Sikander Hashmi – KMA Final Ramadan Friday Message
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The speakers give a tour of the Insha' and emphasize the importance of finding improvement and taking small small steps to achieve success. They stress the importance of practicing obligations, striving for blessings and acceptance, and finding the root causes of spiritual health. They also emphasize the importance of valueing one's actions and deeds, pursuing physical and mental impacts, and building up slowly and gradually. The speakers stress the importance of protecting loved ones and finding happiness in life. They also discuss the importance of giving prayers in the car and reciting the sermon in the afternoon. The speakers also emphasize the importance of giving prayers in the car and explaining the rules for regular donation to the ZAGG Al Mana and Zdowns Al Fit. Finally, they emphasize the importance of giving prayers in the car and explaining the rules for regular donation to the Zipped Al Mana and Zdowns Al Fit.
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My dear brothers, my dear sisters, my respected
elders, my young friends,
we begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
the Lord of the universe,
our nourisher, our sustainer, our creator, our master.
We also begin by sending peace and salutations
upon his beloved Messenger, Muhammad,
the son of Abdullah,
the final messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa'alaanihi
I ask Allah
to keep you all well, and I hope
that you are blessed
and are well on this final Friday of
The weather is beautiful outside, subhanAllah.
through this Ramadan
and through this pandemic
has brought us
through so many changes,
including changes
in the seasons,
changes in his creation
on the earth when we got into the
When Ramadan even began, we were seeing snow
and there were barely any signs of life
outside. But, subhanallah, we look outside today and
the the lawns are being mowed, the dandelions
are growing, the leaves have grown on many
of the trees, the flowers are blooming. SubhanAllah.
This is from the sign these are from
the signs of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
These are from
the blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. A
reminder, a sign every time you look out
the window, every time you go outside of
the greatness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
the greatness of his design,
the way he has designed this earth and
he has
made it to to come back to life,
subhanAllah, in such beautiful ways. These should be
all reminders for us, for the believers when
we see the different signs of Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
It is a great blessing of Allah that
he has brought us to this,
you know, to this, 29th
day now of, Ramadan.
you know, this is a,
the last possibly the last, day of, Ramadan.
It is possible that the moon will be
sighted tonight. It is, unlikely that that will
happen. However, there is a possibility
that this is the last,
day, the last day of fasting of the
month of Ramadan,
certainly the last Friday.
Subhanallah, you know, 29 days ago, we embarked
on this, special journey.
And to be honest, I think many of
us were not sure
how it was going to be.
Of course, there are unusual circumstances.
Many brothers and sisters were concerned
about how it was going to turn out,
how we are going to survive through Ramadan.
What is Ramadan going to be like? So
there were a number of concerns,
questions that we were getting,
subhanallah, the time comes and the time goes.
It just seems like yesterday, we were, you
know, planning for Ramadan, we were thinking about
Ramadan, going out doing Ramadan shopping or placing
our orders,
and subhanAllah here we are now getting ready
for a Eid. Some of us were ready,
we hit the ground running. Others,
others were perhaps slow to start,
but have now also warmed up,
to, this, this opportunity.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept whatever we
have been able to do thus far. May
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to forgive us for
our shortcomings because, you know, it's almost in
every situation and this is our dream. It's
like human nature. Now whenever we go through
something, even if we do it successfully, even
if we have tried our best,
always if you think back, we can always
find rooms,
you know, room for for improvement. We can
find almost always we can find something that
we feel we could have done better or
we didn't do as well as we should
have. And this is actually good because this
means that we are looking back at our
performance. We're looking at back at how we're
doing. Not necessarily getting down if we did
not do well, but learning lessons from our
experience so that we can do even better
next time, inshallah. So a believer should always
be in the state of,
you know, in a state of seeking improvement
in themselves,
always aiming for ihsan, for excellence.
We can be excellent in everything a 100%
of the time. But if we try our
best to be in excellent in as many
things as possible, then inshallah, we will continue
to improve with the help of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. Now my brothers and sisters, just
like this month seems to have gone by
in a flash,
this pandemic will also seem like a flash.
You know, so inshallah when everything is over
and done with and we have passed through
the situation and things go back to normal,
then, you know, it will seem like it
was just a flash that it most likely
it went back very, very quickly, that it
went by very, very quickly.
This lifetime though will also seem like a
flash when we reach our end. So when
we when we Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells
us in the Quran, you know, that when
people will be brought on the day of
judgment and they'll be asked by Allah, how
much time did you spend? You know, it
would they it will just seem to like
it was a few hours, a few moments.
Right? So right now it seems like it's
long because we're in it, But once we
are past something, and I gave you the
example previously
of a flight. Right? So you go on
a trip and you're on a long flight
and or in a, you know, long car
ride. And when you're in that journey, it
seems like it is taking forever. It's a
very long journey. But once you arrive at
your destination and you think back, it's actually
most people will not remember
exactly what they felt and what they experienced
through that journey because it was just a
journey. Similarly, this life is just a journey
as well. And when we reach our final
destination, it will seem like it has just
passed by like this in an instant.
The fact that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has
brought us to this great day, right, the
last Friday of Ramadan, actually this Ramadan was
very different, or somewhat, I mean, it well,
of course, it was different in many ways,
but one of the the unique aspects of
this Ramadan is that there were actually 5
Fridays. So this is somewhat unusual because usually
you'll find, of course, 4 Fridays, but this
time we are actually blessed with an extra
Friday. So we ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
to grant us the blessings
of all Fridays and all the busted days
and moments and nights that Allah has put
in this, this month.
This is a short journey journey, so we
need to make the best most of it.
Inside of Ramadan, so while we're living through
Ramadan, we have to absolutely make the most
of it. And masha'Allah, I can tell, I
can sense that many of my brothers and
sisters and including, some of my young friends,
and, of course, the teenagers, my youth friends
as well,
have been really making an effort to surhamadan.
So I am I am really really happy
and ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
to bless you and to accept from you.
I know it hasn't been easy, for many
of us, but despite the challenges, I think
we as a community,
there has been a great effort and I
really ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to bless
that effort and to accept it.
But, you know, once Ramadan is over, our
journey continues and that journey is also a
short journey because our destination is Arab.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Right?
Indeed, from Allah we have come and to
him is our return. So,
our destination,
which is our return to Arab, is getting
every single day, and we want to keep
getting closer to him as well. So one
is the closeness that is forced because time
is going by and our end our time
is coming, but Allah has decreed that we
have to return to him. But our, we
also have an opportunity during this time, as
that time gets shortened, to also strive to
get closer to him spiritually,
to earn his love, to earn his pleasure.
And the closer
you get, you know, the more beloved and
the more special you become to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. As we have,
a few days ago in sunset live, Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in a hadith Qudsi,
meaning a hadith which, in which, the prophet
has related that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has
Is what I have enjoined upon him or,
of course, upon her. So what has been
made obligatory
is what brings us closer to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves
that. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says that he loves that, that we come
closer to him through the obligations.
And then he says,
Allah Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala says, and my slave keeps
on coming.
My servant keeps on coming closer to me
through performing extra voluntary nawafil acts until I
love him or until I love her. So
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves the fact that
we practice upon his obligations to seek nearness
and closeness to him. He loves that fact
that we're actually doing that, and then a
person continues to get closer and closer and
closer to Allah through nafil acts, through optional
acts, voluntary acts of worship
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala begins to love that
person. And as we discussed in sunset life,
and then, you know, there comes a point
where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala blesses that person
in every single way, and essentially everything that
they do,
becomes guided by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
also becomes blessed by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So becomes supercharged essentially by the blessings of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. May Allah
grant us that state, Ameen ia rabbalameen.
Now on the day of Eid, and we'll
talk about Eid a bit later. On the
day of Eid, so when Ramadan is over,
okay, when sunset happens and the moon is
sighted and we know that Ramadan has come
to an end, because remember, the night comes
first. So when the sun sets, okay, on
the last day of Ramadan,
then that night is the night of Eid.
Okay? So on that night and on the
day of
Eid, what state do we want to be
in? We want to be more closer to
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. We want to be
more beloved to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. We
wanna feel more loved than we did on
the 1st day of Ramadan, and we wanna
keep it that way. Right? Would you not
agree that we wanna keep it that way?
The state when we entered the state in
which we entered into Ramadan, we want to
be better than that when we leave Ramadan.
Right? Because it's like a car wash. Right?
If you go into a car wash, right,
with a dirty car, you expect that when
you come out, your car is gonna be
clean. Okay? And then you wanna keep it
clean for some time. Okay? But if you
go into a car wash, like Ramadan, okay,
taking that analogy, and we come out and
we are actually either dirtier, which is the
saddest state, so we don't wanna be that.
Inshallah, we wanna be clean and wanna maintain
that cleanness for as long as possible after
Ramadan. Now inevitably,
things will happen to us that did not
happen in Ramadan. Right? So we have to
strive and we have to try our best
to remain firm as much as possible. The
feeling will not be the same. I know
the moment Ramadan leaves, the feeling changes. Okay?
So the feeling will not be the same,
but we have to try our best to
try to maintain some of that purity, some
of that cleanliness, some of that forgiveness, some
of that barakah, those blessings, the rahma, the
forgiveness. Wanna try to maintain that and let
it last as long as possible, insha'Allah. Because
the purpose of this journey is really to
purify ourselves. This journey of Ramadan was to
purify ourselves spiritually, to elevate our level of
taqwa, to come out as permanently better people
towards others and as better slaves and servants
to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. As I've mentioned before, Ramadan, we
should see it as a stepping stone to
get closer and closer to Allah, not just
something that we go and then, you know,
we we we undo everything. Right? So we
don't want to be like going through a
car wash and immediately driving through a huge
puddle of mud, and then making ourselves just
as dirty as we were before or even
dirtier. We don't wanna do that. K? So
we wanna try to purify ourselves,
elevate our taqwa, but permanently become better people
as much as possible
and better servants to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Now during the last 29 days, my brothers
and sisters, many of us have felt hungry,
yet felt thirsty during the day. We felt
it in our stomachs. We felt it in
our mouths, but the impact should be felt
in our hearts.
So fasting,
for those of us who will also give
strength to fast,
hunger in the stomach,
thirst in the mouth, or dryness in the
throat. Right? But the impact should really be
felt in our hearts. And how so? Because
the primary purpose of fasting Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala tells us what. We know this by
now. Right?
So that we develop,
so that we develop
mindfulness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has said that
taqwa habuna.
the prophet
said that taqwa is here, and he pointed
towards his chest. Right? Towards the heart
three times. And Imam Alawi
tells us that
that the,
that taqwa is not attained just by outwardly
deeds. Right? By these that can be seen.
Okay? So that is not really the way
to achieve taqwa.
But rather, taqwa is attained
by what occurs in the heart or what
is felt in the heart with regards to
the greatness of Allah and
awe and fear of Allah
and maraqabah. And one of the finest definitions
from maraqabah
is the following that maraqabah of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is being on the way to
him at all times
with overwhelming glorification,
inciting nearness and urging joy. So essentially a
person who is constantly thinking about Allah and
is doing so in a state of dhikr
of glorification of remembrance of tazbi of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
making him feel close to Allah
and making him feel or her feeling joyful
as well. Now the overwhelming glorification
is to have the heart filled with the
glorification of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. So it's not just something which
is said as subhanAllah from the tongue, but
it's something which is deeply felt in the
heart that a person has the urge and
wants to continuously glorify Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
in such a state,
makes the servant unconcerned
with glorifying others or paying attention
or we should say too much attention to
others beside Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And a
servant of Allah should ideally always have the
state, especially when remembering Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So you wanna associate the remembrance of Allah
with joy. Want to associate the the remembrance
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
with a feeling that comes in the heart
and that insights nearness and makes us feel
close to Allah. When we fear feel close
to Allah, when we have the love of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in our hearts, then
we actually
want to stay away from that which displeases
him. And we want to do that which
pleases him. So these are physical actions and
deeds that we have been doing, but they
should impact the heart. Our recitation of Quran
should impact the heart. Our salah should impact
the heart. Right. Our athkar, our tasbihat should
affect the heart. Our dua should touch the
heart. So taqwa, my brothers and sisters, is
the foundation or the roof.
Right. If it leaks,
if you keep damaging it, you have to
keep repairing it as well. Right? And it
it's in constant need of repair. And subhanAllah,
that may be one of the wisdoms why
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has mandated that we
fast that we, we we fast every single
But the damage that is being done to
our taqwa, my brothers and sisters,
is because the root problem
is not solved.
The damage to our taqwa is because the
root problem is not solved. Okay. So similarly,
taqwa is at the root of our symptoms
and consequences of spiritual illnesses. Right? If a
person has a house and they keep getting
water in their basement, they have a leak
or they keep getting floods, it's because the
root cause is not being addressed. Right? Like
the people who live near the water and
every spring, you know, we see flooding. Alhamdulillah,
this year it hasn't been, too bad at
all. But, you know, water rises, it's because
their homes are too low. It's because they
don't have anything to protect themselves
from the water. Right? Or people have cracks
in their foundations and there's problems being caused
or, you know, a hole in the roof.
You know, if they don't, they can put
a bucket to try to fix it. They
can keep cleaning up the flood. But if
they don't deal with the actual leak with
the problem, right, and if they don't,
you know,
if they don't
repair, then the same problem will continue.
So we also have to focus on the
root causes. Right? And the root problem is,
or the root issue is a lack of
or, you know, a lack of,
of of of awareness of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. Lack of mindfulness of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. And this is what then allows us
or leads us,
or does not stop us then from going
ahead and committing sins and con causing all
different types of problems because everything is related.
Everything. Our mind, our body, our soul, everything
is related. So one thing suffers, it has
an impact everywhere else as well. And then
the prophet
has told us that, you
know, right, that indeed there is a piece
of flesh in the body. If it is
sound, then the entire body will be sound.
Meaning all the actions it does will be
sound. And if it is corrupted, if it
you know, rotten, then the rest of it
will also be corrupted, the rest will also
be rotting.
It has to do with the heart and
taqwa resides in the heart. And this is
why it is so important
to continue to strive to build taqwa and
gain nearness to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So
the question is, my brothers and sisters, the
important question is, how will this Ramadan change
you? Because the leak may have been fixed
in Ramadan.
Right? Maybe you stopped committing the sin. Maybe
you changed your behavior, masha'Allah.
how will this Ramadan change you after Ramadan?
So you fixed it in Ramadan, but what
about afterwards?
You know, the leak may have been fixed
but is it just a temporary patch? Is
it just going to spring again after Ramadan?
Is your bucket of good deeds? Right? Because
Masha'Allah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala guided you,
and you did Masha'Allah many good deeds probably.
Ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to accept and
to increase it in your book of rewards.
But now think of it as a bucket
of good deeds. Is it going to be
a leaky bucket that you keep putting good
deeds in that bucket, but there's a leak
and it keeps draining all your good deeds?
Is that the situation that we want to
be in? Or do we actually wanna fix
our bucket so that there are no leaks
or we minimize the leaks so that there
there are, you know, more opportunities
to safeguard our good deeds and to protect
ourselves from our sins.
my brothers and sisters, once taqwa starts flourishing,
we start seeing many impacts.
Right? And one of the foremost is to
truly value Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Right? It
comes down to how we think of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. What we feel about Allah,
the true value of Allah in our hearts,
his words,
his pleasure, more than myself,
right, more than anything else.
My wants, my desires,
right, desires for others
are insignificant,
are nothing compared to the pleasure for my
rub, the pleasure of my rub, the pleasure
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So putting Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala at the forefront
of every choice, every decision, every step, every
breath. So this is ideally what we want
to get to. So that whenever we think
of doing something, before anyone or anything else,
we think, what is my rabbi gonna think?
How is Allah going to feel about this?
How is Allah going to look at me
if I decide to do this? So always
pausing and thinking before we go ahead and
we do anything. So we increase the value
in our hearts for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
by having his love and having his taqwa.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us this
love and grant us this taqwa,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
you know, has likes and dislikes as we
have discussed in the Quran. K. May a
Quran live. Every night we have been looking
at qualities of the believers. Qualities that Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala,
speaks highly about. And we have been looking
at the things that Allah does not like.
So we want our likes to become Allah's,
to for we want Allah's likes to become
our likes. And we want Allah's dislikes to
become our dislikes. So that we are in
sync. Our desires,
our heart, our attitude, our personality, everything is
in sync with what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
wants from us. This is the ideal state
we want to get to, and this requires
effort, my brothers and sisters. This doesn't come
easily, and most importantly,
it comes after effort. Most importantly, it comes
from the mercy and blessings of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. And so we have to realize
that this is something we want, and that
we need to work towards it. And then
it's going to come from Allah, and we
have to ask Allah for it. So this
is the state of mind we wanna be
in as we exit the month of Ramadan.
Because this is real foundational and transformative change.
You know, we start valuing the words of
Allah. We start building a connection with Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. We started loving we started
loving Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala more. We seek
we see guidance as being valuable
and we want to sacrifice because we know
that Jannah does not come cheap. There is
struggle, there is strife, there is, effort that
needs to be done. We have to feel
that striving. We have to feel that struggle
in our struggle to get to Jannah. Unless,
of course, Allah wants to his mercy, but
otherwise, you know, we have
to make an effort and even then it
depends on the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. Allah tells us in the Quran that,
you know, Jannah is something which does not
come easily, does not come easy. And there
there is there are trials, and there are
struggles, and there are challenges on the path
to Jannah. So this is something you have
to go through, but our focus should be
clear on pleasing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
You know, to put the pleasures of Allah,
to put the the the commands of Allah
after our needs and pleasures, that's not really
sacrificing. That's good.
We're valuing the guidance of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. But to say that I'm going to
do what I want to do first, I'm
gonna go through I'll go after my pleasures
and what I feel like doing, and then
I'll see what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala wants,
that's not really a sacrifice. And that's not
really the attitude, the true attitude of a
believer because we have to prioritize Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. So my brothers and sisters, let
us take advantage of these final few days
and nights of Ramadan. Let us reflect reflect
upon what impact this Ramadan is going to
have upon us after Ramadan and for the
rest of our lives. So again, the question
is, how will your life change after this
Which sin will you leave?
Which sin that you have left left during
Are you going to continue to leave after
Ramadan or are you gonna go back to
it after Ramadan?
Which new
which new good deed new good deed for
you meaning, will become a permanent part of
your life after this Ramadan? So mashallah, you've
done it in Ramadan, which one will you
continue after Ramadan? Because you see the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has told us
That take up good deeds only as much
as you're able to, for the best deeds
are those done regularly even if they are
few. Now, of course, this is apart from
the, obligations, so we have to do the
Even that, of course, if you're not doing
all of them, try to increase it somewhat.
So if someone was not praying in, outside
of Ramadan and started praying in Ramadan Masha'Allah,
then try to keep that up as much
as possible. Right? And yes, we should be
offering prayers 5 times a day. But if
a person is not gonna do them at
all, then at least they should try to
do some if they're not gonna do all.
Because like I always say, you know, 5%
is better than 0%. Right? 50 is better
than 20. 75 is better than 50. 99
is better than 90. So we try to
strive and try to do as much as
we can. Even the obligations, even though we
know we should be doing 100%.
But if you're not doing any, you might
as well start doing something because something is
better than nothing. Right? And if you seek
help from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Right? Even
with sins, try to reduce them. Right? You
know, 50% sin is better than 90% sin.
You know, 20% sin is better than 50%
sin. So try to decrease the sins and
try to increase the goodness and seek Allah's
help. Insha'Allah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will help
you. Allah will guide you and assist you
in increasing your goodness and minimizing your disobedience.
So prophet
said take up good deeds only as much
as you're able to. So the optional deeds,
take up some. Okay. For the best deeds
are those that are done regularly even if
there are a few. So do a few.
If you can, try to stick to them
regularly. Right? Don't get so excited where you
say, okay, I'm gonna do this and that
and that. You have a long list of
resolutions as often happens, often happens at New
Year's. And
at the end, what happens? Right? Everything is
left behind. Right? Or most things are left
behind. So don't be like that, but rather
make, you know, pick some deeds, the extra
deeds that are pleasing to us, one of
the things that you continue to do after
Ramadan, and then try to your best to
stick to them and keep them regular. Even
if they are small. So it doesn't have
to be huge. Could be some extra prayer
every single day. It could be a new
or a.
Right? Some of the practices that we have
learned in the month of Ramadan. Try to
adopt. If you can't do all of them,
do some of them. Right? As much as
you're able to and try to build up
slowly Insha'Allah.
But consistency is key because if you do
a lot of one day or for one
week and then we drop everything,
that is not the best approach. As opposed
to keeping it small and maintaining it, Insha'Allah,
gradually building it because at the end of
the day, the goal is self improvement
over our lifetime. So that through our lives,
we are getting closer and closer to Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala through every Ramadan and through
every opportunity
that Allah gives us.
And through this Ramadan, alhamdulillah, and this pandemic,
we have been repenting. We have been making
dua to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And Imam
Maqayim has
many signs for the acceptance
and non acceptance of tawba of repentance. Because
how do we know that our acceptance
has been accepted? Right? Like, how do we
tell? So,
he tells us that
amongst the signs, right, amongst the signs, the
servant should be better after repentance than before.
The servant of Allah
should be
better after repentance than before. This means that
the repenting person should see whether or not
they have increased their good deeds and decreased
their bad deeds. So this is one of
the signs of acceptance of our repentance
that we are
able to,
you know, maintain good deeds or not, and
whether our sins have gone down or not.
So that is the first thing.
The second thing is that he should become
humble. So the servant of Allah should become
more humble and should benefit,
from a state of mind by resorting to
supplications of humility
and servitude.
So this is a important question that after
going through this training of Ramadan and this
trial, this pandemic,
what change will come to your life?
Will what change will come into your life,
into your attitude, your personality,
your belief, your relationships, your feelings, your worship.
What changes are gonna is they're gonna come?
And what positive change, of course, that is
going to come? What sins or what doubtful
acts are you going to leave?
Or is it gonna be the same as
before? Okay. So let us reflect upon that.
You don't have to answer me, of course.
Think about it. You go to bed tonight,
think about it. On the morning of Eid,
you know, when or or the night of
Eid when you go to sleep, think about
it. Right? These are things to reflect upon
when you pray. Take some moments to reflect
Right? So try to,
try to build up this goodness
and try to, reflect so that we have
positivity coming into our lives.
Otherwise, my brothers and sisters, the risk is
that we will be like a leaky bucket
that loses all its contents and is left
dry and empty. And that is something that
we absolutely do not want. So let us
make some dua.
Oh, Allah. Oh, Allah. All praise and thanks
are for you. Oh Allah. You have blessed
us in so many ways. Oh Allah. We
cannot thank you enough. Oh Allah. You have
brought us to this last blessed day or
this last blessed Friday of this last, of
this blessed month. You Allah. Oh Allah. For
how many of us it will be the
last Friday? We don't know. O Allah. O
Allah. This may be my last Friday of
O Allah. This may be our last Friday
of Ramadan. O Allah. O Allah. How many
of of Fridays in Ramadan are left for
us? O Allah. We don't know in our
lives. Oh Allah, we don't want to be
those who will not see another Ramadan. Oh
Allah, please grant us another Ramadan. Oh Allah,
please grant us another Friday in Ramadan. Oh
Allah, we are your weak servants. Oh Allah,
we have been filthy with sins. Oh Allah,
we have so many shortcomings.
O Allah, please purify our hearts. O Allah,
please forgive us for all of our shortcomings.
O Allah, please rectify our hearts and our
deeds. O Allah, please accept our meager deeds.
O Allah, o Allah, our deeds are not
worthy of your greatness, you Allah. O Allah,
we are weak. Oh Allah, we are small.
Oh Allah, we have done what you have
guided us to do.
Oh, laid a little bit of effort, oh
Allah, but it's not as good as it
should be. Oh Allah, it is not the
way it should be. Oh Allah, please forgive
us and accept our meager deeds, yourahamal Rahimin.
Oh, Allah, please protect our loved ones. Oh,
Allah, please protect our loved ones. Oh, Allah,
please bless us with halal income, with healthy
with health and with safety, you Allah. Oh,
Allah, please cure all of those who are
ill. Oh, Allah, please relieve those in pain.
O Allah, please make us the people of
goodness in this life and the next. Ameen.
O Allah, please purify our hearts. O Allah,
please remove all illnesses from our physical and
our spiritual hearts. Oh Allah, please remove all
illnesses from our minds and from our bodies.
Oh Allah, please remove all spiritual illnesses and
diseases from our hearts. Oh Allah, please purify
our hearts and fill them with your love
and the love of your messenger, sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. Ameen Yarabalalameen.
Oh, Allah, for many years we have been
trying striving and trying to establish your house
of worship in this area. Oh, Allah, we
are not worthy or capable. Oh, Allah, it
is for your pleasure and to serve you
and your deen alone. Oh, Allah, please accept
it from us and make it easy for
us. Oh Allah, there are costs in big
numbers. Oh Allah, there are tiny for you.
There are nothing for you that seem big
to us. Oh Allah, we are trying but
you are the doer. Oh Allah, please make
it easy for us. Oh Allah, please reward
all of those who are who have given.
Oh Allah, all of those who have contributed.
Oh, Allah, all of those who have prayed
for us, oh, Allah, please protect them always.
Oh, Allah, please bless them in their wealth.
Oh, Allah, please continue to protect them, their
future generation, as their children, and their youth,
you, Allah. Oh, Allah, please bless their homes.
Oh, Allah, please bless their marriages. O Allah,
please relieve them from them difficulties.
O Allah, please
grant cures to of them to to those
of them who are ill. O Allah, please
bless their parents. O Allah, please,
reward their parents who have returned to you.
O Allah, their grandparents and their loved ones.
Oh Allah, please grant them the best in
this world and in the hereafter. Ameen You
Rabbil Alameen. Oh Allah, please grant us sincerity.
Oh Allah, please grant us sincerity. Oh Allah,
please grant us sincerity in our actions. Ameen
You Rabbil Alameen. Oh Allah, Shabra your mercy
and your forgiveness upon all of those who
have returned to You, You Allah. O Allah,
our loved ones, O Allah, those of us
whose parents have returned to You, O Allah,
whose spouses have returned to You, O Allah,
those of us whose children have returned to
You, O Allah, shower Your mercy and forgiveness
upon all of them, You Allah. Oh Allah,
please relieve
the hearts of those who are grieved, you
Allah. Oh Allah, please grant them peace. Oh
Allah, please grant them solace, you Allah. Oh
Allah, we just heard of a tragedy, a
major plane crash in Karachi, in Pakistan. Oh,
Allah, please please forgive all of those who
have returned to you. Oh, Allah, they return
to you on this blessed Friday of this
of this blessed blessed Friday of Ramadan. Oh,
Allah, please grant them generosity for those. Oh,
Allah, please forgive them for their shortcomings and
their mistakes. Oh, Allah, please forgive those and,
who were injured,
and, please cure those who were injured on
the ground. Oh, Allah, those going through hardship
and calamity at this time. Oh, Allah, please
ease their suffering. Oh, Allah, all around the
world we find suffering. O Allah, please ease
the suffering of this ummay, Allah. O Allah,
this is the ummah of your beloved messenger,
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. O Allah, please have
mercy upon this ummay, Allah. O Allah, please
remove the oppression from this ummay, Allah. O
Allah, please remove the hardships from this ummay,
Allah. Oh, Allah, please guide this, Allah. Oh,
Allah, please guide this, Allah. Oh, Allah, please
make it a ummah of iman. Oh, Allah,
please make it a ummah of tahuwah. Oh,
Allah, please make it a ummah of hidayah.
Oh, Allah, of rahma.
Oh, Allah, who spreads compassion, and Uma of
and Uma of tolerance, and Uma of love
and kindness. O
Allah, please cure all of our brothers and
sisters, O Allah.
O Allah, please cure all of our brothers
and sisters who are ill. O Allah, please
grant them relief. Oh, Allah, please remove everything
harmful from their bodies. Oh, Allah, our brother
Sauda Alem who's undergoing cancer treatment. Oh, Allah,
all others who are facing challenges with their
health. Oh, Allah, their physical health, their mental
health. Oh, Allah, their spiritual health. O'Allaah, please
cure all of them and all of us
here hamarrahimin.
O'Allaah, please, our brothers and sisters locally who
we know and others who we do not
know who are living through pain and long
term injuries and are suffering every single day.
O'Allaah, those who are in extreme pain. O'Allaah,
those who are in extreme hardship. Oh, Allah,
those who are ill or at risk of
becoming ill. Oh, Allah, please cure all of
them. You are hamarrahmeen.
Oh, Allah, please protect all of them. You
are hamarrahmeen.
Oh, Allah, you are the protector and healer.
Oh, Allah, please grant them speedy recovery. Oh,
Allah, protect everyone from all types of illnesses
and pain and suffering. Through your power and
your might, remove their hardships and suffering, you
Allah. O Allah, we are helpless in front
of you. O Allah, those who have hate
in their hearts, o Allah, those who are
misguided, o Allah, we pray for them as
well. O Allah, please show them the light.
O Allah, please make them people of kindness.
O Allah, please remove the darkness from their
hearts. O Allah, please make them people of
tolerance and compassion. O Allah, people of unity
and togetherness.
O Allah, please foster understanding between us and
our opponents. O Allah, please remove the blindfolds
from those who have been blinded by hate,
you Allah. Oh, Allah, please remove please purify
the hearts of those whose hearts
are drowning in hate and ignorance, oh, Allah.
Oh, Allah, please remove misunderstandings. Oh, Allah, we
have been at fault as well for not
representing our deen, for not practicing our deen
as how, how it should be. Oh, Allah.
Please forgive us for this as well. Oh,
Allah. Please spread unity and peace around the
world. Oh, Allah. In different parts of the
world, there are conflicts and there are challenges.
Oh, Allah. Please remove all of those challenges.
Oh, Allah. Please remove those conflicts. O'allah, please
bring unity and harmony between all peoples. You
O'allah, please open the doors of halal sustenance,
especially for those who are in debt. O'allah,
those living through poverty. O'allah, living through financial
hardship. O Allah, please ease their affairs. You're
O Allah, please grant us a good return
to you during this life. O Allah, at
the end of this life and on the
day of judgment, o Allah, please make us
the people of mercy, who emit mercy, who
receive mercy, who remit forgiveness,
who are forgiven. Amin yarbalalameen.
Insha'Allah my brothers and sisters,
as I said, we will be looking for
the Eid moon insha'Allah,
tonight, to today at sunset insha'Allah. It is
unlikely to be seen. However, of course, in
the hands of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, if
the moon is seen, as I said, it
is unlikely, but we will try inshallah, which
is the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam. If it is seen, then Eid will
be tomorrow.
But again, like I said, it's unlikely. But
if it is seen, the Eid will be
tomorrow on Saturday, Insha'Allah.
And, otherwise, Eid is expected to be on
Sunday, May 24th, Insha'Allah. Now there have been
a number of questions regarding their Eid prayer.
As we know, gatherings, inside the masajid, inside
normal gatherings for prayer are not allowed.
the recommendation
is that we offer a prayer at home.
Now according to the majority of schools, fiqh,
they have allowed a prayer individually or at
or and at home, especially when it's not
possible to join the Jamah'ah as it is
So therefore, the recommendation is that we pray
at home. Now it is only in the
Hanafi school of fiqh where, Ayeed salah is
considered is considered to be wajib, and it
is like Jannah'a in the Hanafi according to
the Hanafi school. And for that, there must
be 4 male adults present. And if they
are not available, then it could be, then
brothers and sisters who offer that who will
follow that can offer 2 or 4 rakas
of nafil salah,
of a salahatul dua, the 4 noon prayer
in the morning, inshallah.
This won't replace the Eid prayer, but there
is no blame because there is no congregational
Eid prayer under these circumstances,
because it is not allowed. So therefore, like
as I said, the majority of the schools
schools of fit allow Eid prayer individually and
at home.
So, when it's not possible especially to join,
so therefore,
it is permissible to pray at home,
in the Hanafi school as I mentioned.
The condition for Eid prayer is similar to
that of a Friday prayer, which is a
minimum of 4 Islamically mature males to be
present for the for the congregation
to be valid,
because it is obligated upon them.
Of course, women women and children are welcome
to join. And if such conditions are not
met, then individually offer 2 or 4 rakas
of salatul buha in the morning insha'Allah.
The Eid Khutba is a Sunnah, but not
a requirement. So for Friday prayer, the Khutba,
the sermon, the 2 sermons are a requirement.
But for Eid, the Khutbah is recommended. It
is a sunnah, a tradition of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam, but it is not a
requirement for the validity of the Eid prayer.
So if you are praying Eid, Eid salah
at home, you do not have to offer
the Khutbah. The Eid prayer, as a reminder,
is 2 rakas of prayer. There are multiple
acceptable methods of offering it, which are very
similar. So there's not much difference.
Among them is to have to start the
prayers. So you say Allahu Akbar, you start
the salah, and then you have 7 extra
Takbirat in succession in a row immediately after
the first Takbir.
So you say Allahu Akbar 7 times,
extra. So meaning the first time you say
it, that's 1, and then 7 others. So
the 8th time is the last one, and
then you start recitation as normal of Surah
Al Fatiha of of another Surah. You go
into ruku, you do your sudood as normal,
you stand up for the second rakkar, and
at the beginning of the second rakha, you
do 5 extra takbirs.
Okay. So again, you stand up, you say
Allahu Akbar, then you do 5 times Allahu
Akbar, and then you continue your recitation and
complete the prayer as normal, adding a Surah
after Surah Al Fatiha in both rakha's. Recite
out loud if you are leading the prayer,
and like I said, the remaining prayer is
as usual. The other acceptable method,
that is common,
is to have 3 extra Takbirat in the,
in the first rakar.
So, 4 in the beginning. And then in
the second rakah, to have 3 extra as
well. So 6 in all instead of 12.
But in the second rakah, the 3 extra
takbiraat are done at the end instead of
the beginning. Okay. So once again, the second
method is to offer
with 3 extra
in the beginning of the first rakah,
continue the prayer as normal in the first
rakah, recite as normal in the second rakah,
and before going into Roku in the second
rakah, three extra.
So those are the 2,
commonly known methods. Different you know, there's the
main differences in the number of and when
they are done. Inshallah, they're all acceptable, so
nothing much to worry about. And most of
the the rest of the prayer is same.
With regards to Zakat al Fitr, of course,
this is the obligatory,
Zakat or Sabaqa that must be given,
to purify ourselves,
for our mistakes and misdeeds in the month
of Ramadan, and also to help those in
need enjoy Eid, better inshallah.
So the, the sunnah or the original command
is to give it in terms of food
so grain, wheat, you know,
raisins, dates, and so on.
But if that's not possible,
many scholars or at least some scholars have
allowed a cash amount, which many must actually
do. So the calculation is approximately $10 per
person minimum.
Prices fluctuate and, you know, they have been
going up. So we'll say $10 per person
minimum. If you can give more, that is
better. If you can benefit the needy and
from you, you'll be rewarded, and, of course,
that is better. But $10 per person minimum,
Please try to pay today before Maghrib so
that we can send it off to, Sadaka
Food Bank for timely distribution
to the needy,
and this must be paid or should be
paid before they eat. So we wanna do
it as soon as possible. Do not delay
it till the last minute. K? I know
it's easy to procrastinate, so don't do that.
Give it inshallah, give it soon. You can
go to
donate. The link is on your, your screen.
However, please don't give it as a regular
donation to the Masjid. There's a special link
for Zakat Al Mana and Zakat Al Fit,
because we wanna make sure we treat that
as it deserves to be treated,
and we don't really want to ideally be
spending these funds, for the masjid because, you
know, we wanna
we wanted to benefit the poor, insha'Allah.
Those who are in need, and there are
no subhanallah, there are many people like that.
So please go to,
and click on the specific link right at
top. You will see it's large for zakatul
fitra and zakatulman. You can click there and
choose zakatul whichever zakat it is, Insha'Allah, and
you can make your, your payment. Now with
regards to, aid gathering, so from the, so
as you, probably know, large religious gatherings or
large gatherings in general are prohibited. However, religious
gatherings have been permitted by the provincial government
with some important conditions,
and, we will be having a drive in,
Eid gathering,
which, conforms to the rules,
but the guidelines need to be respected. Otherwise,
you will be putting yourself at risk,
especially of a fine potentially.
So we don't want you to to go
through that risk or to face any hardship
So here are the rules just for your
The the province has said that coming out
of the vehicle is not allowed. So if
you come to the drive in event, you're
welcome to come in your car, but will
not be allowed to exit the car, except
for 5 people who are managing the service.
So that is what the rule says.
Also, each vehicle must contain only members of
the same household. This is the second condition
that has been stated in the directive. And
also that vehicles must be parked parked 2
meters apart. So when you come,
you know, leave a parking spot. We will
have volunteers on-site, but just ensure that they're
you are leaving the parking spot,
between cars and are not parking next to
a car, because we wanna try to, respect
the rules as much as possible InshaAllah.
If you are able to adhere to this,
the guidelines, then certainly,
go ahead and first pray at home, Insha'Allah,
as we have described, and then join us
for this first ever drive in Eid gathering.
There have been questions about offering prayers in
the car, and to be honest, it's something
that I have tried to explore. I don't
have the knowledge to make that decision. I
have tried to explore it. I
have sought counsel with a number of scholars.
Most of them were very uncomfortable or said
that it would not be permissible or would
not be a good idea to do salah
in our cars, by lining them up and
offering salah in that way.
There might be some who have said. I've
read that as well that it is permissible.
So it's a it's a it's an it's
a new issue and you will have, you
know, different opinions. Insha'Allah, we always try to
go with that which is safer, Insha'Allah.
And, because, of course, we have a diversity
of opinions in our community, And the day
of Eid is when we want to be
united. We want to we don't wanna spend
it, you know, debating or arguing or doing
anything like that, Insha'Allah. So just offer salah
in your home, Insha'Allah. And then you can
come, and, join our Eid gathering, Insha'Allah.
If you have a phone, please do bring
it, so that you can call into the
audio feed if you need to. We will
have sound, system inshallah. They may not be
very loud depending on how many cars there
are and how far the parking goes. So
inshallah, you know, bring your phone if you
can so that you can call into the
audio feed. And also if you wanna join
in the takbiraat,
you can call in the number inshallah, and
you can join the takbiraat as well. That
information will be given to you inshallah on-site,
and will be posted online as well. So
when is this happening? It's happening Sunday, May
24th inshallah. So regardless of when Eid is,
whether it's Saturday or Sunday, we will be
gathering Insha'Allah for the drive in, Eid gathering
on Sunday. The parking lot opens at 9:30
AM Insha'Allah. And the program we're hoping Insha'Allah
will begin and begin at 10 AM. Where
is it happening? It's happening at the Nokia
parking lot. So if you come on March
Road, of course you see the building Nokia
So it's happening, it's right across from 555
Leggett Drive in Kanata InshaAllah. Everyone is welcome
even if you don't live in Kanata, you
are welcome to join us InshaAllah.
You can decorate your car InshaAllah. You know,
we wanna make it as festive as possible.
So decorate your car, you can share greetings
from your car, Insha'Allah. You're not supposed to
get out, but you can drive around Insha'Allah.
Follow instructions from volunteers as much as possible.
We can share our greetings Insha'Allah.
Insha'Allah, I will be delivering a message there,
and we'll have the present message from our
president, brother Mahmoud, and others as well, Insha'Allah.
may Allah bless our volunteers, especially the sisters.
They have prepared approximately 500 bags of of
candies and goodies, for children. So inshallah, we
will pass it out to 1st come, 1st
served. So try to come early, and park,
and and then those will be distributed to
you. We wanna give a special thanks to
our local city councilor, councilor for Canada North,
Jenna Suds, for her support in in making
this possible. And also, of course, to Nakia,
for making this possible, for allowing us to
use of their parking lot, and, special, thanks
to all of the,
volunteers who are helping with this.
So the 8 prayer, as I said, it's
offered at home. Doesn't have to be offered
together. It's not gonna be online. So you
do it on your own, Insha'Allah. And then
you join us for the gathering,
starting at 9:30 AM, on Sunday.
After a prayer, we have a tradition of
a caravan of joy.
Some of you may know, we go to
different locations and share 8 greetings and give
a small gift, a token of appreciation. So
this year, we will be visiting some local
long term long term care homes that have
been impacted by COVID 19
to, to show love for the for and
prayers for the residents and and support for
the staff, inshallah, so you can join us
after the aid prayer, in that caravan. Everyone
is welcome. We won't get out of our
cars except for a few people who have
to give the gift. We will you can
make signs of support and you can hold
them out of your window, and they will
know that we are coming. So the residents
and the staff will be looking at us
Insha'Allah. And hopefully, it will uplift their spirits,
and we ask Allah to
grant them ease at this difficult time. I
wanna say thank you so much to everyone
who contributed and supported, our Ramadan campaign.
The outpouring of support has been very, very
humbling, subhanAllah, and deeply appreciated. So Jazaakum Allah
Khayr to everyone who contributed
large amounts, small amounts, who even made dua'
for us, who who who shared a message,
who wished us well. Jazakumullah Waqqairah. Ask Allah
Subhanahu Waqqairah accepts all of your efforts and
your contributions. Ask Allah Subhanahu Waqqairah to increase
in in your book of deeds, to make
it heavy on your deed of scale on
on your, scale scale of deeds. Ameen arablaalameen.
Ask Allah
to protect you from all types of hardships,
to remove all hardships from your life, and
to continue to bless you in with goodness,
and to bring you closer and closer to
him, and, continue to, bless you and your
We have reached our initial Ramadan goal, Alhamdulillah,
with your generous support. But, of course, we
need continuous support for the construction of the
New Majid and Center. Fortunately, construction is very
costly. We wanna do it in the best
way possible. Nothing fancy based on our needs,
but, of course the costs are high. So
if you can and would like to take
advantage of this final Friday of Ramadan,
please do contribute at
We have all the different options available there.
There's no pressure, but every dollar counts and
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is watching. Insha'Allah, he
will increase you in terms of reward. Insha'Allah.
Okay. So, let us, make our final dua,
My brothers and sisters, may Allah reward you
for your patience. May Allah reward you for
your attention. May Allah reward you for your
good intentions. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala continue
to increase you and protect you. May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala grant you many more Fridays
in Ramadan. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant
you many more laylatulqadds.
I'm honestly,
don't know how to express my thanks to
every single one of you. So may I
just make the Adha to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala that he protects you and he grants
you the best in every single moment of
your life and every single moment of the
hereafter. Ameen, you're a balalameen. Please go ahead
and offer your prayers and InshaAllah, we'll see
you tonight at approximately 8:0:5, 8:10 PM inshallah
for KMA sunset live. Could be the last
sunset of Ramadan.
And then inshallah, we will be live tonight
as well. We will have the announcement.
Most likely the moon will not be seen,
but inshallah, we will post the announcement on
our website and on, our Facebook page inshallah,
and you can join us for Quran live
tonight as well. And tomorrow, we will have
on Saturday if, it's not Eid inshallah, we
will continue,
with our final session of Ramadan live, of
the sunset live. Always very very emotional when
we have the last moments of Ramadan. I
was wondering if Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
will give me another opportunity to witness the
month of Ramadan. Again, I don't know. I
don't know if those will be the last
moments. That's what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
continue to bless us and protect protect us.
I mean,
forgive me for my shortcomings.