Sikander Hashmi – Our Final & Most Critical Report Card KMA Friday Message
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Respected elders, your brothers and sisters,
my young friends, Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi
Wa Barakatuh. We
begin by praising Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
our Lord,
our Sustainer, our Nourisher,
and we begin by sending peace and salutations
upon His beloved Messenger,
Muhammad the son of Abdullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Alaihi
Today, we take another step towards
getting things closer to normal
our first indoor prayer, Alhamdulillah.
and carefully,
we are
trying to improve the arrangements,
with your help and cooperation,
but we still continue to need your cooperation.
And I'm trying to say this with a
smile, although you can't see it because I'm
wearing a mask.
These measures,
my brothers and sisters, are temporary, and insha'Allah,
hope that most of them will be lifted
I know it can be
frustrating, can be dis
but for now, we just need to be
a little patient insha'allah.
May Allah
reward you for your patience and cooperation,
and may he also reward those who are
staying home out of consideration for others because
I know there are a number of brothers
and sisters who are actually not joining us
out of consideration for others. So I ask
to reward you all, reward you all for
your patience, for your cooperation, for your understanding.
May Allah
bless you all.
Alhamdulillah, Allah
has brought us to the end
of the academic year.
And I think it is safe to say
that no one in the world,
no one in the world could have imagined
last August,
last September,
that the school year that the academic year
will end in this way, in the way
that it has ended,
that no one would step into a classroom
after March break, SubhanAllah.
But Allah
certainly knew. None of the human beings could
have imagined. None of the human beings knew,
but Allah
who is in control, who is all knowing,
was the one who knew.
Once again, this is a reminder, my brothers
and sisters, of how little is in our
how little is in our control. We like
to think that there's a lot that is
in our control, but in reality, there's very
little that is in our control.
And everything is in the control of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
By now, those who are set to graduate
have graduated,
you know, this could be from university,
could be from college,
it could be from
high school,
could be from, even elementary school.
On that day, Allah tells
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us that that
day when one will flee from his brother
and from his mother
and father
and from his wife
and sons.
Every one of them will be too engaged
in their own affairs to care for the
others. SubhanAllah.
Today, as siblings, brothers and sisters,
as children, as parents, we cherish the company
of one another. We like to be with
one another. We try to offer support to
one another, and we go to one another
for comfort. We go to one another for
support when we need it. But on that
day, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us it
will be the opposite. A brother will be
running away from his brother and running away
a person will be running away from his
mother and father, subhanAllah.
You know, you imagine the mother, the father,
the parents, the family that you're with right
now, perhaps at home, that you're watching with,
that you spend time with. On that day,
every single one of us will be running
away from one another.
Every one of them will be too engaged.
Every one of us will be too engaged
in our own affairs to care for the
others. So the stakes will be so high.
The stakes will be so high. The situation
is so critical
that every single person will be just worrying
about themselves not even caring,
not even caring, even a mother not caring
for her child. Can we imagine? We know
the love of the mothers that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala has put in their heart for
their children. But subhanAllah on that day
on that day, even the mothers
will not be able to care for their
children, will not be willing to, they will
not have the time, the energy because they'll
be too worried about themselves.
So my brothers and sisters, this is a
serious matter and the implications
of that day and of that report are
not just for 1 semester or for 1
year, but rather they are for eternity.
The implications are
for eternity.
Because normally, you know, what happens, the worst
case scenario, you fill a course, you fill
a program,
you know, you don't get a promotion.
The implications are not that severe. The implications
are yes. They may be serious, but in
the large, you know, in in the large
picture, it's not something which is
super critical.
It is important but it's not critical to
the point of the criticalness of this matter
because the implications of that would be not
just for 1 year or 1 semester or
even for a lifetime, but for an eternity.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
us, On the day of resurrection,
we will bring forth a book for him
that he will find wide open.
find wide open,
And we will say to him, read your
We said to the human being,
your book.
Read your own book.
Enough are you today to take your own
account, just read your own book, read your
own report card, and it is enough that
you read it and you realize what your
fate is to be. Now Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala gives us different descriptions in the Quran
of reactions to receiving report cards just like
in this world. Again, nowadays,
this year it was online, but when we
get report cards distributed in class
and we open them,
right, people have different reactions. When you get
your performance review, right, there are different reactions.
and the book of deeds
will be placed before
Then you will see the guilty people,
the people who are guilty, the criminals
scared of its contents.
And they will say so you can see,
like, all these people who are going around
in in with impunity,
committing sins,
committing crimes, oppression,
going around the world as if they own
the world, bullying others. On that day,
on that day, you will see
fear on their face,
And they will say and they will be
Woe be to us.
Woe to us.
What a book is this?
What a book is this?
It has missed nothing,
minor or major, except that it has taken
it into account.
Thus, they will find whatever they did present
before them. They will find whatever they did
present before them, and this is for everyone,
for myself and all of us.
May Allah protect us. Allah says, and your
Lord will not wrong anyone. No one will
be wronged. Everyone will receive their book, and
who are guilty
will be afraid of that book. Again, I
always wonder, you know, people you don't wanna
name names, of course, when you think of
people who are acting with impunity, who are
oppressing others, who are bullying others, who are
harming others, who feel like there's nothing that
that can make them afraid, that there's nothing
that they have to fear. They are going
around with pride and arrogance on their faces.
On that day, there will be fear on
their faces. When they realize what that book
has captured, may Allah
protect us from being from amongst them.
Allah tells us also,
Then as for him who will be given
his record in his right hand, he will
Here, here, read my record.
Read my book. Read my record. When someone
gets a great report card, get a's, a
Teachers should, by the way, should never give
a pluses. I said that once in front
of my professor and then next time he
gave me an a plus. Actually, I was
talking to my friends, my classmates, and he
heard. The next time he made a point
in giving me an a plus. Only time
I probably got an a plus. But what
happens when you get an a plus? You
feel like you have nowhere to improve. You're
at the top of the world. You're the
best. So never get an a plus. Okay?
So that you keep trying. You have something
to move forward to.
Okay. So when a person gets a good
report card, what happens?
You wanna share it with others. You wanna
tell others. You celebrate. So this is how
a person's gonna be on the day of
Here. Read my record.
I did believe my account. He's happy. He's
So he shall be in a life well
In a lofty garden of Jannah.
The fruits of which, you know, will be
close at hand. It'll be said to him.
Eat and drink at ease for that which
you have sent on before you in days
past. So that will be the true celebration,
my brothers and sisters. You know, today we're
feeling missing the graduation ceremonies, graduation celebrations.
We can't get together. It's okay. InshaAllah. The
true celebration
yeah. Of course, it's a moment to celebrate
and to thank Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So
there's harm harm in doing that in an
appropriate way, permissible way, of course. But the
true celebration will be when the person when
the servant of Allah
receives his book, her book in their right
hands. That will be the true celebration,
the true graduation, the true passing.
They will be enjoying as a reward for
what they did in advance. Allah tells
us, Oh you who believe, meaning us,
fear Allah and keep your duty to Him,
and let every person look
to what he or she has set forth
for tomorrow,
and fear Allah. So be looking forward, be
looking ahead. What are you sending ahead? In
the now, what are you sending banking for
the future, for the day of judgment, for
akhirah? Verily Allah is all aware of what
you do. So whatever we do, we are
storing it in our bank account for the
day of judgment, for the akhirah. Allah tells
Surely we will give new life to the
dead, and we are recording whatever deeds they
send before them.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala also tells us by
the way, and whatever effects they leave behind
as well. So deeds,
plus the impact, the effects of your deeds,
the impact they have on the world, the
impact they have on others, all of it
is being recorded. So not just the action.
The action along with the effect and the
impact, the traces. Allah tells us everything is
fully computed by us in a manifest book
of record. So this book is being recorded.
I'm amazed, you know, sometimes you think how
is this gonna happen? How is this possible?
So I went on Facebook. I have a
Facebook account. So I went on Facebook and
said, okay. Download my activity.
Download activities. Subhanallah. From the day I open
my Facebook account, from the minute that I
open my Facebook account, every single message, every
single picture, every single comment, every single video,
every single like,
everything is recorded just on Facebook.
This is just a small example.
So the book that Allah
the report card, the report book that we
will be given by Allah
it will detail everything and even with even
more accuracy and even more
Every single thing will be covered.
Allah Now if you get your book, your
report book in your left hand,
as for him who will be given his
record in his left hand,
It will say, I wish that I had
not been given my record.
I wish that I had not been given
my record.
And that I had never known how my
account is.
Would that it have been my end?
Would that would it would that it had
been my end, my death, meaning I would
have been finished before this moment that I
was to receive this book.
My wealth has not availed me.
Think wealth makes you powerful. No? Money is
My wealth has not availed me.
My power
has gone from me.
My power to defend, to argue, to defend
myself has gone from me.
And it will be said,
Seize him and fetter him.
Then throw him
in the blazing fire.
Then fasten him with the chain whereof the
length is 70
cubits. Allah
protect us. No celebration.
If you get your book, your report book
in your left hand, no celebration.
No celebration.
this is what you get in return. May
make us amongst those who receive their books
in their right hands and right hands alone.
Now when people are given their books, it
will be said to them.
This is our book that speaks against you
with truth.
used to get recorded
all that you used to do. So every
single thing that we're doing even at this
very moment, it is being recorded.
Everything is being recorded. No one is beyond
the coverage
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
now, of course, there are two angles to
this, my brothers and sisters.
Worrying that every single misdeed is recorded, even
the smallest.
What a book is this? It has not
missed anything minor or major, but has taken
it into account. So there's one angle to
this which is of concern, that what is
my book going to have? Which of my
sins which I thought that no one saw,
that no one knew about is going to
be in this book in front of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala in front of everyone? So
there's a reason for concern, for extreme concern.
But there's also a very positive side to
this as well, that any goodness, even the
smallest act of kindness,
will be found within.
So whoever does equal to the weight of
an atom or a small ant is speck.
An iota shall see it. So if you
do good, even if it's a penny, even
if it's picking up, you know, a piece
of, of trash,
even if it's removing something harmful harmful from
the road, a kind word, a smile, anything,
no matter how small, it will be found.
And whoever does evil equal to the weight
of an atom or a small ant shall
also see it. So let us think my
brothers and sisters when Allah
tells us to read our report card of
this life,
or as I say, report book, what will
we find in our book?
What will we find in our books? Every
person asks themselves, what will be in my
book of deeds? Will we be celebrating
or will we be in a state of
fear or regret?
And as we get caught up in the
matters of this world, my brothers and sisters,
even if there are good things, even if
you're engaged in doing good things, it becomes
easy to forget that this will actually, really,
truly happen. Us leaving this world,
it is real and it will happen. The
day of judgment
will happen. So my brothers and sisters, let
us prepare for this report card right now.
And the good news is that we do
have time. So use your summary, your days,
your nights, every hour, every minute
to fill up your book with good deeds
and with tawba
to have the bad deeds erased or crowsed
out at the railways, insha'Allah, through the mercy
and forgiveness of Allah
Remember, it doesn't matter if anyone is watching
or not. It is all going into the
book, and it will all become apparent
one day. We have policed each other enough.
How much can we police each other? We
were looking after looking over our kids, husband
looking over our wife, wife's not trusting the
husband looking over the husband. Everyone's policing each
other. But how long? To what extent?
This is not healthy. So we must remember
every single deed is in the book. Even
the repentance will be in the book, masha'Allah,
and we must try our best and pray
for the best. And maybe Allah
will accept us and make us like this
person and I end with this hadith.
Ibn Umar said,
I heard the messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi
wa sallam saying, Allah will bring a believer
near him and shelter him with his screen
and ask him, did you commit such and
such sins?
Allah will ask the believer, did you commit
such and such sins? He will say, yes
my Rav.
Allah will keep on asking him till he
will confess all his sins. He will confess
all his sins and will think that he
is ruined.
Allah will say,
I did screen your sins in the world,
and I forgive
them for you today, and then he will
be given the book of his good deeds.
And regarding the, the the, disbelievers,
rejecting disbelievers and the hypocrites,
their evil acts will be exposed
publicly, and the witnesses will say that these
are the people who lied against our Lord.
Behold, the curse of Allah is upon the
wrongdoers. Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, protect us from
being amongst those. Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, make
us from amongst those who receive the forgiveness
of Allah and the books in the right
hands on the day of judgment. Ameen
Brothers and sisters, this week, we have had
a number of tragedies.
Our brother, Adesh Shodri, Mississauga, as you know,
was killed by police instead of receiving help
for his mental distress. It's similar to the
case of our brother somewhat similar to the
case of our brother Abdul Rahman Abdi here
in Ottawa, was killed by police in the
July of 2016.
Also, some of our brothers and sisters have
recently lost loved ones to COVID 19 and
otherwise as well. So may God for all
of them.
Oh, Allah, please purify your hearts and fill
them with your love and all the feelings
that you love. You. Oh, Allah, please purify
our minds, our attitudes, and our actions.
O Allah, please grant justice to all of
those who have been oppressed, You Rabbil 'Alameen.
O Allah, please grant them the best of
reward in this world and the hereafter, Amin,
You Rabbil 'Alameen. O Allah, please protect them
and all of us from oppression, You Rabbil
'Alameen. O Allah, please protect us all, our
fellow human beings, from this illness and from
all other harms and evils, You Rabbal Alameen.
O Allah, please cure all of our brothers
and sisters who are suffering from COVID 19
or any other illness, You Allah. Those in
hospital at this very moment, O Allah, our
brother whose mother is receiving a kidney transplant
right now, Our brother, Hamid, who will be
going through a surgery. Ola, our brother and
sister suffering from long term pain and injuries.
Ola, our elder sisters suffering from shingles, very
painful. Ola, all of those who are ill,
who are at risk of becoming ill, ola,
you are the protector and healer. Oh, Allah,
grant them a speedy recovery and protect them
from all illnesses and pain and suffering.
Will Allah please grant relief to all of
those in pain and grief and stress and
Will Allah please replace it with happiness and
peace and joy.
My brothers and sisters, those who are at
home, please go ahead and pray your for
at home,
those who have registered for Friday prayer, please
do come at your allotted time. If you'll
be praying inside as you may be, please
do bring a mask, your prayer mat, and
a bag for your sandals and your shoes.