Sikander Hashmi – KMA Friday Message May 21 2021
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dear brothers and sisters, I hope and pray
that you are all doing well by the
grace and the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa
I'm missing every single one of you. It's
now 9 days, since the month of Ramadan,
departed from us. May Allah
bless you all. May Allah
accept all of your in my good deeds.
grant us istikama,
to stand upon and to continue,
upon the truth and upon the path of
getting closer to Allah.
Ameen You Rabbala Aleemeal.
Have been taking just a little bit of
a break. So haven't really
gotten back to having quizzes again or having
something regular.
But Insha'Allah,
it'll come soon. And, I really appreciate,
your your love, your support, and,
and your patience and understanding as well. Jazakumullah
Abu Khaira. My brothers and sisters, we
you know, this Eid that just passed, like
I said, 9 days ago,
this was an Eid that was quite difficult,
that was quite difficult for many of us.
And for, you know, a different number of
you know, when we think about our,
personal problems,
and then we think of our family problems,
and then we think of community problems,
and then we think of problems facing this
and the problems facing this world generally,
it can become overwhelming.
And, in fact, it can become
very overwhelming.
Right? Because we have
has blessed us in in many different ways.
But when we,
think of all, you know, all of these
issues and challenges
that we face as individuals,
as human beings, as families, as communities,
as societies,
and indeed as the entire world,
for some of us, especially, it can it
can become hard to to process.
And my brothers and sisters, it is at
these moments
that we must recalibrate,
that we must
recalibrate. And what do I mean by recalibrate?
We must take a step back.
We must take a step back
and remind ourselves
of what our role is and what is
required of us. Because, you know, when you're
dealing with a crisis,
it's like a fire, right, in a in
a building, in a house. The firefighters are
there. They're trying to put out the fire.
They're they're very close to the issue. Whether
we are close to the issue, you know,
geographically, whether we whether we are close to
the issue
in terms of its impact upon us,
its, its closeness or proximity to us in
terms of our relationships
or even ourselves.
You know, we we find ourselves in the
of an ongoing crisis, and we're trying to
put up the fire. We're trying to deal
with the the situation,
in its immediate form.
So that is obviously very good,
and it's very important.
But when we start feeling overwhelmed, it's important
to recalibrate and take a step back
and reflect.
So let us do that today.
So for starters, my brothers and sisters, and
this is a reminder for all of us,
and it is a reminder for myself first.
First of all,
know and remind yourself and others
that nothing is in our control.
And I know it can be hard
to to process that, but the reality is
is that nothing is in our control.
It is in the control of Allah
Every single matter is in the hands of
Allah There's nothing in our control. As human
beings, we like to think that we are
powerful and that we have control and we
have power and we can do things. Reality
we are nothing, and nothing is in our
control. Allah is the one who's the master
who's in control.
as human beings,
you know, we make an effort. And when
human beings make an effort
and things go their way
after making that effort, they start to think
that they're in control. But the reality is
that they are not in control.
They're not in control. Right? We make an
effort. Yes. That is required of us. We
are not taught to just sit at home
and just make du'a.
Du'a is very, very important, but we're not
just taught to just rely on
Allah without making any effort. The prophet
has given us the example of the birds.
Right? That the birds, they make an effort.
They rely on Allah
for their provision, but they make an effort.
When you wake up in the morning at
Fajr time, right, before sunrise, you hear the
birds chirping. You hear their chicks, you know,
hungry, waiting for food.
And the the the mother bird is going
out and getting looking for food,
but it hasn't planned where it's gonna come
from. It has it doesn't know exactly how
it's gonna go above, but it it makes
the effort. Right? It doesn't know where it's
gonna come from. It makes the effort, and
provides. Right? So first of all, it's understanding
and reaffirming and reminding ourselves
that nothing is in our control. Right? When
we have successes,
it is thanks to Allah
And when there are things that are, people
do that are wrong, it is because Allah
has given them permission
to go ahead.
has given them permission to make choices, and
then they're gonna be accountable for those choices.
K? So Allah
allows them to make their own choices
even if they're wrong,
and they will then be taken to account
for their decisions. Right? So this is the
system of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, which is
based on the the wisdom, the knowledge,
the magnificence of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So
that's the first thing. The other thing, my
brothers and sisters, to remind myself and all
of us, is this dunya is that this
dunya, the life of this world?
This dunya is a place of trials and
Okay? Like, if it's given that there will
be trials and tribulations.
Because if there wouldn't, it will be Jannah,
which it truly isn't.
Okay? So this dunya is not a place
that's gonna be Jannah because it's not. Okay?
And only Jannah is going to be secured
from trials and tribulations
where there will be no evil and there
will be no harm, and there will be
no trials and no challenges. K. That's Jannah.
This Jannah is a test.
And for sure, definitely, we know that it
is not gonna be Jannah. And if someone
tries to make it their Jannah, Allah
may make it for them in a limited
sense, the Jannah in this life, but then
there's no Jannah for them in the hereafter.
Okay? So Jannah is only what's it's either
in this dunya or it's in the hereafter.
The one in this dunya is short lived.
It's temporary. It's imperfect.
Whereas the Jannah in the hereafter
is perfect, and it is everlasting.
And when someone goes into it, they're never
gonna take it out. K. So which one
do we want to go for? So this
is our choice.
Allah has told us that we will be
tested. We know we will be tested, and
we recite this ayah every time a calamity
strikes and every time there's a struggle and
there's a challenge. But let us do it
Allah says very clearly once again, we will
we will certainly test you with a touch
of fear and famine
and loss of property and life and crops.
Give good news to those who patiently
endure. So my brothers and sisters, we know
that bad things, seemingly bad things, will happen
to good people in this life, in this
world. K? That's a given it's gonna happen.
Okay? So 3 things we know now. Number
1, nothing is in our control.
Even though human beings may think it is,
it's not, number 1. Number 2, this is
not Jannah, so there will be problems. And
number 3, we will be tested. Now the
question is, my brothers and sisters,
what is the purpose of the test? What
is the purpose of the test? We get
the answer in the second verse of Surat
Mulk. Allah says,
He is the one. Allah
is the one who created death and life
in order to test in order to test
which of you is best indeed.
Not just good indeed. Not just the person
who makes the the good decisions
or the right decisions, but rather who makes
the best decisions, the best actions, the best
And he also wanna tell us the almighty,
all forgiving. So my brothers and sisters, at
each moment, we have to ask ourselves,
what is the absolute best thing in the
sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that I
can do at this moment?
What is the best thing that I can
do? The best is determined by what? The
turn the best is determined by what is
most pleasing to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So
what is the best thing I can do
at any given moment
that is going to be the most pleasing
to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. Now we are human beings with
limited capabilities.
So our job
is not to, you know, to to resolve
every single issue,
right, or to do every single thing in
the absolute best way perfect way possible because
that's not possible from us because we are
imperfect beings with limited capabilities. This is how
has designed us and created us. So our
job is to do whatever is possible
that is pleasing to Allah based on our
capabilities and the blessings that Allah has given
us. K? And every single person is gonna
have different capabilities, different abilities,
different opportunities,
you know, different resources. So every single person
is different, and therefore, our response is not
gonna be exactly the same. But at the
very least
at the very least, make dua and make
an effort even if the results are nothing
even if the results are nothing.
Because what matters most, my brothers and sisters,
and especially for my young friends, and I
want you to know what matters most is
not the result of our actions.
What matters most is our intention and our
Our heart being in the right place
and us doing something
in order to fulfill that intention
or to prove that intention in a in
a practical sense.
That's what's required.
The results are not in our hands. The
results are always in the hands of Allah.
And every single thing, right, whether it's an
exam, whether it's a project, whether it's fundraising
in Ramadan, you know, for all of your
support. You know, whatever it is, the results
are never in our hands.
The results are in the hands of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and Allah does not hold
us accountable
for our, for for lack of results. What
he holds us accountable for is
lack of trying. If we don't try, if
we don't have the effort,
the intention, and if our hearts are not
in the right place, that is what we
are accountable for, not the results. The results
are not our domain. It's in the hands
of Allah as I always like to say.
Probably heard me saying it for the last
7, 8 years now or even more is
try your best and leave for Allah the
Try your sincere and reasonable best and leave
for Allah the rest because Allah is the
one who's responsible for, who who has control
over the outcomes, not us. And I'm reminded
of the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam. We learn lessons, subhanAllah, from every
single word of the messenger of Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, right, where the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam told us that if the
day of judgment starts, right, if the final
day, if the hour starts
and you have a sapling in your hand,
a a, you know, a tree, a plant,
you know, plant it still. If you know
that the world is ending even,
right, if even the situation is so dire
that the world is about to come to
an end and you have one, you know,
act of goodness that you can still do
planting a tree. You tell me what is
the benefit of planting the tree when the
world is ending anyway. It appears to be
totally futile. There's no benefit. Like, no one's
gonna benefit from that tree because the world
is ending anyway.
But the prophet
told us, you should still go ahead and
plant that tree. Still do that element, that
act of goodness no matter how small it
Why? Because it is the intention and the
effort that counts, not the results. There's gonna
be no result likely, but Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is not looking at the results. Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is looking at your good
intentions and your good actions. So try your
best. Leave for Allah the rest. No matter
how small the effort is, at the end
of the day, the the result is gonna
come from Allah.
We hear this numerous times in the Quran
in the hadith of the prophet.
Right? So and in fact, the Muslims have
never succeeded.
The Muslims, the believers have never succeeded
because of sheer power or numbers. No. It's
because of the divine assistance from Allah
It was their effort, their sincerity, their intentions
even when the numbers were small, even when
the, the actual effort was small
because that's all there was available.
But it was the mercy of Allah,
the divine intervention of Allah, that
magnified those efforts, that blessed those efforts,
and then
led to good results. So it is from
it is not from us.
The prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, has also
told us, as we know famously,
with data from Naman Ibn Bashir radiAllahu anhu.
The prophet
said the parable of the believers
in their affection, their mercy, and their compassion
for each other is that of a body.
say just everyone, but like parable of the
believers, of the true believers
is that,
you know, in their blood, affection, mercy, and
compassion for each other is that of
is that of a body. When any limb.
Prophet said when any limb aches,
the whole body reacts
with sleeplessness
and fever. This is the parable of who?
The true believers
referred related by or reported by, in, in
in Bukhari and and Sahih Bukhari and Sahih
So, sadly, my brothers and sisters,
what we see, we see that our brothers
and sisters,
fellow are
in many places around the world. Right? Long
term. And I always mentioned this, and it
makes me cry when we make dua especially
in Ramadan.
Every single Ramadan, every single day that every
single night, and on the end of Ramadan,
the imams, they make du'a. They are crying.
They are listing the names of places. I've
been hearing this since I was a kid.
And at one point, actually, you know, maybe
the du'a even went down a little bit
because of fear or whatever.
we find that the situation doesn't really improve,
rather it gets worse and worse.
it's long term that's been going on. Yes.
Places change. Names get dropped off the list.
Places, countries, regions get dropped off the list.
A new one get added on. Right? But
the challenge continues. But perhaps that is the
reality of this dunya. That is the reality
of being from the mumineen, that there will
always be trials and tribulations.
There will always be enmity
against those who believe in the oneness of
and who stand up against oppression and injustice.
Right? So my by far, my brothers and
sisters, the longest of all the longest of
all since we can all remember has been
the oppression and the injustice against our brothers
and sisters
in Palestine, in Palestine. Okay? And there's no
doubt about this. K? History speaks for itself.
There's no doubt about this.
So that in and in and of itself
makes it incumbent upon us to respond
to their plight. Right? Because that's what the
has told us and taught us as well,
right, that we must respond.
But even more so because it involves the
Masjid Al Aqsa
and the land that is surrounding it, which
Allah has mentioned in the Quran.
Right? And it's the 3rd most important masjid
in the world after Masjid Al Haram and
Masjid Al Nabawi. Allah tells us. Right? Beginning
of Surah Al Islam, most of us know
Glory be to the one who took his
by night from Masid Al Haram
to Masid Al Aqsa,
whose surroundings
whose surroundings we have blessed, Allah says,
so that we may show him some of
our signs. Indeed, he, Allah, alone is the
all hearing and the all seeing.
Abu Dharr radiAllahu anhu, Abu Dharr Ghafi'i radiAllahu
anhu reported that he asked the prophet
You Rasulullah, which Masjid was built first on
earth? And Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied, the
sacred Masjid, Masjid Al Haram, Umakkah. And then
Abu Dharr radiAllahu Anhu again asked,
which was next? And the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam responded,
al Masjidul
Then Abu Dharr radiallahu anhu further asked how
long was the period between the building of
the 2 masajid? And the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam said 40 years. How much? 40 years.
Apart from these, offer your prayers anywhere when
it is time to pray, although excellence is
in praying in these masajid.
And it was also related by Abu Dhar
radiallahu anhu that we were discussing in the
presence of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Which
of them was more virtuous?
The masjid of the messenger of Allah sallallahu
alaihi wasallam. Masjidun Abu Madina or Baytul Maqdis
meaning masjid al Absa. And the messenger of
Allah said, one salah, one prayer in my
Masjid is better than 4 prayers there, but
it is still a good place of prayer.
And then he said, soon there will come
a time when if a man has a
spot of land
as big as a horse's rope you tell
me how big is a horse's rope. So
a p a spot of land as big
as his horse's rope from which he can
see Baytul Maqdis, that will be better for
him than the whole world.
So there is great virtue, great blessing in
Masid Al Aqsa and the surrounding lands as
has mentioned in the beginning of.
Now, sadly, my brothers and sisters,
this masjid
was viciously desecrated
by Israeli security forces during the Ramadan. K?
Especially the last few nights of Ramadan, while
people were peacefully offering salah, and the videos
are there. It's clear. There's no dispute about
it. You know, you try to spin it
whichever they whichever way, you know, people want,
you know, especially with technology, because it's clear
that you see it. Right? And it's not
something which is hidden. And even today today,
we just saw a video as well of,
you know, more, actions,
which, you know, are, which should be desecrate.
The sang the the the
the sanctity,
the peace, the tranquility
that is inherent to every single every single
sanctuary, every single place of worship regardless of
Now this is the same area in which
in which the Masjid
prophet Suleyman, alayhis salam, stood and is referred
to by the Jewish people as Temple Mount,
which is their holiest site. Now the Romans
had destroyed it, turned it into a trash
dump, and forbid them forbid the Jewish people.
They the Romans forbid them from worshiping there.
Now see, now Umar
in the 7th century who liberated
and he helped clean up the trash.
He helped clean up the trash which was
on the site with his own hands
and gave the Jewish people the right to
reside in Jerusalem and to pray
on the Temple Mount, as they call it,
without interference.
Okay? So
it was it was, you know, it wasn't
the Muslims who were actually causing the trouble.
Right? It wasn't us. It was actually Muslims
who had and the example we get is
which we're we're actually
acting upon principles of of justice and fairness,
right, and and and giving access
to the Jewish people to worship at their
site. Now today,
this blessed land, unfortunately and very sadly, has
turned into a land of occupation
and oppression and aggression, and this is something
which is recognized by the international community.
Okay? It's not just me saying it. K.
It's not just the Muslims who are saying
it. Right? It's a matter of justice and
fairness, and it is known by it is
it is known by people who are impartial,
whether they are Christian, whether they're a Muslim,
even people with no faith, even the Jewish
people, even many of the Jewish people recognizing
the injustice of what is occurring. K. So
this is unfortunately many times made out to
be like it is against the Jewish people
or that Muslims, you know, hate the Jews
and things like that. But, subhanallah, this issue
really has to do with fairness and justice.
And the people who are principled,
the people who are truly just, may Allah
reward them and continue to strengthen them and
and guide them regardless of who they are.
They are able to see the issue for
what it is.
Sadly, as we know, my brothers and sisters,
hundreds of people were recently killed just in
the last few days,
right, by Israeli bombardment.
And this included women and children
entire families, people of all ages.
Like, again, you watch the videos and you
see that, you know, what is happening, and
our hearts just break. Right? Like, there's there's
there's there's
absolutely no justification for it, and it's absolutely
horrific. And there's no doubt that these are
war crimes.
Like, even Israeli human rights groups are calling
it that. Okay? So this is something that
should be absolutely clear for the world and
for all of us to know that what
is happening
are war crimes.
They are against international law. They call against
the Geneva Conventions. And, again, it's not me
who's saying it. It's human rights groups that
are saying it and including
Israeli Jewish human rights groups.
And there's so many Muslims in the world,
my brothers and sisters. It's, we feel so
We feel so helpless.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgives us forgive
us for our helplessness.
We ask
to forgive us for our helplessness,
you know, there's much to be said. If
we analyze
the history
and the and the politics of division and
divisions that are gripping the.
You know, actions that can be taken,
you know, politically to exert pressure, that is
absolutely good. Right? Whatever we are able to
do within legal bounds
wisely, absolutely, we should do. But my brothers
and sisters, I'm gonna share with you 3
underlying factors that must be addressed. Otherwise, our
situation collectively as an ummah is unlikely to
change. Right? And I want, especially my young
friends, to pay attention to this because there
will come a time when I won't be
around. Right? Mala is one of those that
protect us all. Our our elders will not
be around. Right? Our parents,
selves, we're not gonna be around. And it's
going to be our children. It's going to
be our children and our grandchildren and our
great grandchildren get grandchildren
who will continue with distrust,
who will continue
standing up,
getting close to Allah
and standing up for what is right. So
my brothers and sisters, the prophet
that the messenger of Allah
The prophet
has told us that a time will come,
and he told the companions
That it is near that the nations will
call one another against you.
The truthfulness of the words of the prophet
over 1400 years ago.
It is near that the nations will call
one another against you just as the eaters
call one another to their dishes.
It is near that the nations will call
one another against you just as the eaters
call one another to their dishes.
So one of the companions of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam asked,
is this because we will be few in
numbers that day, Rasulullah?
Is this because
we will be few in numbers? Because it
was inconceivable for them to imagine that there
will come a time
when the the nations will be gathering as
if they're they're eating. The blameless.
The prophet
actually, on that day, you shall be numerous.
But you will be like the home of
the sea.
What happens to the form of the sea,
my brothers and sisters? One wave comes, it
goes that way. Another wave comes, it goes
that way.
There's no anchor. There's nothing that's thrown around.
It's it's it's meaningless.
It's there's no usefulness to it. It's it's
totally disregarded.
The prophet
take the fear of you away from your
and will place weakness into your hearts, who
will Allah
somebody said,
What is this?
Because said,
that Allah will put into your hearts. So
the prophet
responded and said,
It is the love of the duniya, the
love of the world and the dislike of
death. So the love of this world and
the dislike of the of the death of
death, meaning
with worldly and temporary matters and materials
and ignoring the reality
of our return to Allah and
what is to follow and a lack of
courage and bravery bravery. Because, you know, once
a person gets attached to the dunya and
it starts fearing,
their death, then there's they're just focused on
the dunya and what what matters in the
dunya. They don't care about the akhirah.
Right? It's beyond their scope.
we see this, subhanallah. There's no shortage of
wealth, but the love of the dunya has
set in. So the primary concern is about
enjoying life. It's about enjoying life and having
a comfortable life and not doing anything that
is going to put that in risk,
But that is going to risk that,
and the focus is not on what is
to come next. So that is the first
my brothers and sisters. Secondly, Allah
and hold firmly to the rope of Allah
The commentators say this is the Quran. It
is the sunnah of the prophet
different explanations that are given. But, basically, hold
firmly to the right rope of Allah together
and do not become divided.
Very clear.
Right? And Allah also tells us the believers
are brothers.
So make settlement. Make peace between your brothers.
Right? So we find that divisions are deeply
and they're so polarizing they've turned into true
hatred. And instead of reconciling, we perpetuate these
So those who want to harm them, they
take full advantage of that.
They take full advantage of our divisions.
Right? So my brothers and sisters, let us
take whatever means are permissible or legal and
wise to challenge the current situation.
But if we want meaningful and we want
long term change, we must also start with
ourselves and spread it to others. Replace the
love of the dunya with the love of
Allah and his messenger
Live for the akhirah, not for this world.
And don't let the differences, the secondary, the
relatively minor differences that are made to be
huge, don't let them cause hatred and animosity.
But be uniters and peacemakers, not dividers.
You know, we are noticing a change in
the consciousness of the Ummal, and
the consciousness of the world, but we must
keep striving for peace
and for justice.
The Quran teaches us to hate to aim
for hope in and to aim for and
to hope for peace within defined parameters of
justice. Allah tells us
that in time, Allah
may bring about goodwill
between you and those of them that you
now hold as enemies.
Right? So Allah
is capable. Allah may bring goodwill.
Right? May bring goodness and goodwill between
and and closeness between you and those who
you hold as enemies. For Allah is most
capable, and Allah is all forgiving and most
merciful. So we should never give up hope.
We should never give up hope for peace.
Right? We we want to have peace, and
we should always try to work for peace.
But Allah gives us important parameters.
Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly
and fairly
with those who have neither fought you nor
driven you out of your home. Surely, Allah
loves those who are fair. So be kind
to people.
Be good to people. Allah is not stopping
us from that.
only forbids you from befriending those who have
fought you for your faith,
driven you out of your homes,
or supported others in doing so. And whoever
takes them as friends, then it is they
are who are the true wrongdoers. My brothers
and sisters, Allah has given us parameters
for peace based upon justice.
We are not against anyone. We don't want
to perpetrate hate against anyone, and it is
very important. You know, every single word counts,
every single action counts.
Right? So we must continue to speak up
carefully and wisely,
because the accusation that is often made is
that, oh, these people are criticizing us because
they hate the Jewish people. So do not
spread hate against the Jewish people. Do not
hate the Jewish people because there's also, you
know, good amongst them, and there are growing
numbers who are also speaking out against the
So do not spread hatred. Right? This is
not what we do. This is not what
we are taught. K? So be very, very
careful because this accusation will come the moment
that you criticize
the oppression.
Right? So you have to make it clear
that it is not about that. If
you have any such feelings, purify your heart.
Rid your heart of these feelings. Right? This
is not what we are taught. We are
people who stand up for,
for for justice. We are taught to stand
up for what is right even if it
is against ourselves
even if it is against ourselves. So when
we do something wrong or,
Muslims so called Muslims or Muslims do something
wrong, Muslim countries do something wrong, yes, we
we stand up against that as well. Okay?
We are a people of justice and fairness.
So it is not about hating anyone. It
is not about spreading hatred or or, you
know, trying to to harm anyone. It is
to stand up for what is right.
So raise awareness, you know, give charity, make
lots of dua, but most importantly,
your heart should be in the right place
and back it up with some wise action.
We ask Allah
to protect Al Aqsa and all the masajid
of the world. We ask Allah
to replace oppression and occupation with peace and
justice. We ask Allah
to foil the plots of those who wish
to cause harm to the believers and to
the innocent. We ask Allah
to purify our hearts from the love of
this world, to remove hatred and animosity from
all the hearts of this world, and to
unite us all in goodness.
My brothers and sisters, let us make dua.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sharpen his mercy and
forgiveness upon all of our brothers and sisters
who have returned to return to me.
Oh Allah, oh Allah, we ask you to
forgive them and increase their rank. Oh, Allah.
Count them from.
Allah. Please cure all of our brothers and
sisters who are ill, you know,
Oh, Allah. Please remove hardships and anxiety and
fear from all of those, all of our
brothers and sisters in faith and humanity who
are living with fear and and and with
with hardship, with sickness, You Rabbi Alameen. Oh,
Allah, please grant us all peace, You Rabbi
Alameen. Oh, Allah, please establish justice and peace
all over the world, You Rabbi Alameen. Oh,
Allah, we are helpless. We turn to You
Rabbil Alemen. Oh Allah, please remove all hatred
and animosity from this world, You Rabbil Alemen.
SubhanAllah. Assalamu Alaikum wa Salam
Alaikum wa Salamu Alaikum wa Salamun Salameen.
Alaikum wa Salamun, brothers and sisters. May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala protect you all. May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala be with you. Please go
ahead and offer for cause of the heart
prayer. And for those who, whose names were
drawn, we look forward to seeing you at
1:45, Insha'Allah.
May Allah bless you all. May Allah protect
your children. May Allah
protect all of us.