Shadee Elmasry – Why Muslims Are Not Afraid of Death
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the fear of death. And again, there's something especially that
affects secular people because they can't escape the fact that as
they grow older, they become weaker. They're not able to do all
the things they used to do when they were young, they can chase
their pleasures and desires when they used to. And this This
bothers them and they think, Oh, I don't have the ability, I can't
travel like I used to, I can't mess around like I used to. But
for us,
it's a different story altogether, because
we know that death, as the law says, and then the I will admit
when when they moved to Monaco to La he showroom, right and so it'll
Emraan 158 Allah says, if you die or you're killed is to a law that
you return.
So the way the way Manuel Bucha explains this is he says, You have
to think of this way that you've spent your entire life you spent
your entire life
worshiping Allah praying five times a day, but you never saw
him. Fasting Ramadan, but you never saw him. Hajj Ramadan.
KitKat. reading the Koran, although they could be you never
saw Allah
and now that veil is being lifted.
That's what death is that that veil between you and Allah has
been lifted. Right? There's a story that Imam Al Ghazali relates
in the ALA Medina, it's also in shadow Sedona by mama CLT, which
is a book about about the states of the dead, where the Angel of
Death comes to Ibrahim alayhi salam, right. And we know we all
we all know that Ibrahim alayhi salam, his name is allele, right?
He's, he's the intimate close friend of Allah.
And when the angel of death comes to him, Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, he
responds, and he says,
he says, Alright, I can even read on your meter kalila. Right. He
says, he says, Have you seen a allele who wants to cause this
allele to die?
And then Allah reveals to Ibrahim in a slum, he says, all right
Halina, you're reading your raw, meaning. Have you seen a colleague
who doesn't want to meet his Hadith?
Right, and then Ibrahim gives up his phone.
Right goes into sujood, Allah, Texas, all right. So when it comes
when it comes to again to death, we should we should see it as the
fact that we is this reunion with Allah. And whatever good we've
done in this life, the reward for has been stored up for us, that's
where it comes back. And we and we and when we die, and one of the
things the other man always stress when they do them, I always stress
is that
like for the believer on his deathbed, when you get to the end
of your life, you should have nothing but a good opinion of
Allah. Nothing but a good opinion of Allah when you're on your
deathbed. Right? And this is part of the reason why I like him
almost see what he mentions that in shorter story. He's he says
that the believer on his deathbed, the believer will have a hard
death, he will have a difficult death will be some illness or some
agony. And the unbeliever will have an easy life have an easy
death. And what he means by this or why this is he says, The
unbeliever will have the easy life will have easy death because he's
been rewarded for whatever good he did.
And then the punishment starts after death. Whereas the believers
being forgiven. He's been cleansed and purified. It goes back to
Allah. Right. This is it's all about mercy. And a mama Bulte puts
in the story here from the sahabi bla bla Habashi, frontal Anhu. And
then when he was lying on his deathbed, and right and he can,
He's in agony, right. He's in pains on deathbed and his
relatives are all around him. And one of them said, oh, what agony
what pain you're in.
And then Bilbao, he sort of woke up he opened his eyes. He said,
know what joy.
Tomorrow I will be with Muhammad and his companions. Allah Who this
right? He's, he's, he saw the bigger picture. Right? I'm gonna
read I'm gonna be reunited with with with the best of law. So I so
you see, right. And we all we all know how Billa was after Mr.
Lawson passed away. Right? Thank you couldn't give the event
because he was so heartbroken.
Right? So people aren't.
We look at the like regular campaigns. They're not. They're
not desperate to stay here. And this is again, when we tie that
when we tie this all in and again, we go back to
go back to the point of like, where we come from the fact that
we're originally from Jen. I try to think of an analogy, but
probably the best analogy I can think of and Allah knows best. Is
that this this world is just like a giant Hotel. That's what it is,
right? Everyone's room is booked and paid for. And Allah knows when
you're gonna check out. Allah knows you're gonna check out one
day you'll get that phone call and the angel of death will come and
take you away. So
when you're, we think about death. That's you're just going back
home. Do you know anyone who clings to a hotel?
When they're right? I don't care if it's a seven star hotel,
whatever it is, right? Home sweet home, there's no there's nothing
like home. Right? So you accept the fact that hey, this is not
where I belong. This is not where I'm from. This is not my permanent
Allah is calling me back except it right? why would why would why
would we cling to this list this cling to this dunya? That is
temporary. It's full of trials. It's full of tribulations. Allah
was just testing us it just a testing ground. Right? It's like
an examination room.
Right? Like, I don't know anyone who enjoys exams. Right? They're
happy when the exam is over.
Right Jesus He's all levels or whatever it is not all those
anymore. Sorry, I'm dating myself. But of course, right? You get the