Shadee Elmasry – Why Do We Need Intercession When God Can Forgive Directly

Shadee Elmasry
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The speaker discusses the concept of "overcome" and how it can create difficult relationships. They explain that "overcome" can be used to create difficult relationships when a person is unable to receive forgiveness from Allah directly or through a middleman. The Prophet's statement about forgiveness is a direct forgiveness, but if you avoid major sins, just by that you'll be forgiven. The Prophet has a rule of thumb for forgiveness, and if you miss major sins, just by that you'll be forgiven.

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			Why is it that Allah subhanahu wa ta
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			'ala forgives some people through intercession where he
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			could have forgiven them directly?
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			There's a couple answers to that.
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			Number one, by causing someone to intercede for
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			you that honors that person.
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			Number two, it establishes one of the strongest
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			bonds ever between you and that person.
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			Because they were chosen by Allah to be
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			the means by which you're saved.
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			For the worst punishment possible, which is the
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			Number three, the middleman is an expression of,
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			there's a degree of displeasure there from Allah
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			subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			But you basically barely tipped the balance, earned
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			some rahmah.
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			So it's almost as if to say, if
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			we can give an analogy of the relationship
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			or the displeasure, yet mixed with some mercy.
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			It's when, for example, a parent sends a
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			child to their room and then they don't
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			want to talk to them.
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			But then they do have rahmah for them.
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			And so they say, all right, go send
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			this to your sister, send this food to
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			your brother, send this dinner to your brother.
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			So they refuse to talk to them because
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			that would indicate approval.
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			But they still have some mercy for them.
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			So they send somebody.
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			So that is a third wisdom.
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			What is intercession in the first place?
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			I didn't define that.
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			We should have defined that.
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			It's basically when another person, on the day
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			of judgment, seeks forgiveness for you from Allah
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			subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			Then Allah forgives you.
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			But you yourself, if you were to seek
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			forgiveness, you'd be rejected.
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			But your good deed is that you had
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			some good ties with this righteous person.
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			They then ask for you to be forgiven
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			and you're forgiven.
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			That also encourages us in this life to
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			have as many connections to good people as
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			You never know who will intercede for you.
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			Intercession could happen in this life too for
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			For example, a mother may pray for her
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			son's forgiveness and guidance.
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			And that son may be astray.
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			He may be punished in this life if
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			it was not for the mother's dua for
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			He's a bad kid, but he's a good
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			It could happen.
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			He's sinful with Allah.
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			Bad to other people, but with his mom
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			he's good.
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			So his mom prays for him in the
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			middle of the night.
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			And his life turns for the better through
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			that prayer.
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			So there are many many wisdoms why Allah
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			created this middleman in terms of receiving the
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			Not a middleman of worship, of course.
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			Not a middleman that's actually forgiving you.
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			No, they're asking for forgiveness for you.
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			These are the wisdoms.
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			So that's why it's really good to always
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			keep in mind.
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			Never look down on somebody.
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			That person could have made a prayer for
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			And that wouldn't have been the prayer that's
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			And that's why they say, لا تحقر عبدًا
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			حسن يكون لله وليًّ Don't ever look down
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			on a slave.
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			He may be in the sight of Allah,
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			a wali whose dua is accepted.
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			You just don't know.
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			The Awliyaullah are not only the Fuqaha and
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			the Muhaddithin and the apparent people in religion.
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			They're in the religious community.
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			They could also be the regular person that
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			nobody knows about or no one pays attention
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			So those are all the wisdoms surrounding the
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			concept of what we call Shafa'ah.
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			Shafa'ah is in Ayatul Kursi.
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			من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه If
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			someone intercedes for you.
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			It's because Allah Ta'ala created that.
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			Allah Ta'ala made them intercede for you.
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			Permitted them to intercede for you.
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			So in fact, when the intercession comes, that
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			is from Allah directly.
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			That is from Allah except not directly.
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			Through a middleman.
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			Now, how is the direct forgiveness look like?
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			A person may be called up for the
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			judgment into a certain location.
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			And thereupon, they speak to Allah Ta'ala
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			without barrier or interpreter.
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			And thereupon Allah Ta'ala asks them some
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			very easy questions.
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			حساباً يسيراً Just a few questions.
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			And then Allah Ta'ala bestows His pleasure
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			upon him.
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			And He announces that you're forgiven.
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			Go enter Jannah.
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			So that is what the direct forgiveness looks
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			What else did the Prophet say about the
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			شفاعتي لأهل الكبائر من أمتي We have a
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			rule of thumb.
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			If you avoid major sins, just by that
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			you'll be forgiven your minor sins.
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			But what if you fell into major sins?
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			Then in this life you have Tawbah and
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			you have Hajj.
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			What happens if you didn't do those things?
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			You can have sicknesses.
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			What happens if that didn't happen?
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			You die with major sins on your record.
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			Then you go on the Day of Judgment.
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			And thereupon the Prophet announced, My intercession is
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			for the major sinners of my community.
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			On the Day of Judgment you have two
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			One part is all justice, which is the
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			wrath of Allah Ta'ala upon the people.
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			They see their sins manifest in different forms,
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			such as rivers of blood that they're pushed
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			That's a manifestation of Ribah.
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			They see themselves as tiny ants.
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			And they're being stepped on.
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			That's the physical manifestation in physical form.
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			Flesh and blood, just like we are now.
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			But you find yourself tiny like an ant.
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			You're afraid to be stepped on.
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			Who is that on the Day of Judgment?
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			The oppressor.
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			Because he walked around the earth and he
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			made everyone else feel like that.
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			Just don't say anything.
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			Even my sheikh in Egypt.
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			Don't say anything.
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			Never talk.
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			Just walk against the wall.
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			Put your head down.
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			Why are they putting anyone in jail who
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			speaks about anything?
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			Just don't even pretend you're not even a
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			religious person.
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			So physical manifestation of your own sins.
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			It's what you're doing.
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			But then the Prophet ﷺ prostrates to Allah
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			and is inspired with words of praise that
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			have never been spoken before by any prophet
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			or angel.
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			Then Allah Ta'ala says, Rise and ask,
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			you'll be given.
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			He lifts his head and he asks for
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			intercession for his ummah and he's granted that.
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			Then other people in his ummah are granted
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			So they may intercede for their family.
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			And each person, for example, you memorize the
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			Quran, okay, you can get 70 from your
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			friends and family.
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			Who are destined for the hellfire, you pull
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			them out.
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			That's why the social element of the religion
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			is so important.
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			The righteous mingling with the sinners in the
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			Keep in mind, in the masajid, in righteous
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			So Jumu'ah, Taraweeh, Eid, what is that?
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			It's mingling between the good and the bad.
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			So that the bad, who's in a bad
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			state, we're not going to say anyone's bad,
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			we're saying he's in a bad state.
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			He's fallen into bad deeds.
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			Can mingle with the good people.
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			Maybe in this life, he'll be better.
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			And maybe he'll go his whole life to
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			this life of dunya.
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			He'll never get better, but he loves those
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			I'm telling you, there's tons of those types.
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			You seem like years and decades passed, they
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			never improve.
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			But they love good people.
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			So they have that at least.
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			On the Day of Judgement, you never know,
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			that may be their intercession for them.
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			A martyr may come, okay, you take more
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			than 70 people, 100 people, 200 people, 1
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			,000 people from your community.
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			Just one person was so special in the
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			sight of Allah, that 1,000 people whose
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			records ordained for them to go to *,
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			they go to heaven now through that person.
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			And they will thank that person and honor
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			that person for eternity.
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			So that's the summary of the concept of
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			When we talk about Shafa'ah, we mention
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			Shafa'ah in some ways in the dua
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			after Adhan.
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			We ask for the Prophet to receive Al
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			-Maqam Al-Mahmood.
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			Al-Maqam Al-Mahmood is abroad, has a
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			lot of things to say about it, but
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			one of them is he's the Shafi'ah.