Shakiel Humayun – How to Interpret the Quran Tarawih Talk 5 Ramadan 2023

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The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the definition of Jesus as the son of God in the Bible. The confusion is due to multiple interpretations and multiple people speaking different names. The speaker explains that the confusion is due to confusion throughout history and the importance of clarify the meaning of Jesus's birth.
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Tonight, we have entered into Surah Alai Imran.
And in the first page of Alai Imran,
this Surah Allah Subhanah mentions a very important
that is crucial
in understanding the Quran and the verses of
the Quran.
Allah Subhanah
Where Allah subhanahu
says that he is the one who sent
down the book.
In this book, there are verses that are
meaning they can only have one possible meaning.
And then there are other verses that are
meaning there are other verses that can have
multiple meanings.
For example, Allah Subhanahu
says in the Quran,
he calls himself nahnu, which means we.
And we can mean when a person uses
the word nahnu, we can mean many people.
And one person can also say nahnu, meaning
out of majesty.
So there's multiple meanings for the word nahnu,
we in the Quran.
So when Allah uses we, does he mean
he's more than one being
or is he just one being? These are
all possible interpretations.
How do we know what's the correct interpretation?
gives us the formula in this verse.
He says
that that the clear definite verses are.
They are the source
of the book,
meaning they will explain
the. They will explain the verses that can
carry multiple
So when we look at the word,
it can mean one being or it can
mean many beings. How do we know which
one? We look at the Mu'kama,
the clear verses like, Allah
is 1. There's no other possible
interpretation for this verse. So this verse defines
the meaning of we, meaning Allah is 1.
And that
that one is not plural, but Allah is
speaking out of his majesty.
Now why does Allah mention this in this
He mentions this principle in this Surah because
we needed to understand the rest of the
but also because of this surah as we
started to hear tonight, Allah Subhanah
introduces Maryam,
who is the mother of the 'Isa, alaihis
And if you look at the life of
Jesus, alaihis salam,
all the major
of his life are Mutashabihat.
Let's start with his birth.
He was born without a father.
So many possible interpretations. There are people who
say he had a human father. There are
people who say because he did not have
a father, God is his father. There's so
many interpretations.
He's called
Allah's word. What does that mean? Does his
word mean that he's divine? Does the word
mean he's son of God? So many interpretations.
His identity has so many interpretations.
What does it mean to be the messiah,
the Christ?
So many possible interpretations.
What happened to him? So many interpretations. Was
he crucified? Was he not crucified? Confusion
throughout history for 100 of years of what
happened to
Jesus alaihis salam.
And so, his whole life is.
What is that thing
that will define
which interpretation is correct?
So, Isa alaihi salam himself tells the people
I'm giving you good news
a Messenger who will come after me and
his name will be Ahmed.
Now, the prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam, his
name is also Ahmed.
But why did Isa
use the word Ahmed instead of Muhammad?
What Isa is saying, because Ahmed in Arabic
means Ahmed, Nancy, and Yohmed.
That Ahmed is that person
who has who is most deserving to be
meaning he will never lie.
He's so praiseworthy out of all the people
that you cannot
feel or think of any negative thing about
this person.
So what is telling the people that after
me, basically, with all this confusion that's going
to develop after me, there's going to come
a person who will be that,
that clear defining,
person who will define exactly what happened in
my life.
And so
when we go and this is why the
was revealed to clarify
what was lost in the time of the
Torah and the gospel,
which clarifies all the confusion that the Jews
had, the confusion that the Christians had. So
these ayat in the Quran
clarify that, that Isa is
not a son of God, not God. He's
a prophet and messenger of God
and This is why in the same Surah
Allah Subhanahu says
Let's say if you love Allah,
if you love God Almighty
Tell them of Prophet Muhammad if you love
God Almighty then follow me Allah will then
love you meaning Muhammad is
that clear guidance which defines exactly
what happened
in history regarding the prophet Jesus, alaihis
salam. And so, for example, if
someone wants to follow
the incorrect interpretations,
let's take one for example, like saying Jesus,
the son of God,
Our best response
is to stick
to the
So we ask one simple question.
If you're saying Jesus is the son of
was that son
or was he eternal?
If they say that Jesus was created,
then he's like every other creation. There's nothing
special about being the son.
Because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions everything else
besides him is created his creation.
If they say he's eternal,
then you have a son who's eternal and
God who's eternal. If you have 2 eternal
that ends up being 2 gods.
And thus,
comes into play
that there can only be 1. So using
our verses, it's easy to convey the message
to the Jews and Christians regarding the confusion
that happened,
in their times.