Shady Alsuleiman – Legacy of the Righteous – Umar Ibn Al Khattab RA Part 2
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The speaker discusses the history and characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad sallal, including his physical size, weight, and appearance. They also touch on the importance of recognizing good and bad in one's life and avoiding drinking alcohol. The speaker emphasizes the need for a complete understanding of the Prophet's words and actions to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. They also discuss the importance of being a complete, loved, and real person to the Prophet.
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Prophets and messengers to the Muslims, Allah send
them to the Kuffar, Allah send them to
the non-Muslims, Allah send them to the
worst of non-Muslims, Allah send them to
the worst of non-Muslims.
So that's what we learn from the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, we are not here to come
and hate everyone and declare war against everyone
and fight with everyone, we are here to
tell people about this great Deen.
So SubhanAllah when you really think about it,
how the Prophet Muhammad SAW made Dua for
Amr Ibn Hisham Abu Jahl and Amr Ibn
Khattab, the two worst, actually the other worst
two enemies of Islam during that time and
Allah SWT opened the heart of Amr Ibn
He became from the worst of enemies of
Islam to the greatest supporters of Islam and
the greatest followers of Islam.
Amr Ibn Khattab had a huge impact on
him becoming a Muslim and as I mentioned,
the Sahaba say that we did not feel
the honour of Islam and the empowerment of
Islam until Amr Ibn Khattab became a Muslim.
Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud says that we felt
the honour and we did not feel the
honour of Islam until Amr Ibn Khattab became
a Muslim.
We did not dare to perform Tawaf until
Amr Ibn Khattab became a Muslim.
And he also said that the Islam of
Amr was an opening and his migration
was a victory and his leadership was a
And you'll hear many of the great companions
talking about the sense of motivation and inspiration
after Amr Ibn Khattab became a Muslim.
And Amr Ibn Khattab became a Muslim just
three days after Hamza Ibn Abdul Muttalib, so
subhanallah they were very close in time with
regards of their Islam and Amr Ibn Khattab
was the only companion that dared to migrate
When the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Sahaba
migrated from Mecca to Medina, they all migrated
secretly and discreetly including the Prophet Muhammad SAW,
except Amr Ibn Khattab.
And that does not mean the Prophet Muhammad
SAW was scared.
That's part of the strategy, part of the
strategy, sometimes part of the strategy is for
you not to be too in the open.
It's not cowardice or it's not like you're
not being fearful of Allah Azzawajal, no no.
Because unfortunately we have this mentality, if you're
not loud and you don't scream and you
don't shout, you're not speaking the truth.
Sometimes you need to be loud and you
need to scream and shout and sometimes you
need to be quiet and you need to
be strategic and you need to be smart.
So the Prophet Muhammad SAW, for the migration
from Mecca to Medina, the Prophet Muhammad SAW
and Abu Bakr migrated discreetly and we mentioned
that when we were talking about Abu Bakr.
The only companion that migrated openly and publicly
was Amr Ibn Khattab.
Amr Ibn Khattab, in his migration, he was
the only one that came out in the
public in front of the leaders and the
chiefs of the people of Quraysh, saying to
them, I am migrating right now from Mecca
to Medina and he said whoever wants their
wives to become widows and their children to
become orphans, then follow me, follow me.
Yes, that's the bravery that Amr Ibn Khattab
had, but it doesn't mean other companions are
not brave.
They were brave, but Allah had given Amr
Ibn Khattab certain strength that others don't have.
Amr Ibn Khattab physically was strong and the
physical strength and appearance plays a big role.
It doesn't mean just because someone is bigger
in size, he's more brave than someone smaller
in size.
No, he could be smaller in size, a
lot more brave than someone big in size.
All the Sahaba are brave, yet the bravery
maybe differs from one to another.
And the bravest one of all, the scholars
agree, the bravest companion, obviously our beloved Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the bravest, but
the bravest companion is who?
Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr is the bravest companion.
All the scholars say that the bravest companion
out of all companions is Abu Bakr.
Then Amr Ibn Khattab, but Amr Khattab, because
he was physically big and Abu Bakr was
not physically big, when you read about the
size of Abu Bakr, Abu Bakr was physically
He was either medium or less than medium,
Amr Khattab was big.
And that has an impact on people's impression
and people's perceptions.
So Amr Ibn Khattab was the only one
that came out publicly saying that whoever wants
their wives to be widows and their children
to be orphans, then follow me behind this
And Amr Ibn Khattab migrated from Mecca to
And when the rest of the companions saw
Amr Ibn Khattab migrating, a lot of them
tagged along with him.
They needed someone like Amr Ibn Khattab.
And subhanAllah, how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
chooses people differently.
Allah chooses people differently.
So I sense always when you talk about
the sahabah, there's always that thought that I
want to become the next Amr, which is
obviously a great thought.
But Amr Ibn Khattab filled a vacuum that
other companions didn't, but other companions filled a
vacuum that Amr Khattab didn't.
Abu Bakr radiyallahu ta'ala anhu is a
greater companion than Amr Ibn Khattab and that's
by the testament of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
And both of them, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala used them for different ways, different pathways.
Everyone has a role in this deen.
I have a role, you have a role,
doesn't matter how big you are, how small
you are, how rich you are or poor
you are, how much backing you've got behind
you or no backing.
You always have a role in this deen.
You have a responsibility.
Every single one of us has that responsibility
and every single one of us has that
role to play.
Amr Ibn Khattab's role was probably more prevalent,
more exposed due to his position, his size.
He was also vocal, he was loud in
his voice.
When I say loud, it's not like Dan
Taiko, he screams and shouts, but you know
people with deeper voices tend to be heard
more, subhanallah, people's nature.
Amr Ibn Khattab had those characteristics and Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala brought him into this
deen to empower Islam and to empower the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even though
Islam does not need him and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't need him and
nor Allah azawajal needs any of them.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala doesn't need any
of them.
But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created this
world in a cycle and part of that
cycle Allah created a system.
Part of that system you need to go
by the means.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the
Quran, if Allah wants, if Allah wills, Allah
will make everyone a believer.
Is that hard?
Allah will say everyone is a believer, everyone
will be a righteous believer, but Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala created this system, it's a
And this system has been created by Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to put people in
a position where there is good, there's bad,
there are difficulties, and there's easy pathways, there
are good days, there are bad days, there's
goodness, there's evilness, there's sins, there's hasanat.
This is the system that Allah created and
we deal with that system.
That's part of the test that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala tests us.
And the reason I talk about this is
because every single one of us thinks about
It comes through our minds, but alhamdulillah the
more knowledge and iman that you have is
the more that you resist that thought or
you deal with that thought.
When I say resist, it's like you're dealing
with that thought, but unfortunately we live in
a day and age where people can't comprehend
that, it's like why isn't this world just
a perfect world and it's only good, only
righteousness, no suffering.
This is the test that Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala puts us through, and especially like
what you hear and you see, to what's
happening to our brothers and sisters in Gaza
every single day.
That's part of the test, that's part of
the system that Allah created.
Allah created that system where one day you
go during easy days, then the next day
you go through hardships, and then Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala strengthens you through hardships into
becoming easier, and then Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala allows the batil sometimes to be ahead
of the haqq, and then the haqq ahead
of the batil until the haqq destroys the
That's Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's system, and
we have to accept that that's how it
And subhanallah, Omar ibn al-Khattab radiyallahu ta
'ala anhu has an amazing story, different to
Abu Bakr, Abu Bakr was there from the
very beginning, a great supporter of the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from the very
Omar ibn al-Khattab started to be one
of the most hostile companions against the Prophet
Muhammad, one of the most hostile people against
the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then
later on became a companion.
So Omar ibn al-Khattab radiyallahu ta'ala
anhu embraces Islam, and then subhanallah he becomes
the Farooq, and the Farooq is the one
that distinguishes between good and bad, haqq and
batil, and Omar ibn al-Khattab had that
character, where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had
given him a deep foresight, he had a
deep foresight, a deep foresight not only in
life, which he had that deep foresight, but
even in the shariah, even understanding the deen,
even understanding what's good and bad, and this
is something that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
has given every single human being, it's part
of our natural instinct that we know what's
good and bad, but some people are deeper,
some people are more profound and more deeper
in their understanding of good and bad, but
when you come to the reality of it,
every single one of us has the ability
to distinguish between good and bad, but when
it goes to complicated issues or deeper issues,
that's when people struggle, some people struggle to
understand the difference between good and bad.
Omar ibn al-Khattab radiyallahu ta'ala anhu
was amongst us that asked the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked Allah to
reveal, to reveal clear answers on some topics,
one of them was about the munafiqeen and
the salah of the munafiqeen and Omar ibn
al-Khattab is the one that asked the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, will Allah reveal
a verse with regards of the munafiqeen, munafiqeen
existed during the time of the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in our day, in
our days when you say a munafiq, the
first thing that comes to your mind is
someone who's like double standards, a munafiq during
the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam is someone that shows Islam from
the outside, but 100% kafir from the
inside, so he's a kafir, and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala refers to the munafiqeen in
the lowest, deepest bottom of the hellfire, and
Omar ibn al-Khattab radiyallahu ta'ala anhu,
all the other companions, they were in the
same gatherings as the munafiqeen, imagine right now
you've got someone sitting over here, showing from
the outside Muhammad wa Ahmad, deep inside is
100% anti-Islam, it's very uncomforting, it's
not a comfortable thing, different to a non
-Muslim, you've got a non-Muslim, don't come
and sit here, he told me I'm a
non-Muslim, he said sit here, normal, I've
got no issues with that, but when someone
walks in, showing Islam from the outside, but
deep inside he's the first animal of Islam,
that's a big issue, that's a munafiq, and
during the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, in the gatherings of the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they used
to be munafiqeen, literally munafiqeen, you imagine Abu
Bakr, and Omar, and Uthman, and Ali, they
are standing and praying, and then they've got
this munafiq next to them, this other munafiq
there, so Omar ibn al-Khattab is the
one that asked Allah and asked the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for a definitive
verse about the munafiqeen.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed this
ayah, istaghfirlahum wa la tistaghfirlahum, istaghfirlahum sab'ina
marratan, fa naiyyakhtirallahu lahum, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is speaking about the munafiqeen, whether you
seek forgiveness for them or not forgiveness for
them, even if you seek forgiveness 70 times
for them, Allah will not forgive them, these
are the munafiqeen.
Munafiq is munafiq, he's not a Muslim, she's
not a Muslimah, they don't fit in the
shirkuh, but then the issue is how do
you deal with them, if someone shows you
Islam from the outside, and they are munafiq
deep inside, that's not something that you could
really measure, how are you going to, okay
you are a Muslim, yes, deep inside, I
don't like Islam, I'm against Islam, I don't
believe in Islam, I'm against Allah, I'm against
Muhammadah, we deal with them as Muslims, your
responsibility is to do, you can't make that
gentleman say, but you are a munafiq, not
ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah,
you deal with this person as a Muslim,
but Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam had an
advantage of course, and his advantage is that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, his advantage is
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala exposed the
munafiqeen to him, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
told the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam about
the munafiqeen, and you are not talking about
this, like Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed
to the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam the
list of munafiqeen, and you know some sahaba
like Abu Bakr and Umar and other companions
used to get and ask, are we on
that list, like subhanallah, then take it in
a negative way, take it in being very
very extra cautious, in making sure that, I
don't want to displease Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala in any way, in any form, in
any shape, because one of the diseases of
the heart when you become too complacent or
too comfortable, Alhamdulillah I'm proud, I'm proud, I'm
very proud to be a practicing Muslim, and
I'm very proud to be someone who prays,
he prays on time, gets off of his
head, comes to the masjid, puts time and
effort, but I should never ever feel comfortable
that I'm doing enough, or feel comfortable that
I've already passed the test, no, I should
always be cautious, I should always be on
my toes, making sure that I please Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Also Umar bin Khattab radiallahu ta'ala asked
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and asked the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam to send
a definitive ayah with regards of alcohol.
Alcohol, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forbid that
later on, but it was a time where
the sahaba were drinking alcohol and praying, they
were drinking alcohol and praying, so Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala revealed a verse where alcohol
is completely haram, you don't get near it,
and Umar bin Khattab radiallahu ta'ala was
one of those companions, he constantly asked the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam and asked
Allah to reveal a verse that's definitive, which
we want a clear, solid answer here, not
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala or the
Quran didn't have a solid answer, Allah revealed
the Quran kareem gradually, the Quran kareem didn't
come down all at once, so it's not
like it wasn't clear and then became clear,
no, no, that was part of the process,
part of the process that Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala revealed the Quran kareem gradually, and
Umar bin Khattab radiallahu ta'ala was one
of those deep foresight thinkers who wanted a
definitive answer on this, which shows his depth
of his understanding of the deen, and subhanallah
this is something that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala grants some people over others, everyone has
it, but some people are more advanced than
others, some people are deeper thinkers than others,
and after the Islam of Umar bin Khattab
radiallahu ta'ala, Umar bin Khattab was recognised
to be a very very exceptionally close companion
to the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
as I mentioned there were hundreds of sahaba
at the beginning, then thousands, and Nabi salallahu
alaihi wa sallam passed away and there were
over 100,000 companions, just at Hajatul Wada
'a Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam had 124
,000 people at Hajatul Wada'a, so you
can imagine Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam had
over 120,000 companions, but not all of
them were close to the Prophet Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam, and leaders in general, they
are very selective who they get very close
to their circle, and when the Prophet Muhammad
salallahu alaihi wa sallam allows someone like Umar
bin Khattab radiallahu ta'ala in a very
very tight circle, that's an indication, that's a
clear indication from the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi
wa sallam to the credibility of Umar bin
Khattab radiallahu ta'ala, and the closest people
to the circle of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam were Abu Bakr and Umar
bin Khattab radiallahu ta'ala, so much so
that the Sahaba radiallahu ta'ala constantly say
that we always said it's the Prophet Abu
Bakr and Umar that came, it's the Prophet
Abu Bakr and Umar that went, it's the
Prophet Abu Bakr and Umar that did, it's
the Prophet Abu Bakr and Umar that said
subhanallah that was the closest circle to the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr
and Umar, so much so that the Prophet
Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam grabbed the hand
of Abu Bakr one day and Umar bin
Khattab one day, he put him up and
he said we'll be resurrected like this in
the hereafter, we'll be resurrected like this in
the hereafter, Umar bin Khattab is a great
companion and it is completely refuted when you
have some groups who are trying to undermine
the companionship of Umar bin Khattab, and when
they say that Umar bin Khattab was a
bad companion, to me that's not only an
insult to Umar bin Khattab, that's a bigger
insult to the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, because if Umar bin Khattab and Abu
Bakr radiyallahu ta'ala are bad companions, then
you are criticising the character of the Prophet
Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam for allowing bad
companions to be in his inner circle, so
the blame goes back to the leader Muhammad
salallahu alaihi wa sallam, not to Abu Bakr
and Umar, if Abu Bakr and Umar were
bad people, then the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi
wa sallam is not fit to be a
leader, because as a leader how do you
allow bad people in your circle, where is
your leadership, so it's a disgrace and it's
an insult to the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi
wa sallam, before it's an insult to Umar
and Abu Bakr radiyallahu ta'ala, like these
days you come to me as a sheikh
and you imagine I'm hanging out with a
bunch of crooks, me as a sheikh, an
ordinary, and my best mates are crooks, are
you going to turn around and say what
are you hanging out with these people, and
you give them authority, come on, and I'm
talking about a very small level here, are
we trying to say that Ya Rasulallah you
had a bunch of crooks around you, and
a bunch of bad companions that you've given
authority, that's not just undermining Abu Bakr and
Umar, that's undermining the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi
wa sallam, and I remember debating this with
one person, but Umar bin Khattab used to
intimidate the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
Umar bin Khattab used to intimidate the Prophet
Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, if that's the
case I'm sorry he's not worthy to be
followed as a Prophet, if someone like Umar
could put on the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi
wa sallam, then I'm sorry he's not worthy
to be a leader, like again it's an
insult, it's an insult, for someone to say
that Umar bin Khattab used to intimidate the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, and that's
why the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam
never used to say anything to him, then
what kind of a leader is that, like
what kind of a leader that we are
following, a weak leader, we are talking about
the greatest man, the bravest man ever tread
this earth, Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he's
not going to be intimidated by Umar and
a thousand million Umar, he's not going to
be intimidated by them, he's a leader, and
if Umar and Abu Bakr were corrupt and
Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam would not even
allow them, not in a close circle, in
a further circle to him, so we need
to be realistic when we talk about those
issues, just out of logic, Umar bin Khattab
radiallahu ta'ala anhu and with Abu Bakr
radiallahu ta'ala anhum, they were one of
the closest and they were the most closest
people to the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, so much so that the Prophet Muhammad
salallahu alaihi wa sallam said, that if Allah
wanted to choose a Prophet after me, it
would have been Umar bin Khattab, like what
a testimony, testimony from the Prophet Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam, about Umar bin Khattab radiallahu
ta'ala anhu, and the Prophet Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam also says, that I saw
in my dream that I had a cup
of milk, and I drank that milk, and
there were leftover milk in that, so I
gave it to Umar bin Khattab radiallahu ta
'ala anhu, so the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi
wa sallam is saying, I saw in my
dream that I was drinking a cup of
milk, and I left some that I passed
it on to Umar bin Khattab, you need
to know one thing about Prophets and Messengers,
you need to know one thing, I saw
myself in the dream yesterday, I was travelling
somewhere in Asia, you probably saw yourself in
the moon, you probably saw another person that
you were talking to, an animal turns into
a human being, Prophets and Messengers don't see
dreams like that, Prophets and Messengers only have
one dream, only one dream, and that's a
revelation from Allah, whatever they see in the
dream, it's a message from Allah to them,
that's it, they do not see foolish dreams,
they don't see, it's either a message from
Allah or nothing, that's the rule, and that's
why when Ibrahim a.s. saw himself slaughtering
his son, like I'm sorry, you probably saw
yourself bashing your son every single day in
the dream, especially when they give you a
hard time, when Ibrahim a.s. saw himself
slaughtering his son in the dream, what did
he do the next day?
He took his son to slaughter him, why?
That's it, that's an order from Allah azza
wa jal, but other people see themselves doing
those things, doesn't mean you can't do that
the next day, Prophets and Messengers only see
a revelation in their dream, they do not
see anything else.
So when the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
says that I saw in my dream that
I was drinking milk, and then I passed
on leftover milk in that cup to Umar
ibn Khattab, the Sahabah straight away said, what's
the meaning of that dream?
There's got to be a meaning, because dreams
do have meaning, but not all dreams for
you and I, for the Prophets and Messengers,
all dreams have meanings, for you and I,
some dreams have meanings, and some dreams are
meaningless, they have no meaning at all.
The Prophet s.a.w. says I saw
in a dream that I was drinking a
cup of milk, then I passed on some
of that milk to Umar ibn Khattab, they
said, oh Messenger of Allah, what did you
interpret that to be?
s.a.w. said, knowledge, knowledge, subhanallah, knowledge.
This is another testimony from the Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w. to the knowledge of Umar
ibn Khattab r.a. And Umar ibn Khattab
r.a. had this love, had this love,
but when I say this love, we all
love Allah and we all love the Messenger
of Allah.
There's no doubt every single Muslim loves Allah
and loves the Messenger of Allah.
There's something about Umar ibn Khattab that one
day, when he heard the Prophet Muhammad s
.a.w. saying that none of you will
become a true believer until I, the Messenger
of Allah, become more beloved to them than
their parents, their children, and the entire world.
Umar ibn Khattab came to the Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w. and said to him, oh
Messenger of Allah, by Allah, you are the
most beloved human being to me, more than
my parents, more than my children, more than
every single human being, except myself.
Because in the Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad s
.a.w. also says that, in another narration,
none of you will become a true believer
until I become more beloved to them than
their children, than their parents, than everyone else,
including themselves.
Umar ibn Khattab r.a. comes to the
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and says to
him, oh Messenger of Allah, by Allah, you
are the most beloved human being to me,
more than my parents, more than my children,
more than every single human being, except myself.
And subhanAllah, even if it's not true, you
can't say that to the Prophet Muhammad s
.a.w. You'll say to him, oh Messenger
of Allah, I love you more than everyone,
even myself.
Even if it's not true, you will not
dare to say that to the Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w. Sometimes you tell people that
you love them when you hate them.
Umar ibn Khattab was very direct.
Ya Rasulullah, by Allah, I love you more
than my parents, more than my children, more
than my friends, more than the entire world,
except myself.
And the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. dealt
with this in straightforwardness.
And the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said
to him, oh Umar ibn Khattab, by Allah,
you are not a complete mu'min, believer, until
I, the Messenger of Allah, become more beloved
to you than yourself.
At that moment, Umar ibn Khattab stopped for
one second.
He looked at the Prophet Muhammad s.a
.w. and said, oh Messenger of Allah, right
now, you are more beloved to me than
And Nabi S.a.w. says, and right
now, I would say you are a complete
If the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said
that to Umar ibn Khattab, then what does
that mean?
He is a complete mu'min, a strong, real,
true mu'min.
This is the testament of the Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w. And Umar ibn Khattab was
also praised by the Prophet Muhammad s.a
.w. as someone who is determined for the
Haqq and determined in following the Haqq.
So much so that the Prophet Muhammad s
.a.w. said, oh Umar, if you were
to take one path, the shaytan will take
another path.
When you hear of that and you analyse
it, it is subhanallah, amazing.
To hear the determination and steadfastness of Umar
ibn Khattab r.a. Oh Umar, if you
were to take one path, the shaytan will
take another path.
Umar ibn Khattab r.a. So this is
a companion who was so so close to
the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. And the
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. entrusted him with
so many secrets and trusts and relied on
And for that reason, when Abu Bakr r
.a. was on his deathbed, he nominated Umar.
No one else.
And for someone like Abu Bakr r.a.
to make that nomination, on his deathbed, it
shows the unconditional confidence that Abu Bakr r
.a. had in Umar ibn Khattab r.a.
Umar ibn Khattab r.a. Umar ibn Khattab
r.a. is this companion that the Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. also praises and says,
in every nation in the past there were
And muhaddithun means scholars, speakers or people who
And the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. says,
and the muhaddith of this nation is Umar
ibn Khattab.
Umar ibn Khattab r.a. is the one
the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had guaranteed
the Jannah not once, not twice, multiple times.
Many times the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
had guaranteed Umar ibn Khattab r.a. the
And when Umar ibn al-'As came to the
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and asked him,
O Messenger of Allah, who are the most
loved, who are the most beloved people to
The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said, Aisha.
He said, O Messenger of Allah, I'm not
asking about women, I'm talking about men.
And the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said,
her father, Abu Bakr.
Then he said, O Messenger of Allah, then
who do you love after Abu Bakr?
And the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said,
The love the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
had for Abu Bakr first and for Umar
ibn Khattab r.a. This is the testament
that the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had
given to Umar ibn Khattab r.a. that
led the way for him to be the
second Khalifa after Abu Bakr r.a. May
Allah s.w.t. make us to be
from amongst those who listen and he act
upon what they listen and he.
Inshallah, next week we're going to delve into
the Khilafah of Umar ibn Khattab and get
an understanding of what Umar ibn Khattab had
achieved in 10 years and why he had
achieved civilizations that had existed for 100 years
did not achieve.
It's Umar ibn Khattab r.a. the second
greatest companion after Abu Bakr, the most loved
companion to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
after Abu Bakr and the one the Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. said, if Allah wanted
to choose a Prophet after me, it would
have been Umar.