Shakiel Humayun – GPS in Surah Al Baqarah Tarawih Talk #1
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The speaker discusses the importance of Surah Al Baq centers on creating guidance and understanding the starting point, destination, and directions to reach a destination. The importance of guidance is emphasized, as it is essential for creating doubt and walking away from misfragmentance. The speaker encourages listeners to listen to Surah Al Baq centers and use the Quran to become more attached to the guidance and the structure.
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We're living with Surat Al Baqarah, and we'll
doing and listening to the recitation for a
few more nights. Surah Al Baqarah.
This Surah
is actually an answer to our dua. When
we say,
guide us to the straight path.
The second, a destination.
And the third,
the directions to get there.
And Surah Al Baqarah has all three of
these elements.
It provides us the starting point
informing us of where we came from.
Allah Subhanahu Wa'ala said that when he said
to the angels, I'm going to make a
human succession with authority on the earth.
So we know we were created by Allah,
so we don't have these doubts of,
is there a creator? Where did we come
from? Some people have theories that aliens put
us on this earth, so we know where
we came from. That's the first point. The
second is to have a destination.
The destination is also defined
in. How do you deny Allah when you
were lifeless,
and then he gave you life,
and then he will cause you to die,
and then he will give you life again,
and then unto him you will return. So,
this is our destination. We are all returning
to Allah Subhanahu. So, it's clear that we
have a starting
point, a destination,
and the third is
is what we need is directions.
What are we doing here? We know our
starting point where we came from. We know
where where we are going.
What are we doing here on this earth?
Surat Al Baqarah again gives us the answer.
says, O mankind,
worship your Lord who has created you and
created those before you so you may acquire
righteousness. Be righteous.
Notice here, Allah didn't
Oh, you who have believed. He
said, Oh, mankind,
because this is the purpose for all of
So the Quran gives us Surat Al Baqarah
gives us these three elements, and so it
becomes and
that's why it starts with that phrase, that
it's a guidance
for those who are righteous.
Shaitan's role is to create doubt.
Where do we come from?
Do we come from apes? Do we come
from aliens?
To create doubt about our destination. Is there
a life after this life?
To create doubt about what we're supposed to
do here. What's our purpose in this life?
People are confused. They think they're they're not
sure what they're doing on this earth. So
role is to create doubt in these three
elements because these are three pillars for guidance.
Surat Al Baqarah is a missile
against Shaitan.
This is why the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said,
When the prophet
said, do not make your houses
because shaytan flees and runs away
from the house where
is recited.
So when
the the the doubt that shaytan offers is
faced with
the certainty
and the elements of guidance in Surah Al
Baqarah, it makes shaytan be repelled away.
And for guidance to truly be guidance, the
subtle point here is
that it can't be guidance if it's not
repelling misguidance.
and so it qualifies to be guidance as
well as pushing away misguidance. We ask
in these nights when we're listening to Surah
Baqarah to make us
more attached to Surat Al Baqarah and more
attached to the Quran this month.