Shady Alsuleiman – The Book That Shook The World

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The upcoming Islam conference is a great opportunity for those from all around the world to share words of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad's teachings have been passed on and have been recited in the Bible, and have been passed on by the people. At-leysee the benefits of practicing Islam, including the success of achieving happiness and victory through various means. The importance of practicing the Prophet's teachings is also emphasized.
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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala rasulillah.
Brothers and sisters here in Perlis, Alhamdulillah, not
only that you have a diversity of different
speakers who came from all around the world,
but from my understanding, Alhamdulillah, you have a
good number of attendees who came from different
countries to attend this beautiful conference to be
together under the banner of La ilaha illallah,
Muhammadur Rasulullah.
And this is a great moment for us
to think of the vision of the Prophet
Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam when more than
1400 years ago, your beloved Prophet Muhammad alayhi
salatu wa salam, when he was by himself
in Mecca and being fought against by all
the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula and the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam received this
great book of Allah that shook the entire
world and humanity, your beloved Prophet Muhammad salallahu
alayhi wa salam thought of this moment, which
is more than 1400 years after him, and
he said alayhi salatu wa salam, This matter,
this religion, the book of Allah, the Quran,
shall and will reach everywhere the way day
and night had reached everywhere and 1400 years
after the statement of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu
alayhi wa salam and the first revelation of
Allah upon the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa
salam and right now in such a convention
like this, we can see that the dream
of the Prophet Muhammad alayhi salatu wa salam
had come true where you find people coming
from all corners of this world to come
together and to share the words of Allah
and the words of the Messenger of Allah
and I come to you from the other
side of this world, Sydney, Australia, and Alhamdulillah,
we see that Islam had reached everywhere the
way day and night had reached everywhere, Alhamdulillah.
And Alhamdulillah, we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala for the blessing of Islam and we
thank Allah azza wa jal for the blessing
of the Quran, the book of Allah, the
words of Allah revealed to Muhammad salallahu alayhi
wa salam, the Messenger of Allah.
The words of Allah, the Quran al-Karim
are not the words of Muhammad.
The Quran al-Karim are not the words
of Jibreel.
The Quran al-Karim are not the words
of the creation.
The Quran al-Karim are the words of
Allah, the creator, the magnificent, the almighty in
which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala spoke those
words in the way that suits His majesty
and glory revealed to Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa
salam via Jibreel.
And because these are the words of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, spoken by Allah azza
wa jal, without a doubt, they shook the
entire world.
They shook the entire creation of Allah.
They shook the humanity.
The Quran al-Karim is the words of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that shook this
entire world and continues to shake this world
till the day of judgment.
The Quran al-Karim لو أنزلنا هذا القرآن
على جبل لرأيته خاشعا متصدعا من خشية الله
Allah the almighty makes mention in the Quran
If we had revealed the Quran al-Karim,
the words of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
upon a mountain, and we all now understand
how powerful and strong and solid the mountain
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, if we
had revealed the Quran al-Karim upon the
mountain, the mountain will shake.
The mountain will shake and tremble from the
fear of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Because these are the words of the creator.
These are the words of Allah subhanahu wa
Why shouldn't the mountain shake?
When the mountain, he is the words of
Why shouldn't the creation of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala shake?
When these are the words of Allah azza
wa jal.
Why shouldn't you and I shake?
When we hear the words of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
That's why my brothers and my sisters, the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam was sent by
Allah in Mecca.
And the Quran al-Karim was revealed to
Muhammad alayhi salatu wasalam.
A man in which Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala had made to be the greatest man
to ever tread this earth.
But your beloved Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam
was an Ummi, illiterate, did not read or
How is it possible that someone like Muhammad
salallahu alayhi wasalam to come up with a
Quran so eloquent, so powerful, so perfect, miraculously
revealed to him salallahu alayhi wasalam?
Because these are not the words of Muhammad.
They are the words of the Lord of
Muhammad, Allah the Almighty, that revealed it to
the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam.
And for that, when the Prophet Muhammad salallahu
alayhi wasalam would recite the Quran al-Karim
to the Arabs, who would appreciate the miraculous
nature of the Quran al-Karim more than
us and even the Arabs this day and
Because they understand the Arabic language.
They understand how profound, how eloquent the Arabic
language is.
So when they heard the words of Allah
being imparted and being passed on by the
Messenger of Allah to them, they appreciated those
words and they knew that these are the
words, not of the creation, but the creator
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And that's why they will run, they will
rush to embrace Islam.
Because they heard those words and they understood
that there is no way any human being
can come up with words like the words
of the Quran al-Karim.
Whether the miraculous nature of the Quran al
-Karim in its eloquence, whether the miraculous nature
of the Quran al-Karim in its content,
whether the miraculous nature of the Quran al
-Karim in its context, whether the miraculous nature
of the Quran al-Karim in its legislation,
they knew that these are not the words
of a human being.
These are the words of the Lord of
the human beings, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And that's why the Prophet ﷺ didn't have
to speak too much.
The Prophet ﷺ didn't have to say too
All he did was recite some verses from
the Quran al-Karim.
And these Arabs during the time of the
Prophet ﷺ, who sincerely wanted to know the
truth and wanted guidance, had no other choice
except to say, These are the words of
someone great.
These are the words of someone supreme.
These are the words of the Creator Allah.
An example, At-Tufayl.
At-Tufayl ibn Amr Ad-Dawsi.
One of the great leaders of the Arabs
during the time of the Prophet ﷺ.
And not only a great leader, he was
known for his eloquence and poetry.
So you're talking about someone who's well educated
to understand and know that the words that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed to Muhammad
ﷺ are not the words of a human
being, but they are the words of someone
above the creation, and that's the Creator Allah.
What's the story of At-Tufayl?
At-Tufayl, one great Arab leader.
During the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ,
he came from Daws to visit Mecca.
And he came for the purpose of performing
tawaf, in accordance to the religion and the
faith of his forefathers.
Paganism, in accordance to the religion of the
people of Quraysh.
And when At-Tufayl arrived to Mecca, the
people and the leaders of Mecca saw At
-Tufayl coming to Mecca, they were concerned.
They were concerned that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
will speak to At-Tufayl, convince him to
become a Muslim, and then At-Tufayl will
bring his entire clan and tribe into Islam.
So what did the chiefs of the people
of Quraysh do?
They spoke to At-Tufayl to manipulate him,
brainwash him.
To brainwash him about the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ,
saying to him, watch out from this magician,
watch out from this man who split between
the husband and wife, between parents and children.
This is a man that has a very
strong, powerful spell, that if he casts it
on anyone, this person can't take it off.
They continued to manipulate and brainwash At-Tufayl
ibn Amr al-Dawsi until At-Tufayl became
so, so scared from sitting down or listening
to the words of the Prophet ﷺ.
He himself says, I shoved my ears with
cotton from the fear of listening to the
words of Muhammad.
And he did that.
And he was performing tawaf.
And who did he see?
He saw the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ sitting next
to the Kaaba.
And the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, during his time
in Mecca, would regularly visit the Kaaba.
So there the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is reciting
the words of Allah ﷻ.
And At-Tufayl is performing tawaf in accordance
to the religion of the people of Quraysh,
And he's got cotton shoved in his ears
from the fear of listening to a word
from Muhammad ﷺ because these words are spells,
magic, in accordance to what the people of
Quraysh had told him.
But then At-Tufayl thought about it.
While he's doing tawaf, ignoring the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ, doesn't even want to look at the
Prophet ﷺ.
He stopped.
He came back to his sense.
And he said, you know what?
I'm known for my poetry.
I'm a smart man.
People respect my wisdom.
People respect my eloquence.
People respect my poetry.
And now I'm afraid from someone like Muhammad?
I'm gonna take those cottons out.
I'm gonna sit down with Muhammad.
I'm gonna listen to him.
If he has something good, I will take.
And if he has something bad, I will
So he sat down before the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ and spoke to the Prophet ﷺ and
told Muhammad ﷺ, give me, tell me what
you have.
What do you have?
People are saying this and that about you.
You tell me what you have.
So the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ responded, I have
the words of Allah.
And he started to recite the words of
And At-Tufail is listening and paying attention
and listening and paying attention to these powerful
words of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that
Allah azzawajal had revealed to Muhammad ﷺ.
And he's listening to the recitation of the
Prophet ﷺ reciting those words that Allah says
if it was to be revealed upon a
mountain, the mountain would shake from the words
of Allah.
And then At-Tufail turns around and says
to Muhammad, Stop!
Stop, O Muhammad!
Stop over here!
I want to become a Muslim.
I want to become a Muslim.
Words like these words can only come from
someone supreme.
Words like these words can only come from
someone above the creation, and that's Allah.
Tell me, how can I become a Muslim?
He said, say, أشهد أن لا إله إلا
الله وأشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله At-Tufail,
he said, أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله
وأنك محمداً عبده ورسوله I testify that there
is no God except Allah and you, Muhammad,
the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah.
What convinced At-Tufail?
What made someone like At-Tufail who came
in with a very negative perception of Muhammad
ﷺ to become a Muslim?
The powerful words of Allah that gave him
no other choice except to be shaken and
to say أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله
وأن محمداً عبده ورسوله It becomes more interesting.
At-Tufail, he just became a Muslim.
At-Tufail, few minutes, few moments and minutes
before he becoming a Muslim, he had this
negative perception of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
He did not even want to sit down
with him or even look at him.
And now he became a Muslim.
He became a follower of Muhammad ﷺ.
He turns around and tells the Prophet ﷺ
or Messenger of Allah, What does your Lord
want from me?
What does your Lord command me to do?
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ tells At-Tufail, You
became a Muslim right now.
You go back to your people and invite
them to Islam.
Allahu Akbar.
Ya Rasulullah, this is a new Muslim.
This is a revert.
Shouldn't we at least take him into Islam
slowly and gradually?
Teach him Islam.
Tell him more about Islam.
Let him understand Islam.
Put him through the course for six months.
No, no, no.
That's not the approach of the Prophet Muhammad
You became a Muslim now.
You go back and bring people to Islam.
Said At-Tufail, He says, O Messenger of
Allah, My people hold me in high regards.
Respect me a lot.
Ask Allah.
Ask Allah to emerge a miracle on my
hands so when I return to my people,
they would believe me and believe your call
and believe your message.
So the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked Allah ﷻ
to appear a miracle on his hands.
Now At-Tufail enters Mecca as a pagan,
Exits Mecca as a believer in one day.
In one day.
Enters Mecca as a pagan.
Exits Mecca as a Muslim and an ambassador
of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, a da'i,
in one day.
He returns back to his people to Daws,
a city few miles away from Mecca.
On his way there, he says, O Allah,
O Allah, I just embraced your deen and
I followed your messenger and my people respect
Accept the dua of the messenger of Allah
and emerge a miracle on me.
Emerge a miracle that my people will see
it and then they believe in Islam.
So Allah ﷻ made a light appear right
in between his eyes, here.
A glowing light.
At-Tufail, he says, O Allah, not here.
O Allah, not here.
I fear that my people will think wrong
of me.
O Allah, appear somewhere else.
So Allah ﷻ made his stick glow.
He arrived to At-Tufail.
He arrived to Daws.
After leaving just few days ago as a
pagan, coming back as a Muslim, showing his
people the true path of Islam and the
words of Allah and a large number of
his tribe became Muslims, including the great companion,
Abu Hurairah.
What made At-Tufail become a Muslim?
The powerful words of the Quran, the words
of Allah ﷻ, that Allah ﷻ had revealed
to Muhammad ﷺ and revealed to mankind to
the day of judgment.
The Quran, the words of Allah, the everlasting
miracle to the day of judgment.
No distortion.
No alteration.
No changes will ever, ever, ever enter the
Not like the rest of the sacred books.
Allah the Almighty is the one that revealed
the Torah, the Injil, the Zabur.
Allah is the one that spoke the Torah,
the Injil, the Zabur and the other sacred
books as he did with the Quran.
But the only difference is that Allah ﷻ
made the Quran to be the greatest book
and Allah ﷻ preserved the Quran to the
day of judgment.
We are the ones that revealed the Quran
and we, and we Allah, we shall preserve
the Quran and the Quran is preserved from
the time of Muhammad ﷺ to the day
of judgment.
No one can change it.
No one can distort it.
No one can take a letter out and
put another letter.
Not only that, it's a perfect book.
Perfect book.
It had reached the ultimate perfection that you
can't change any letter, any word, any verse
with a better verse, better word, better letter.
No way.
Any book that's been published a century, decade
later, fix this, amend this, change this word.
The Quran is perfect because it came from
the perfect one, Allah ﷻ.
That's why it shook the entire world and
will continue to shake the entire world.
And Allah ﷻ blessed us with the Quran
as an everlasting miracle and it's been preserved
not in books, not in books.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ passed away and the
Quran was not even compiled in one Mushaf.
But the Quran has been preserved in our
hearts, in our minds, in our memory because
Allah ﷻ had put this miracle in the
Quran We had made the Quran to be
memorized for those who want to memorize it
and that's why you find Huffadh everywhere around
this world.
Millions of Huffadh who had memorized the Quran
many of whom are non-Arabs who don't
even understand it.
But it's a miracle that Allah ﷻ blessed
us with that we will continue to memorize
the Quran and preserve the Quran and continue
to take our pride and honor in the
Quran because the Quran is the words of
Allah ﷻ revealed upon Muhammad ﷺ an everlasting
miracle to the Day of Judgment not only
in its content, not only in its eloquence,
not only in its context, not only in
its understanding, but also as a guide.
A way of life.
A way of life in all aspects of
The Quran Kareem is the book of Allah
ﷻ not only to be recited and for
every letter that you read the Quran Kareem
Allah ﷻ will give you not ten hasanat,
multiple hasanat and hasanat.
The Quran Kareem is the book of Allah
to be recited and the Quran Kareem is
the book of Allah to be revised and
the Quran Kareem is the book of Allah
ﷻ to be understood and to be taught.
But the Quran Kareem is a guide.
A guide.
And that's another miraculous nature of the Quran
Not only the eloquence of the Quran Kareem,
not only its content, but its legislation.
Allah ﷻ makes mention in the Quran Kareem.
A guide.
A guide.
For us as the servants of Allah ﷻ
to live in guidance, in the way of
Allah and the way of the messenger of
Allah to acquire happiness, success in this world
and happiness and success in the hereafter.
That's why the Quran Kareem shook the world.
Not only when the Arabs used to listen
to the Quran Kareem and when we listen
to it, even non-Arabs, even non-Arabs,
even non-Muslims, when they hear the Quran
Kareem, they are fascinated.
They are driven.
Their hearts tremble.
The Quran Kareem shakes whoever listens to it.
The Quran Kareem trembles the hearts whoever listens
to it, for those who want to listen
to it.
We as Muslims, whether you understand the Quran
Kareem or not, when you hear the Quran
Kareem, you hear the words of Allah.
You feel connected to Allah.
Your heart shakes because you hear the words
of Allah.
You just love Allah and the words of
Allah and you want to please Allah and
follow the path of Allah and the Messenger
of Allah.
During the time of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, even the Kuffar, even the disbelievers,
even the enemies of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, they were fascinated by the Quran
And I want to tell you something.
The Quran Kareem and during the time of
the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, it was
revealed at a time when the Arabs had
reached a pinnacle time in the Arabic language.
A pinnacle time in the Arabic language.
So during the time of the Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the Arabs in their Arabic
language was on the top.
So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam recited the
Quran Kareem to the most highly advanced Arabs
in the Arabic language.
The most highly advanced and eloquent Arabs in
the history of the Arabs.
And for that they were fascinated by the
words of the Quran Kareem.
So much so, the Utbah Ibn Rabi'ah,
Abu al-Walid.
He was one of the senior leaders of
the people of Quraysh.
At a time when the people of Quraysh
were going head to head against the Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, they spoke amongst each
So Utbah, as one of the respected chief
leaders of the Arabs, he said, how about
I go and speak to Muhammad and make
some offers, proposals to Muhammad.
Maybe I can convince him and deter him
away from his call.
They think, they thought that the Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is doing it for financial
matters or for some status or for something.
They don't know the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam is spoken by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala and the revelation.
So Utbah was given the green light by
his people to go and speak to the
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So he went and sat down with the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Talking to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he
said, oh Muhammad, I'm coming here to talk
to you.
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam out of respect
he said, Abu Walid tell me.
So Utbah he says, oh Muhammad you've caused
a lot of mischief amongst us, division amongst
us, disunity amongst us and I'm here to
make some offers, proposals to you.
Maybe you'll stop doing what you are doing.
You want money, we'll give you.
You want status, we'll give you.
You want women and wives, we'll give you,
we'll give you, we'll give you, we'll give
And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is
And after Utbah had finished, Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam respectfully tells Abu Walid, Utbah Abu Walid,
you finished?
He said, yes.
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, it's my turn
And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam does not
say anything beside Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and he
recites verses from Surah Fussilat.
Nothing else.
He only recited verses from Surah Fussilat.
No explanation, no introduction.
Just the Quran Karim and the words of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And Utbah is listening and listening and listening
and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reciting
verse after verse after verse until Utbah continued
to listen to the Quran Karim where the
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam reached to verses
where Allah Azza wa Jalla speaks about the
punishment of Aad and Thamud.
Utbah says, stop.
Oh Muhammad, stop.
And then Utbah goes back to his people.
His own people look at Utbah walking from
They say, by Allah, this man is coming
back with a different face than the face
that he left us with.
Utbah comes and sits down.
Amazed from all the jahadhood.
And the people of Quraish, the leaders, are
waiting anticipating to hear something.
Maybe Muhammad accepted an offer.
So Utbah turns around and says, oh people,
I went and sat down with this man
and I heard the words that he claims
to say that are from God, from Allah.
And I heard the verses from the Quran
Karim and by Allah you all know I'm
the best in poetry and what I've heard
is not poetry.
I understand magic and what I've heard is
not magic.
I understand fortune telling and what I've heard
is not fortune telling.
And I've heard words I've never ever heard
before so powerful.
So sweet.
So supreme.
It will continue to be superior and nothing
will ever be superior than it.
And then Utbah turns around and tells them,
this is the man they sent to negate
with the Prophet He turns around and says
to them, I've never ever heard of words
like this.
These are very powerful words and this man
shall rule.
This man shall prevail and I advise you
all to follow him.
Subhanallah we sent you to turn him away
from his call you come back to us
and you want us to turn to him?
No no Wallah, it's not going to happen.
What impact did the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam have on Utbah?
The words of Allah that shook the heart
and the mind of Utbah they had no
other choice except to confess and to concede
that these are powerful words that will continue
to prevail that will continue to prevail and
nothing can ever prevail above it.
These are his words a testimony from a
kafir a testimony from a disbeliever that had
realized that these are words so powerful that
will shake the entire mankind and Allah SWT
blessed us all with this Quran.
We're not talking about a book and we're
not talking about a Quran that only existed
with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam We
have it.
Every single one of us has a copy
of the Quran Kareem on a shelf in
their homes on their phones and a lot
of us Alhamdulillah if not all of us
had memorized something from the Quran Kareem if
not the entire Quran Kareem that's the book
of Allah.
We have a miracle we don't have to
do anything beyond telling people about the Quran
Kareem we have a miracle.
We don't have to do too many studies
even though they are very important and too
many researchers even though they are very important
we have the greatest book of Allah SWT
that can convince anyone and anything so much
so that Allah SWT speaks about the jinn
when they heard the Quran Kareem they said
the jinn the other beings they heard the
Quran Kareem they turned back to the people
and said we had heard an amazing book
an amazing book anyone that hears the Quran
Kareem anyone that listens to the Quran Kareem
and they genuinely want to understand the Quran
Kareem, Allah will open their hearts indeed through
the remembrance of Allah SWT, Allah SWT will
give you satisfaction and contentment through the Quran
Kareem, Allah SWT will give you happiness through
the Quran Kareem, Allah will give you success
through the Quran Kareem, Allah SWT will give
you contentment through the Quran Kareem, Allah SWT
will make what's hard easy for you through
the Quran Kareem, Allah SWT will elevate your
challenges through the Quran Kareem, Allah will give
you support and success and victory through the
Quran Kareem, Allah SWT will give us everything
that we want the Quran Kareem Alhamdulillah Allah
SWT blessed us to be the nation of
the Quran the greatest nation to ever emerge
on the face of this earth as Allah
SWT makes mention in the Quran Kareem kuntum
khaira ummatin ukhrijat linnas, you as the nation
of Muhammad SAW you are the greatest nation
to ever emerge from all previous nations, you
are the greatest nation because you follow the
greatest man and you have the greatest book
the greatest nation, the nation of Islam the
greatest man, Muhammad SAW and the greatest book
the Quran Kareem my brothers and my sisters
Wallahi we are so blessed we are so
honoured but unfortunately sometimes we don't appreciate we
don't appreciate because the Quran Kareem will come
in the hereafter as the Prophet Muhammad SAW
says in the hadith imma hujjatun lak or
alayk the Quran Kareem will come in the
hereafter either proof and evidence for you or
against you for you the Quran Kareem will
say ya Allah, he, she they, they will
recite in me every single day their tongue
will never stop reciting me ya Allah because
they spent this time and effort in reciting
me ya Allah, forgive them and admit them
into the Jannah for you proof and evidence
for you or against you, the Quran will
come in the hereafter and say ya Allah
I was a book like the rest of
the books on the shelf, eaten by the
dust, rarely they'll open me rarely they'll read
me rarely they'll act upon me against you
but Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I'm confident to say we
are all here because we want the Quran
Kareem to be proof for us we are
all here because we want to be the
people of the Quran Ahlul Qurani Ahlullahi Wa
Khassatuh as the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
says, the people of the Quran are the
people of Allah and the true people of
Allah we want to be the people of
Allah and the people and the true people
the special people of Allah those that read
the Quran Kareem Anaa al-Layli wal-Nahar
during the day, during the night those who
comprehend the Quran Kareem during the day, during
the night those who act upon the Quran
Kareem during the day during the night that's
what we want to be we all want
to be from amongst those of the Quran
Kareem will be proof and evidence for us
not against us the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam was described what a beautiful description I
can't imagine of a greater description than the
description of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam described him to be she
described the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as
a walking Quran as a walking Quran the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was a walking Quran
on the face of this earth a walking
Quran in his manners a walking Quran in
implementing the commandments of Allah SWT a walking
Quran in what he says and what he
is and what he does a walking Quran
in the morning and the evening a walking
Quran that will continue reciting the book of
Allah and the Quran Kareem and teach the
Quran Kareem a walking Quran and inshallah every
single one of us every single one of
us should be the walking Quran on the
face of this earth and inshallah we all
make that commitment put your hands up and
say inshallah inshallah inshallah I am going to
be the walking Quran like our beloved Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Jazakumullah Khairan Assalamu Alaikum
Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh