Shadee Elmasry – Zakat and Fasting Questions NBF 321
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got ready we on
this one La Romana Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala
Rasulillah while he was a happy woman Well welcome everybody to
the SOFIA society nothing backs live stream on an absolutely
utterly gorgeous Thursday there's never been a better day in the
whole year 2024 2024
Right would you agree guys as one of the best days that we've had in
terms of weather and you feel like you need to be out and about you
need to get out of work early and we did have a little bit a little
mix of outs are we even on by the way?
Sure. You see it because I'm on I'm on YouTube here and I'm not oh
we are here we are.
Okay, good. So here we here we go. Let's start today with a nun. You
said something pretty clever. Read that again. All the debates
surrounding Ramadan Oh yeah, yeah, sure.
Read it again from Edwin sada.
We had a little bit of a mix up and that's why we're on late today
but here we are.
Yeah, go.
Let's cycle of popular Ramadan questions. 29th of Shaban and this
is from the dates of 20. Now the chat ban until the second day of
Ramadan is motivating question. So Moon fighting first day is Moon
sighting Moon fighting. Okay. From the third day of Ramadan to the
10th. Today is debate on how many number of rocker ads in total we
have questions. Next, the 11th to 20 of the day is various questions
on what breaks the fest? What breaks my fast and in the last 10
days is the kind of questions when is later to call the Zika. To fit
to the question. Yeah.
Yeah. And then lastly, Ramadan, and the first day of Eid is
moonphase. Yet
so I'll tell you why this happens is because I was on always brings
out new people. Right? Every year, someone who has been latent, or
you know,
latent is the word right, someone who's like, you know, in Islam
just comes to Juma. For some reason something happened this
year, he woke up this year, he's coming to the masjid something
hit, right. And that person is now awake. Now for the first time,
they're thinking about these things that were just like in the
back of their mind, or they didn't pay attention to it. Now for the
first time, they're thinking about this. And here's the thing, the
Dean has nothing to do with your level in secular knowledge, per
se, it could be a physician. And this could be their state, right?
There could be someone who didn't pay attention for years. Right.
And now this is the first year they're paying, you could be a IT
guy could be a kid could be an adult, whatever it is. And that's
why you end up with the same exact thing every time because new
people are making Toba and pay attention for the first time.
That's what it is you're paying attention for the first time. And
that's ultimately what it is. And then they come in though. And
because these are matters of difference, they get, like really
excited about it. Or they get really like
hyped up about it, and maybe even overly aggressive about their
opinion. So
that's the idea. All right. So are we ready?
Let me read you this testimonial that we got
Two guys are working on a site construction. My friend became
Muslim, and has been going to LA Cosina. And this week took me with
him he said, A been going to this soup kitchen and Muslim Soup
Kitchen in New Brunswick.
And this week, he took me with him. I was so impressed with
everything. They gave me so much good hot food for free, as much as
I wanted to eat and gave me more to take home with me. And they
also gave me clothes. So I got a new pair of pants and a new shirt.
Everyone was so nice to welcome. I was really blown away says, Now
where did this meeting happen? That's the key. These two guys
bumped into each other on a job in Pennsylvania, you know people who
work different gigs. They're just chit chatting away from from New
Brunswick. Oh, I was in New Brunswick, and they gave me this
food. Right and I came to this Muslim soup kitchen and all that.
So that's how word spreads slowly but surely.
When Islam spreads to people, it spreads through very common
simple, basic decencies. That's the truth of how Islam spreads not
through some big philosophical idea.
And these little things, they touch the heart of regular people,
but regular people are the society. The elites are not the
site. They may be the leaders, but they don't are not the reflection
of society. They're not the future either. The future leaders always
come from regular people. future leaders tend not always to come
From the kids of other leaders, right? So that's that's how Islam
when it when it enters an area enters like water very slowly goes
to the bottom, right, but you can't get it out, you'll never get
it out. Like if you ever had a flood in your house or leak water
leaks in a little bit, you're not you're not drying the guts of the
house, like the bottom of the house, that water is there for
good, right? You're not drying that out. It's there for good. And
that time that testimonial to me is extremely important. And it's
really a testimonial of
that's the kind of work we want to do here. I can almost guarantee
If we stick keep this up with La Cosina
the soup kitchen, and we make it by 2030 to seven meals a day,
which is probably we're gonna jump to three meals a day, and then to
seven, because that's full time hires right there. Yeah, that's
like one part time higher to jump to three. And then that's a full
time, in addition to the part time higher, right? It's jumped to
seven. I think that that's where we're headed. And we're headed
there by the endowment. Are we ready to burn this video up? Let's
So everyone the video Smola
member back in November of 2021, I was standing in this very spot,
but in front of a very different looking building. This is the
building that we acquired, and Hamdulillah. Phase one, as we
said, was going to be to revamp the entire outside. And that's
exactly what we did. Let's go take a look
pretty similar to the rendition. We changed the roofing, we put
some Spanish style roofing and we put these beautiful doors in and
one is for the tenants. One is to enter the soup kitchen and one is
to exit the soup kitchen. As I said last time, our goal by 2030s
is to have a dinner seven days a week, rain or shine. Fourth of
July, whatever it is seven days a week, there'll be a dinner we're
now at one day a week. We've been consistent on that for about a
year and a half now every Wednesday at seven o'clock,
everyone knows and we recently topped for the first time 100
attendees. So 100 People had a free dinner, courtesy of warmth
unity and the volunteers and everybody all this open space. As
soon as we put down a few of these pavers, we couldn't resist paving
the whole thing you notice maybe the first video I said that we're
gonna pave part of this and make the rest of it driveway space but
when we saw how pretty the it looked with the pavers, we just
paved the whole space and it turned out to be a great decision
because we have barbecues here sometimes 100 People sometimes
over that phase two is to establish a work on the inside,
which involves gutting the inside and being able to have over 15
tennis by doing that the whole thing will be self sustaining in
this area space right here. We use a small part of it and we record
nothing but facts from upstairs but the rest of it we want to use
it as a wealth that is apartments for tenants that will supply you
know and fund the rest of our activity this operation cannot
happen without community support so does that come along here and
please help us with this launch good campaign Salam aleikum
with open our eyes we searched through this guy's waiting for our
road friends
we love ours nearby and our spirits high
time will spend
love and fear to Allah we drawn here hands raised to this guy
bear paradise
and all night noble words will reside here in our hearts with
revealed on the night
guide for this world to the
life path nations have done well fast for the one creator from him
shines all by
Please begin
is that skin work?
All right click that keep keep it on that skin
sight on that skin page.
So here you have it, folks, this is our goal. This is how we're
going to do our Dawa, I believe,
by 40 years, 40 years.
Half the Islam will seep into every household here just by
osmosis, just by osmosis, just by every single day, every single
evening, just think about that 100 People eating in this backyard
And this year in the lights Isla, we're breaking down the wall, and
we're expanding the interior so that probably 6070 People could
fit in, inside. Hopefully,
you need to move my car.
Alright, so that's where we're headed. And we need your support.
We're at basically what 750 780 bucks or something out of what
we're trying to do here is fix up the basement. And when we fix up
the basement, that'll be a rental income for us, right. And we'll
it'll it'll support the day to day, monthly activities of the
soup kitchen. And the other stuff that we do here. So that's the key
here. And you could check it out at launch Site.
Let's let's go to
let's go to that and see how it's doing. Launch
society we are at 1636. If we get it. I'm very reasonable with
everybody. All right. Let's just get it to 1700 today. How easy is
that? Scale? It's 1700. Right? No like to burden anyone? Just a cup
of coffee here. cup of coffee there. That's it. That's how you
know. We want to do it. Something very simple. We'll check it every
few minutes. Today was that pictures?
fade and click.
Yes, go.
Oh, look at that. Read that to us. They put your mic on and read it.
Did you make a good decision so so pretty much as you can see, it's
it's developed over time graciously video and you can see
how messed up it looked. And oh, it was down and depressing man.
Yeah. And I wouldn't need here.
I don't need to go to the bathroom there.
It's come very far. Mashallah. Yeah. And there's still much more
to go for the future in terms of renovation and bringing people
Yeah, yeah, that's the that's the one we read about this.
This guy's you know, he entered, the friend entered Islam. And this
guy, basically, he's working with this guy. And this guy's
he tells him about it. That's slowly how word spreads next.
Oh, what's that? Yeah, so pretty much since 2021 8500. Wow, that's
insane. Just from this small little operation, this mini Mills
Spatola. And what does that say there? And these are kind of the
progress throughout the years, as you can see went from 500 to
2000 3000. So all the way up to 4000. Wow, look at that. So in
2021, it was 500 plus 2022. We broke the 33,000 plane 2023. We
broke the 4000 plane, and we're projected to pass the 5000 plain
meals, because our average keeps increasing.
And I remember a guy who said to me that he said, How's the soup
kitchen going? I want to be a big donor and everything I said, Yeah,
you donate with us.
And he said that how was the first
The very first one we did it was in January, February, it was cold.
It was me and Ryan. And I don't know who else was like one other
And we literally had to go off on the street and tell people we have
a soup kitchen come and eat here, right? Oh, no, I don't get to get
in there and get jumped right? The lady was no lighting on the
outside. It was dark. Right? It was a very shady operation in the
beginning. But we got nine people to come into the building and take
a meal and leave
and a bunch of other people that we actually like ran to give them
the for the food. We had to get rid of the food.
Nine people. So that person said to me, man, I disappointment man.
I thought this is going to be like What do you think is going to
happen on the day one, right? It's like I'm pregnant. Oh, I don't
feel he's kicking. Maybe he's not kicking.
But that's not how it works. It works so slowly and organically
but the key is like a word. And Islam we believe in the system of
what the Prophet peace be upon him say what is considered
shouldn't even if it's little, right, just consistently paranoid,
paranoid, paranoid, and then he grows and grows and grows and
grows, and then we have to credit our valant are leaders really?
Islam? A friend, Ali, Eddie, these are the guys who run it every
single day and then there's some sisters to from the behind behind
the scenes. Okay, that should be mentioned. Your sister Sadia
mentioned to her and people cook. The chefs are so important.
There's the cook from their homes and they drop it off here or we
pick it up.
They cook them in their homes every week, how every week for
like two years now. Yeah, every week there's hot for hot food,
that's a community homemade food. That's a sign of community and the
Prophet peace be upon him. He came. And he transformed the
regular people of a community. He didn't come with some highfalutin
ideas for some highly skilled people. So who's putting this
together? The regular community members, right maybe that say
they're, they're 10 or 20 consistent people who are buying
the salad, buying the chicken, buying the pasta, buying the rice
and cooking it in big content, pots, and then pouring it out into
these foil trays.
And either driving it over or we go pick it up.
And I think only very rarely we didn't have like maybe once a once
or twice a year. We didn't have cooks, we have to buy food that
very rarely happened. Right?
So sister Aziza is a big help her every week, she's here, she
doesn't miss a week, show up with the clothing. She organizes the
clothes every week. This consistency is what's going to
inshallah be on our scales on the Day of Judgment. Okay, all these
All right, who are doing this work?
All right.
All right, let's talk about Zika.
Brother Aki says our volunteers all Muslim? Yeah, the volunteers
and the leadership is all Muslim because we remember it is a Dow
operation. So the people who will rise up in this rank are people
who not only can they contribute to a soup kitchen, if asked.
They can speak about Islam, and they can be examples of how Islam
is practiced. We're not a secular soup kitchen. I've said this so
many times over. We're not a secular soup kitchen. This is a
Muslim soup kitchen. Now we don't go around giving Dawa. Like,
here's a here's a sandwich. Here's a pamphlet. I don't believe in
that style. Let it come by osmosis let them see what a Muslim looks
like. Let us let them see over the years how Muslims behave. That's a
proof that doesn't it's not going to need a discussion after that.
But you meet a Muslim once Yeah, he could have been having a good
day. Right? You're gonna have a bad day. But go to a must go live
with them. Some of them. I feel like they sort of were part of the
community now. Right? Especially that little boy, where's he?
Where's killer?
Seen him. I saw him yesterday. He ran off to me give me a big hug.
And said it's been a long time, but maybe he moved away and he's
just visiting or something. You've never lived here. Oh, he never
lived here. Okay, okay. So there's a little boy who lives here. He's
took a shot to toe. Yeah. Because his parents aren't Muslim. So for
him it has. He's not gonna kind of in the first place. He's like, 11
years old. Not even that nine years old. But he and a child in
Islam doesn't take a shot. He just if he's adopted, he just starts
practicing Islam with those people. Because he's not gonna cut
it off. Right? But nonetheless, he's I want to be a Muslim and he
became Muslim.
And he, when he's around us, he prays and stuff. So probably the
back of his mind, he knows he's a Muslim, right? Because you know,
he's just a kid. He's like nine years old.
Don't take their shahada children under puberty, they don't need to
take shahada because they're not addressed by the command of Allah
is not to children yet. So when a child is adopted by Muslims, he
just starts praying, fasting with them Earth praying and making them
do with them and just being a Muslim. He doesn't have to
essentially take a shower head. Because the kebab of the Sharia is
not for children. It's for people who are past. Blue Kitab means
like the address of God, Allah speech, Allah's comment is, is
meant for adults of sound mind. Right? And past past puberty,
those two conditions. So a child or someone who is a not of sound
mind, they don't have to take the Shahada. They don't have to do any
of these things, this address. Now it's good for a child to do it to
get used to it. But he's not responsible for it. So a boy like
that just hanging out with us and he says, I want to be like you
want to be Muslim and he prays with us when he sees us pray now.
We just lines up. He doesn't ask questions. That's cool. He doesn't
ask questions and doesn't even make we do just lines up. Yeah.
I just lines up. And he comes to our Eid parties who will be
everywhere. Yeah.
Now Medallia Ahmed Ali. Yeah, I was teaching him Arabic at one
point. So it's almost on now when we have our last 10 nights and
used to come to those things and like to those 10 those things.
Alright, so let's talk about soccer.
And take those questions real quick.
Brother was asking, Does this kid's parents know? I don't know
if they know he became Muslim, but they know they don't speak
English, but he lives. He's raised by his grandma.
Right? His grandma is like, as long as he's safe. He can go with
you. So we don't take the kid without his permission, of course.
So he comes to the aid parties come to the masjid. I saw him
yesterday. I didn't even know about any of this Muslim stuff.
Yeah, I saw him and I was making fun of him because of his tooth is
missing. Yeah.
Honestly, to be honest with you, I don't think that
I think again, it's the generosity of Muslims is the key and the
secret. And when you see that over time, and over why is it overtime
because you don't see it from others. You don't see from other
communities, but you consistently see it from Muslims. This is gonna
say something it's an it says something theological to these
people aren't afraid of risk. They're not afraid of money, food
coming and go and money coming and going. Right?
And that is the truth of our feed. Lana's Erica, Allah says, I'm not
asking you for this, don't worry about this. Right?
Money comes and goes, food comes and goes. Right? That's our
attitude towards food and money. Especially food. So
when when that when when this place has 100 people in it seven
days a week. I can guarantee you you don't have to do Dow
the Dow will will come right to you. That is the dough
and then we're going to we stop for prayer. No questions asked. I
don't care what happens we break up the gym out into to the
workers. Right first half work, we're not going to do a lot of
hope. Right.
First group praise. Next comma next group praise out there We're
not hiding no more this go into the back of the closet, right
hired to pray like you're a criminal. No, right there. And
that right then and there. So
that's really important. And that's the data and that's what
really we got to push this. This is this is why we're here. This is
why we're here. And so we're renovating the basement. That
basement can produce for us 345 K depending on how many tenants a
month Imagine that.
We should really be opening up soon a second dinner. Right?
Second dinner. And it takes a full time workers right.
Okay. And there's more from a community so
what's the part of getting more chefs to Yeah, chefs is the most
important thing eventually that needs to be paid. Theoretically
soup kitchens cooked in the kitchen. I would want it to be a
paid job. And I want them to cook in the kitchen. That's what I
want. I we have a soup kitchen we have a full oven. Yeah, and a
stove that can easily cook for 100 people right 100 People sounds a
lot but it's actually not if you have two hours to cook it's not a
lot so that's what I want
alright Zeca speaketh
Can you can you can you get me reset it to be saved for mitre
Can we ask questions about fasting in a better yes it's open QA for a
few minutes because we're having a short stream here because funny
situation is I get to the stream I got to the studio I'm sitting
outside No one's here.
I finally come up an hour late I'm like I guess we're not doing this.
And Zeb sitting right there.
Says the driver was empty. Right. So Zane you can park in the
driveway. Yes Why did you park on the street anyway?
What made you do this behavior?
And I'm like where's everybody today?
Easy spot. Cars not saw you. Yeah. Some people
all right. Today let's take questions on Zika.
On the question of local or global Moon setting Ryan brought up the
great point is that we the Muslim cannot be McCullough
cannot be held responsible for finding
Got about moons outside of his land? Yes. Now it may be easy
because we have phones. But the * doesn't come for a city
when you have phones in a shootout when you don't have phones, right?
this should have never made Muslims legally responsible for
sightings that happen in another town. Now, the question now comes
when a reliable transmission comes to you. Are you responsible for
that? I think that it'll be yes. If a response. Why is that there's
a hadith on that. The time of Satan Northman the Syrians came
down to Medina or is the Medina is went up to Syria for trade in the
middle of the month of Ramadan said what day of fasting you we
said we're on our 60th day or something like that? No, no,
they're like, no, no, we saw them on 17th day is the 17th day. And
they observed the 17 day. So that's why I'm thinking that
that's probably what the full court will say. We can ask about
Now the catchy line. It's called the catchy line.
Read me that fact zone question please.
The catchy line is the cat on your wealth.
One question coming to mind after watching a soup kitchen video. The
video contains women
video contains women without fully covered so we have to lower our
gaze from it.
Technically, if you can even see them, they were so far away from
me so I didn't even see it.
But the catch line is occur on your currency. Right your wealth,
your savings keep in mind most Muslims keep pays occur as a catch
it on their wealth in Ramadan because it's so easy to remember
to do it and the reward is greater. In Ramadan, remember,
there are two tickets, there's that Zika if you choose to pay it
at that time, and there's a canceled fit.
Which is $10 on every person that will that has their Kuta home
their sustenance for one day good sustenance, Yom de you have
sustenance for a day. Meaning do you fear for your food and shelter
and drinking for one day? Today? No, I don't. Right? None of us do.
Great. So we owe it. And that Zika goes to the people who are very
uncertain about having any wealth, any food goes to them. And it's
best to go to them in the form of the staple foods of the people,
rice, honey, things like that.
Okay. Now as the cattle I mean, we're talking here about this
account on your wealth. And there's a QA on your wealth is
once you pass
a certain nisab and the nisab of the word nisab you should know
refers to
the standard, or what's a better transition from this up the the
limit. If your wealth surpasses a certain amount, you Osaka we have
speaketh early on his research because we looked it up on Google
and it said way different numbers because then when you took the
amount of grams of whatever 200 that have right of silver and 20
dinars of gold if you translate that into money now Silver's $330
and gold it's 4159 Repeat it $330 of silver and 4159 for gold. But
if you look it up online, so 6000 for gold and like 700 was over.
But if you do the math, yeah. So if you use the nisab of silver.
Now, well, we have to give an answer to everybody is what's
preferable as an asop gold or silver, what I learned is you
could choose you could choose you can choose Okay, Shafi fixes a you
can choose so the the nisab I believe the Medicaid using the sub
of gold, but I have to double check. It's implemented doesn't
mention here.
On March 1,
no, okay, so let's talk about that. So first word is nisab. You
gotta pass the nisab the limit, let's say what he said here,
$4,000. Okay, under $4,000 You probably need Zika if that's all
you have in your savings account, you probably need Zika if you're
not need Zika then you're probably you're still not paying Zika. So
nisab is the first word that you got to know in Arabic nisab the
limit? The next word you got to know is the word whole.
Whole the word How is a year.
and how is a lunar year given much so
shorter Sharia related matters always operate by the lunar year.
So we fast by the lunar year will make Hajj by lunar paisa capped by
the lunar year okay, the lunar calendar
Islamic calendar essentially
and so you have to have that amount of money the nisab sitting
there doing nothing for a hole
and when we say sitting there doing nothing it means that that
base minimum amount so let's say I have a My Account right now
And in this Ramadan Ramadan 19th I have $10,000 and I pay my my my
maid mazurka obligatory upon myself on Ramadan 20 That's the
day I set for myself.
Last Ramadan 20 I had in the account $7,000 So I increased
however, that increase also came with a little blip. I went down to
$3,000 in the middle of the year.
So in that case, what was what has what have I had from last year
with on to this Ramadan? 3000. Okay, I owe on 3000 you owe on the
bottom lowest common denominator that you've had in your bank
account, sitting there doing nothing for one lunar year.
Remember the purpose of Zika is to keep your moving your money
moving. Okay, so because I went and I invested or I spent
I'm not as it's not as accountable on me anymore. Okay, so that's
what I do, then what do I do? I calculate this month's debts that
I owe.
This month that we're in right now. I owe a mortgage payment, I
owe a car payment, I owe a tuition payment. I owe my friend I'm
paying back a debt from him. X amount of dollars, I owe this
this, this, this this. I subtract that.
So let's say my Zakat is $7,000 is accountable money. What do I do?
That's this accountable amount divided by 40? That's what I owe.
That's the Prophet peace be upon set a quarter of a 10th. So we can
divide by 40. Okay, that's what I owe on that amount of money. So
let's say that amount turns out to be who knows, let's say I don't
know if $500 I always occur or $500.
And what am I debts? I owe debts of $400.
My monthly debts that I owe are $400. So how much in the end? What
do I owe?
Whatever is the remainder? Yeah. So I take this accountable amount,
subtract from that all my debts.
Put a line there, put 40 That is as a cut equation scannable amount
got over 40 minus debts. Sorry.
Wages are gone.
Yeah, that's correct. There's a credible amount minus debts over
Okay, that's, that's what I'm doing.
Okay, so that why do you divide by 40. Because the Prophet peace be
upon him say from years and years ICA is a 10, a quarter of a 10th.
There's a credible amount, the amount of zikr is a quarter of a
10th does a credible amount is all of the money that I've had sitting
there for one lunar year doing nothing.
That is greater than the nisab, which we said is $4,000.
So we divide that by 40. Because that's the amount I'm going to
give away. I'm not going to give away that my whole savings, right?
I'm going to give away only 140. Yes.
The zikr is is is your savings account. So your your monthly
account, you is the amount of money you have every month,
you always go down to zero by the end of the month, right? Or you're
scraping at the bottom of that. That's your monthly
that you spent Right. So there's no account on that does occur is
only on money that you have in in savings, right? This is assuming
that people separate between
their daily checking account and their savings account. Okay, so
our daily spend atures it comes from an account that pretty much
always goes under the nisab so let's say a household goes let's
say a big family let's there's sometimes six kids or something.
Or six people in the household they their their monthly budget is
on $12,000 Right $12,000 12,000 comes in by the end of the month
are hovering around $200,200 Left, right, a single guy his budget may
be $4,000
his check his money comes in.
He may take $100 putting in the savings account.
But he has $4,000 He knows from this 4000 My gas my rent my food
My regular spending shirt or a turtleneck or something like that,
or a night out with to dinner or something like that, by the end of
the month, he's gonna have like 5060 bucks left
in his bank account, then he stops spending until he gets paid again,
that account is always hitting zero. Nose occurred on that
this occurred is on your savings.
Your savings account. Now, here's another question for you. What
about I have stocks in a company?
How do I treat that? So stocks is treated a little bit differently.
Stocks just depends on how you use your stock.
So if I have a stock that I plan to sit on, and wait till it grows,
then sell it.
That's one way. The other way is that
stocks to me is like an item. I buy it and sell it all day.
Like I'm gonna buy it, I'm gonna sell it tomorrow. I'm gonna, I'm
gonna sell it in three days. I have no plan to sit on this thing.
He's buying stocks every day. Right? And he's wandering the news
and he's selling. Okay, so there's two different methods. The first
approach is, the stock is is inventory. We call that person a
moodier. A Modere. Is anybody whether it's stock, whether it's
phones, whether it's books, whether it's furniture, who buys
stuff and wants to sell it right away.
And we'll do a 711 All the shops that we go to supermarkets, all
these guys, these are called muddy ears. Okay, this, we're now
talking about Zika not on savings anymore. Which one was the cat on
trade? Trade items. Every day I get some I sell it right away.
You're moody. Let's talk about his the cat, the cat of the moodier.
The one who's buying and selling right away is he takes all he
picks a date on the lunar calendar, let's say Ramadan. 28th.
He picks a date on a he takes inventory of everything he has in
the store at this moment in time. On this day, what do I have in
this in the shop? What do I have in the store? What do I have in my
stock in the of stocks? Even if you sell homes, if you're a guy
who buys up homes all the time and sells them, then the home is your
item, your inventory to take inventory.
Calculate all that subtracts from that all your debts of course, the
more bigger the item the bigger the debt. If you're selling cars,
clearly, you have a big debt on the land on the store on the
staff, right? If you're only a guy who's got a little cell phone
kiosk, you probably have less debt, right? But point is take the
whole inventory subtract all your debts divided by 40 and pay zakat
on that so if I got a 711 What do I do? I go in there the day I was
a QA and I say to my workers listen this week I need inventory
on what's on the shelf right now at this moment. Okay, and they go
and say alright we got all these Cheetos we got all these slushies
we got all these we got coffee we got all they got to get an
then they could say well boss you know there's so many little things
there's peanuts there's so many Little Nicky Nike things here. He
said alright, estimate over estimate okay because let's say
the guy's got five and below a five and below store you know
these little junk stores and these guys got Little Nicky Nike trinket
thing is all over the store. They don't even know what they have.
But one of the secrets of Zika is it forces you to know what you own
and the value of what you own it forces so you have to do it. So
they have to go in and they can estimate so they can say alright
wooden spoons 99 cents a pop how many wooden spoons here 510 1520
Looks like definitely not more than 50 Definitely more than 40
less than 50 All right, let's say 5050 wooden spoons out $1 each 50
So you can overestimate when the calculation becomes like
impossible because Islam is a practical religion. Right?
Know what it's worth? What it's worth it know what know what it's
what is what it's about
what its value is
right? Not what you bought it for.
The Zika on the Zika on to Jarrah on
is it by the value of what it's selling for or what it's worth on
the market. I believe it's what it's worth on the market. Right
Can you look that up? Right?
Mama, daddy, got a
question for you. Take I'm Lucy. Where's Lucy? Because I'm gonna
see her. Can you find out for us? The Zika on inventory? Is it
calculated on what you bought it for? Or what? It's what it's what
you're selling it for? Or what it's worth? That's a very good
question. You have it, what do you have in your hands? Shot has
somebody? Why is it only so small?
I was justifying? Okay, could you look it up? Okay? It will look it
No, no, that's gonna be the next subject. So you see now what is
this is the Zika of the moodier. That's how it works. Inventory
Value of the inventory,
all your expenses, your deaths,
over 40.
And you do that, again, you're the store owner, you pick a year that
from the date that you opened up, right, you pick the date,
you have to have that end, it doesn't matter whether you've had
it for a year at this point. Like you have to have run your store
for a year. But
you're not going to say oh, we've had this rubber ball here for a
year. No, forget this year thing. It's what you have every year at
that moment. Now let's go to the other type of businessman. It's
this students called Mr. Decker. This type of business was called
Elmo attacker, the attacker, he buys something that he believes
will have value in the future. And he sits on it. And he stops
thinking only think about it.
That person, let's say buys a tech stock. Put it on the site, don't
even think about it.
Years later, it may have value or this person buys let's say for
Any website
that he thinks that in the future, this thing is going to have demand
the name will have demand right in the future. Who knows, like
probably all these AI, cool AI need a picture AI all these AIs
probably people bought these websites last year, two years ago
when I went crazy.
And they're sitting on it waiting for the day that someone's gonna
buy it. Okay,
the more attacker because he's holding this item on his books, he
doesn't pay his account on it.
He pays account on the day he sells it as long as a year passed.
So that means for example, most people will save up their money in
the bias of a condo. And then they'll rent out that condo for a
few years.
And when they get tired of that condo and say let's we need the
cash, we'll do something else with our money. We'll sell the condo.
So you sold the condo for 300k On that day that you make to sell you
as a candidate one time.
Okay? Stock is the same thing. Right? If you're always buying and
selling stocks, you watch the news or get rid of this buy this get
rid of this buy this
right every few months you're got a whole new set of stocks, right.
And even if you had something for years, but you would sell it
if the if the market dictated you are a moodier
but if you have stocks and you're just sitting on them and letting
them grow your you are a more secular, you only sell them go
when you only pay sticker the day you sell it 2.5% On let's take a
look at another kind of business that has no no item to it, no
product to it. And that is the service business. service business
he's this guy has.
He's got no product.
He just does a service. He's a painter or whatever. That kind of
company is just treated like wealth.
Right so you just pay that Sikka with your Desica of your income.
And you do the same thing. You see what? What debts to the company,
oh, the company has. Let's say the company has $500,000 in the bank.
And we have $20,000 Every month of salary $20,000 payment of this
10,000 of insurance every month we have to pay that subtract all that
and then pay your zakat on that. Now what happens if I own 20% of
the company so calculate the holes account of the company subtract
all the debts
divided by 40. That's this academy amount that the company owns you
owe 20% and all your friends owe 20% Alright, so I pay my 20% I pay
20% of that. You pay 20 You're your fifth you pay the fifth, your
fifth, your fifth
so this here's a question about the 401. The 401. K is like it's a
car, you're sitting on the stock.
The day you cash out, you're basica, you're just sitting on it.
The day you cash out your paycheck, people who are in unique
cars, right? Though buy like a 1986, Porsche
puts it in his garage, that's it, fix it up here and there, there is
going to come a day when someone's interested, right now you're not
selling it right away. You're not a car dealer. But you got it there
someday, someone will be interested in it. The day you sell
it, you pay zakat on it. So that's how you handle an Add to Cart. The
attacker is the one who's buys something with no intent of
immediately selling it. He pays the guy the day he's,
he sells it. Okay, but the one who has constant inventory, nonstop.
Every year, he picks the day that he's chose to pay his liquor. And
he gets the inventory minus debts. And he sells. Okay. Likewise, the
market will subtract his debts too. Right? So I sold the car, but
also I had to pay the agent, I had to pay the sales rep. I had to pay
the lawyer, I had to pay all that subtract all that. What about the
cost of fixing?
No, that's not part of it.
Molded man? That's correct. That is correct. You pay this occur the
day you sell it.
My home. So we talked about the service industry. Now the service
industry, I have no products, right? I go in, I work with my
hands or our work with my mind or I code for somebody. It's my own
business. So that at that point, you're not trading any items,
therefore, your wealth, whatever is in the business is just wealth.
Gotcha line is upon that.
All right. Let's ask another question an orphan.
An orphan has inherited money that money is just sitting in his bank
as is accountable. Yes, it is. That good Bob. The word good
thought means the address.
When we say in Islamic law, the word cooktop means the address of
Allah, the command and the prohibition of Allah. The hilltop
of Zika is not on the person, it's on the money. You know that?
And the owner of the money is responsible
for Medicare. Yeah, I've got for you. What, who's looking up for
the person? So for example, why do we say that? If a insane person,
let's say, is in a hospital,
but they inherited from their father, they inherited half a
million dollars. And that's paying his hospital fees, right? But it's
sitting in the bank.
In Shafi fixes you pay to get on it or not.
Okay, a person who's insane so this video does not address
anything to him. Right? What I understand from a kid is the worry
of the kid has to make the intention for him. That's what the
difference is. That's the difference. Okay. So the the in
the shittier a person could be a child or insane and he has money.
It's the kind of money his guardian has to pay for him.
What is it in Hanafy? School? So there's seven conditions is
that extra to where someone who's insane?
Can't do it. Really? Sure. IG it's always a curveball coming from?
was a curveball coming from what often not Never underestimate
what's going on behind that river? Right? What was happening behind
that river? Right? Why is everything so different? Good. So
if you don't know what why we're saying behind that river, YouTube
don't cancel. This has nothing to do with the Jordan River. It's the
Euphrates river because the water and not seemed for the Arabs in
their minds. That was like a whole nother territory. And that's where
the Hanafi school it flourished, right? and whatnot, but also there
was Hana fees, of course in Baghdad and Kufa. So no doubt
about that, that's in front of the knot, but minhwa and not that is
an expression that default revolves or refers to what are
they called Trans ah, Ksenia, which is you're heading to Persia,
Afghanistan, Central Asia, and all those places where they were Hana
fees. Okay, and there was a phase there to Persia with Shafi and
there were 100 feet from in front of the river to which is both dead
and Kufa.
So that's just a joke about the reference of minhwa and NA. Okay.
No, seriously what you start out you see you raise up in ematic
yourself a FIP. And you see it Hanafi rule
So I wonder what was going on behind the river man. So it was
going on behind that river. Okay. But mashallah they always have
evidence. Never, never underestimate a meth hub and say,
how did they get that? Don't ask such a silly question. They know
what they're doing. They've been around for 1000 years, right?
They've been looking at evidence and they've been debating other
methods for 1000 years. You think they don't have evidence? It's so
naive when people say Subhan, Allah, when people say this, when
people say, Oh, where are they getting this stuff? You? Where are
you getting your ignorance because you're so abundant in it? Right?
When people talk like that, they've been around for 1000 years
debating each other, they have evidence. So Paula, someone was
just asking, Where's the evidence that Zika can only be given
Let's turn to this subject now. Masada Zika where can Zika be
given? Sick has given an eight categories.
The poor, who don't have enough sustenance for a year and the poor
who don't have enough sustenance for a day, okay, the two two
levels of poor because we elevate the one who has no food rather
over the one who is, you know, has no security for a year. But what's
the proof for how that the shitty on the format of say, does a cash
should be given in your locality? If you live in the Brunswick area,
you give us a cut here. If you live in Algeria, you give me a
second Algeria
it's not going to be invalid if you give it to Palestine. But it
should be given in your locality. The proof is the textual proof of
the Sharia is the Prophet peace be upon him when he sent why they've
been given to Yemen he said to him, command them and tell them
that they have to pay Zika to be taken from their rich and given to
their poor
look at one of the reasons for the idea behind this you share a
mosque with these places these people you share a home you share
a town with these people they see you driving around they see you
pulling up into the masjid with your beautiful cars and they see
your kids coming out with their polished faces and their their
press clothes and meanwhile their kid is coming out not looking as
polished as you looking at the other kid you yourself compare
your car to his car without whether you realize it or not you
know it in the back of your mind.
So if you go on living like that
and none of that goodness that Allah gave you trickles down to me
I can start having envy towards you it guarantee will happen the
poor will hate the rich guaranteed okay
why Marxism come out of envy for the rich
is a QA is basically saying no oh rich person I gave you all this
money and I'm and I'm and you're it's not all for you. Allah is
telling you this is my money in shed in in Islam. Well how do we
view money? It's all a laws that he gave you to use proof. Right?
Men Men Allah Hillel he attacked
the whole verse
out to him all to him. What's the whole verse min med Illa lady
attack on where to whom? Imad Allah, Allah, the Atacama, give
them from Allah as wealth that he gave you. So who's the owner of
money? Allah is the Owner of money. Let's take it rationally
who is the owner of wealth? Just Rationally speaking, what is
wealth? Isn't it all based on gold? Who made the gold? Did you
make the gold all well, that goes back to gold, right. And Silver,
who made the gold and silver this dollar that you hold, used to be
backed by gold and silver. So its origin is that a symbol of an
amount of gold? Who made the gold on this earth? You found it? You
traded for it, but you didn't make it. So the ultimate owner of all
wealth is ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Therefore, in our Sharia in Islam,
he has the right to tell you what to do with your money. And he's
telling you 1/40 of your savings is not yours, it's for the poor.
So that money trickles down to the focus to the poor people. And from
that, that envy leaves their heart, the hatred leaves, or in
fact, every year love enters their heart.
Even the regular person, he's not going to tell you what the
communist say that we should all be equal. A regular poor guy lives
relatively happiness is always relative. He's not going to come
say I need to be like Elon Musk, I need to be as rich as a
neurosurgeon. You know? Just give me a little bit. Right. And I'll
be happy. Everyone is happy by incrementally going up a little
bit. So if I come and I find in the mail every year, I got a
$5,000 check in the mail from the Masjid. Right.
And I look around I know that's your guys's
love these people know, right? They just changed. They changed I
think probably two months of my life.
Right? They made me worry free for two months of my life.
That's the whole purpose. So now the envy, the hatred, the
jealousy. It just deflates every year you deflate it now if you
take years ago, as I hold on, they're suffering in Kashmir.
They're suffering in
Syria of course that's true. That is for sadaqa sadaqa extra charity
but the obligatory charity has got a year of poor people who you rub
shoulders with in the masjid
who see you who see your nice clothes who see your Polish family
and all that and your nice homes. Okay? Because they see that they
deserve some of yours, sir some of your money. It's not your money,
it's Allah's money. Yes.
Fifth year and Cafaro all those obligatory monies
is the muscle of of it I can't say exactly.
Let's see if all modern Hashem is here, masha Allah.
Baraka Lovick we're here have a delay for why why Shafi say that
the money of the insane person or child has to be given by his
family and if it's not given then it stays with it to shoot in the
time that they were a kid or insane and they don't have a
willing to give it for them. Then they have to
give it later on. What is the evidence, evidence?
Evidence the needle job as a caffeine matter, so be well known.
Overland Cola, Goldman and well he himself had gotten to the hero
home where it was a key him the Toba called Saratoga call it the
call Tada. Well let the interview and William had gone home alone.
This lady will cut the delicate Yet Allah and Allah to Allah
Medic. Medic a baddie hidden mal wotja Allah fie Hakan Lehman had
them in womanhood a moment where am Amara? Maybe he saw Lord as a
person and yet who had an Huck man and man he wants to hear the
Hakuna to her to hora de who have done attack Sina Willem you
you further color who is a Virgil bein Merrick Marika. Well, I could
come out and who Subhana who left us Mal and doing the math
to understand that might take more reading to, to put it to somebody
and one of the probably the proof of that the address of the Sharia
of Allah is on the money is what fee am Whalley, him Hawk Omalu in
their wealth, but in any event, it's going to be the same result
of that Zika must be given, right? Even if it's a child who inherits
that's why all men have been hooked up said invest it
otherwise, in the coming years to come, let's say a boy's two years
old and he inherited from his dad because let's say the dad died.
Right? And a boy is two years old happens all the time.
So by the time he becomes capable of dealing with his wealth, let's
say they're gonna release the money to him at the age of 25.
That's 23 years of Zika they will slowly eat away at it right? So
all might have a cooktop said invest the money
put it in an investment make it a house that will earn rent. Then
when the kid grows up he could decide to sell the house or not.
That's the right way to do things. Okay James Martin is here says
greetings from Sarasota Florida where we met yesterday remember
that Masha? Allah
is it true that the faster Ramadan says Mina Ajay is not accepted on
it by Allah. If one does not pray the obligatory salah.
The fast is accepted.
Meaning you won't have to make it up but how will you get reward
when you
obey and disobey? So there's a big difference between validity and
reward. We have to keep that in mind. And act can be valid because
you did all the outward requirements of the act. That
doesn't mean you got the reward of it. For example, I can in fact be
sinful to I can do my full prayer and leave with sins, but my soul
as valid like what?
Imagine you walk into a room and you start praying. Then suddenly
by accident the cat hits the TV and the TV turns on.
Now the entire prayer you prayed it properly with your body, but
your eyes was on the TV, your ears on the TV
and you're like following what's happening on the TV intentionally,
not unintentionally.
So you physically did everything required. Nobody could say that
your prayer is invalid.
But between you and Allah, you know that you were paying
attention to the TV the whole time. So you may actually walk
away from that valid prayer with more sense. So there is a concept
called sinful but valid. Same thing with the sisters asking
here, a person fast, but they don't pray.
This is a confused person who needs help.
Because it's much easier to pray than to fast, you are confused.
And I'll tell you the solution to this person. US person probably
does not like to make we do. Most people who don't pray they don't
like to make we do that's the obstacle between prayers we do. If
you ask people why they delay Salah because they don't want to
make wudu that's really the issue. So the solution to this person.
In Morocco, there was a sheikh who came upon a whole village of
Muslims who had just religion they were one generation been Muslims
after having been Amma zyk, pagan religion.
One one generation, they've been Muslims. But in that generation,
they stopped praying. They had a mosque, but they stopped praying.
So shave, start bringing them all into the mosque.
When he saw them coming in the mosque, he when his colleague came
up to visit him, he said, I can't believe you got these this village
to, to start praying again. I said, yeah, come and see my work.
So yeah, they're all praying now. He saw them coming in with their
boots on.
No signs of voodoo on them at all. Men and women mingled and prank.
Right, he would lead the prayer.
Right, the men and women would be there. Not next to each other of
course, right? But like to close for the appropriate of the shear
and wearing their boots and no marks of will do. And the prank,
right. So he said, Oh, this is a farce. You're making a farce of
the religion. No hope people praying without will do.
He said, Listen, I brought them into the Masjid. Okay.
And I got them used to this. Now you come and give the lecture on
the requirement of voodoo. Right? Because he's thinking practically
how? What fight what battle you're gonna fight three battles at one
time. Take your shoes off, make wood do segregate your genders and
pray. Let's be practical. There is one thing about FIP. That's
theory. We all know that. Let's look at how you actually deal with
human beings. Do you fight for battles at once? Do you make four
requests at once? Right with these people? Well, what are you going
to request from them? Are you going to request from them make we
do but don't pray. So he made the judgment call that I'm going to
fight one battle
at a time. And normal has to be Don't worry, you can answer
questions anytime. No problem.
Please do answer a question because I can't get all the
questions. So all modern has to me has been assigned as an official
answer to questions by the way. That's official.
Okay, because if people
have knowledge that can answer the question, but we got to know you
first. And we I know Hamdulillah we talked and he has knowledge and
he studies in Turkey. I can't get to all the questions all the time.
All mode is an official answer of questions. Ryan is an official
answer of questions off man is official answer of questions and
so on.
I just forfeited my official answer why
So he made the judgment call. I'm going to fight one battle at a
time. Okay, and I'm going to take them to the thing that is most
fruitful which is draw at least their salons not valid we know
that but at least they're making it and that couldn't just be that
was his logic. He's not saying there's a new city and the they
don't have to make will do but he's saying you tell me how you're
going to do this. Are you going to try to sell them all four items at
once or you can sell them one item at a time so he that's that was
his he had on that that doesn't necessarily mean it's the only way
to go about it but that's how he went about it.
Long story short, within that lifetime that whole community was
back to being regular Muslims but it happened by the wisdom of these
people to do it patch by patch work right? All right, they pray
but they don't make what I teach them how to make we do next thing.
You guys can't walk with your boots in the mosque like this.
Right? Who knows what you've been stepping on.
Okay, could be dog urine, which is not just cat urine is not just cow
urine. Not not just but it's not clean, though, right? It's not
appropriate for the mustard.
So slowly, very little by little by little by little to get them to
To the ultimate end of mimicking the way of the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam and the way of the scholars say no little boy to comes in and
prays with you guys, yeah, that's like, no, actually, you need to
pray you need to make well yeah, it's actually, exactly.
Actually you need to know your updater from top to bottom, before
you even do a bet that it's not gonna work like that, right?
insurance, what kind of insurance are permissible, there is no
current insurance company that's permissible for us to to hold
stock. And
there is a concept of Islamic insurance. And it works as
Some insurance works as follows. If Americans knew about it, that
all sign up for it, we all pitch in money into this organization,
immediately subtracted from our investment is the full time
administrative errs, who take care of the money. That's fair game,
right? An investor then goes takes that money and invest it.
Part of the this organization is we gift you, we gift you
your health goals, that's a gift, okay?
We we go make a ton of money. If you get sick by being part of this
association, we take care of you.
Now, when you leave,
when you choose to leave, you take from it the money that you've
minus the costs of your the health, right?
So and if you and if you come out negative nothing against you,
we're gonna charge you more. So that means let's say I put in $500
a month.
And he goes in, he invests the money over years, and I've had
this insurance that say, for 10 years, and when I needed to get a
tooth out, they paid for it, when I need to get an appendix out,
they paid for it. When I had a baby, they paid for it, all that
And then at the end of the 10 years, they do all the
calculations minus administrative costs, the investment, you gained
a lot of money in the investment, but then the medical costs were
equal. You come out, you got nothing, right?
Or the opposite guy. He was healthy. Nothing bad happened to
him. He never had to go to the doctor. He gets his investment
minus administrative costs, and he gets his money back. The
investment back. That's it.
Now, let me tell you something else. It's not valid either. Some
people think that this is okay. I'm going to make an investment.
Right. And I'm going to get
back my my principal, and a little bit of the profits. No, you get
profits or nothing, right? Do you can't have it both ways. So alone
is when I give you 500 And I get back 500
I don't do an investment where I give you 500 You definitely have
to give me back 500 And whatever money you made, no, no, if you
when you stand to earn, you stand to lose. Otherwise, that's at
about that point. We had learned a really good Super General
principle. Yeah, it was cool little coded injera him in fact
what that's the that's the principal Coolio Cardin, Jarrah ma
who Ella who whatever the Hartford they use Mensa, for whatever for
Kulu Culloden, Jara Mensa that bought back with it a benefit of
cottages alone, alone, that brings a benefit that's rib. So here,
you're treating the my principle like alone, as if you're
definitely going to get it back. No. And on top of that, you might
make some money. No, you don't get it back like that. Even if it
wasn't money to, like, I'm gonna give you this exposure, because
you paid exactly any benefit, by the way. I give you a loan.
Alright, listen, your you give me a loan, I'm gonna give you a
little perk, as long as it's in the contract. If it's not in the
contract, then no. So let's say you gave me a loan. I'm so
thankful to you that I pay you back. Later on. I think you know
what, I liked this guy. He gave me a loan. Let me give him a little
benefit here. It's not in the contract. It's just personal.
That's fine. But if it's in the contract, not accepted.
Then that's
like it's a major so it's a computer. So computer for sure.
Such a loan. That's not acceptable to have. It's a major sin. Speak.
mine did you like a million dollar
contract that says you shout on his new Instagram
and the contract Yeah. Alone with a benefit
shot on the Instagram if he likes you.
and I'll tell you who else what else can be
so when you it's a Sunday in fact, when you prepay alone to add to
what a gift, but it's not in the contract, so you won't lend me
$2,000 I'll give you back the 2000 with edible arrangements on top a
little $50 basket of some chocolate covered fruits. right
those are good. Who here right now would take one of those edible
arrangements? The pineapple covered in chalk? Yeah, right. I
would take all 12 Right now you know the boxes as a trigger,
right? Yeah, right away.
Right away.
That edible arrangements. The pineapple covered chocolate
chilled in the fridge is the best product I've ever had. The nothing
comes close. edible arrangements.
Is bingo haram since it's by chance. If it's for money, it's
definitely haram. If it's not for money, it's between haram or my
crew. And I lean I liked misery having learned from even Abizaid.
He forbids all those things. It's forbidden. Why? Because it makes
you sort of addicted to games of chance. And one day you may play
with for money. Alright. And at that at the least it's a waste of
time. It's literally pure chance. Yep.
Miss preferable to, because you see a lot of haram things. And
really, it's a shame, to be honest with you. It's preferable to stay
off because of things that could pop up in front of your eyes that
could be sinful, or at least it wastes your time
you can do that. That's good. There is a way to benefit from
social media just by Islamic
you know pages and stuff.
Rent to Own is halal. The rent to own schemes to buy homes is
Brothers asking for n time videos. Yeah, we'll make N time videos. We
don't need n time videos. Look out. Look at the news. It's all
enzymes right there.
Just look at what's happening on online. Look at how people
behaving 10 times right there.
Yeah, right.
Yes, some interesting stuff on this figure to help with that. He
This is his specialty chicken.
It'd be nice. Yeah.
It's probably an English too. Yeah.
All right, wrapping up here because we had a late start. We're
gonna wrap up. And is it permissible for women to bow down
in su Jude? out of gratitude to Allah while in hide the answer is
no, any acts of Salah that is done. You can give me the Shafi
for that. But what I know the Firstly, we don't have in medic
effect, we don't have sudo destructor we have to Rakas there
is no such thing as just sujood we don't have that a medic effect we
have but anytime that you do prostration such as if you're
listening to Quran and there's a verse that there are verses in the
Quran, if you're intentionally listening to them, by a human
being who's reciting them, and that human being could be an imam.
So not a not a not a computer. A computer can't lead the prayer.
Not a child child can't lead the prayer. Any person who could not a
woman woman can't lead the prayer. Any person who is capable of
leading the prayer and you are intentionally reciting, and he
recites one of these verses of the Quran in which there is this
prostration and you have who
then you prostrate if you don't have what do you don't prostrate
okay? If you weren't listening intentionally you don't prostrate.
If the bizarre next you the guy is listening to the Quran in the
stall next to you and you're, you're not listening to it, but
you hear it, you're not responsible for it. This is called
su Judah Quran or sedge that Attila? And they differ on the
In the Maliki school, it's 11.
In the Hanafi school, it's ooks. Maybe all my homies here and tell
okay, so Judo Quran is how many in Shafaq 15 or 1615 sujood, the Tila
15 or 16 in the medical school
From her geodata onwards there monsoon
monsoon means it used to be a practice but the Prophet stopped
doing it. That's the That's the meaning of monsoon. Okay?
Say again
read me that what does that say Hanafy is the same position that
is impermissible foreign sedusa of gratitude see that for a for a
menstruating woman she doesn't perform the
same in Shafi.
So medically flip doesn't have sedges of gratitude at all we have
to because
people are wondering what we're saying Sajida of gratitude means
something you got good news, immediately you go down into
without salah or anything, just a frustration.
You know, in England, what they call it, kiss the pitch.
Because the soccer player scores, and he does sujood for that, all
right, at least is doing sujood this may be the ones it says here
let me zoom. It is so not to perform the frustration of
gratitude when a blessing strikes, a curse strikes when the blessing
and curse are specific to it. Or it applies to Muslims to see a
sinner who was open about Zamora immortality and he prostrating
gratitude to God for his recovery. So chef a fit. It's a sunnah to do
this magic effect, we say pray to rockets. No. sujood shook.
Olga, secret guidance
14 414 sujood.
Tila in Hanafy. School 11 in medical school, I think it's 15
and Jaffe school that students will hedge has to and the methods
differ upon though, please answer this question. What's the proper
add the on giving advice to someone close to you? You give
them the advice without sounding that you know better than them?
That's the edit.
Can Tell me if you can combine traveler's prayers? Which method
are you asking? Okay, how can I asks is insurance on collectibles
and other rare items permissible?
Because it's not a ruler or a hedge. And we are allowed to take
insurance when the state obligates it upon us or when the costs are
would would would basically impoverished somebody.
For example, if a childbirth can cost you $30,000 From beginning to
end, like who has that right? Not a lot of people have
some money some medicines cost the person $3,000 A month for some
medicines so that will put you out in the street in the city if
you're going to be put out in the street. If your life will be
altered than the Haram becomes halal. But if your life would just
be inconvenienced, then no the Haram doesn't become halal. And if
your life would be made better of course then definitely the Haram
would not be made
to the Haram is made halal for us haram the forbidden becomes lawful
when your life will be altered let alone ruined dead on a lived
You have 15 Tsujimoto and Shafique a mixer says why are the four
schools in many aspects very opposite ends like magic he
doesn't concern a dog net just dogs alive and not just while the
other schools consider it to such an extent that dogs shouldn't even
be bought or sold. Okay you're mixing a couple of things here
Miksa dogs should not be bought or sold.
when it's a wild dog
because that dog out in the desert the Wild Dog is not a service or
okay it's it's not something that you can possess it's wild out
there that's why you can be bought and sold. Now I believe that
that's different if it's a functional dog
like a functionally a functional dog a shepherd dog
I think the rules is different for that reason. Question.
Yeah, train shepherd dog or trained dog for the blind. So I
think even that I think they discourage the buying and selling
of that. I have to look up look that up. But point being buying
and selling dogs the prohibition on buying sung dogs is separate
issue from the ruling on the saliva of the dog. The ruling on
the saliva there has nothing to do with the saliva. The ruling on the
saliva of the dog divides into two different opinions. The first
opinion is that it's not just because the Prophet peace be upon
him said, if a dog licks your bowl drinks from your drinking bowl,
you have a bowl of water your dog drinks from it. Wash that bowl
seven times one time with dirt. In other words with something coarse,
something rough.
They the magic is the chef A's in the somebody's said, Therefore,
dog. So life is not just
now the Maliki school said no, no, this has nothing to do with the
Jessa. And that just means ritual impurity. You can't pray with this
stuff on you. That's what the word net just means.
And the medica said no has nothing to do with that. Because if it was
not just the prophet would have said wash it once. Like every
other night just thing. And secondly, that purification from
Naja has to do with prayer. Nobody prays holding a bowl, right? You
don't pray on your bowl. So the bowl Hadith of the dog who eats
from your bowl has nothing to do with purity. It has only to do
with hygiene, like this is not hygienic, you can get sick from
eating dog saliva. Okay? So wash it seven times, once with dirt, in
there view means very thoroughly with something rough, because a
dog saliva sticks.
Dirt means something rough. So that means if I saw a dog, eat my
from my bowl, do I'm going to put it in the washing machine, then
take it out of the washing machine and put it back in the washing in
the dishwasher. Then put it in for another cycle No, just one time
with the sponge hard, right with soap or some other thing and water
is enough. Seven times once with dirt is an expression that means
third very thoroughly with something rough. Okay.
And buying and selling a dog has nothing to do with that, then
adjust is a separate issue. The third issue is not having a dog in
your home.
Angels will not enter into your home if there's a dog in your home
because angels have they don't like dogs. That's it. There is no
logic behind that. It's just the way angels are created. You don't
you will not enter a room that has Meissen that has a rat in it.
Right here sleeping the guestroom. Only problem there's rats. Would
you sleep in there? No. All right, go into this house. It's infested
with cockroaches. But that's okay. No, go into this house that has
snakes in it. We are harmed. We could be harmed purely
emotionally. Disgust is an emotion, right? Certain animals
will they can't harm you. But you're disgusted by them. So
angels are likewise they are put off by dogs. These are all
separate issues. There's another fourth issue with the dog. Someone
who plays with the dog.
Just playing with the dog for no reason. Just playing with the dog,
the Prophet peace be upon and said it has a cost it will cost you a
hill of your good deeds.
Because the Prophet peace be upon him is warning us. You will love
the dog so much you become addicted to your dog. And you will
waste time with your dog.
Now can I play with my dog? If I happen to be a shepherd and me
it's just me, him and the sheep?
All right, I had nothing to do. So I throw the ball he goes and gets
it because there's no harm in the sense that the shepherds not doing
anything the sheep, the sheep, they're not in harm. And the dog
has nothing to do that insha Allah is not a problem, that little
thing here and there one time here and there by the shepherd, because
a shepherd his dog serves him well. And he could love him. He
could hug him all that stuff.
Scratch and whatever. Feed him from his food, no problem. But to
play with him for no reason. The Prophet warned against that,
because it would lead to excess. Right? All of these are separate
issues. Let's bring another issue to the praise of the dog and Sudha
said KEF.
Allah says they said that there were three in the fourth is a dog
or five and the six of the dog or seven and the eighth is a dog. All
of the Alama say look at the honor that Allah put up Samba,
samba in general, if Allah honored the animal by insisting to mention
him, by mentioning him alongside with the righteous people, what
about if you are actually a human,
then you get a share of their goodness, just by being with them.
That's how important it is to be with good people. Even if you're
not even a human you benefit. Imagine if you're a sinful human,
and you're with righteous people you benefit. He also said it also
is a specific praise for the genius of the guard dog, the
shepherd and the guard dog because the shepherd and the guard dog is
the reason why people would pass by and say don't wake them up.
Don't mess around. There's one of those Shepherd Dogs they're crazy.
Okay, there
gonna come after you. So Allah chose the guard dog and needs a
hustle sia for the guard dog is a special creature. And if you've
ever seen guard dogs at work, it's amazing. I recently saw a video
where a farmer, you know that these farmers it's a thing now
farmers will put their whole farming life online. Right? So
this guy caught on the night Chem.
A fox passing through the sheep
area at night. And then all the dogs he had four dogs, four dogs,
they all woke up. They herded all the sheep into the pen, close the
door with their nose and then remained awake on all four corners
of the thing for the rest of the night. Is this not an amazing
And that's what he's made for it that is what the dog is made for.
He's not made for you to come sleep on your bed with you. As the
American as as people do, right, come sleep on the bed with a lick
our face eat ice cream with us. That's not what he's made for.
Right? Good. This he will destroy any Suburban Lawn by urinating
everywhere. Right? He's made for the farm and the mountain. Right?
That's what the dog is made for. Okay, so all of these questions
they're all separate issues with the dog. The purpose of the dog
the value of the dog the benefits of the dog, this life of the dog,
the owner, the pet dog as a pet. And then the
what was other questions now buying and selling of the dog all
separate issues.
I heard that somebody called him and said you're at a dog and then
he wrote a book about like the fun little club I like Aetherium in
many other cities. Someone called him MCU to dog and remember CT
therefore wrote a book, the benefits of dogs, over many people
who are close. Right? And it rhymes fun little Caleb Alacati
remember the obesity of all the virtues of dogs and mainly it's
going to be the guard dog that they talk about.
Unfortunate unfortunately folks, I love sitting here with everybody
but we got to run and insha Allah Azza tonight we have the prophetic
gifts are in the masjid with bread, honey, yogurt, dates,
Olive oil, nice, maybe some cheese maybe? I don't know about that.
But no limb
Are we allowed to enter the bathroom with a ring that has a
lot written on it. You would turn the ring inwardly and close your
hand. Turn the ring inside and close your hands or take it off
and put in your pocket. Some Hanukkah law homophobia Hamza
illa Anta stopped for the country where they called us in Santa Fe
was ill Alladhina amanu I Minnesota how to What's also been
hot water was so a suburb was said Mardi Gras Jolla?
No loss
God see God