Shady Alsuleiman – Prohibition of Disobeying Parents and Severance of Relations
![Shady Alsuleiman](
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The speaker discusses the importance of men and women in their daily lives and the need for men to fulfill their roles and allow others to experience their emotions. They stress the need for men to uphold their beliefs and allow others to experience their emotions, as well as not wasting one's time and not trying to waste it. The speaker also touches on the use of the mother in praying and social media, as well as the importance of not wasting one's time and not trying to waste it.
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three large mannerheim a hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa early him or Safi as mine.
Rubbish Ronnie sorry Wesley Emery. After Melissa Nia Coppola I'm about Oprah's due to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And please pay upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I testify that there's no god except Allah testify that Mohammed is the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah brothers and sisters of thank Allah subhanaw taala that he blessed us all. To be in a blessed gathering, a gathering that we get together for the sake of Allah to know more about a lot and the deen of Allah. As Allah subhanaw taala clearly states in the hollow put on your file la Latina, Domingo Medina, Dino todo el mundo Rajat Allah subhanaw taala elevate those who believe from amongst you and those who seek knowledge.
So that moment that you seek knowledge is a moment of elevation, with a loss of pan or Darla, a moment that you get closer to Allah azza wa jal.
And tonight in short alarm, we'll be talking about the 41st chapter in the book of Rio de Sala hain, that's been written by him. And not only that we've spoken about him a few times in the past and about his great book that this book became a great
book that many scholars benefit from. And a lot of scholars from the time in Malmo are to this day and many Muslims around the world continue to benefit out of this book. And tonight inshallah we'll start with Bab the honeymoon.
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which is the chapter of prohibition of disobeying parents and
cutting toys with relatives and kins Allah subhanho wa Taala he says a Napoleonic Karim waka Dora buka Allah tabuteau illa Yahoo. Valentina Sana, Allah subhanaw taala prescribes and commend you that you worship none but Allah subhanho wa Taala and never ascribed in the past our lives are done. We're below Allah, Danny Asana and be dutiful, unkind to your parents. So Allah subhanaw taala clearly states in the Quranic idiom that we must be dutiful, unkind to our parents, which means it is forbidden upon you not to be dutiful and it is forbidden upon you not to be kind towards your parents. In the first Hadith that we'll read tonight,
which is he narrated by Abu Bakr from new fire inherit, or the low tide I know call. Paula Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah una bucum b Akbar Al Qaeda
thalassa una bella rasulillah call Alicia Rocco Bella. Whirlpool Allah dine joaquina Mata Ki and philosopher call Allah wa cola zuri was Shahada to azuri farmers farmers Allah you carry Roja Hakuna later whom secod now this hadith has been narrated by Nithya Amnon herati alota. I know that he says, The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, should I inform you of the three, or shall not inform you of the most and the biggest major sins? The worst of sins of all? So the Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa sallam repeated that three times, in which he continued saying show Natalia and informed me of the worst major sins show Natalia of the worst major sins show Natalia of
the worst major sins, and then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after he said that three times have said yes or messenger of Allah indeed. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, number one, ascribing partners the loss of penalty,
ascribing partners to our lives, our journey, obviously is the worst of sins. And not only it is a sin, it is Schick and it takes you out of the faults of Islam. So anyone who believes or scribes in the past that last panel is automatically out of the fold of Islam is no longer a Muslim, and he's considered to be a non Muslim and it's not
Only a sin even though any sin or any evil deed is considered to be a sin in the Sharia and Islam. However, the worst of sins, which is also a form of taking you out of the faults of Islam, it is ascribed and punished a lot. So that's why I never saw Salam referred to it as a sin. So it is a sin but at the same time, it's not your typical sin that you commit a sin but you're still considered to be a Muslim, because there are a lot of sins that you might be committing as a Muslim such as fornicating, or drinking alcohol or being indulged in any other form of sin or any other form of heroin. You're still considered to be a Muslim, however, you're a sinner at the same time, but when
you're describing a pastor, like xojo, you're a sinner by no longer a Muslim. Then the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam right after he spoke about the worst of sin, which is the ascribing partners Allah subhanaw taala. So the list of sins and SRA Kabila right after that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says was
open every day which is being untruthful to your parents.
Valentine, right after the worst of sins, which is ascribing partners Allah subhanaw taala comes after open Valentine and that is being disrespectful and unbeautiful to your parents. So being beautiful and respectful to your parents is a must it is an obligation. So not being beautiful or not being respectful to your parents. It is a major sin, not just only a sin that you could just get away with it. But it is a major sin you must be dutiful to your parents, you must be respectful to your parents, you must be kind to your parents and if you are not, then you are committing a major, major, major sin, one of the worst of sins that Allah subhanho wa Taala had created on the face of
this earth. So the worst one, the worst sin out of all sins. It is a scribe and partners Allah subhanho wa Taala then raw after that, being ungrateful and respectful to your parents been unbeautiful and disrespectful to your parents.
Then the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as he has been described in this hadith he was leaning his back the Prophet Mohammed Salim got up in Ibiza, salaam syrup and NaVi la salaatu wa Salaam. He said Allah wa Taala Zhu Zhu the problem Hamas, Azam said and a forged statement and a false testimony, a forged statement and a false testimony. It is also one of the worst of sins that Allah subhana wa Taala commands and prescribes for us to keep away from. So from this hadith and abyssal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he says the worst of sins are ascribing partners, the loss of panatela being ungrateful to your parents, and forgery when it comes to statement and given false
That's a habit of the alota and I'm saying this hadith the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continued repeating those three, that the worst of scenes are ascribing partners that lots of paranavitana being armed eautiful and disrespectful to your parents and giving any false statements or forged statements and false testimonies that are sort of the lowdown on them said the problem homosassa continued repeating them and repeat them and repeat them until we wish to the Prophet Mohammed Salam would stop. So Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam repeated that for the reason that he is emphasizing and stressing on how evil the sins are ascribing partners that loss of panatela being
and eautiful towards your parents and at the same time giving false statements and false
false statements or false statements and false testimonies. Now, we as Muslims will have the really the fun people ascribe any partners to Allah subhanaw taala which is the major shirk, the major shirk there is that you believe that there is another god besides the loss of panatela Allah subhanaw taala has partners or Allah subhanaw taala has a son, that's the major shift but there is also a minor shocks, you find that really amongst Muslims, the Muslims are engaged or indulging in a major shock, but they are and you do find many Muslims are involved or are in those in minor schilke or monoshock. That is the includes when you make an oath beside the name of Allah subhanaw taala and
that's very common amongst Muslims with a say, Abby, by the name of my father but the NA ma ma ma ma ma ma children
even by the name of the grave of my father, that's a minor shock that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had forbidden and he found many Muslims are implicated in this many Muslims are indulged in monoshock and other monoshock they ask anyone besides Allah subhanaw taala for any support, aid or assistance, people ask the Prophet Mohammed Salah by Mohammed Oh yo Rasul Allah help me in this. The Prophet Muhammad SAW Sam can help you. He's a human being that he needs help.
For his own sake, and serve from Allah subhanho wa Taala little learn for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to help you. You find many people seek help and seek aid from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salatu wa sallam is dead and he's in his grave. And the problem homosassa is to seek help for his own sake from Allah subhanaw taala that is the profile as a lotto so I'm going to help you or people get and seek help or aid from some righteous or pious, upright people who passed away or people even alive. The any help and any assistance that you could ask for or from is Allah subhanaw taala and then use the means that lots of panels are created at the end of
the day, you know, that you depend on the last panel, Thailand, the one that can really help you at the end of the day is a lot of xojo no one but Allah subhanaw taala so the medicine can can't give you any cure, but the one that gives you recovery and he was Allah subhanaw taala nothing else in this world can help you assist you except the laws of origin. But everything else that lives on earth is only a mean term objective is only a means to an end. And your objective is a loss of panatela your end is relying on a large origin. So here from this Hadith, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about three of the major sins that lots of panatela had forbidden,
and that is ascribing any partners to Las panatela. And when we say that, we more refer to the major schilke we are referring more to the major shock and there is a scrapping that lots of panatela has another partner or loss origin has a son Oh there is another god, oh Lord, besides Allah subhana wa Taala and the most important one that we are talking about which is relevant to the chapter and the topic of this chapter, and that is being unreasonable and disrespectful to your parents. And dutiful and disrespectful to your parents. I yes, I do acknowledge that are my parents but at the same time, I respect them I am on beautiful towards them. It's them commands that you must be respectful and
beautiful towards your parents, whether you like or not, you agree with them or not. You must be respectful and beautiful towards your parents. Whether your parents are Muslims or non Muslims as Allah subhanaw taala clearly states in the Quran, the Quran
where Allah subhanaw taala says we'll assign an incentive before the day he has now a lot of penalty says and we commend and encourage that you must be respectful and beautiful towards your parents. And then another verse, Allah subhanaw taala says we're in Jeddah, Carla and Trisha Gabby, malice, Allah Kabir Elman, Fela Houma, and then Allah says and if your parents ever command you or order you to do any sin, or for you to screw up another partner with me Allah subhanaw taala says then done obey Him. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to say was a puma for dunya Mara and be dutiful and respectful and friendly towards your parents. Even though your parents are commanded you to ascribe
another partner with a loss of handle to Allah, you don't listen to them, but in return, you need to be friendly towards them. In return, you need to be respectful towards them in return, you need to be dutiful towards them. So it's not only that you have a Muslim parent that you need to be respectful towards. It's not only that if you have a righteous parent they need to be respectful towards even if your parents are non Muslims, even if your parents are sinners. Even if your parents are wicked people are righteous people at the end of the day Islam command you They must be respectful and dutiful towards your parents, regardless, because many Muslims are having that
perception that only respect my righteous Muslim father or mother and respect my righteous Muslim father or mother. No, you respect your mother and father regardless if they are righteous or not Muslim or not, even if they are bad people and if they even have the unrighteous, even if the Empire's even if they're wicked, even if the commanding you're ordering you to do something wrong. At the end of the day, Allah subhanho wa Taala prescribes upon you, they must respect your parents regardless who the on with though
you must respect your parents regardless who they are, and what the that's why the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned this as the second major sin. The second major sin out of all major sins, and that is they disobey and be disrespectful to the parents in the next time they try not delayed now allows for the law to be Salalah alayhi wa sallam called al Qaeda Iran Ellis Rocco Villa, while cuckoo aladin Wakata Lu nuptse Wali, Amina Hamas,
the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that the major sins so now we've got major sins and we've got minor sins at the end, the old classified as sins, the old classified as sins. And what do we say sin we say how long? Usually as a Muslim, the common term that I use for a sin, we use the word haram but the Sharia had classified the sins and divided them into three different categories. One category in which we'll call it the
major sins the other category which we call them on the scene. So a major sin is a sin what the scholars classify or define a major sin is a sin that Allah subhanaw taala had forbidden at the same time, Allah subhana wa tada had already prescribed a particular punishment for it. We Allah subhanaw taala sisty then commit the sin and if you do, we will punish you with Allah subhanaw taala had prescribed a specific punishment where he said, if you do the sin, we will cost you in the whole fire for those number of years or will punish it in this particular form. Or Allah subhanaw taala said to you then commit that sin. And if you commit that sin, you'll be punished. So me sin that a
lot of errata had fibrillin and followed it with a punishment whether it's specific punishment or not, it's considered to be a major sin. And that also includes of a loss of paranoia, Tyler promised any form of curse. So Allah subhanaw taala says, if you commit that sin, we will curse you, then that particular sin becomes a major sin that particular sin is classified as a major sin, a minor sin, it is a sin, that the Sharia the Shahada with Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran, Allah Kareem all through the Hadith, because the Hadith at the end of the day, the meaning is from Allah subhanaw taala. But the wordings are from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that's why
when we say the shadow the legislator and the legislator overall is a loss of panel dialer, the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only conveys what lots of panel data reveals to him. So when the legislator the sheriff says, this is how I'm gonna do it, but he does not follow it with a punishment. So it doesn't say if you did, you're going to be punished this way. If Allah subhana wa tada says, Don't do this. And if you do this, you'll be punished, then this will be classified as a major sin. If Allah subhanaw taala says don't do this, but he does not follow it with any threat or any prescribed punishment or any punishment in any way or form, then that's considered to be a sin,
but it's a minor sin. So now we've got two types of sins. We've got a major sin we've got a minus in a major sin is a forbidden action that Allah subhanaw taala had forbidden in the Quranic anymore. In the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah and Allah azza wa jal also prescribed a punishment for it, whether it's a specific punishment, what Allah says that's the type of punishment that will punish you or loss or only punish you or curse you. And the other classification The other type of a sin it is a minus in and that is when Allah subhana wa Taala forbids a particular action but Allah subhanaw taala don't say, if you do it, I'll punish it in this form or or punish it in this specific
way. But Allah subhanaw taala said, don't do it. That does not mean just because Allah subhanaw taala told you not to do it is not going to punish you, other than just say he's going to punish you. But in general, anything that you commit minor or major, lots of panatela is going to punish you. But that minor sin, particularly Allah subhana wa Taala didn't say I'm gonna punish you, even though you need to know that everything that you commit Allah is going to punish you. But when Allah subhanaw taala spoke about that particular sin, Allah did not follow it with a punishment. That's what the scholars really define the difference between major sin and minus in so our major scene is
what lots of paradox rebellion. At the same time a lot of people died prescribed a punishment, whether it is a specific punishment or not. And a minus in it is a forbidden action but Allah subhanaw taala to be done, and lots of penalties will punish but that's given. That's by our understanding of what Allah subhanaw taala says that this is forbidden by Allah subhanaw taala didn't follow it with a specific punishment nor that allows our dimension they will punish him. Now, what's the difference between a major sin and a minor in a major sin nothing will wipe it away. So if someone commits the if someone implicates themselves in any major sin, someone commits a major
sin, nothing will wipe it away, except truths and see repentance. So if someone is in doubt, or someone had committed a major sin, nothing will walk away. Even some scholars say has would not even wipe it away. Not all the scholars agree to this, some scholars say has will walk away major minor sins. However, nothing will wipe away this major sin except truths in see repentance. You need to repent to Allah subhanaw taala you don't have to get a house for lots of panels to walk away a major sin that you had committed, but nothing walks away a major sin that you had committed except a true sincere repentance. However, a minus in making this tougher Allah subhanaw taala wiper
as the problem hammer sauce Adam says in many different Hadith when he says la salatu salam, a prayer when you pray a prayer from one prayer to another pray Allah subhanaw taala wipes away sins. When you say for example after the Salah, so Pamela 33 times and hamdulillah three times a lot or three times and then you follow it boy, la la la la la la, la la la, la, la la la collision Cody. Allah subhanaw taala wipes away the sins, another headache, the problem homosassa
He says from one Friday prayer to the following Friday I pray Allah subhanaw taala wipes away the sins
and other holiday the problem homosassa says from one camera to another, Allah subhanaw taala wipes away the sins. Another Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed Salim says from ramadan ramadan Allah subhanaw taala wipes are the sins another Hadith on the Prophet Mohammed Salah Selim says fasting on the day of arafah lots of parent Allah wipes away a previous year of sin and and a future of sin. Another Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW some says if he did this, Allah subhanaw taala wipes away the sins. So what kind of sins Allah subhanaw taala will wipe or what sins is the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is referring to in those a hadith it is early mornings. So everybody
that you read with Allah subhanaw taala promises you that if you do a particular noble action, that Allah is xojo what are the sins then a lot of penalty no lie wipe away the minor sins because the major sins nothing will wipe away except true sincere repentance.
So everybody that you read, whether it's that this behalf to the seller or from Ramadan, Ramadan from salata, another Salah from
fasting on the day of fasting on the day of Ashura, or any other virtue that Allah subhanaw taala had promised or the problem homosassa had mentioned that if you do them a lot of penalty, Allah will forgive your sins here in the visa lottery, or Selim is referring to minor sins because nothing will wipe away your major sins except what true sincere repentance what a true sincere repentance is they repent are lots of panatela first and foremost that you stopped committing that sin. Secondly, you feel remorseful and regretful of acumen in that scene. And thirdly, you promised our last panel that you never go back to the scene. A lot of people say I used to give me a scene then I promised Allah
subhanaw taala they never got back to us. I repent to Allah azza wa jal, but then I relapsed and went back to that sin will either really repent to Allah subhanaw taala sincerely because as part of a true sincere repentance is that you never get back to it. So if you did get back to it and you ended up going back to what that means you didn't really repent to Allah subhanaw taala sincerely.
Okay. However, as I mentioned to you a minus in making it stiffer seeking lots of penalties forgiveness, after the solo after you make the dispute between one seller another seller and many different ahaadeeth including the problem homosassa them saying that when you walk to a Masjid for every step that you take a lot of penalty Allah will give you a Hassan Allah azza wa jal walk away a sin. Here in Ibiza lalala Selim is referring to minor sins. So the difference between a major sin and omana sin again, a major sin is a sin that a lot of panatela had fibula. At the same time Allah subhanaw taala had prescribed a punishment with a specific punishment or just general punishment.
The minor sin is a sin that Allah subhanaw taala Tibetan, but Allah subhanaw taala did not prescribe a specific punishment nor that allows panatela followed when he had forbidden the sin, Allah subhanaw taala followed it with a punishment but in general, again, anything that you commit Allah will punish it ever you say yet, because when you accumulate, say the loss of power, that is gonna punish it.
Okay, but with a big bar.
The scholars say insisting on a minor sin will result to becoming a major sin. I'll repeat that. And it's salado, Allison Iran, you add the ILA Kabira, insisting on a minor sin, then that will result to becoming a major sin. So if I am someone who is indulged in minor sins, such as, for example, looking at the opposite agenda, gazing at the opposite gender, I'm someone that looks around. For example, I'll look around in the public or I'm someone who is implicated in watching *, watching *. Now scholar will say it is a major sin. When we say a major sin, but insisting on that it becomes a major sin. It is a sin. But isn't part of the major scenes that Allah subhanaw
taala prescribed a specific punishment for now it isn't, by insisting on it. What I mean by insisting on it that you constantly do that you always watch *, always watch monography and never hold yourself back from donor and never stop yourself from doing it, then that becomes a major sin. So saying is the Fall is no longer enough for you. You need to repent a sincere repentance which means that you never go back to whatever again and you feel regretful or remorseful, ever committed.
smoking, smoking is a minor sin. It's not a major sin, okay, but insisting and constantly smoking, then this will result to becoming a major sin.
Many other minor things that people commit, and people are implicated in insisting on them, which means that you constantly do them and never stop yourself from doing them, then that will resolve to becoming a major sin and making this default is no longer enough for you. You have to repent to Allah subhanaw taala and that's why that's why some people say you know what, many times
People come up to me and ask me that question. Sure. Is this action is that a major sin or minor sin or does it make a difference to you? Let's say someone has seen what you're gonna get this about loss of Potala. Okay, it's a minor sin what you're just gonna have the guts and the courage again, it's about lies though again, the scholars always say one thing, do not look at the size of the sin that you are committing. Whether it's a minor sin or major sin is a major major sinner is a minor, major, major minor sin or is a minor minor sin. Don't look at the size of the sin that you are committing. Look at the greatness of the one that you are disobeying at the end of the day, whether
it's a major sin or minor senior disobeying Allah subhanaw taala it is the same load. So Phoebe for the lies origin Be mindful of Allah subhanaw taala Be conscious that Allah subhanaw taala is watching you. So don't always look at it and always trying to evaluate the sin is a minor sin is a major sin because if it's a major sin I'm gonna keep away from me. I'm gonna commit a fair loss of panel data. Whether you committing a major sin or mana sin at the end of the day, it's disturbing. And that disrespect is to Allah subhanaw taala ever earlier disrespecting a large Zoltan whether it's major or minor sin. So once again, my brothers and my sisters, if someone insists on a minor
sin so you've got someone who continues to gaze at the opposite gender, and this person does not stop himself and prevent himself from committing that sin, then that minor sin will become a major sin, then that minor sin will transform to becoming a major sin it's no longer a minor sin anymore. It's not a major sin. In this hadith the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says I'll cover the major sins, the major sins are and it's Rocco Miller, ascribing partners to Allah subhanaw taala
disobey your parents, here we are Caitlyn loves murder and killing someone while he amino gamos which is false oath, making a false oath. I always say making a false oath, not necessarily to be in court. Though when you're asked to make an oath, you make a false oath. Even if you are just lying over something, you know, yesterday, brothers are you know, yesterday, I went to Queensland I'm back. You know, that's not really major. No one is harming himself except yourself, but you still love them. I went to Queensland back yesterday, and I'm just going about it. That's a false oath.
And that's a major sin. And that's a major sin that a lot of people belittle and undermine in our community. A lot of people just lie about everything. And some people lie. We don't even need to lie. It's not understandable by you know, where people are coming from when they need to lie. But even though you'd never need to lie, but someone is stuck in a particular position, or has been embarrassed on the line. But some people out there don't even need to lie. They lie just to make people laugh. And the Prophet Mohammed Salim says, the worst of people, that does not justify for people to lie if they need to lie, because there's no such thing they need to lie. But sometimes
this person is being put in a particular position where he lives his life because he felt the pressure that's still not justifiable. But you've got other people that lie just for the sake of learning.
But the most important point here and the most important part out of this habit, which is relevant to the topic that we're talking about today, which is disobedience to your parents, being disobedient to your purse, you disobey your parents, you're disrespectful to your parents, you're unsuitable towards your parents. He doesn't even keep towards with your parents, your parents, your parents, your parents. Allah subhana wa tada speaks about his worship he follows after he speaks about his worship with the importance of you been meaning to your parents. How many of us have said this meaning to their parents, that even have any toys with their parents so disrespectful to their
parents? undoable towards their parents, when their parents call them Wha What do you want from me so disrespectful. The way they speak to their parents, the way they approach their parents, the way they deal with their parents is so disrespectful and that's a major sin. And then you've got this person with a big beard or the sisters wearing the hijab on the pub. And then when it comes to the Salah, Masha Allah is so focused when it comes to this Allah when it comes to the Dhamma when it comes to them coming to the masjid, but when it comes to their parents are so disrespectful
the importance of your Salah is nothing more than the importance of your parents in your life. Your parents have equal rights ever you like this Allah has rights over you.
What Katara Bukola tabuteau illa
Santa you log commands and prescribes upon you that you worship Him and know about him then Allah subhanaw taala says right after what Beware the diner Santa be dutiful towards your parents. So being unsuitable towards Ypres is a sin.
And that's why NOP sallallahu alayhi wa sallam classify that as a major sin, a major sin for you to be disrespectful to your parents, for you to be ungrateful to your parents. Here, another Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam also teaches us
way that we need to be respectful towards our parents is never ever bring disrespect or dishonor to your parents. What does it say? Salatu Salam merkaba Erie shacman Rajamouli Walid a Kalia Rasul Allah wa Holly ash tomo rajawali de Kala Nam Yasuko Roger Lee fire super wire super Omaha, Omaha matava con la as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says from the major of sins,
from the major of sins. So there is a sin, which is considered to be a major major sin. That when someone abuses and parents, when someone verbally abused and parents saw this a habit of the alota was shocked. They said, O Messenger of Allah, Who verbally abused his parents back then not these days. I'm sorry to say, back then, it is something inconceivable, something that the Sahaba arable, maybe in a human being standing on the face of the earth back then we'll accept the fact that someone will verbally abused his parents, someone will say to his parents use this either or swears or his parents. Someone that swears his parents or verbally abusing his parents, or shelter his
parents something that no one will even accept. That's what the Sahaba of the law could not even comprehend the fact that someone who even verbally abused and parents, so they said O Messenger of Allah, He abuses and parents, but back then these days is normal. a 10 and a 12 year old child will abuse and parents he'll sways parents, who even fought with his parents who abused his parents who shot his parents who argue this parents so Pamela gets a generation back. No one would even dare to look at these parents now. When it comes to his parents. Mashallah. He's a macho.
When it comes to his friends, he's like a little chicken, like a little cat. But when it comes to his mom and dad, Allahu Akbar all the bravery just comes in.
outside the house, he's a coward. He's like a little chicken. Inside the house of hannula. All the bravery in the world comes into his heart. In front of his mom and dad, he's so brave. In front of other people is like a pussycat. So Pamela
lukka, Lyrica, Allahu Akbar, the Sahaba of the low tide. I can't even comprehend the fact that someone will ever swear his parents, someone will even abuse his parents. And that's why they said O Messenger of Allah. He verbally abuses his parents, who would even think about swearing to his parents. So the Prophet Muhammad Hassan said yes, how awesome said you abused someone else's parents? So he'll abuse your parents in return because he abused his parents. So also where are you mom? So why would you say and your mom Okay, and Arabs in
the entire tribe.
In the bass Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, the worst of sins is someone abusing his own parents. So they said O Messenger of Allah, how is this possible? So the problem Hamas awesome said someone will abuse someone else's parents. So in return, what does he do? He retaliates on his Twitter his parents, and that's why it's harder for me in general for me to swear anyone else. Or for me to be verbally abusive towards anyone else, whether a Muslim or non Muslim
Subhan Allah some people want to justify because he's on a Muslim organza, whatever you want to say, and abused him the way you want to abuse him not that's wrong, you come up with anyone you've got narosa abuse anyone, you're not even allowed to even abuse an animal
let alone for you to abuse a respectful human being, or any human being.
From from us being verbally abusive towards anyone regardless who this person is. But what makes it even worse is that when you're verbally abusive towards someone else's parents say in retaliation, what does he do? He starts to swing back at your parents say, Where is mom, your mother, your father? So he says, You know what, if you want to say this about my mom and dad, your mother and your father, say what did you do here? Here's why your parents use why your parents that's why the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is saying,
in the base Allah Allah Allah Salim is employing him this how they've been abusing someone else's parents. And then in retaliation, this person starts to abuse your parents. You abused your parents. You are the one that abused your parents. Now someone's gonna ask me Okay, what about if someone initiate swearing? are you presenting just be swearing back at them? That's not what our Dean teaches us. Our Dean, our Dean teaches us it's our ability
to repel evilness with goodness. payback evilness with goodness, if someone has been able to watch you be good towards him. And if he can't be good towards them, don't be nasty. Look them.
One of the common issues that we've got within our community within people in general, but he did it even if he didn't. If someone is wrong, you shouldn't be wrong, love them. And if someone is abusive, you shouldn't be abusive. Look them and if someone's saying something wrong, and if someone
He's been verbally abusive towards you, you shouldn't be verbally abusive towards them You better be the better person.
Be the better person that'd be locked them down lower your standard as a Muslim and our extended to someone who is abusive and someone who's rude and someone who is nasty. Be the better person is even if someone smiles at your parents, you shouldn't be swearing back at them, be better than them be better than them, but somehow not love the general mentality that we've got? He did. I'm gonna do it. He said, I'm gonna say it. He did it to me. I'm gonna do to him. He hit me. I'm gonna kill him. He's for me. I'm gonna throw his entire family. So Pamela that's the attitude that we've got. retaliation, retaliation, retaliation. payback evilness, with worse evilness payback back with worse
bed. That's our attitude. That's why we'll always do and Subhanallah it's common, even amongst religious people. He said, I'm gonna say it, he did it. I'm gonna do it to him. He pushed me I'm gonna push him. He said that to me. I'm gonna say that back to him. So Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Never swear, but never swear to your parents never be verbally abusive. To your parents. How do you become verbally abusive to your parents, is that when you swear someone's parents in return this way, Becca, your parents. And this is Pamela, the character of a woman, the character of a woman, he never lowers his standard to other people's standards, you're always
better. And that's what makes you a man, a believer that your morals, your ethics, your discipline, your code of conduct is beyond above everyone else. Your Code of Conduct is beyond that above everyone else, you surpass everyone else, you shouldn't lower yourself to them. If someone has been a scum, you shouldn't be a scum like them. If someone is rude, you shouldn't be rude like them. If someone is abusive, you shouldn't be abusive like them. If someone is a criminal, he shouldn't be a criminal law club. You're a Mormon. You're a believer. Otherwise, what differentiates you from them and then what differentiates you from them? If you want to act like them, behave on them and portray
yourself love them then you unlock them at the end of the day regardless what the reason these are but he started this a walk. At the end of the day you did exactly what they did. He said what they said you became abusive like them, no matter what the reason is, but you became of them at the end of the day. And that's why Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says later on well Allah Allah.
A moment is never ever abusive. He never curses others, and He never says rude and nasty words. That's not the character of a woman. So my brothers or my sisters, even though you might encounter someone that might be abusive towards you. They could be verbally abusive towards you. They could be swearing at you just ignore them walk away from them as Allah subhana wa Tada. He says in the Parana Kareem, ye the Mujahideen una Carlo, Salama, when confronted by ignorant people, whether they're abusive or rude, just ignore them or walk away from them. And sometimes you might encounter experienced racist comments or rants where people are being so racist, abusive towards you, you
Muslim this guy back where he came from, what are you doing here, you this you're terrorists, you're extremist you this and that, just ignore them walk away from them. You know, even give them a small maybe that small, make them change their perception of Islam, maybe this small, make them change their thoughts of Islam. We are here to represent Islam not to represent ourselves. But Subhana Allah, if someone is racist towards us these days, or someone is rude towards us, because we are wearing the scarf or having a beard will look like a Muslim, our names are Muslims, we become a lot more abusive towards them. I come from Bankstown You know, I'm from the Habib's. I'll take you on.
You know, let's go one on one straightaway with Islam in your life, or you know, I'm on my journey to uphold Islam, but Islam wants you to uphold.
If you want to uphold Islam, you need to uphold Islam the way Islam wants you to uphold it not the way you want to uphold it. Not unlike a thug. A lot of Muslims these days that come from a thuggish background, and they want to bring the thuggish background into Islam and don't want to behave and don't want to act like thugs in Islam, whether you are the villa, Southern originally thugs, and I want to bring the thuggish and gangster mentality into Islam. And when they get angry, they become like thugs, but the only difference is before that they don't have a bit of a bit. That's the only difference. The way that our behaving the way that we're acting, it's like just thugs. That's why my
brothers or my sisters in the basal olalia Selim teaches us in this hadith
that never be abusive towards your parents, and how could you be abusive towards your parents, not just literal abusive, because these days you do have people are literally abusive towards their parents directly. In a bizarre Some said, then even be abusive towards your parents indirectly by you being abusive to someone else's parents. And then
In retaliation, he starts to swear your parents. The following Hadith in a piece of law salami says Leopold Janata pata Jani all to him that anyone who
cuts ties with these schemes will never ever enter the dinner, cutting toys with your kids starting with your mother and your father. Now you're closest of kings and the other First Kings. Now the first two, they have more rights over you than everyone else, including your spouse, including your husband, including your wife. My mother and my father have more rights ever me the man and wife number and husband,
son Nabi sallallahu wasallam he says, No one that cut in on that cuts toys.
No one that cuts ties with his kids in particular, his mother and father will never enter the gym. And many a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam mentions about those that were never ever experience or enter the agenda because they've cut ties with their kids and cut ties with their mother and father. Subhana Allah Well, I wanted you know what's more devastating that some people cut ties with the Jenkins for the sake of Allah azza wa jal I don't know how that works.
I don't know how that works. that some people cut ties with the Anne cousins with the Atkins with their mother and father with a brother and sister with a and son and Dora for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala
a loss of health I will never accept that from him. Even if he preys on the worst of people standing on the face of this earth. You have no rights to cut ties with them. They have rights upon you. And you know you must fulfill those rights. You must fulfill those rights.
In the last one following Hadith the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the La tarla Hello llama alaikum oka Alma hottie
woman woman on warhead.
Burnett Walker Allah tala waka waka karate avati elmen the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in this hadith Allah subhanaw taala had forbidden upon you disobedience to your mothers. And he NMB sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifies your mother. Why because your mother has the utmost right out of everyone else that surrounds you and everyone else that relates to your mother has number one, right? Then your father, when a man comes to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he says team or messenger of Allah, from all the people that are know which one has more rights over me. So the problem homosassa tells him your mother, so the companion says to
the problem homosassa then whom so the problem homosassa replies to him the second time your mother, so the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked the third time or messenger of Allah than him. So the Prophet Muhammad SAW Some said, Mark, your mother said the third time the Prophet Muhammad SAW some after he said, Your mother, the companion asked him and he says, The Messenger of Allah then whom so the problem Hamas al salam, in the fourth time, he says, then your father, so your mother, your mother, your mother than your father, so your mother has three times more rights over you than your father. Why? Because your mother is the one that sacrificed a lot more for you
than your father. Yes, she's the one that fell pregnant with you. She's the one that carried you for nine months if more or less, she's the one that delivered and gave birth to you. She's the one that stayed awake at night. She's the one that continued to look after you. She's the one that continued to bear the trouble and the headache from you. She is the one that continued to observe you. She's the one that continued to look after your father. Yes, he did look after he spent a lot of money on you and your father's work and during the day whether with you or without he was working during the day and he spent money on you. Not belittling the responsibility of the Father. But your mother had
a lot more responsibility. And your mother had to bear your presence with her and your mother had to handle. You've been as a baby a lot more than your father and that's why I told you, your mother, your mother, your mother than your father. And that's why Allah Allah Allah says, Allah subhanaw taala had forbidden upon you they are disobedient to your mother. That's one So number one is that why the problem homosassa specifically speaks about the mother he is because the mother is the one that he needed to handle you and pay you more than anyone else. Number two, must people feed the father's
most people must vast majority of children if not all children feed their father. Why? Because the father Masha Allah with his big hand who will give you a slap and lock you towards the door.
But your mother is weaker. Your mother is a lot more emotional. And that's why people take advantage of her children take advantage of the mother. They take advantage of the weakness of the mother the take advantage of the emotions of the mother. They take advantage of the situation of the mother and that's why it is a lot more bound to happen within children discipline.
them other than them disobeying their father.
Yes, Pamela, it's natural. We say our Father, we feed our father law mother welfare mother.
Why? Because the mother is a lot more softer, a lot more subtle, a lot more emotional, a lot more easygoing, when it comes to you, and you're not the end of the day, even though you're upset your mother, but your mother tender should come around and say, you know, a colossal alcoholic, but the father, if the father gets angry from you, Allah Enoch.
And if the father gets angry, another one, no one's gonna hope except a large xojo when the father gets angry, really gets angry, and you're not gonna win your father for the emotions. If the father gets angry, with a nice kiss here and my smile, the father's still gonna be angry, especially if he's an Arab, ah,
no one is gonna help you with your father except his father.
No one's gonna help you with your father except the Father of your father. That's the one that you need to resolve to.
But in general, the mother she's a lot more weaker, a lot more sympathetic, a lot more subtle, a lot more softer. And that's why a lot of children take advantage of their mother than their father. And they feed the father more than the mother. And that's why I said, because you take the advantage. And a lot of people want to exploit the situation and circumstance of the mother for that it is a lot more forbidden upon you to disobey your mother than your father.
Because it's a lot more common for children to disobey the mother than the Father. A lot more common for children disobey their mother than the Father. And under problem homosassa speaks about other familiar actions, and one of them is Taylor call Allah subhanaw taala dislikes upon you that you say what other people tell you. So we are very quick and haste winning when it comes to people saying something to us this the moment that we hear a rumor was that spreading that rumor, we did not verify it. From the very first moment that we hear about something someone told us something straightaway, bla bla bla bla bla for Hindi. And I'm sorry to say that's a lot more common amongst
women than men. But these days it's even common amongst men.
Okay, from the very moment that he's something of someone or he is something of something straightaway start talking about everything that you hear you say everything that you hear you spread, you become a social media on your own panel or someone heard something straightaway the next day everyone's talking about it now. Before it used to take some time by the time you see people and meet with people you sit down with people now social media the entire world talks about it you know, yesterday this that I heard this about this lady and I heard this thing about this man and start talking about it. And so Pamela that tongue, rather than being a good tongue, to take it to
goodness, it becomes an evil tongue. A tongue that takes you to evilness on the other below. Okay, Allah completo Kala kathrada son, too many questions. people asking too many questions Why this? Why that? Why does the loss of pounds recommend us to pray to, God forbid was in a four why's a photo? Or wasn't a to what do you have to pray five times a day? What could be just once a day? What couldn't be just once a week? Look at the Christians that only pray once a week? Look at the Jews that only pray once a week while the Muslims have to pray five times a day shoot that's about 30 times more than the rest. Why is this? Why is that? Why is it hard for us to do this? Why is it
obligatory upon us to put on the hijab? Why is it that we have to be passing the month of Ramadan Castro to soil asking too many questions.
And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says what destroyed the previous nations in the past is that they had too many questions. Too much questions. always asking too many questions. Why this one? Why is it this? Why is it that what law somehow was destroyed the previous nations before is that they used to ask him the questions and it's not healthy for you as a Muslim to ask him any question especially when it comes to your deen if Allah subhanaw taala commands you to do something just do it. That's why you're a Muslim because he added to the orders of Allah subhanaw taala Alonso's recommends you to do this just do it.
Keep pouring from and just keep away from it. Don't argue don't debate he tried to debate with a lot of Allah Allah. Why are you trying to prove a loss of health Allah is wrong. And you have some Muslims who are debating over issues Allah subhanaw taala explicitly says in the Quran, he clearly states in the Quranic getting bandied about why. Why is alcohol why taking Riba is haram why we're not allowed to take interest. Why is it this but I'm happy with it. What is the loss of power upon me? Why is it haram for me to go out with a girl? She's happy? I'm happy, happy, happy. It's alright. So Pamela Kim in the questioning.
People like to ask them questions. What is optimal also Allah subhanaw taala forbids you to waste your wealth. Just because of loss of power has given you excess wealth, and you've got extra wealth in your pocket and you've got extra bucks or money in your pocket doesn't mean you go wasted. Okay, use it for useful matters for beneficial matters, then go and waste your money. It is upon you for you to again waste your money. That does not include the guy on some holidays or outings and you take your family on some holiday here and they're not wasting your money at the end of the day keeping your family together wasting money just throwing money here and
not being useful. When it comes to using your money not being beneficial when it comes to using your money. It's not octoman
If there's some way that you want to really spend your money and spend it for the sake of a loss of power rather than you spend it in a wrong and evil path. So once again, my brothers and my sisters Allah subhanaw taala forbids us to be disobedient to parents in particular our mothers, we have to be respectful, dutiful, towards our parents who need to be respectful towards our parents, no matter what the circumstance is, no matter what the case is, no matter where you experience where you encounter, find your parents, whatever you see from them, whatever you hear from them at the end of the day, Allah subhanaw taala prescribes upon you and commands you that you must be respectful
towards your parents. And there's one thing that you want to do out of tomorrow and shout a lot to make sure they continue fulfilling that respect and duty towards your prayers and keep ties with them even though you probably get to visit them once a week but you know what, from now on inshallah och check up on them, Alyssa Frankel, check up on him going visit him, talk to him, see how they are
always visiting them to see what's going on. If they need something, maybe your mom needs something from you, but she is too embarrassed to talk to you because you're so far away from him. Or maybe she understands that you are so busy with your family, and business and work with and affairs. But you should always approach your parents and see because they are your way. They are your platform to the gender they are your way and platform to the agenda and don't neglect the platform because of your respect and jury, towards your parents. That could be the reason they enter the gender that will make it into the agenda before you salah and UCM and your Tao in your donations. Be respectful
your parents my last point I make is from amongst us ajuda for respectful to their parents. My last point I make is from amongst those who listen and hear and act upon