Shadee Elmasry – Yasin Why it’s the heart of the Quran

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right said yes in Colville

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Quran it's the heart of the Quran. Now why is it the heart of the

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Quran? What are some of the other names of Yasin? One of the names

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of Yacine is Elmore Emma which means that which generalizes its

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blessings, the blessings of Yacine are so general they touch up on

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everything like certain suitors have different benefits some

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people reject this we tell them you're wrong. Allah subhana wa

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Tada says 100 Zero mineral Quran Maharshi found what I mentioned

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little mini we reveal from the Quran which means what means not

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all of the Quran it's true not all of the Quran is Rama right

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so yeah, scene is called more Emma. So how does that do with the

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heart? Well, where's the heart in the body? It's an it's in the

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center and what does it do? It pumps blood everywhere in the

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body. Just like the heart is involved with the whole body. Yes,

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scene is involved with all blessings.

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One of the Sahaba also said I believe it's evident that he said

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the recitation of ye seen in the presence of the dying makes death

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easy. And in another Hadith, the prophet size seven said it

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probably has seen animal jackal.

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So yes, scene is for all walks of life, and all times and it is

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Elmore Emma, that which generalizes the blessing.

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Say God's guidance is a true guidance. We are commanded to

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devote ourselves to the Lord of the worlds to establish regular

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prayers and be mindful of him. It is to him that you will all be

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gathered. It is He Who created the heavens and the earth for true

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purpose. On the Day when He says be it will be his word is the

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truth. All control on the day that trumpet is blown belongs to him.

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