Shakiel Humayun – Why is There Evil if Shayateen are Chained in Ramadan Tarawih Talk #2

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The speaker discusses the theory that the gates of creator and fire gates are wide and closed, but the gates of evil are only closed. The theory that confirms that there is evil in the world is called revelation, and the theory that there is a blocker of evil that stops people from achieving their potential. The speaker explains that the theory that there is a blocker of evil that stops people from achieving their potential is the main theory, and that the theory that there is a blocker of evil that stops people from achieving their potential is the main theory.
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Our prophet Muhammad
said that when Ramadan comes,
the gates of paradise are wide open
and the gates of the fire
are sealed shut
and the the
devils are chained.
Notice here the prophet
didn't said they did not say
means open but the prophet
which is the intense form of the verb.
So the gates of paradise are not just
open but they are wide open.
And the gates of the fire are not
just closed, but they are sealed shut.
So we have the intense form. And then
the prophet
said that the
are chained.
Now one may ask a question that if
the the devils and the are chained,
why is there still evil in the world?
Why do we still sometimes have evil thoughts?
Why do people still have a temper? Why
is there still still and envy in Ramadan?
Why do we still see these things?
And before we answer that question,
there's a principle
that is important to clarify that is,
which is revelation.
And we have,
which is the reality that we see, we
witness, and we experiment.
These two realities never contradict each other. So,
revelation will never contradict
And revelation will never have an internal contradiction.
So, an ayah from the Quran
will never contradict an ayah from the Quran.
And the ayah from the Quran will never
contradict the hadith of the prophet Muhammad and
and vice versa.
And the ayah and the Quran will never
contradict reality and reality will never contradict
or of the Quran or Hadith because both
of them
come from Allah subhanahu, and so Allah subhanahu
does not contradict himself.
And so, a
giant, a scholar
of the 3rd century said,
He said whoever thinks that there is 2
that contradict each other,
then let them come to me.
I will show him how they are to
be reconciled.
So sometimes we see this contradiction or what's
apparently contradicting,
it's simply because we're looking at it from
perspective or one angle.
if the are chained, how is it possible
that we have evil on this earth in
the month of Ramadan?
And there's two answers to that. One,
the hadith of prophet
clarifies it further. In another hadith, he talks
about a certain category of who are chained.
He says.
The are the major.
So those are the ones that are chained,
which meaning you have
some of the minor ones running around.
And, number 2, even if we were to
say that all the are
it doesn't mean that all their evil ends,
because if someone's chained, he can still scream,
he can still rattle the chains, he can
still communicate, he can still cause some mischief.
So it doesn't mean all evil,
is eradicated.
And so we ask Allah subhanahu this month
of Ramadan where we can when the major,
of the devils and the shayat are chained,
enable us to benefit from that huge blocker
of good so that we can, acquire the
good and train ourselves in this month.