Shadee Elmasry – Why You Should NEVER Sin In Public
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The speaker discusses three elements of Islam's actions: disobediating Allah's actions by showing off their decency and apologizing, having no shame or embarrassment, and being shameless. They warn that Islam's actions can lead to failure and failure to survive. The concept of shamelessness, including being exposed to people who are not covered in their act, and the idea of a punishment is a way to avoid being punished. The concept of a "ships" is a way to avoid being attached to a person who is considered a sinful person, and the idea of a worldly punishment is a way to avoid being punished.
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The question says, can you tell me what happens when you sin and
openly advertise and don't hide that you're saying Firstly, when a
person commits an act of disobedience to Allah, there's two
elements here. The number one element is you disobeyed Allah.
Number two, how did you disobey Allah is the question, not just
what sin did you commit, but you have to ask two things. Number
one, did you involve any people and since that you actually hurt
somebody, or you actually involve someone else, you are the
influence of someone else committing sins. So let's say
theft. I hurt somebody. But I did it by myself. So I only got the
sin for myself or let's say you got high you locked the door, your
basement through the QA you got high, you didn't hurt anybody but
yourself. Third thing now did you have embarrassment? A man came to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he said, O Messenger
of Allah, we commit sins, and we hide them is this hypocrisy, the
prophets I seldom said rather, this is Amen. Because at least you
believe ALLAH is watching and you're embarrassed in front of
Allah. So this is actually a good thing to do. So so here we talk
about three things. Number one, who did you harm? Who did you
involve in your sins? And did you have shame or not? If you didn't
have shame of Allah subhanaw taala. That's very bad in itself.
But on top of that, you're setting a terrible example for the
community, you're basically announcing to the community, your
boldness, and disrespecting Allah, and then you're coming,
influencing other people to do the same thing, even if you're not
influencing them to do it. But what you are showing them is, it's
okay, I disobeyed Allah, my business is flourishing. And a
simple minded person would say, oh, okay, he's doing it he's doing
it. He's doing it. What is the punishment of all this the
punishment of course, that you disobeyed Allah, that's that in
two ways, now, you're committed your sin, first of all, but number
two, you have no shame, no embarrassment. So now, the number
one thing that's going to happen to you is that when you slip up,
Allah will not send you someone who has decency, the witnesses
will be people who wish to humiliate you, to expose you. So
if I commit some sins, and I have no problem with it, so what am I
announcing to Allah, I'm announcing I don't mind
publicizing my disobedience to you. So now you slip up in your
store and you get caught, let's say, doing something in your store
that's wrong, or in your business that's wrong. Or in your family
that's wrong. Why would Allah cover up your sins if you don't
cover up your own sins? Right? Many, many people commit sins in
private. And they pray, Oh, Allah, don't let anyone know. Right? This
is what they do. And Allah covers their sins. Why did Allah cover
your sins because you had embarrassment? You had the decency
to cover up your own sins, so therefore Allah will cover up your
sins. So the first thing that's going to happen is that Allah will
not cover you lose the sitter of Allah, the sitter is why we
survive by Sitsit. It's unbelievable. How much that we
literally solely survived by Citrix, since it means covering up
our sins. Do you know that every day and night we're in an act of
disobedience, some in some way, shape and form yet Allah covers
it. So if you don't cover your sins, the first thing is, you're
gonna get exposed and all these people get exposed. It's never the
first time I'm ever hooked up. He came upon a man who committed
theft, and the man swore up and up please don't put my hand up. I got
so many kids I need to it's my first time I'm going to be hooked
up said Allah doesn't expose somebody from the first time. That
means Allah only exposes you after you repeatedly do it without Toba
and without any shame number two, what did you do for society the
Muslim society you basically told the Muslim society this is okay.
disobeying Allah is okay. That's what you're saying when you're
doing this. Don't worry about this event Allah having your shameless
about it. So Allah Tala will surround you with people who are
accepting of that these people are not going to be good influences on
you or your children. And if this continues, you will literally lock
yourself you will be locked by these people, you will be so
thoroughly surrounded by bad people, people who are accepting a
facet because the category of a public center is we call him a
facet. The word facet is also goes to somebody who is an innovator in
Akita, but I prefer the name Biddy for that to separate between the
two. So the first step is the public center, and the Bid Day is
the the innovator in nakida. Somebody who goes against an
explicit text, there's no excuse ever to go against an explicit
text. There's no interpretation there. So you're gonna be
surrounded with such people who are approving of this, they love
you, despite your open disobedience to Allah like this
shameless to your shamelessness with Allah so now you're going to
be surrounded by these people. year passes after another year,
second year, a decade, two decades is gonna be very hard to break out
of that group. It's going to take a lot of pain. It's gonna take a
lot of effort to break out of such a group. That's the second worldly
punt. What about this worldly punishment? Forget the next world
this worldly punishment. How else does the shitty I punish you now?
Number three, the Shetty I categorizes you as a
facet legally you are at facet, what does that mean? It is sinful
to befriend you it is sinful to marry you. The marriage is valid
but it's sinful, your testimony will not be accepted. Why is it
sinful to be friend and be and and be so nice and loving and warm
with a vessel? Well the answer is because of his shamelessness. This
person has no shame in front of Allah. Hmm, I see the Amazon rule.
He gives a warning, he said is a very bad day. When people cover
the sin of the open Senate. He is an opposition he should be shamed.
So that's the concept of the vessel and how legally speaking
we're allowed to talk about you. You are weird, sinful for us to be
associated with you. By the way, there's another thing about the
facet is that if a facet comes dies, the the nobles, the people
who are viewed as religious examples shouldn't attend the
Jenessa because this approval the Imams should not attend. It's just
Janessa out of Cara here that should not be seen with them right
even after death, because it's a sign of approval. We need to shame
your behavior out so we will shame you out of you.