Shady Alsuleiman – Getting ready for EID

Shady Alsuleiman
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The importance of Easter and the church's use of Easter as a date for graduation is highlighted, along with the need for socializing in the culture of the United States. The success of Islam as a source of joy and happiness is also emphasized, along with the importance of graduation and graduation as a sign of success. The speakers emphasize the need for people to practice socializing in the culture of Islam and encourage them to use it.

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			You were saying, what's the first thing that
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			comes to mind when we think about Eid?
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			The first thing that came to my mind
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			was the money.
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			Yeah, that's the first thing that used to
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			come to my mind.
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			It still comes to my mind for my
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			kids, but you know, yes.
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			It's the other way around.
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			Yeah, money and gifts, yeah, alhamdulillah.
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			And you know what, Allah gives us gifts
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			on that day.
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			When Allah says, I am pleased from you
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			and I shall forgive you.
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			You can't ask for a better gift than
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			What are the etiquettes of Eid that we
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			should be keeping in the back of our
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			minds during those few days?
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			Specifically for Eid al-Fitr, which is the
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			first of Shawwal, the very first day after
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			the end of the month of Ramadan.
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			The sunnah is that you eat before you
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			go to the prayers.
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			Because it's a day of joy.
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			So much so that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH
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			forbid people to fast on that day.
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			Not that fasting is not a celebration.
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			We are celebrating when we are fasting, I'm
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			But this is a different type of celebration.
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			Everything has its moments, you know.
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			So that day is a day that you're
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			not allowed to fast.
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			And if you do, you're committing a sin
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			and your fast is not being accepted.
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			The very first day of Shawwal and the
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			four days in Eid al-Adha and the
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			days of Tashreeq.
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			So it's a sunnah that you eat something
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			or you drink something, even if it's a
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			sip of water or a date.
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			At least you walked out, alhamdulillah, preparing yourself.
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			The other sunnah that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH
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			encouraged is that you have a shower.
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			Wear nice clothes, okay?
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			Nice clothes which be fitting in society and
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			within the modesty of Islam and the guidelines
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			of Islam.
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			Put perfume on because the Prophet Muhammad PBUH
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			taught us that when you enter in the
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			gathering, you need to smell well.
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			So when you pray, you don't want to
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			be distracted by a bad smell of someone
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			next to you, you know.
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			It's a day of celebration.
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			And the Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to take
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			one path to the Eid prayer and take
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			a different route.
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			But along the way, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH
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			used to make Takbeer.
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			Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
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			La ilaha illallah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa
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			lillahi alhamd.
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			The Takbeer is the sign and indication.
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			It signifies the moment of joy and happiness.
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			Allahu akbar, I'm happy.
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			Allahu akbar, I'm happy.
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			Allahu akbar, I'm so happy.
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			La ilaha illallah, there is no God except
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			I'm happy because Allah SWT is my Lord
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			and I worship Allah SWT.
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			Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi alhamd.
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			I am happy, so happy, so so happy.
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			And all thanks and praises to Allah SWT.
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			And yes, all thanks and praises to Allah
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			SWT for this beautiful day, the day of
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			And what Allah SWT allowed us to experience.
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			So for Eid al-Fitr for example, the
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			biggest joy is that you fast in the
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			month of Ramadan.
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			And it's like you are graduating.
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			You know when you graduate, it's that celebration
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			that you are graduating.
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			So the day of Eid is like a
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			day of graduation.
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			Graduation from what?
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			From the course of Ramadan, from the course
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			of fasting.
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			You just finished a course in the month
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			of Ramadan, you just graduated right now.
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			And Allah SWT is rewarding you for your
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			hard work, for your fasting, for your prayers.
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			And that's why alhamdulillah we go on that
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			day again and celebrate.
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			And to attend Salat al-Eid.
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			Now a lot of people ask the question,
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			is Salat al-Eid sunnah or fard?
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			It's definitely sunnah muakkadah.
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			It's a confirmed sunnah that the Prophet Muhammad
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			SAW would never miss.
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			Eid is a time for mass social interactions.
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			And sometimes we get scared of that.
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			Because you are going to see fan members
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			that you haven't seen since last Eid.
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			You are going to see friends that you
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			know him but you don't know him and
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			it's just awkward.
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			How do we go into the right mindset
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			with interacting with these people?
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			I'm pleased that you mentioned that.
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			Unfortunately we live in a day and age
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			where socializing is no longer becoming the norm.
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			People not socializing is becoming the norm.
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			And it becomes awkward when you socialize.
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			Which is wrong.
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			It's wrong in my perception.
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			It's not haram.
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			You are not committing sin or breaking the
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			But human being's character is about socializing.
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			That's why insan in Arabic comes from the
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			word uns.
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			Which means they socialize and feel comfortable with
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			other people.
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			Adam AS was in a paradise on his
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			He had everything and his happiness wasn't even
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			Until Allah SWT connected him to his partner.
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			To his wife Hawa AS.
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			So socializing is the norm of mankind.
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			But as I mentioned we live in a
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			day and age where people are becoming less
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			And as a Muslim Alhamdulillah Islam teaches you
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			to be social.
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			So much so the Prophet Muhammad SAW emphasized
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			You will never enter the Jannah until you
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			love one another.
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			And Allah guide you to a way that
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			you love one another.
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			Give Salam to each other.
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			Then he says the best of believers who?
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			Those that give Salam to those that they
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			know and those that they don't know.
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			It's not Wallahi Salam that you only give
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			to those that you know.
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			To those that you know and those that
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			you don't know.
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			Socializing is part of the character.
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			The unique character of a believer.
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			Because Islam emphasizes a lot on that one.
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			So we need to come a bit out
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			of our shell.
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			Maybe not to discomfort ourselves or put ourselves
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			in any form of inconvenience.
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			This is the character of a Muslim.
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			This is the time that the character of
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			fasting comes out.
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			30 days of fasting.
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			We've been taught to be respectful.
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			Not to swear.
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			Not to use the wrong language.
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			Not to use the wrong phrases.
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			Alhamdulillah this is the time for you to
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			start putting your training course into practice.
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			The skills that you learned in the month
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			of Ramadan into practice.
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			Alhamdulillah it will be good to socialize.
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			Alhamdulillah it's small.
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			You get rewards for it.
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			Salamu alaykum.
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			You get rewards for it.
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			Interacting with someone inshallah you get rewards.
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			I understand the concept of socializing has changed.
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			Like in the past.
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			I remember when we used to visit people.
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			We used to go for hours.
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			We used to go for 4-5 hours
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			to someone's house.
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			Now you and your parents are together for
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			one hour.
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			Your mum tells you please.
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			I think you've taken too long.
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			So the concept of socializing had changed.
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			Before it used to be long duration.
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			Where people used to go for hours and
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			hours and hours.
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			Islam doesn't have any limit.
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			You could go for an hour.
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			You could go for 10 minutes.
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			You could go for 10 hours.
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			As long as the hearts are connected.
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			Until you kick out.
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