Shafayat Mohamed – Seriousness Is Not Part Of Piety Alhikmat Production

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The speaker discusses the confusion between p Joey and the Rasool sallahu alaihi wasallam's beautiful smile. They explain that the Rasool Allah's smile is not a sign of pusty, but rather a means of pride. The speaker also warns against false pride and suggests that people should not be associated with the Rasool Allah's mission to get married.
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Other Muslims nowadays believe
that piet,
smiling is not a sign of piety.
You know, understand what I'm saying, Brother Irfan?
So some sheikhs and scholars will like puffed
So the more serious they are and the
more hardcore they look and the less they
smile, it's more pious they are. Stupidity.
Because you couldn't be more pious than our
Rasool sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Isn't that true?
What you're trying to pretend that your seriousness
and your haughtiness, that's arrogance.
That you're so puffed up you don't smile.
You're in the vigor of Allah, you don't
You pray so much salah, you can't smile.
You're so pious, you can't smile.
Don't fool yourselves my brothers and sisters. It
doesn't matter what we do, our prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam had told the sahabas,
He said, I, the Rasul of Allah.
And it's not out of arrogance and boast,
but it's because some of the sahabas
didn't want to get married.
And he said, I, the Rasul of Allah,
when it comes to doing our duty to
Allah and obeying Allah, I do our do
my duty to Allah more than you. And
I get married, so who you think you
So if our prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam smiled
and was loving and nice in his personality,
I don't care how many Hajj we make
and how much salah we pray and what
a big scholar we think we are and
how big an imam we think we are.
And you know that if you go to
some Muslim countries,
scholars, the the these mullahs are known because
they don't known for not smiling.
People are scared to ask them a question.
Isn't that true? You scared before you meet,
as you approach them they're like,
What happened? Where you come for?
So you're already trembling, question cut off.
Just to say, assalamu alaikum, has to greet
you. And that also, he doesn't smile.
And he doesn't put out his 2 hands
like a real sunnah. He gives you a
few fingers, if not one, and the middle
one too.
And then you tell me you're a big
big mullah,
big Quran,
big sunnah.
Where is the sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
salam? A lot of people portrayed this. Listen,
I've been all over the world, alhamdulillah, Pakistan,
Bangladesh, India,
South Africa, Arabia,
you name it.
Alhamdulillah, Masha'Allah.
I've seen and met people,
And a lot of them think that by
not smiling it shows their piety.
But it shows their ignorance and stupidity if
you contradict the sunnah of Rasool Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam.
Because our soul Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
was the most pious
and the greatest man that walked on earth.
So don't come with a false pride,
and this has happened.
And it gets really ridiculous, it gets ridiculous.
I remember a woman came to me
many, many, many years ago.
Not a woman, a man.
He came to me many, many years ago
and said his wife does not wanna sleep
with him again.
I said, what was the problem? Any physical
problem? He said, no, she went to Hajj
and came back.
And said, she has become very pious now,
she's not into that business anymore.
Now what stupidity
do I hear?
I'm telling you that from a member.
Like Allahu Akbar because this is what is
portrayed into people, and the sheikhs and the
scholars propel this kind of thing. A false
piety mission,
an image
that we move away from the deen of
Allah in this falsehood thing. Brothers and sisters,
that is what Christianity
That's how the father does not get married.
That's how the nun does not get married.
We follow Rasulullah salallahu alaihi salam.
Not the pope.
And with all respect to the pope,
don't think it's piety when you become the
father and you don't marry. Don't think it's
piety when you become a nun and you
don't get married.
That's a Christian perspective. That's not an Islamic
perspective, and that's not even a Bible's perspective.
Because Jesus, peace be upon him, when he
returns back to earth, he will get married.
Insha Allah.
It was just a mission he had that
he was called back, and he will come
back, and he will get married.
So it is not even a Jesus mission.
It's a people's corruption.
It's a false pride thing,
where we pretend to be pious.