Shady Alsuleiman – Legacy of the Righteous – Abu Bakr RA Part 4
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The COVID-19 pandemic has been discussed, including the importance of commitment and dedication in the spread of Islam. The speaker emphasizes the significance of comparison and comparison in understanding the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast of the beast
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You have no other option except to be
so committed and dedicated.
The Isra' wa'l mi'raj when we
talk about that journey, look, we're talking about
Allah taking the Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca
to Jerusalem, from Jerusalem to the seventh heaven.
He went and met with Allah SWT.
Imagine you went on a journey like that.
Man, you're going to be heads down on
the teeth.
The teeth, there's no, you know, slacking off
or laziness or you know what I'm I've
been doing well and you know, let me
sleep and they're just, it's impossible.
It was just impossible.
Oh, you know what?
Allah SWT let me sleep this sin here.
It's just impossible.
After you've seen this, you've experienced this, you've
heard it, you are heads down and that's
it, completely dedicated and committed to the cause
and there's no, as the Prophet Muhammad SAW
says it clearly from the very beginning, no
rest after this day, that's it.
There's no slacking off, there's no rest, there's
no, you know, derailing, there's no distraction, just
that you're stuck.
You're stuck with the cause and again, for
what reason?
The exposure.
Musa AS, Allah SWT speaks about Musa AS
in the Quran.
And one of the lessons when you, when
you read the story of Musa and you
listen to the story of Musa, what are
the things that you learn from the story
of Musa?
It's just the commitment that he had, obviously
Nabi SAW was more committed but putting that
aside, okay, we're talking about outside the Prophet
Muhammad SAW.
Musa AS is one of the most committed
prophets and messengers, even though all prophets and
messengers are committed, but one of the things
that you look at Musa's story is the
commitment with everything that Musa AS went through
with his people and Nabi SAW didn't face
that from the Sahaba, the nastiness and the
pushbacks and the disrespect and Nabi SAW didn't
face that from his people.
Musa AS faced a lot of hajj from
his people, a lot of nasty actions from
They despised him, they looked down at him
and Nabi SAW didn't face that.
So in this area, Musa had it tougher.
Without a doubt in this area, Musa AS
had it a lot worse than the Prophet
Muhammad SAW with regards of dealing with his
So when you talk about the story of
Musa AS, you talk about commitment here and
the commitment of Musa AS, his dedication, his
commitment, his perseverance with everything that he had
faced and everything that he went through and
everything that he had experienced and everything that
he encountered from Firaun and his army and
his own people and so on and then
and then and then and it just tells
you the man was so committed.
He was so dedicated.
What makes this man to be so committed
and dedicated?
We're talking about a man that used to
speak to Allah and Allah used to speak
to him.
That is enough to make him so committed.
Like you know, a prophet and a messenger
that Allah used to speak to regularly.
Allahu Akbar.
So it's not like Musa AS had blood
from gold and we have blood from you
know red.
No, no, no.
Musa AS is a human being like us
and him.
His structure is like us and him.
There's no difference.
They're all human beings and Allah reiterates that
in the Quran.
These are human beings but what they've been
exposed to, what they've seen, what they experienced,
what they've heard forces them to be so
committed and dedicated that it's impossible for us
to reach that level.
That's a reality.
Impossible, impossible.
There's no way you ever reach to the
level of not the prophecy here.
You'll never be a prophet.
The commitment and the dedication of a prophet
and a messenger, you'll never ever reach to
that level.
But it is Allah SWT that sent us
prophets and messengers to lead by an example
and at the same time Allah SWT blessed
us with companions.
Sahaba that we could at least compare ourselves
to now.
You could compare.
You could compare.
You could compare yourself to Abu Bakr even
though you'll never reach to that level.
You could compare yourself to Omar even though
you'll never reach to that level.
You could compare yourself to some of the
Sahaba even though they had an advantage over
They had an advantage over us.
And what's the advantage they had?
They saw the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
They met the Prophet Muhammad SAW and that's
a big advantage.
Big advantage.
But we also have advantage.
We also have an advantage.
What's our advantage?
We are born as Muslims.
That's an advantage Abu Bakr didn't have.
I'm telling you that from now.
You know Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali.
You know these great companions?
They envy you.
They will envy you.
Envy you over what?
You were born as a Muslim.
They weren't born as Muslims.
But we're talking about Omar ibn Khattab.
He went to go and kill the Prophet
Muhammad SAW.
Yes he's a great companion.
One of the greatest companions.
But he has a history too.
You don't have that.
You have an advantage.
That's why they used to talk the Sahaba
amongst each other.
They used to talk and they used to
envy those that are born as Muslims.
Which are born from the very beginning with
the Shahada.
They were not born from the very beginning
with the Shahada.
Most of them were born with what?
Worshiping idols.
Worshiping idols.
That's not a good that's not a good
background to have.
Even though it wasn't in their hands for
And Allah blessed them and they became the
greatest companions.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not trying to.
I'm just speaking in reality here.
I'm talking about Abu Bakr and Omar and
Othman and Ali.
Who are the greatest companions.
And the Prophet.
But when they look at you as someone
who's born in Islam and raised in Islam.
They envy you for that one.
When the Sahaba heard the Prophet Muhammad SAW
talking about the 70 000 people that Allah
SWT will admit into the paradise.
No questions asked.
No reckoning.
Straight to the paradise.
You all know that hadith.
When the Prophet Muhammad SAW went inside his
His home.
And the Sahaba were discussing who are they.
What was what was one of the first
thoughts that the Sahaba suggested and they said
that these people are who?
The ones who are born in Islam.
Even the Sahaba said they couldn't even see
They couldn't see themselves to be from the
70 000 whom Allah SWT admit into the
No questions asked.
No reckoning.
Straight into the paradise.
Even themselves.
They they found like this is a big
high good you know noble category.
And who are they?
They said they could be the ones who
are born in Islam.
And they said they could be the ones
who embraced Islam at the very beginning.
The Muhajireen and they gave other ideas.
But they literally said there are those who
are born in Islam.
So we have an advantage.
And obviously the advantage of seeing the Prophet
Muhammad SAW is a great advantage.
Like I can't you know we can't compete
with that one.
But you still have an advantage.
You are born in Islam.
That's an advantage.
Secondly what advantage do you have?
You have the full package ready for you.
The Sahaba didn't have the full package ready
for them.
The Sahaba they received.
The Prophet SAW received the Quran gradually.
So the Quran and the revelation of Allah
SWT was complete as a package just a
year before the death of the Prophet Muhammad
Or less.
But we have Alhamdulillah the full package.
So you have the full package ready for
The Quran and Sunnah is a full package.
Allah SWT blessed us with it.
That's another advantage.
And then there's another advantage.
You get more rewards than the Sahaba.
That's not my saying.
That's the Prophet SAW saying.
Because the Prophet SAW said you have someone
to support you on the Haqq.
They will have no one to support them
on the Haqq.
Because you have me you get rewards.
Those that will come after me because I'm
not around they're going to get more rewards.
Our rewards are multiplied.
So Allah has given us all these advantages
so we could at least compete with the
And as I mentioned it is a Aqeedah.
It is it is a belief.
A creed that we must believe that the
greatest human being of the Prophets and Messengers
is Abu Bakr.
That's for us as Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah.
That's a red line.
A principle.
The greatest human being after the Prophets and
Messengers is Abu Bakr.
Then Umar.
Then Umar.
In that order.
Then Uthman and Ali.
Then Uthman and Ali.
Some of the scholars might say Uthman then
Some of the scholars might say Ali then
Some of the scholars say Uthman and Ali.
Doesn't matter.
But it goes in that order.
No dispute.
Abu Bakr.
Then Uthman and Ali.
That's a Aqeedah.
This is a belief that we as Ahlus
Sunnah wal Jamaah must believe in.
If someone denies this principle then there is
an issue in the Aqeedah.
Does it take him out of the fold
of Islam?
I wouldn't say it takes him out of
the fold of Islam.
But it does create deviance in their belief.
And this is not my saying.
This is the saying of Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jamaah scholars.
There's no dispute over this.
You might have some scholars that might get
a bit extreme and say not believing that
Abu Bakr is the greatest human being after
the Prophets and Messengers is not believing in
That can take out of the fold of
You might have some scholars but what's agreed
upon that Abu Bakr is the greatest human
being after the Prophets and Messengers then Umar
then Uthman and Ali.
Not believing in that there is a dent.
There's an issue in your belief here.
There's an issue here and that issue can
take you to deviance.
And Alhamdulillah we as Muslims we understand this.
And at the same time we shouldn't get
too caught up with this issue and debate
too much of it.
That's it Alhamdulillah.
This is a Aqeedah.
Move on.
Move on you know.
Because sometimes you get Muslims debating over this
issue and trying to prove a point and
this and that.
The point has already been proved.
I don't have to get too much into
That's it.
This is my Aqeedah.
Move on.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as he
blessed us with Prophets and Messengers to be
our role models and examples.
Also blessed us with disciples for the Prophets
and Messengers that we refer to as Sahaba.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam referred to
them as Sahaba.
The Sahaba at least a standard that you
could compare yourself with.
Because you know it closes that door.
I would never be like the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
True you'll never be like the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Okay but you could aspire to at least
you know reach somewhere.
You be on the path of the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and aspire at
least if you want to compete compete with
the Sahaba radiyallahu ta'ala on them.
And yes they have advantages but you have
advantages too.
And when you come and balance it out
at least you could come to something close.
Something close.
I'm very precise with my words.
Something close.
Because you'll never ever be on the level
of Abu Bakr or Umar or Uthman or
Ali or other companions.
But at least aspire to get close.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Allah azza wa jalla rewards you over what?
This is a very important one.
Allah rewards you over your capabilities.
Allah rewards you over what?
Your capability.
What you can do.
And that's why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will give someone a lot more rewards.
When he's done a lot less than someone
You will give ten dollars for the sake
of Allah.
I'll give a thousand dollars for the sake
of Allah.
But you get more rewards than me.
Even though I've given ten times more than
A hundred times more than you.
You gave ten dollars.
I gave a thousand dollars.
I could be even I could I could
have probably given ten thousand dollars.
You still get more rewards than me.
Because your capability is ten dollars.
You gave ten dollars.
My capability is a hundred thousand dollars.
I gave ten thousand dollars.
So who's going to get more rewards?
It's not about the volumes.
It's about your capability.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will judge
us over a capability.
What we can do.
What we can push for.
And that's why in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said.
You to the sahaba.
You have someone that supports you on the
They will not have someone to support them
on the haqq.
Like you know having the prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam around.
That's a huge advantage.
That would resolve all our problems.
The problem of unity.
The problem of division.
The problem of debate.
The problem of moonsighting and calculation.
It's his call.
No one is going to dispute that.
That's a big advantage.
But because we don't have that advantage.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had given us
other advantages.
And you know what?
Being born in Islam is a huge advantage.
I know most of us here are born
into Islam like it's an advantage.
We take it for granted.
We've never thought of it that way.
Alhamdulillah we are proud Muslims.
We are born in Islam.
But being born in Islam is a great
advantage that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bestowed.
And obviously those that come into Islam.
Allah has given them another advantage.
What's the advantage?
When someone embraces Islam and enters Islam.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala makes him enter
Islam like the day their mother gave birth
to them.
No sins.
That's an advantage.
But which one is a bigger advantage?
I'm telling you born as a Muslim is
a bigger advantage.
Big advantage of course.
I want to stand in front of Allah
azza wa jal.
I want to stand in front of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala with no history.
With not even one second in my life
that I disbelieved in Allah.
I want to be proud to stand in
front of Allah and say Allah I'm not
the perfect person but my entire life I
believe in you.
I take pride in that.
I take pride in that.
And that's why subhanallah now I'm a bit
distracted here but since we've spoken about this
let's touch on it.
You know a lot of people ask me
that question and say that do I have
to repeat my praise or make up my
praise if I haven't prayed five years for
I haven't prayed for 10 years.
I'm 40 years old right now and I
haven't prayed from the age of 20.
So 20 years I haven't prayed.
Do I have to make them up?
And I say yeah you have to make
them up.
But then someone turns around and says but
I heard the fatwa that I don't have
to make them up.
Yes it's true.
It's true.
There's a fatwa especially Alhamdulillah fatwa.
And of course we're talking about one of
the great scholars like one of the most
credible scholars but his fatwa says that you
don't have to make it up because his
fatwa is based on what?
That you are not you weren't a Muslim
during that time that you didn't pray.
And obviously it's a valid fatwa.
Who am I and who's everyone else to
debate with a great scholar like Imam Ahmad
bin Hanbal who suggests and says that if
you don't pray you are no longer a
Muslim based on the hadith of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
But obviously the scholars the majority of the
other scholars because that's not the majority opinion.
The majority opinion it says that if you
believe in the Salah and you don't pray
you're still a Muslim.
And there's a big debate out of it.
My point is some people want to take
the easy way because it's an easy way
in one way or another.
I haven't prayed for 20 years.
There's a fatwa that says I don't have
to pray so I might as well take
that fatwa.
But you need to understand that this fatwa
is based on you not making up your
prayers for the last 10 or 20 years
because you are considered to be a kafir
in those 10 20 years.
And as a kafir who came into Islam
you don't have to make up your prayer
it's understandable.
Like for example brother John or Mike he
becomes a Muslim right now and he's 40
years old.
We're gonna say to him listen you have
to make up the 25 years of your
life they haven't prayed.
He's a new he's new into Islam so.
So if you want to take that fatwa
fair enough take it.
But you need to keep in your mind
that you've considered yourself in the last 10
years that you haven't prayed as a kafir.
If this is something that you want to
stand before Allah hereafter and you have 10
years of your life to tell Allah I
disbelieved in you I was a kafir then
go for it.
Even though 100% you didn't disbelieve in
Allah but you considered yourself as a kafir.
So 99.9% of the Muslims who
don't pray don't disbelieve in Allah.
On the contrary they believe in the salah
they love the salah they're just lazy they
just don't pray.
So according to this fatwa you're a kafir.
And if this is something that you want
to go with and have it on your
records that you stand before Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala hereafter and you have 10 years
to say yeah Allah I didn't pray those
10 years because I consider myself as a
kafir go for it.
With me I don't even want to have
a second of my life to say that
I was a kafir or consider myself as
a kafir.
And as I mentioned just to reiterate 99
.9% of those Muslims who don't pray
they don't consider themselves as kafir.
On the contrary they love Allah they love
the messenger of Allah they love the salah
they're just lazy.
But according to this fatwa just because you
don't pray you are what a kafir.
So we have to be a bit cautious
and subhanAllah we are talking about Abu Bakr
but you know it's important sometimes to note
some of the things that we take for
granted we don't appreciate.
And one of them is to be born
into Islam to be born into Islam.
What a great ni'mah that I was born
into Islam.
Maybe I was born into a family that
didn't practice Islam well I was born into
a family that salah wasn't a priority I
was born into a family that maybe committed
the haram but it's still a privilege it's
still a privilege and an honor that as
a Muslim I was born into Islam and
I'm telling you right now the sahaba will
envy you on that one.
The sahaba will envy those who were born
into Islam that the entire life from day
dot to end was la ilaha illallah muhammadur
rasulullah even though we're talking about the greatest
Abu Bakr wasn't born into Islam but Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala blessed him to be
the first man to embrace Islam and the
greatest companion of the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
And Abu Bakr radiyallahu ta'ala anhu his
real name is Abdullah Ibn Quhafa Ibn Abi
Quhafa so his real name is Abdullah Ibn
Uthman and Uthman was known to be Abu
Quhafa his father was a blind man and
became a Muslim later on.
We spoke about the history of Abu Bakr
and how classy he was to the prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the close friendship
that he had with the prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam which also reflects on they
were like-minded people before the revelation for
the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam backer
to hang out and to be close to
each other it shows that we're like-minded
and the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
before Islam he was known to be the
sadiq al-ameen the trustworthy the honest the
man with noble akhlaq and manners and for
Abu Bakr to be a good friend of
the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there
is similarity there there is connection and Abu
Bakr was described by his own daughter Aisha
whom the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
later on got married to so Abu Bakr
became the father-in-law of the prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Abu Bakr was short and skinny he wasn't
big like when you hear about Umar ibn
al-Khattab tall and big no he was
short and skinny and white so his color
the color of skin he was white not
that there is any differentiation between white or
black or brown but Abu Bakr was known
to be a white skinny short narrowed shoulders
as his own daughter describes him to be
very light meat on his face light meat
on his face you know you've got people
with chubby cheeks and face no he was
described that the the this part of his
face used to appease like you know his
eyes are popping out skin skin he was
very skinny look obviously i don't want you
to think too far very skinny but he
was skinny he was described to be short
white skinny and that's why when the prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about those
that prolong their garment that goes under their
ankles shall enter the hellfire and the reason
the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that is because of pride pride and yes
used to be a sign of pride back
then that you know look at me i
could i've got enough money for me even
to go under my ankles now man no
one really cares less if it's over the
ankles under the ankles what sort of pride
is that there's no sign of pride in
it so anyway Abu Bakr came to the
prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said
my isar you know my skirt is on
it continues to fall off me and it
goes sometimes under the ankle so nabi sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said to him you're a
man with no pride so it's very clear
in the hadith that the reason the prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam condemned or spoke
against people having their garment under their ankle
is because of the reason that people used
to have that sense of pride and nabi
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you're a man
with no pride the reason i mentioned this
story is for his skirt the isar to
continue falling not off but falling down it
used to happen to him because what very
skinny he was skinny that's abu bakr radiyallahu
ta'ala and obviously i don't want to
get in the topic of looking at him
there's no you know you look at someone
who prays and fast and feasts allah azawajal
you could see the noor abu bakr radiyallahu
ta'ala talking about someone with a bright
face a bright face of iman and taqwa
that the sahaba radiyallahu ta'ala on them
all loved and he was described also to
be calm calm abu bakr is calm different
to amr abu khattab was known to be
rough abu bakr was calm and he was
also known to be very shy shy he's
not the type person that's exposed and out
there and just you know pushes himself shy
modest when i say shy he's not that
don't get too far when i say the
word shy is like you know he can't
even talk and he hides himself and no
no modest very shy very modest very respectful
in the best term that we could say
it respectful you know that type people they
just they just stick their nose in everything
and they just want to talk and just
want to be everywhere and you've got those
who are respectful they just know when to
speak or not to speak they don't put
their nose in everything abu bakr had that
shyness in him but without a doubt the
bravest companion out of all companions is abu
bakr brave when it comes to the haq
he stands up for it when it comes
to the truth he'll fight for it when
it comes for justice abu bakr is at
the forefront of it when abu bakr became
a khalifa amongst the biggest challenges that abu
bakr face is those murtaddin upper states those
that left islam and the number of people
who left islam is bigger than those who
stayed in islam yes you know this is
a history that shocks you when you read
about it the number of people the percentage
that left islam during the time of becker
is bigger than those that stayed in islam
omar ibn khattab says we became like a
white hair in a black bull and abu
bakr said by allah i'm gonna fight them
i'll fight them and i'll fight those who
stop paying their zakat because the prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam said allah had commanded me
to fight those until they say la ilaha
illallah muhammad rasulallah and to pay their zakat
omar ibn khattab said you're gonna fight people
you're gonna fight people even though they pray
but they don't pay their zakat he said
by allah i'm gonna fight them even over
a little goat they used to give to
the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam omar ibn
khattab said on you that abu bakr is
a bravest omar you know when you say
who's the most bravest companion the first impression
that comes to your mind omar omar is
a brave companion without a doubt they were
brave companions but who's the bravest out of
all when the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam
passed away and as i mentioned to you
in last week's lesson abu bakr was the
first to go to the minbar and gather
the companions and regroup regroup reunite the companions
after the darkest day they've ever experienced in
their life and that is the death of
the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam abu bakr
is the one that gathered them all and
said whoever used to worship muhammad muhammad is
dead and whoever continues to worship allah allah
lives and never dies that's a great statement
by abu bakr he brought everyone together brought
everyone together and for two days up to
three days and nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam was
on his bed his corpse his dead body
was on his bed the sahaba did not
bury the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam until
two three days after his death why because
the sahaba saw the need of appointing a
khalifa and what's a khalifa a khalifa is
a successor who succeeds the predecessor the prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed away so someone
needs to succeed succeed what the leadership not
the prophecy leadership and the sahaba saw the
need of deciding who is going to lead
this umma and the famous story of the
ansar gathering together at the shelter of bani
sa'ida bani sa'ida was like a
little farm little garden not far away from
the masjid where the ansar none of the
muhajireen were there the ansar gathered together to
discuss and say the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wasallam has passed away we need to appoint
a leader and their conversation their discussion was
leading towards appointing someone from the ansar appointing
someone from the people of medina when the
news reached to abu bakr and umar they
decided to join in the gathering abu bakr
umar and abu obaida three of them from
the muhajireen the first comers to islam they
attended that gathering where the ansar were gathered
at the shelter of bani sa'ida and
when they arrived they were just leading towards
appointing someone from amongst them to be the
leader of the muslims umar ibn khattab radiyallahu
ta'ala when he said ya ma'shar al
-ansar all the people of ansar you know
that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam ordered abu
bakr to lead the prayers before his death
and he insisted that no one except abu
bakr to lead the praise before his death
and i mentioned that story to you in
the past when the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wasallam a few days before his death and
nabi alayhi sallallahu alayhi wasallam couldn't attend the
prayers and nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam said abu
bakr to lead the praise and when umar
led the praise because abu bakr wasn't there
nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam became very angry and
he said by allah allah and his messenger
insist that no one else to lead the
praises except abu bakr look there's a sign
here look there's a sign omar bin khattab
says you all know that the prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam accepted no one but abu
bakr to lead the praise as the prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam accepted him for our
akhira we should accept him for our dunya
if this is the man that the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam wants to lead us for
akhira because the salah where do you get
the rewards from you're gonna get your rewards
from the akhira this is the man that
we're gonna accept to be a leader in
this world they debated that argued some narrations
say they became very angry at one another
until abu bakr himself calmed him down calmed
him down and he said we are the
ministers the leaders we are the leaders and
you are the ministers we are the leaders
and you are the ministers we lead and
you support we are the muhajireen the prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam made it very clear
he preferenced the muhajireen yes many ahadith in
nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam implies that the leadership
and the khilafah should be within the people
of quraish the muhajireen the family of the
prophet muhammad but in preference not necessarily but
in order so abu bakr radiyallahu ta'ala
said from amongst us the leaders and from
you the ministers and then abu bakr radiyallahu
ta'ala said he is umar and he
is abu obaida both the prophet muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wasallam guaranteed the jannah both the prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam entrusted and both that
we all know their track choose one of
them at that time umar bin khattab said
i choose you abu bakr i choose you
abu bakr and he said that the prophet
wanted you to lead the prayers and the
prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam always favored you
and the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam always
did this to you and the prophet muhammad
and he mentioned all the traits and the
good character of abu bakr and umar bin
khattab radiyallahu ta'ala said i'll give you
my pledge that you are the leader of
the believers at that moment one of the
ansar one of the ansar got up and
put his hand in the hand of bakr
to initiate in front of the ansar to
lock them in this is the man to
give that pledge so all the attendees at
the shelter the saqifa of bani sa'ada
all got up and shook hands and gave
their pledge of allegiance to abu bakr to
be the khalifa of the prophet muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wasallam and then they went out with
abu bakr to the masjid and called upon
everyone to say this is the khalifa of
the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this
is the man that we support and this
is the man that we give pledge of
allegiance and every companion came and gave the
pledge of allegiance to abu bakr radiyallahu ta
'ala this is all before bearing the prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and nabi sallallahu alayhi
wasallam is still dead on his bed this
reflects the importance of having leadership and the
sahabah radiyallahu ta'ala understood that so abu
bakr radiyallahu ta'ala became khalifa rasulillahi sallallahu
alayhi wasallam the successor of the prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he gave the very
famous khutbah sermon after the pledge of allegiance
was given to him by the rest of
the companion and he said oh people i
have been given a responsibility upon you and
i'm not the best one amongst you subhanallah
humbleness i'm giving the responsibility over you but
i'm not the best amongst you if i
do right if i'm correct if i'm just
support me and if i'm incorrect inaccurate unjust
correct me correct me and then he says
honesty truthfulness is honesty lying is betrayal and
then he continues to say the weak one
amongst you is strong with me until i
bring the haqq back to them the truth
back to them don't think you could push
anyone around anyone that's been oppressed anyone that's
weak he's strong and i'm by i'm i'm
by their side i'll support them and the
strong one amongst you is weak until the
haqq is taken from him anyone who leaves
the jihad fisa billah allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala will degrade them and any nation that
the fahisha sins and evilness is spread amongst
them allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will spread
his tribulations and tests amongst them obey me
as long as i obey allah and his
messenger if i disobey allah and his messenger
there's no obedience to me short sweet to
the point that was the first sermon that
abu bakr radiallahu ta'ala delivered when he
became the after the death of the prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam inshallah we'll stop over
here continue with this next week asking allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to make this from
amongst us we listen here and act upon
what they send here and inshallah next week
will be after salatul maghrib subhanakallah muhammadak nasahadu
wa la ilaha illa ant nastaqfiruka wa natubu