Shadee Elmasry – Why is religion more authentic when rooted in the past
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Of course, the one that happened earlier, we root ourselves in the
past because this is a religion of transmission. This is not science
and being up to date with technology, scholars of the past,
they were more pious than us. They knew the Arabic language better
than us, the tradition was shorter to them. generations were shorter
chances of things being lost or misunderstood less dad is where we
learn our religion from technology is the opposite technology, you're
always trying to push the envelope and discover something different,
always trying to improve. So you want innovation in science and
tech. It transmitted knowledge. The proof is how far back you can
go. So if I if there's an incident that happened, let's say in 1905,
and you have a newspaper reporting on the incident from 1906, but I
have a newspaper reporting on the incident from 1905. The same year
that it happened, Well, which one is going to be more authoritative?
Let's say All else equal.