Shadee Elmasry – Your prophet also didn’t know everything

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet peace Jevan and how he spoke to people for hours on the spot. They also mention that the Prophet had the greatest intellects, but was not able to bring up the truth. The speaker questions whether the Prophet should know everything and if it is reasonable to think of a prophet as being in a humbling form.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is very important. Notice how what happens here.

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The Quran went to the Jews to think of a challenge to see if

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this prophet is true or false. The Prophet peace Jeevan and told them

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I'll tell you tomorrow, the answer to these three questions because

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he sees saying the Gibreel every day and he'll just ask him, well,

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but synergy didn't come down for 15 days. So after day one they

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told him, they started mocking him and started mocking the believers.

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So this story comes in, well, what is this story? The story of Satan

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and Musa alayhis salam and Sentinel Qatar occurs because Musa

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alayhis salam was asked after giving a long speech on the

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history of the entire universe and what is to come? Okay.

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And back in those times, they were roaming in the desert and there

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was a lot of free time. Okay, there was very little to do. And

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they were in that area of land where they weren't settled. So

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there were days in which Satan the Musa, they said, I'm sat with the

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people and spoke to them for hours upon hours. And a man came to him

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said, Is there anyone more knowledgeable on the earth?

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And he said, No,

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I'm the most, he was the most knowledgeable. And it was true

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that from the human beings you could answer that you have from

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the human beings on this earth. There's no one more knowledgeable.

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But then Allah subhanaw taala informed him well, there is

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someone more knowledgeable, and is not even a human who's going to

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teach you. I mean, it's not even an angel or anything. It's a human

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being. Right? Just to

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Okay, and his name was hidden to show like the humble state, okay,

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now, it's not like, oh, I said that, then you could say, oh, it's

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amazing. person, right? But no, just up to his description in the

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Quran is just just a slave. Just to show Musa alayhis salam, well,

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there's always someone more knowledgeable. Okay. And to show

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him that what he should say is allow them. Okay, so Satana Musa

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alayhis salam

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isn't the Jews, this is their prophet, the Jews know the story.

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And this is. So why are they taking part in mocking the Prophet

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, when he can answer the questions

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for 15 days, then they're laughing? And they say he doesn't

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know. Well, the whole point was that he wasn't bringing this

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message from himself to begin with. So in fact, the fact that

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number one, the fact that the Prophet peace be upon him,

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couldn't answer them on the spot, shows them that he's not bringing

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this revelation from himself to begin with. Okay? If he was, he

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would be clever enough. Okay, let me think, or I shouldn't say that

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phrase. But he should be if it was a person who was making stuff up,

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he would be clever enough to think well, let me just make something

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up. And let me figure it out. And let me go research it quickly. Not

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wait one day, and he's sitting doing they know, he's not going to

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research. They know he didn't travel to some

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for maybe a friendly rabbi or a Christian who knew the story they

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knew there was no libraries, they see him every day. So Allah Azza

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wa sallam not going in not seeking knowledge, not seeking the

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knowledge, right? So that they it is this is the proof that the

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knowledge isn't coming from him. And that doesn't belittle the

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prophet at all. Because in this, we know that the Prophet have the

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greatest intellects, the strongest intellects. But it's absurd to

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think that everyone knows everything. And the whole point of

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a prophet is he's a messenger. He's a go between. And of course,

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he's beyond that, more than that. But the chief role is that he's

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not bringing something from himself, except by the permission

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of Allah, the chief message that he's bringing is from Allah to

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Allah. Okay, so he's a messenger, that's what a messenger means. So

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he didn't have the knowledge. That's the first thing. The second

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thing is, you're mocking the Prophet, peace be upon him and

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you're the Jews will your own Prophet alayhi salam, as noble as

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the messengers are, didn't know everything. And here you have him

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learning from apt, learning from someone who

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was just trapped, there is no name was given. And not only that,

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having to become very humble in the process. And not like humble

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as in he wasn't humble, but the form in which he had to take this

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knowledge was a humbling form. Namely, he had to travel a long

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distance. And then once he got there, he was basically told

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you're not allowed to ask any questions. And when he did ask

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questions, because he felt that he couldn't stand what he was seeing,

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he was expelled from his teacher. So Subhanallah

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it's amazing that that Allah to Allah knew, he knew. And he saw

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that these Yahoo's are now mocking the Prophet peace be upon him.

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Okay, well wait a second year on profit as well that you are

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claiming to be loyal to and representing he also didn't know.

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There were things he didn't know. All right, and this store

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It comes to neutralize, okay, the mockery of the Jews and make them

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realize wait a second, we're what are we mocking? A prophet who

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doesn't know everything? And is it? Is it even reasonable to think

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that a prophet should know everything? And here is your

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profit? Didn't know everything

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