly be worth it. So
hang in there, and we'll make du'a to
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And Allah makes it
easy for you and grants you the best
reward in the hereafter, but also in this
world as well.
Imam Al Auzari
he says that regarding this verse that their
will not be weighed or measured. They will
be given an immense reward. They will be
an immense
reward. So remember again that every opportunity, every
moment where you'll be patient,
exactly what you have gone through. Allah
understands and knows the feeling that you felt,
the helplessness that you felt, the grief that
you have felt. Allah
knows exactly what's happening in your heart, and
your feelings and your emotions,
what's going through your mind, the difficulty that
you're in, and Allah
aware and he will reward you
for your patience.
And also know that what Allah has chosen
is better
even though it's surely very difficult.
Sometimes Allah
forces decisions
upon us, decisions that we wouldn't wanna take
or that we don't want, things that we
don't like or we think are bad for
us, when Allah forces us in that direction.
So as believers, we believe
that when Allah
and he forces us in a particular direction,
it is because it is ultimately better for
And it is a test of trust as
well of our tawakkul and Allah
Yes. It may be the the the decision
of Allah
may be very heavy, may be very difficult,
but at the end of the day, we
believe and we accept that it is going
to be better for us. Insha'Allah, it will
prove to be better for us because there
are always hidden wisdoms, the silver linings
that are not apparent now. And Allah
gives us whenever we go through these, you
let us remind ourselves of the story of
Al Khadr in the Quran. And Allah
tells us that Musa alayhi sallam, you know,
met with him,
And Al Khadir went and
he was causing destruction, and he was doing
things, you know, like damaging property,
loss of life, all of those things. Where
if you look at it for the people
to whom it was happening,
it was bad.
For the people to whom he was doing
this to, it was bad.
Right? It was damaging. It was hurtful.
Right? It was not easy.
But Allah
tells us by sharing that story, by giving
us that story,
that it was actually
for their betterment
in the long run. There was hidden wisdom
in that which they were not able to
see and which we are not able to
see either.
Right? And that was not something which was
exclusive to only those incidents in that time
and that it doesn't happen anymore. Of course,
it happens all the time. Allah
makes us go through challenges and difficulties
that are hard for us, but in one
way or the other, they're actually good for
us and they're better they're better for us.
And it's Allah's plan and Allah's form Allah's
way of actually
looking out for us and taking care of
us. K. So always remember,
that there is always some hidden that is
not apparent to us. And so what do
we do? We accept
the part of Allah
by refocusing.
Refocusing is very important when we talk about
somebody. It's one of the techniques
one of the techniques of dealing with a
difficult situation.
Because as we've discussed
over the past year,
sabr is a mental and spiritual exercise.
At the end of the day, that's what
it is. It's a mental and spiritual exercise
about changing the way we approach situations,
changing the frame of how we look at
situations difficulties.
So when we refocus,
right, and we say, okay. Yes. This year
has been really hard, but Allah has blessed
me with 40, 50, 20, 30, whatever age
you are, years. And out of that 1
year, he has decided will be of difficulty.
So all of a sudden, like, well, you
know what? That's actually not that bad. Right?
Out of all these years, Allah blessed me
with ease, 1 year of difficulty as an
Right? Or so many ventures I've tried a
lot or so many paychecks that I've received.
But for these few, Allah decided that he
was gonna test me.
So refocusing
helps us accept. And secondly,
the redirect.
So moving forward in the direction that Allah
wants us to go in. It's almost like
a roadblock. Right? You are heading in one
direction. Allah put up a roadblock.
So this road is close for you. Don't
go there. There's a crater. You're gonna fall
in. It's gonna be dangerous for you. There's
a detour.
Allah forces you to take the detour.
That's what you're doing because of his decision.
Right? So accept that detour
and say, okay. I wanted to do that.
I was going in that direction regardless
of the difficulty. I was going in that
direction. I was doing that thing, but Allah
took it away from me because it probably
wasn't good for me. Allah wants me to
go in this other direction or some other
direction. So let me try to find that
direction that Allah wants me to go in.
The prophet
said related by
Everything has a reality.
For everything there is a reality.
And the servant will not reach, meaning the
servant of Allah, will not reach the reality
of iman of faith.
he knows or she knows that what afflicted
him could never miss him.
You will not reach the reality of iman
you know you believe that what afflicted you
could never miss you.
And that what missed him or her could
never have afflicted them.
K. So whatever hits you comes to you
whether positive or negative. It was to the
qadr of Allah
and it couldn't have been otherwise. And whatever
missed you because, you know, sometimes you think,
oh, that opportunity,
you know, that job, that marriage proposal, you
know, that house, that offer, I would have
just done it, you know, that investment. Oh,
I wish I had bought, you know, Tesla
stocks when there were $78 or whatever, you
know. Like, you think, Oh, and then you
beat yourself over and over and you say,
oh, if only if only if only. But
guess what? The the qadr of Allah you
were it wasn't that for you. It wasn't
gonna happen. So what's the point
you know, grieving over something that wasn't gonna
be yours anyway? You accept that fact. You
say, okay. That was it. It was never
meant for me. Let me move on. Or
if it hits me, that was how it
was gonna be. I couldn't have gotten away
from it. Right? So my brothers and sisters,
for those who have enjoyed ease,
increase your gratefulness.
Increase your gratefulness
because this could be your test
not to become great ungrateful,
not to become, you know, become conceited
or wasteful,
insensitive to others,
thinking that you are blessed by Allah,
saying, nothing to worry about. Oh, I'm in
my bubble. You know, I'm okay. My investments
are fine. My job is fine. My family
is okay.
The rest of the world, you know, it's
okay. Allah wants to take care of them.
I you know, I'll just worry about I'm
happy in my little world. That's not the
thinking of a believer, my brothers and sisters.
Okay? We cannot be insensitive,
and we cannot become complacent and just think
that, oh, yeah. I'm okay. I don't have
anything to worry about. Oh, what I'm doing,
my level of imam, my is
fine. Why? Because Allah is blessing me.
If there was a problem, then Allah would
have tested me. So now I'm blessed. I'm
okay. No. This is not the right way
to think, my brothers and sisters. Remember the
words of prophet
This is by the grace of my lord.
up for to test me whether I am
or ungrateful.
And whoever is grateful, it is only for
their own good. Whoever is grateful, it is
for their own good.
But whoever is ungrateful,
surely my lord is self sufficient and most
K. If you turn away from Allah become
nothing's gonna happen to Allah.
Nothing's gonna happen to Allah.
And if you are grateful, it is for
your own good.
k? If you're okay, grateful to Allah
will increase you, but the gratefulness is very,
very important. And for all of us, my
brothers and sisters, let us compare
our relationship
with Allah to a year ago.
March 12,
2020 was a Thursday.
It was when we suspended Surat Al Jum'ah
for the first time,
and we never went to a Kripikhaft Recreation
Complex since then. It's been a year now.
Okay? Compare our relationship to Allah
a year
ago. Has it gotten better?
Has it gotten better?
How have we improved?
What is the difference between you on March
12th, March 13, 2020,
and you today on March 12,
What is the difference?
Has this pandemic have any does it have
any has it had any difference on you
Your relationship with Allah what impact has it
had? How has it improved? Your relationship with
how has that improved?
If yes. If it has improved,
he says, Alhamdulillah,
we ask Allah
for ista'ama.
We ask Allah
to increase
to allow us to increase and improve our
relationship with him and with those around us.
And my brothers and sisters, if it has
not changed
this is actually really serious.
If our relationship with Allah
has not changed over the past years
or the past 365 days through this entire
then the question to ask ourselves seriously is
Why after going through this entire year of
this bara of this trial from Allah there
is no change
in my attitude, in my relationship with Allah
And the time to start is now
the time to start is now because we
don't wanna be waiting for something more to
push us. Like, if this year of pandemic
of all this death and and and the
hurt and pain around the world was not
enough to push us to get closer to
then are we waiting for something more that
is going to push us? So let us
reflect my brothers and sisters. And once again,
as I said, the situation is still risky,
so please be careful about in person contact,
close contact. Know, the numbers are still going
up Ramadan, and the Masjid is not a
given. It is not guaranteed.
Let us try our best and leave for
Allah the rest. Allah
Whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make
a way out for them
and provide for them from sources that they
could never imagine.
And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then
he alone is sufficient
for them. Certainly, Allah achieves his will.
Allah has already set a destiny for all
Oh, Allah. Oh, Allah. We thank you. Oh,
Allah. We praise you. Oh, Allah. You have
brought us this 1 year, these days. Oh,
Allah, these 100 of days through this pandemic,
you have brought us this far. Oh, Allah,
we thank you and we praise you. You.
Oh, Allah, if we are safe, oh, Allah,
it is not because of anything of our
own. That is only because you decided to
keep us safe.
Oh, Allah, if we have if we'll continue
to be blessed. Oh, Allah, it is not
because of any,
achievement on our part, but rather it is
through your blessing.
Oh, Allah, so many people have faced hardship.
Oh, Allah, so many of our loved ones.
Oh, Allah, so many of our brothers and
sisters have returned to you. Oh, Allah.
Oh, Allah, please elevate their ranks.
Oh, Allah, please reward them for all of
their patience before they return to you.
Oh, Allah, please forgive them for all of
their shortcomings.
Oh, Allah. Oh, Allah. So many have faced
hardships, financial difficulty.
Oh, Allah. Stress, anxiety,
physical illness, mental illness, emotional pain, so many
other types of challenges and difficulties.
Oh, Allah, please make it easy for everyone.
Oh, Allah, please grant shifa to all of
those who are ill at this time.
Oh, Allah, please protect those who are destined
to become ill.
Oh, Allah, please grant us all a good
return to you. Oh, Allah.
As our final words on our lips.
Oh, Allah.
All of our brothers and sisters who are
ill. Oh, Allah. Please cure them. Oh,
Allah. Our elder sister who is in pain.
Oh, Allah. Our brothers and brother and sister
in long term facing long term pain and
injuries. Oh, Allah. Please remove it from them.
Oh, Allah, our elders who are ill, oh,
dealing with cancer, other illnesses, including COVID 19.
Oh, Allah, please grant them a speedy recovery,
You Rabbalameen.
Oh, Allah, so many of our brothers and
sisters who are in hospital at this time.
Oh, Allah. So many of our fellow human
beings currently facing different types of hardships with
regards to their health. Oh, Allah. Please cure
all of them. You out of your mercy.
are the cure, the healer. Oh, Allah. Please
grant them all speedy and complete recovery.
Oh, Allah. Please please please bring relief to
all of those who are experiencing difficulties,
distress, anxiety, grief, depression,
and other any other type of suffering.
Oh, Allah, please replace it with ease and
Oh, Allah, all of the families who are
going through turmoils and difficulties, oh, Allah, please
unite them. Oh, Allah, please remove their enmity
and their disagreements from their hearts, You Rabbil
Alemeen. Oh, Allah, please grant
please bless each of our homes with love
and unity, You Rabbil Alemeen, between spouses, between
children and their parents, between all the relatives,
You Rabbi alameen.
O Allah, o Allah.
We ask you for your forgiveness. O Allah,
please forgive us. O Allah, over the last
year, we have not paid heed. O Allah,
we return to you a little bit, in
the beginning, then we got distracted once again.
Oh, Allah, please forgive us for our distraction.
Oh, Allah, please purify our hearts and make
us those who constantly remember you at every
Oh, Allah, please make us the way you
want us to be.
My brothers and sisters, a reminder that our,
clocks will be springing forward 1 hour this
So that means all the prayer times timings
are gonna change. And from next week, inshallah,
the Friday message will start at 12 or
1 hour later at 12:45 PM, inshallah, and
all the Friday prayer sessions will also be
moving 1 hour forward.