Shaun King – One beautiful way my heart has changed as a Muslim

Shaun King
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The speaker describes a recent incident that has caused people to express their views on the actions of the prophet Muhammad. They describe how people have been lying about the events and causing harm to their friend's life. The speaker encourages people to keep talking and lying until the end of the day until everyone can convince them that peace be upon their partner.

AI: Summary ©

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			As-salamu alaykum.
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			You know, I had something I just wanted
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			to say to you all very quickly.
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			Something has changed in my heart.
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			You know, my whole life I've seen, I
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			mean, going back to when I was a
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			teenager, I've seen people say the most ridiculous
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			things about me.
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			And this has just been a theme in
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			my life.
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			No matter what good I'm doing in the
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			world, someone says, he's not doing that for
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			He's doing it for evil.
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			He's not really raising money for those people.
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			He's stealing it.
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			He's keeping it.
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			He's, he's getting a little bit of it.
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			All of those things are illegal and ridiculous
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			and completely untrue.
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			But now when I see people say things,
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			and this week, and I'm pushing so hard
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			to raise money, you know, we thought there
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			were 20,000 orphans in Gaza.
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			The number is now over 40,000 orphans
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			in Gaza.
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			And I'm pushing as hard as I can
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			to get them the support they need.
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			And sure enough, you know, I don't know
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			if it's Zionist behind it, or if it's
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			just ignorance, really, because I see some people
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			that are all, people from all across the
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			spectrum saying, he's stealing that money from the
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			And it's like, what?
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			And I'm even getting people writing me saying,
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			how dare you steal money from Palestinian orphans?
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			Listen, nevermind.
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			The money never goes through me.
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			It goes directly to the charity.
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			And I don't get a percentage.
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			I don't get any of that.
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			It never comes through me.
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			I don't even have the username and password
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			to the fundraiser.
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			I don't even have access to it, or
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			to the bank accounts or anything else.
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			But now, when I see people speak ill
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			of me and lie about me, now as
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			a Muslim, I say, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
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			And let me tell you why.
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			For the first time in my life, you
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			know, as a Christian, listen, we knew they
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			talked bad about Jesus.
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			But I find myself wanting to be like
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			our prophet, peace be upon him, so much
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			that when people talk bad about me and
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			lie about me, I just think to myself,
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			they did this to our prophet, peace be
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			upon him.
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			This is okay.
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			If they did it to him, I want
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			them to do it to me.
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			And I kid you not, listen, I don't
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			want to be insincere.
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			I don't love it.
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			But if I get to experience something that
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			the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, experienced,
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			then part of me does love it.
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			So keep talking, keep lying.
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			I'm going to keep helping orphans.
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			And let me tell you why.
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			Because our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
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			he said, and Jenna, for those of you
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			who don't know, that's heaven.
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			And Jenna, those who help orphans, he held
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			up the Hadith, says he held up his
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			index finger and his middle finger.
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			And he said, those who help orphans will
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			be like this with me and Jenna.
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			So listen, talk about me, but I'm trying
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			to be like this with our prophet, peace
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			be upon him, and Jenna.
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			As-salamu alaykum.