Shady Alsuleiman – Dos and Donts of Fasting
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The importance of fasting during Islam's practice is emphasized, as it is an obligation and an obligation to do so. The importance of renewing intentions every day to achieve rewards and maintaining healthy eating is also discussed. The segment emphasizes the importance of fasting, as it nullifies fasting and stops the woman from continuing to eat fasting. The speaker also discusses the negative impact of fasting on health and mental health, as it can lead to major sins and regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen,
wassalatu wassalamu ala sayyidina wa habibina muhammad, bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen, wassalatu
wassalamu ala sayyidina wa habibina muhammad wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in, rabbi ishraq li
sadri wa ishraq li amri, wahlana uqdatan min
lisani yafqa wa qawli amada' All praise due
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and peace
be upon Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
I testify that there is no God except
Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the
Prophet and the Messenger of Allah.
My respected sisters in Islam, I greet you
all with the greetings of Islam and I
say to every student, one of you, Assalamu
alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
And I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
the one that had blessed us with this
blessed month, the month of Ramadan, to make
us from amongst those who worship Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala sincerely in this blessed month
to acquire the greatest of rewards.
And we all know that we are in
the blessed month of Ramadan and this is
the month that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
had blessed us with, shahrul ramadan alladhi unzila
fihil quran, hudan lil nasi wa yinati man
al huda wa al fuqan.
The month of Ramadan is the month that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had revealed the
Quran-e-Kareem in.
And it is that month that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala had blessed us with, fasting,
ya ayyuhalladhina amanu kutiba alaikumus siyamu kama kutiba
ala alladhina min qablikum la'allakum tattaqun, or
those who believe Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
had prescribed upon me fasting the way he
did on the previous nations before him, so
he could acquire taqwa.
And the month of Ramadan is the month
of fasting and therefore Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala had prescribed upon us fasting in the
month of Ramadan.
It's not an option, it's an obligation.
And this is something that you and I
had grown up in, always understanding and knowing
that fasting is an obligatory act upon every
single Muslim and Muslimah.
The moment you reach the age of puberty
it becomes obligatory.
And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
says that the Islam is based or Islam
is founded on five pillars and one of
those five pillars is fasting in the month
of Ramadan.
So your fasting, your obligatory fasting must be
in the month of Ramadan, you can't go
and choose either other month for you to
go and fast, it's got to be the
month of Ramadan not other month.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala blessed us
with the month of Ramadan to be the
greatest month that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
chosen to be the month of fasting.
And therefore sisters, sorry about this, okay, and
therefore sisters in Islam it's important for us
that when we fast we fast in accordance
to the way of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
The way the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam taught us how to pray, also taught
us how to fast.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had mentioned
the obligatory act of fasting in the Quran
And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
is the one that had shown us how
to fast.
And like with the salah, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala had ordained upon us to pray
but it's the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam that had shown us how to pray
and therefore sisters when we fast we must
fast in a way that is in accordance
to the way of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and that's why one of
the things inshallah we'll be talking about today
is to talk about the do's and don'ts
of fasting and to make sure that when
we fast our fasting is correct because I
don't want to fast and put this time
and effort into fasting and then later on
my fasting is incorrect now when we fast
inshallah we'll fast and make sure that our
fasting is valid in which Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala accepts this fasting Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will reward us for this fasting
and it all starts with the intention as
the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says
in the hadith innama al a'malu binniyat wa
innama li kulli mri'im man awad all
the deeds and actions are according to the
intention and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives
you according to what you intend for so
it starts with the intention what's the intention
here we're talking about the intention in which
the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talks
about sincerity so the intention is about sincerity
that when you fast you fast for the
sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
for Allah azza wa jalla as the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes mention man
sauma ramadana iman wa ihtisaba whoever fasts the
month of Ramadan sincerely for the sake of
Allah so intention means that you fast sincerely
for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala which means that your fasting is for
Allah your sacrifice for Allah you abstain away
from water and food from dawn to dusk
from Fajr to Maghrib is also for the
sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala no
other sake you've got no other reason for
you not to eat or drink why because
you are doing that for the sake of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so sincerely number
two as part of the intention is that
you are determined in your fasting so you
fast and you are determined in your fasting
so you fast for the sake of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to uphold Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala's obligatory act upon you to
uphold Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's orders upon
you so you need to acknowledge that this
is an order from Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has
ordered you and therefore you fast to fulfill
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's command also my
sister when you fast you have to have
the intention before Fajr in order for your
fasting to be accepted and your fasting to
be valid your intention must be there before
Fajr because your fasting starts from Fajr to
Maghrib and therefore you must have the intention
for fasting before Fajr and the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the hadith
whoever does not make the intention before Fajr
then their fasting is not valid their fasting
is not accepted when we talk about Fajr
we're not talking about necessarily to be just
before Fajr when Fajr is at 5 o
'clock you get up at 4.30 and
you make the intention anytime before Fajr, 4
a.m. before Fajr, 3 a.m. before
Fajr, 4 a.m. before Fajr you know
what just before you go to sleep that
night inshallah 8 o'clock at night before
Fajr and after Isha as long as you
make the intention then your fasting will be
valid why because our intention is what differentiates
between our habits, customs, our normal everyday actions
and our Ibadat because some people don't eat
from Fajr to Maghrib they just want to
be on a diet for example what's the
difference between someone who's dieting not eating and
drinking from Fajr to Maghrib and someone who's
fasting for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala the only difference is the intention
the only difference is the intention for that
the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says
that whoever doesn't make an intention before Fajr
then their fasting is invalid okay we go
back to another point here it does not
mean that every single night you have to
make the intention some of the scholars are
of the opinion that you make the intention
every single night yes some of them are
of the opinion but the majority of the
scholars say that you could make one up
intention from the very beginning of the month
of Ramadan and you say ya Allah I
intend to fast every single day of the
days of the month of Ramadan for your
sake sincerely for your sake and awaiting the
rewards from you and that's it you just
make the intention say ya Allah I make
the intention that I intend to fast every
single day if nothing comes and stops you
from your regular fasting then you just continue
the intention if however as a sister you
make the intention at the beginning of the
month of Ramadan and then halfway through the
month of Ramadan or a few days after
the month of Ramadan anytime throughout the month
of Ramadan you get your menses that means
you can't fast for seven days or ten
days or whatever time or duration it is
you need to renew that intention once you
start fasting so that's it the first intention
that you made at the very beginning of
the month of Ramadan is invalid now finished
or it's not like invalid it is valid
but that's it after you get your menses
is no longer valid and then you need
to renew the intention once again once you
are pure and once you are purified and
cleaned then you renew the intention once again
say ya Allah I intend to fast every
single day from the days of the month
of Ramadan or whatever left is from the
days of the month of Ramadan get enough
for suhoor is also an intention people usually
don't get up for the pre-dawn meal
who gets up to 8 a.m. for
example 4 30 a.m. so just to
get up for the suhoor that's an intention
on its own to get up and drink
water before fajr is also intention on its
own so any act that alludes to you
wanting to fast and then that's considered to
be intention so the number one important thing
that we need to do is that we
need to make the intention which I'm sure
every single one of you have made the
intention however it's recommended that you renew the
intention you renew the intention every single day
before you get a sleep or every single
fajr before the adhan of fajr just renew
your intention inshallah to be on the safe
side and to acquire the rewards because Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala rewards you according to
the intention when we speak about suhoor now
obviously suhoor is one of the recommended acts
and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended the
suhoor and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said eat the pre-dawn meal okay
and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
also said that Malaysian is in goodness as
long as they continue having their pre-dawn
meal now obviously when we say the pre
-dawn meal the suhoor that doesn't mean you
have to get up an hour before salat
al-fajr and make a huge feast and
make a huge meal drinking water that will
satisfy the pre-dawn meal eating a bite
of food or even one day that's a
satisfaction that will suffice the pre-dawn meal
so the pre-dawn meal is not necessarily
to be a big massive meal that you
eat pre-dawn meal could be anything just
to get up and just have a sip
of water you have to fulfill the sunnah
of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
because it's all preparation for the fasting and
it's all about putting the time and effort
showing the laws of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala there Allah is putting time and effort
for me to acquire the rewards and also
for me to fulfill the obligatory act of
fasting so the intention is the number one
that's something that we need to always keep
in mind keep in mind that the intention
is very very important and as I mentioned
it's recommended that you renew your intention every
single day however making one-off intention from
the very beginning of the month of Ramadan
and there is no disruption in between then
that's a sufficient that's good enough the Imam
Al-Shabaab is of the view that you
should be renewing your intention every single night
but that's not the opinion of all the
scholars Imam Hanifa says that one intention from
the very beginning of the month of Ramadan
to the end that should be sufficient and
they should be good enough going back to
the do's and don'ts so the intention is
number one number two is that we refrain
from eating and drinking what nullifies the fasting
from Fajr to Maghrib I know when we
say the word Fajr I know when we
say the word Fajr the first thing that
comes to people's minds is the Imsaak and
if you look at the calendars most of
the calendars you'll have two timings one timing
before Fajr which is the Imsaak and then
you've got the timing of Fajr so if
Fajr is a proper clock then you usually
have Imsaak 10 minutes before Fajr in which
you'll find on the calendar they'll say 4
.50 is Imsaak and Imsaak means holding off
from eating and drinking now Imsaak that's only
there for cautionary measures that's only there for
cautionary measures it wasn't put there by the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was
an act that's been implemented by the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or the Sahaba
radiallahu ta'ala just the scholars in this
day and age they put it for the
purpose of just to be in the safe
side just to be on the safe side
in case you know there's a bit of
timing delays or maybe the timing of Salat
al-Fajr on your calendar is 5 o
'clock maybe in reality it's 4.58 just
to give people that heads up for them
to prepare themselves for fasting so if someone
gets up and the Salat al-Fajr or
Adhan al-Fajr is at 5 o'clock
and Imsaak is at 4.50 and they
get up at 4.55 and they want
to drink they can drink no problem just
that 10 minutes gap between the Fajr and
the Imsaak it's just there just to prepare
people for Fajr and to prepare people for
their fasting so the Imsaak is not a
practice that's been put there by the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or the Sahaba
radiallahu ta'ala it's just a practice just
to get people ready for fasting so we
start our fasting from Adhan and Fajr.
Now one of the common questions that people
have been asking is that when Adhan is
being called so suppose it is at 5
o'clock and the Mu'adhin starts to
call Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar is that the
time that you stop or you stop at
the end of the Adhan?
you stop at the beginning of the Adhan
you stop at the beginning of the Adhan
so the moment the very moment that the
Mu'adhin says Allahu Akbar you stop okay
the other common question that people ask what
about if you put a mouthful of food
and the Mu'adhin is calling Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar even though some of the scholars
might say you can swallow it I will
tell you no.
just be on the safe side this is
your fasting this is your obligatory act so
what I would recommend is for you to
spit it out yes to spit it out
so if you've got a mouthful of food
and the Mu'adhin had called for the
Adhan of Salatul Fajr Allahu Akbar you spit
it out and make sure that your mouth
is clear because you want to start your
fasting from the very beginning of Adhan Al
-Fajr and make sure that you commence your
fasting and you start your fasting on correct
grounds and valid grounds in a way that
pleases Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so you
start your fasting from Fajr all the way
to Maghrib what are the things that you
are allowed to do what are the things
that you're not allowed to do you know
obviously this is our topic today and these
a common thing that people constantly ask there
are three main things that the scholars always
focus on when it comes to fasting when
it comes to nullifying the fast now we
all know intentional eating, intentional drinking so if
you eat and you know that you are
eating while you are fasting and you drink
and you know that you are drinking while
you are fasting then you nullify your fasting
nullifying the fasting the nullification of the fasting
is one thing.
The sin on the top of that is
something else.
We're not talking about the sins.
It's a major sin for you to break
your fast without a valid excuse.
It's a major sin, yes.
A major sin.
One of the major sins of Islam.
It's like not praying.
Not praying is a major sin and not
fasting is a major sin.
And one of the requirements of a valid
fasting is that you don't eat and drink
So if someone intentionally eats and intentionally drinks
then they nullify their fasting and they also
gain serious and major sins.
They'll also record on themselves major sins.
Why do we say intentional?
Because the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
says, if someone eats or drinks while they're
in the state of fasting out of forgetfulness,
then they just continue and pursue their fasting
as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the
one that gifted them with that food and
that water.
So for someone that had forgotten, you know,
they wake up, they're used to the first
thing they do is open the fridge or
drink a cup of water once they wake
up from their sleep or early in the
That's the first thing they usually do.
And someone is not used to, and someone
is not especially, especially at the beginning of
the month of Ramadan, the first few days
of the month of Ramadan, people still not
used to fasting.
So someone went and drank or someone went
and ate after they already made the intention.
So before that, they made the intention that
they're going to fast and they're going to
fast that day.
But then they wake up, they forgot that
they were fasting, they ate and drank.
Out of forgetfulness.
Well, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said, continue with your fasting.
No sin on you.
You did not record or nothing has been
recorded on you as a sin.
And your fasting is still valid.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one
that gave you that food and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is the one that gave
you that water.
That's out of forgetfulness.
You just continue.
You don't even have to make up that
Because it's unintentional.
But if you eat intentionally and you drink
intentionally knowing that it's fasting and you are
in the state of fasting, then not only
it's haram and not only that you've just
received sins, but you've also nullified your fasting,
you have to make it up.
On the top of all this, you have
to continue fasting.
You can't just say, okay, that's it, you
know, I'm breaking, I'm breaking.
You have to continue fasting.
And some of the scholars are of the
strict opinion, like Imam Hanifa says you have
to even make it off for 60 days.
That's not the majority opinion.
But some of the scholars are of a
strict opinion saying because you break your fasting
intentionally and deliberately, you have to make it
up by fasting 60 days.
Like when someone has intimacy, or a couple
have love with one another in the month
of Ramadan, intentionally, their expiation is that they
have to fast 60 days.
So the number one, number one act that
nullifies the fasting is deliberate and intentional eating
and drinking.
Okay, the other one, which is the third
common one, sexual intimacy.
Okay, I don't want to go too much
in the depth of that.
We're not talking about sexual contact.
We're not talking about touching or kissing or
We're talking about sexual *.
And I'm sorry to use that word.
But sexual * that not only nullifies the
fasting, but there's also an expiation and expiation
on that one is that both the man
and the woman husband or wife must compensate
for the wrongdoing in the month of Ramadan
by fasting 60 days.
And we're not talking about just 60 days,
60 consecutive days.
So that's another act that nullifies the fasting.
The other act that nullifies the fasting is
intentional vomiting, intentional vomiting.
So you go and force yourself to vomit
for whatever reason it is that someone went
that ate or this and that they go
and force themselves to vomit.
So if it's an intentional vomiting, you do
break your fast and nullifies your fasting.
It's haram again, because you did it intentionally
and deliberately and also nullifies your fasting.
But if someone was forced to vomit, you
know, someone feeling unwell, and someone feeling sick,
and they were forced to vomit something, you
know, like, you know, so you know, at
least we'll go through those from time to
Allah subhana wa ta'ala protect us all.
So you are forced to vomit.
If you are forced to vomit, and it's
not in your hands, then you don't nullify
your fasting, your fasting still valid and continue
with it.
What nullifies that when you force yourself to
vomit, you put your hands in your mouth
and you force yourself, your fingers in your
mouth and you force yourself to vomit, you
push your stomach and you force yourself to
For whatever reason, at the end of the
day, as long as you are not forced
to vomit as long as it's not something
in your hands, but if it's something that's
in your hands, then your fasting is still
considered to be valid and you just continue
with your fasting that day.
But if you force yourself to vomit, then
you nullify your fasting.
Okay, another thing that nullifies your fasting, and
this is like the common thing, obviously, once
a woman gets her period, so let's say
she started the beginning of the day with
fasting, then midday, she starts to see blood
or she starts to see bleeding.
And I'm sorry to use those terms.
But just to be clear about things, she
got her period, the very moment that she
gets her period, that's it.
She can no longer, she can no longer
continue with her fasting.
She can't continue with her fasting anymore.
And obviously, that's not in her hands.
She's not the one that had chosen to
bleed in the month of Ramadan or even
bleed in her entire life.
And that's what the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said, it's not something that's in
your hands.
You just continue with that, without fasting that
day and then you continue with fasting after
you are clean.
Okay, after you are clean.
All right, so these are the major things
that really break the fasting.
These are the major things that really break
the fasting.
The things that don't break the fasting, but
you have to be conscious of in which
a lot of the times people ask the
question, okay?
Questions like, can I brush my teeth, for
Or can I have a shower?
Can I swim?
Things like that, things like that.
First of all, you don't have to do
You could do them before Fajr or you
could do them after Maghrib.
No one is forcing you to do them
right in the middle of your fasting.
But on top of all this, you can
do them.
However, if you make a mistake and you
swallow, you are not allowed to eat fasting
and you are sinful too.
So for example, brushing your teeth, which is
one of the most frequently asked questions in
the month of Ramadan.
Can I brush my teeth?
Sister, brush your teeth before Fajr, brush your
teeth after Maghrib.
I'm sure it's not going to be a
big harm if you don't brush your teeth.
In between Fajr and Maghrib.
But if you do go ahead and brush
your teeth and you do swallow something, then
you have nullified your fasting and you're a
Because you're not supposed to be doing that.
You don't have to do that.
If you do brush your teeth and you
don't swallow anything and nothing gets past the
throat, then your fasting is valid.
So brushing your teeth on its own is
not an issue.
It's about swallowing something.
And whether you swallow it intentionally, unintentionally, and
sometimes you might slip, make a mistake and
you swallow it, then you are, you have
nullified your fasting and you have committed a
Likewise, having a shower, for example, you could
have a shower.
No one's stopping you from having a shower
in the state of fasting.
You can have a shower.
But if you have a shower and you
swallow water while you're having a shower, then
you have nullified your fasting.
Because you could have a shower before Fajr,
you could have a shower after you break
your fast, after Maghrib.
No one had told you to go and
have a shower at that time.
But at the end of the day, if
you do have a shower and you don't
swallow anything, no issues.
But if you do, then you are liable,
then you become responsible.
Another common question people ask, okay, swimming, can
I swim when I'm fasting?
Yes, you can, as long as you can
secure and guarantee they're not gonna swallow anything.
And if you do swallow anything, you have
invalidated the nullified your fasting and you're a
sinner, because no one told you to go
and swim during that time.
As long as nothing goes past the throat.
So nothing goes past the throat.
If something goes past the throat, then you
become liable and responsible.
These are some of the common questions that
people ask.
Okay, medications.
You've got a number of medications, direct medications
that go directly to the stomach from the
Okay, 100% is going to nullify your
What about if you have to take it?
If you have to take it, then don't
You can't just go and take pills and
say, you know, I'll continue fasting.
You don't have to fast, that's it.
Just pay an expiation.
If you can't pay an expiation, don't do
It's not in your hands.
I don't know, one of the debatable topics
right now is the ventilators or talking about
the asthma puffers.
I believe that you shouldn't use it while
you're fasting.
And if you have to use it, don't
I'm not telling you go and put yourself
in hardship.
No, no, no.
If you have to use it, don't fast.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling you
not to fast.
So any medicine or any medication that goes
directly into the stomach, okay, then that nullifies
the fasting.
What about eye drops and e drops?
Those drops do not nullify your fasting even
if you taste it in your throat.
So that's according to the scholars.
So eye drops and e drops, even while
you are fasting and you put them in
your e's or you put them in your
eyes, even if you taste the taste of
the medication in your throat, that does not
nullify your fasting because there's no direct link
to your stomach, as the scholars say.
There's no direct link to your stomach, as
the scholars mention.
Okay, there's two types of injections.
One injection which gives you nourishment, gives you
nutrition, gives you power, gives you strength.
You've got some of those injections like they've
fed you.
That's type of injections 100% nullify your
Those types of injections 100% nullify your
The other type of injections, which are medicines
that don't give you nourishment, don't give you
nutrition, don't give you food, don't give you,
when I say food, like a replacement of
food, don't give you energy, then those types
of injections do not nullify your fasting.
That also includes common questions that people ask,
doing a blood test.
Blood coming out of your body doesn't nullify
your fasting.
But, but, if you intend to go and
do a blood test, and you don't have
to do it in the month of Ramadan,
if you have to, that's a different topic.
But it's like, you know, I could wait
till after the month of Ramadan, but you
know, the chef said that taking blood out
and doing a blood test doesn't break it
So you end up doing it.
And yes, the nurse or the doctor, whoever
it is, they took the blood out of
your body.
Your fasting is still valid.
But after you start to feel drowsy, and
tired and fatigued, and you're about to faint.
And then what happened here, you have to
drink water, you have to break your fast,
you have to drink juice as they usually
give us a cup of juice after you
give blood or after you do a blood
test, then you are liable here.
Yes, you have to break your fast because
you're going to faint and the sharia is
not going to put you in but no
one forced to do the blood test and
the month of Ramadan.
And because he did your blood test can
have another Ramadan when you didn't have to
do the blood test in the month of
So if you have to do it, okay,
that's a different topic.
But since you didn't have to do it,
and you ended up doing it.
And because you did the blood test, you
were forced to break your fast.
You break your fast.
I understand you break your fast hand's run
stands that you're breaking fast.
And you have to break your first.
But you're widely yoursena because they're notγα going
, you could have done the month from
I'm not talking about situations where you They
have to go and do a blood test.
We're just talking about, okay, you know what,
it's a choice between me doing a blood
test now or a blood test after the
month of Ramadan.
So you know what, I'll go and do
what the chef said that's all right for
me to go and do the blood test.
He said it is all right.
But then after it, you're so fatigued and
tired, you have to break your fast, and
therefore, you break your fast, but you're a
sinner at the same time.
You have committed a sin.
So you did break your fast, and it's
understandable why you break your fast, but why
did you do your blood test during the
month of Ramadan when you didn't have to
do your blood test in the month of
That's not understandable.
Therefore, that will be recorded upon you as
a sin.
Yes, that will be recorded upon you as
a sin.
Other questions that people ask is cupping, hijama.
Can we do hijama while we're fasting?
Yes, you can.
But if you do hijama while you're fasting,
and then after you did the hijama, you
feel fatigued and tired and exhausted, and you're
about to collapse, and then you have to
break your fast, you have committed a sin
because no one told you to do your
You don't have to go and do your
hijama between Fajr and Maghrib.
You could have done it after Maghrib.
You could have done it before Fajr.
You could do it any other time.
You could do it after the month of
Why did you have to go and do
it while you're fasting in between Fajr and
Maghrib, and then it resulted to that you
had to break your fast?
No, the Sharia doesn't accept that.
No one told you you can't do that.
Another common question that people ask is rinsing
the mouth and nose while you're fasting.
Yes, you can rinse your mouth and nose
while you're fasting.
Yes, you can.
But as long as you don't swallow water.
And if you are unsure if you're gonna
rinse your mouth or nose and you're gonna
swallow water, don't rinse your mouth and nose.
Just keep away from it.
No one had forced you to do so.
No one had forced you to do so.
So keep away from it.
So rinsing the mouth and nose, you can,
but it's disliked.
And if you do swallow, and you know
that you had the option not to, then
you become liable.
All right.
The other thing that people ask about the
month of Ramadan and common questions that people
ask in the month of Ramadan, and I'm
sorry to say this, but it's a common
People saying that swallow this saliva.
Some people say sometimes I pile it up
in my mouth and swallow it.
This is in your mouth, and no one's
gonna tell you, and no one's gonna stop
you from doing that, even though some of
the scholars had mentioned that it's not recommended
for you to do that, and it's disliked,
but it's something inside your mouth, and no
one's gonna stop you from doing so.
Now, these are some of the questions that
we usually and frequently get asked with regards
of fasting in the month of Ramadan and
what are the things that you can't do,
you don't do in the month of Ramadan
while you're fasting.
Now, the other thing that's recommended while you're
fasting is that, obviously, committing the haram while
you're fasting, okay, that's not recommended, of course.
It's haram for you to commit the haram,
but while you're fasting, committing the haram, even
though it might not nullify your fasting, but
you still commit a sin, and you lose
the rules of fasting.
So, for example, if I'm fasting and I'm
looking at the haram, or I'm listening to
the haram, I'm fasting and I'm looking at
the haram, or I'm listening to the haram,
that doesn't nullify my fasting.
However, it makes me lose the rules of
So, if someone's listening to music, for example,
while they're fasting, their fasting is correct, but
they get no rules.
On top of that, they also get sins.
They commit sins.
Because you're committing haram.
As the Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
said, whoever does not abstain away from the
evil doings or the evil sayings, Allah, subhanahu
wa ta'ala, is not in need of
them to keep away from the food and
water from Fajr to Maghrib.
So, committing the sins, not all sins nullify
your fasting, but they'll make you lose your
rewards of your fasting.
Not all sins nullify your fasting.
Some sins do nullify your fasting, but most
sins do not nullify your fasting.
Your fasting's still correct, and you get that
tick that you fast on that day.
However, you lose the rewards of fasting.
One of them is a common question that
people ask, is that, can I fast while
I'm not praying?
Okay, fasting is one thing, praying is something
If you fast and you're not praying, inshallah,
your fasting is accepted, but you get no
rewards because you're committing a sin by not
Another sister asked the question also, can I
fast and not wear the hijab?
Yes, your fasting is correct, and not wearing
the hijab is haram.
So, that's something for you to start working
And inshallah, you do get rewards for your
fasting, but definitely your fasting is valid, but
not wearing the hijab is a sin.
And to combine those two in the month
of Ramadan is not the best of things.
And that's why I encourage the sisters, inshallah,
to make a change in their life in
the month of Ramadan, not to put on
the hijab, if they're not wearing the hijab.
This is your opportunity.
This is your opportunity for you to make
a change in your life.
Also, when do you break your fast?
You break your fast the very moment the
mu'adhan says, Allahu Akbar for Maghrib.
Likewise, you stop eating and drinking the very
moment the mu'adhan says, Allahu Akbar for
You break your fast the very moment the
mu'adhan says, Allahu Akbar for Maghrib.
And you shouldn't delay it.
And Nabi ﷺ said, my ummah, my nation
is in great goodness as long as they
continue delaying their suhoor and making their break
of the fast at the very beginning of
So, don't think, well, I'm gonna give another
five minutes and get extra rewards.
It doesn't work that way.
The very moment the mu'adhan makes adhan
for Salatul Maghrib, that's it.
Your fasting has ended and it's recommended that
you start your meal with water and dates
as the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did.
And he used to pray Salatul Maghrib.
So, to break your fast with water and
Then you dig in to your food or
sahteen or aafiyah.
May Allah ﷻ bless you and your family.
And it's also recommended to make du'a
before you break your fast as the Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ said.
The du'a of the one who is
breaking their fast is accepted.
So, that time that you are waiting to
break your fast and that moment that you
are sitting down around the table or waiting
for the mu'adhan to call for Salatul
Maghrib to break your fast is the moment
that Allah ﷻ accepts the du'a.
And there's a specific du'a that the
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to say upon breaking
his fast.
And it's also recommended to feed the fasting
people because you get the rewards of the
fasting people.
So, let's say you invited 10 people over
or you donated towards.
You can't do that now.
So, just to be clear, not during the
restrictions that we are going through.
But let's say they invite 10 people over
or you donate money towards feeding 10 people.
You get the rewards of those 10 people.
100 people, you get the rewards of those
100 people.
SubhanAllah, look how generous Allah ﷻ is in
the month of Ramadan.
And it's recommended that every night you pray
the qiyam, which is the qiyam praise, the
nightful praise that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used
to establish.
And there are the tarawih praise.
And there are only allowed to be prayed
after you have prayed Salatul Isha.
You can't pray tarawih praise before Salatul Isha.
A common mistake that people used to do
last year, they used to come to the
masjid, for example, after they miss Salatul Isha
and joining the imam for Salatul Tarawih, then
they pray Salatul Isha after.
But that's wrong.
Salatul Tarawih must be performed after Salatul Isha,
after you have prayed Salatul Isha.
So, you can't pray tarawih praise before Salatul
Also, it's recommended that you revive the days
and the nights of the month of Ramadan
in the recitation of the Qur'an al
That's one of the things that we've been
talking about, encouraging ourselves and you to continue
reading the book of Allah ﷻ in the
month of Ramadan.
And it's also recommended to donate for the
sake of Allah ﷻ as the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ was always generous and more generous in
the month of Ramadan than any other month.
So, any donation or contribution that you give
for the sake of Allah ﷻ is commendable
in the month of Ramadan.
Remembering Allah ﷻ on your tongue, the month
of Ramadan is about being in a state
of worship, wishing Allah ﷻ 24-7, say
if fast during the day and remember Allah
ﷻ, pray to Him in the evening.
And you continue remembering Allah ﷻ also in
the day.
So, the month of Ramadan is about being
in a state of worship 24-7.
And subhanAllah, this is one of the beautiful
things that we thank Allah ﷻ for.
And then you've got the last 10 days
of the month of Ramadan, which is another
topic that inshaAllah we'll be covering very soon.
We'll talk about the last 10 days of
the month of Ramadan and what's recommended in
the last 10 days of the month of
Ramadan and what the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used
to do in the last 10 days of
the month of Ramadan.
So sisters, I just wanted to cover quickly
on some of the do's and don'ts of
fasting in the month of Ramadan.
What are the recommended acts that the Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ recommended?
What are the things that the Shari'ah
has recommended?
And inshaAllah we will continue to get closer
to Allah ﷻ in this blessed month.
More importantly, after this month.
See, a lot of people get it wrong
because they just focus on this month.
They just want to get closer to Allah
ﷻ in this month.
They just want to connect themselves to the
Qur'an-e-Karim just in this month.
And they do, yes.
They get closer to Allah ﷻ in this
And they connect themselves to the Qur'an
-e-Karim in this month.
But after this month, they deter away.
Because that was your plan.
That was your intention.
They deter away because that's their plan and
Their intention is for them to connect to
Allah ﷻ in this month.
And they did.
And their intention was to connect to the
Qur'an-e-Karim in this month.
And they did.
And their intention was to keep away from
the haram in this month.
And they did.
But their intention wasn't for after this month.
So what happens when this month ends?
They end everything with it.
Intention is very important.
Very important.
That's why the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to
always emphasize on the importance of the niyyah
It's not like I Intention is inside determination
and sincerity.
Determination, sincerity, and acknowledgement.
That you are determined in your worship.
You are sincere in your worship.
And you acknowledge these worships for Allah ﷻ.
So sisters, let us all, inshaAllah, renew our
May Allah ﷻ reward you.
I know it's been a bit of a
challenging year this year.
With the month of Ramadan not coming to
the masjid.
But we ask Allah ﷻ to make it
easier for us.
InshaAllah, it's only a matter of time when
the masjids and the centers, in particular the
UMA, will open again.
And we'll have your wonderful company, inshaAllah, here
at the UMA.
And inshaAllah, we'll continue remembering Allah ﷻ and
getting closer to Allah ﷻ.
May Allah ﷻ reward you.
May Allah ﷻ accept from you.
May Allah ﷻ make it easier upon us
Jazakumullahu khayran for joining us and being with
us, inshaAllah, every single Saturday, 1.30pm. Here
on the UMA online platforms, social media platforms,
and every single night, 7.30pm. So every
single night, 7.30pm, we've been live-streaming
all the different talks from the UMA on
all the different UMA social media platforms.
And specifically, inshaAllah, we'll continue with the Sisterhood
lessons and programs every Saturday, 1.30pm, on
the UMA Sisterhood Facebook page and the other
UMA social media platforms.
Once again, jazakumullahu khayran for being with us.
May Allah ﷻ reward you, accept from you.
And may Allah ﷻ reunite us again for
His pleasure, for His sake.
Amin, Ya Rabb al-'alameen.
Ramadan Mubarak to you, to your family, to
the entire Muslim community.
As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.