Shadee Elmasry – Who’s the Real Doer of Things NBF 293
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Bula Amanda Rahim. hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah
while he was happy woman WADA welcome everybody to the Safina
society nothing but facts live stream after a pretty decent and
sizable and long break that we took for the ombre for youth
program and you don't know that one of our programs here is a
phenos. It is Alma for youth. I'm gonna for you it is so important.
I cannot tell you how important it is to give young people to give
Shabaab a
direct experience, Alma for youth is something that we plan. This
we'd rent to so far this time, we took eight teen boys and for
girls, there's always less girls and boys because parents don't
want to send their youth out
their girls to a foreign country, high school girls, unless they
have a brother or a dad. So pretty much every youth that came with us
so far had a brother or a dad last year.
One of them didn't come with Yeah, we actually who was it last year?
Yeah, last year, all of them either came with a brother or a
dad or a mom. So adults can come on this trip. But it's targeted to
youth. We in sha Allah plan to have to next year and two trips of
knowledge for college and adults knowledge and Majelis, Turkey and
Morocco. So it'll be it'll be in Morocco. And this should be one
mentioned this a night.
Whether it be a session with a scholar,
or a session of sometimes they do thicker sessions and stuff like
that. Okay. And that's the one we're planning. So it's not just
tourism for just purely that and look at this wonderful religious
artifact. No, it will also be Majelis. So the whole point is, is
that people in America could say, I met Schiff so and so I asked him
directly. I got his nephew's WhatsApp number in case I have a
question. The whole point is connection. That's really it's
Musa hobbits connection. All right. We also had some
we also had some ArcView, nothing but facts. Veterans. Okay, come on
to in this ombre trip,
including around me from New Mexico and bet best and from
Best and from Australia. They we met them there. So that's one of
the beautiful, most beautiful things about the Muslim world and
online etc, is that you actually it does translate into physically
seeing each other. We met met a lot of people there, including
Schick and McFeely,
whom I sat with and had a bout a one hour long q&a session session
And we're going to be releasing that. And I asked him a number of
questions. Right, and we're going to be doing that often, where and
it may be the same questions, to show you a very important
principle. There are principles.
There are also and there are, you could say secondary questions, or
you can call them applications.
We call them foodwatch.
The principles are not up for opinion. There's no room for
opinion on principles because the statement from God and His Prophet
was so clear, and repeated so many times. There's no Majed or way in
which you can misunderstand it. That's what we call our the the
soul the things the foundations that know to see you know, to
Muslims, who are educated who read can differ upon, okay? Full on out
now can be different upon, right.
And in that in foodwatch, is where you choose methodology you think
now, what's the methodology? Which shape is most worthy of believing
in or following? Who is most knowledgeable? Okay, who is most
pious that I really believe what they're saying? Or I believe that
their Allah will guide them the most? Okay. Those are the
questions and in those questions
as a as a madhhab.
When those Oh, those questions are age old questions, then it's best
for a student of knowledge to follow a method or even a non
student involves following method. So you have some internal rational
consistency in what you're doing. It's not okay for travelers
player. What do I like best for eating food? What do I like but I
like crab so I'm not going to be Hanafy on that. But I also like to
wipe over
PFS with the hoof and wipe over waterproof socks.
So let me be Hanafy in that, or I want to get go get married, my
dad's not letting me let me just be Hanafy in that.
Good, you're still sinful, the marriage may be valid, but you're
still sinful.
Okay, so
this way of picking and choosing it number one, you have to
understand it doesn't invalidate your worship. It's just disliked
as a methodology, because it's, it's prefers your desires over
reason. Okay, I have this is my old school, I live by these
principles, this methodology and I move forward. It's much better
than this type of picking and choosing operation. Okay?
Secondly, the picking and choosing operation can never yield a
So let's say you got you pick and choose in your life. All right,
now you get married. Now I have one kid, two kids as seven kids
mashallah wonderful. How do you teach these kids? Now these kids
are going to have families. So eventually, by the time you're 70
years old, 60 years old, you're gonna have essentially a little
tribe, a clan for yourself, right? Because all those grandkids are
now going to be a part of your family.
What do you do? Okay, how do you teach this?
There's no way to keep going up, there's no book that has your
whimsy in it. So on food, we're gonna go with how to have a pup
mixing and matching, there is no methodology for that. There's no
curriculum for this. Whereas in contrast, you say, and there's
also no shift to study this, this, you could don't teach on your
whims. So when you want your kids to go study somewhere, okay,
there's no predictability to what he's going to learn. He's going to
come back with something that you don't like.
In contrast, you'd say I'm Hanafi. Hey, kids, we're Hanafy. Our law
book is this, you grow up, you want to change, it's up to you.
But as long as you're in this household, this is our law book is
how we practice our religion. If you want to go study, let's we'll
send you to a hunter feast teacher, I know exactly what he's
going to teach you. And you can go up and up and up and up and up.
And then when there are many kids and grandkids and nieces and
nephews, you all have a track on what you're Islamize. That's the
value. And the the secondary benefits when people adopt a
And they live by it, and their whole family is by it, and their
whole clan lives by and they're mastered lives by it, right? In
our method. We teach any of the format hubs in Donald FET. We used
to, but in data fats, we've limited it now. It's at Madigan
Hanafi, there weren't a lot of Chef A's or somebody's in the
first place. So our method, pretty much the two tracks that we're
building up as meta keys and hundreds is good, too, was enough.
You don't need for a community of like, I don't know how many 1000
families for 400 families 500. Who knows, you don't need four methods
for that,
when everyone is pretty much Hanafy. And then we came along,
right? And took a little bit of the market share, right? And
we're brought the Maliki method. And people either no method or
Salafi or Hanafi. Right. And then we came along and how hamdulillah
now we have a good number of medical students who know their
stuff, right? And now their families are being raised upon
that. And their kids are that too. Right? So that's the point that
our law and our Fit is a predictable thing.
You will will never ever have someone give a religious talk.
Or a sorry, a religious class, I should say that doesn't observe
these basic principles. He can come and give a talk no problem.
Description of the afterlife, encouragement of Taqwa. No
problem, because you're not giving a Class A lesson. You're just
giving what we call wild. You're just giving the preaching session
BS, that's fine. No problem. What that will mean that doesn't happen
often, but it could happen. Right? So
that's when it comes to principles. So
recently, a lot of people got you know, initially a lot of people
agreed with me.
There are when I mentioned that I really don't like blocking roads.
When it comes to making your point in life, right? You want to make
your point you want to do something? I'm not I was wasn't a
fan of it. Right? That's it.
This to me, in my mind, is a furore issue. A furore issue means
it's a secondary issue. What's the primary issue that we have to be
in a state of resistance and in the state of
disavow being against, we're obligated to hate what Allah
hates. Right? And we're obligated to hate what is happening right
now in Israel and even the occupation itself and rewind back
to 1940 at all, that was something that we hate and we think is
wrong. The UN in England, it was not their choice who to
put in into power, right, or to give states away like this. So
all of that's the
primary principle now how do you go about doing it a secondary
issue? Right?
So, but not everyone has the mindset that there are primary
things and their secondary things. All right? You don't like the
secondary thing, not a problem. Listen, if a shake out there,
says, I'm not really a fan of these mobile, it's too much molds.
And it's distracting people from the Quran. And they're just
becoming, you know, Sufis and having scarves, and that's all
they care about scarves and all that stuff. He's critiquing a
secondary thing. And he's like, God, I'm not a big fan of this
whole culture of beads and scarves, and,
you know, coffee and high end coffee and all that. So he's not
critiquing any foundation of the religion.
I say, Oh, God, I disagree with you on that. That's it. So but not
everyone has an understanding of a primary. I know it sounds very
obnoxious to say people are ignorant, but that's the reality.
Not everyone has an understanding that there are primary things and
there are a second primary down here foundational. And then there
are secondary things that you can agree and disagree on. Right. But
that's the the lens and the worldview that people should
understand us, even in Sharia when a person says I think this is
haram. Right? That doesn't necessarily mean it's not up for
discussion. Right? an ephah said crab and crayfish is haram, and
lobster and all of those
bottom crawlers, he deemed them haram because they eat trash.
They eat garbage of the sea, we would reply the garbage of the sea
is pure. The prophesy assumes that it's dead is pure. Is there
anything worse than garbage than a dead carcass? While the prophesy
set him said the dead is is pure? So the full QA they went back and
forth? He says, I think you're wrong. No, I think you're wrong.
All right. Well, what is the truth of the matter? Well, the truth,
this is a matter of opinion. Okay, so what we're talking about here
is the importance of separating. We'll sort it from four primary
things, there are no opinion on primary things, because the matter
is that crystal clear
and secondary things, the application of those primary
things, how to apply them the details, you can order like to
call details, secondary questions. These are not very clear, though
for opinion, my friends, and when you live in worlds in a world of
scholarship where people all understand this, right, they talk
to each other in ways that would surprise many people my friends
say I totally disagree with this. But when he says that a I
understand he's disagreeing on a matter of opinion. b He's not
disagreeing on a primary masala. So our politics and our beliefs
and our are pretty much the same.
They're still the same and he's not a it's nothing personal.
Right? What's your conclusion that you reached I disagree with I have
been told if at that huge shoe.
Big shoe. Mufti is their number one students. Like sometimes you
have a chef he's got a number one student primary student
the student grows to become a scholar Himself tells his teacher
I disagree with you on this right and in one instance it was on the
permissibility of machine slaughter chicken
right and whether or not we can except when the
people in the factory say we're watching it and we're making sure
that it's it's being slaughtered properly. So one of them
the shake the the elder he had that opinion that we cannot eat
this machine slaughter chicken there's too much question of
whether or not the slaughter will happen.
The other Sheikh said no someone is there watching I think it's
right and if a Muslim at the factory says yes we're watching
we're making sure that it's hella Do you believe him? So the they
were on a plane and the food that was served was chicken so the chef
said I'm not eating this his number one students had good
that's more food for me I'll eat it and he took it and he ate it
right and the chef said good for you eating Mehta right alright so
I'll make sure now not to ask you for your dog because your dog is
not going to be accepted not because this mate
they are accepting of this is banter in a sense because they
both understand alright it's a secondary masala is not a primary
message the primary message is does food have to be the beer?
Yes, that's the primary masala okay.
The secondary masala is is the machine slaughtered chicken,
something valid for us to eat or not to eat? And that's the
importance of recognizing Now, you notice if
one of them had parted with a
Primary Miss Ella, a primary issue and now announced, Hey, I've been
reading a lot of books and
I don't believe you have to even eat halal anymore at that point,
that relationship would be broken now, as a student and a teacher
that's relationship is broken on the way astray now, right? That's
where you have to understand the reaction of things has to be in
proportion to its weight. Its weight as a masala. And maybe it's
not right to assume that
people separate between primary and secondary.
What is the point of having a meth hub ze count? Okay, you could go
back and I don't want to repeat it for everyone else who's who
listened from the start from the top, but we just mentioned it
earlier on.
In the stream, now I want to talk about something else when we're
doing something in the world, whether resisting or not, which
I'm about resisting resistance against Israel and the zeitgeist
or the status quo or the matrix whatever you want to call it.
Or anything. You have to have after either a correct Akita and a
correct flip of the question, Who is the real DOER of things? This
is so important, you begin with this, who is the real DOER of
things? Okay. That is the first question you have to ask yourself.
And of course, we as we know,
the answer is Allah, Allah is the real DOER of things, to what
degrees you the real DOER of things, he creates every action.
This rate I rose, I raised my hand, I intended to raise my hand
and Allah created the raising of hands. Right? I intended it and
Allah raised it. There are people out there who intended and Allah
doesn't create the raising of it if they're paralysed, or if
there's a weight on his hand. Right? I intend to go on a trip. I
run out of money. So I intended it but Allah didn't create it.
I did not intend
to, for example, Yes, last night at 11pm be at a gas station. I
didn't intend that. But I found my tank is empty and I had to go.
Right. So I didn't intend something and Allah created. I
didn't intend for example, to to sneeze. But Allah created a sneeze
I didn't intend to yawn or fall asleep, but Allah created it. So
some things I don't intend that Allah created. I never intend to
my heart to be an Allah creates involuntary actions.
Alright, so Allah is the real DOER of things. This is so important.
He is the real DOER of things we intend. We intend things and Allah
creates it or doesn't create it.
If you intend something that is lawful and good and rewardable and
Allah creates it for you, that's called Tofik.
Right? So I intend to succeed over the enemy, and you do succeed over
them. That's called tofi I intend to make Hajj and you do make Hajj
that's called tofi. I intend to memorize the Quran and you do it.
It's called tofield. If you intend it, but Allah doesn't create it
because Allah has and other will.
prepared for the world. And for you, you get the reward of it.
Even sins, Allah creates it.
Even a murder, you intended it, yes, Allah created it. See, this
is so important for us to understand. He is the Creator of
all things, even your enemy, even Israel, even the Zionists even
everything here. Don't attribute it to them. Yes, they're guilty.
But ultimately, what's the source said? No Musa said in here inlet
fitna Touka to little Looby Harmon Tasha, what do we have mentorship?
When said no Musa had a terrible fitna that occurred to him
something so bad that happened to him as a 70 liters of the bene of
Surah he died when they were all went out to make repentance. And
they said oh will we wish to see Allah subhana wa Tada we don't
believe until we see Allah directly. Falco, that's gonna
soak. A little sigh aka.
A loud noise came and they all died.
Now I'll say no Musa is trying to improve relations with his tribe.
They view him as an outsider, they're not. They're not following
him well,
so he took 70 out to to repent to Allah and draw near to Allah Now
he's gonna come back and tell them all your dads and
uncles and grandfathers and brothers are all dead.
So it was something that was for him. The worst possible thing that
could happen?
What did he say? He said, Oh Allah, this what happened here is
your fitna, you
You have created this test by this fitna, you guide some people
and you misguide others. Okay, so who is the doer of all things good
and bad. It's Allah subhanaw taala
in here in Lovington, Africa to the Libya mentorship, which
activate mentioned. So so we don't even give power to the enemy. Our
enemy has no power, he's a tool. He's a tool, and my deeds to fight
my enemy also have no power.
This is the next part. We are not allowed as Muslims to believe
in our actions, we you must take action actions here when we take
There are two parts to it. There's the obligation and there's the
belief, the action and the belief, the physically you're obligated to
take every single action that you possibly can with education, you
cannot just if you're not following the Sunnah, that Allah
established for us or the prophets of Allah is established.
If you're just trying to wing it yourself, we don't allow this. You
have to go get a mentor, go get a teacher. First. Vicodin consume
let's Adam Well, if you don't know as somebody and outside of
religion, it doesn't matter what the religion what their deen is,
in matters that are trial and error experts experiential and
experimental science technology administration business. And in
matters that irrational math logic it coding using is just rational
things, right? Doesn't make a difference with the religious.
If I put an equation up, there's one solution to the equation
right? To the math equation.
Doesn't make a difference who answers it
doesn't make a difference who answered Hindu Buddhist Muslim saw
that half is Quran half is torah, half as Gita doesn't make a
difference. Because I can see the equation is right or wrong right
in front of me, right? If I'm saying hey, I had a hypothesis, if
I mix blue ink and green ink, it's going to become blue ink and
yellow ink is going to make green.
That hypothesis can be tested irrespective of the person pouring
the bottles in. Right? He could be the biggest one Africa in the
world, he could be the biggest sada in the world, the result will
be the result, right? So into gdb and an ugly to gdb means knowledge
is that of trial and error.
Okay, which is bulk of knowledge in the world. And knowledge is
that our rational knowledge,
math, all these things,
then I don't need to know what his religion is only in matters
related to the religion to the Quran and the Hadith and the
Sunnah, and morals and ethics and these things do I need to only
take from a Muslim? Okay, so the first rule here is that actions
have to be thorough. When you take an action, you have to go learn
from somebody, get expertise, don't wing it, you have to put I
do low muster thought to Minko you have to have Cisco, what is the
difference between a gloss and sit? If loss is spiritual? Sits
because external if loss is that I only seek my reward from Allah.
Okay? I'm sincere. CIT
is truthfulness or six is that I don't leave any stone unturned. So
that if you want if you say hey, listen, I have a New Year's
revolute resolution. I'm gonna pray fed you every single day. All
right, wonderful.
And the first day comes around, I say set your alarm.
I think I'll wake up, then you know what I tell you, you don't
have sit,
you will accept.
You don't have sit. Sit means you don't leave any stone unturned. So
Allah gives her his reward and he creates he creates the results for
the people who have sit.
Sit, also. I mean, I knew a brother he really had a hard time
getting a professional.
He would set an alarm next to his ear
and an alarm next to the bathroom.
Such that the only way that he could shut that alarm off is that
he had to get up and by the time you get up pull us here in the
bathroom make we do
Alright, another person realized that his hardest part of waking up
prefetch is will do. So what did he do? He's is his feet in wood.
Nobody has a problem with washing your arms at face. It's the feet.
Let's we're gonna be honest, right?
He forced himself to sleep with a cough.
So he lowered the temperature in the house so that he wouldn't be
too hot at night.
And he forced himself
to sleep with the hoof.
So he sleeps with the cuff on who puts the coffin when he has wudu
where's the cuff sleeps?
He wakes up wipes on the hoof
that sits right sits close to leave no stone unturned.
But now there's a second half to action you cannot believe that
your actions are the doer of things
and that's to free you. It really frees us okay? It totally frees us
from the limitations of those actions what happens now
if in a situation of the power goes up, I can't set my alarm My
phone's dead.
So we are not the doer of things is something that frees us from
the limitations It also frees us from being paralyzed by the power
of our enemy
there cannot be any materialism in our standard our position against
if you're a materialists
and you only believe in what your eyes see
how are you going to stand up against these people
they control the United States
according to rabbi was right not me I'm not saying that so I don't
become anti semitic
and I don't want to be called labeled labeled anti semitic right
so I'm gonna quote
are by the way I'm the one who discovered right by him was right.
Anyone else who quotes him thereafter? I need 10%.
Right? Guy is a goldmine.
Everything that you want to say that you can. He himself
says it is we control the world, he said. So they could they do
control. There are a few if you if you're not imagine if you don't
really see it in front of your own two eyes, that the US election is
based on your position on Israel, and you guys accused Russia of
Right. You accuse Russia of meddling in the elections. But you
don't accuse the Israel lobby of meddling Israel meddling with
elections. And you got people in the government with dual
citizenships right. It's insane. But you can't utter a word because
all these they're puppets that are bought and sold. All these
politicians are puppets that are bought and sold. Okay, that's the
puppets that are bought and sold. Nothing, nothing more. Nothing
less. Okay. Hollywood.
Did you saw it? Chappelle said right.
He said,
You know that statement that got him He's beyond cancelable. Right
now it doesn't make a difference. He says every he said everybody
offended everybody. And he got away with it need to makes
millions of dollars on his
shows and
sells out auditoriums, stadiums. Sorry, left and right. So my
friends went saw him in Boston, TD Garden. Right where the Celtics
and the Bruins play. Sold out. Right? Sold out. Man, what a
better show. I mean, what is the cost of putting that show together
versus the cost of like the Boston Celtics, right? You got to pay
players and they got to train and stuff. This guy sits around using
his brain thinking about jokes and sells it out. Right? So
we don't but they're the if you're a materialist, I don't see the
what is your point of this resistance, right? You're going to
be creamed, right? You're going to be depressed,
you're going to have to be extremely radical.
So the materialists we have the is the one who only believes in what
is I can see. Now you have to understand something that's not
exactly the right word.
The Quran does not use the word materialist. The Quran uses the
Elohim you know, in a bit of light, we believe in what our eyes
cannot see.
But we have been informed of it from a reliable source. If you
deem me to be a reliable source, hypothetically.
And I tell you that in my under this table that I'm sitting out
here at the studio
is a lot of Chinese food. Okay. And I'm going to pull out the
Chinese food at the end
of the episode now someone comes in after I make that announcement,
and you say he's gonna pull Chinese food out of the under from
under the table, right?
So you don't see it, but you believe the person who told you
Okay, so the believer the Muslim is one who has deemed Allah and
His messenger a sound source. We believe what they tell us. If they
tell us their angels, their angels if they tell us the small can
defeat those the big we believe that they tell us that Allah is
with the believing people, right against their enemies. We believe
that et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, okay. We believe in all
these things, if they if they tell us that Salah on the messenger
relieves anxiety we believe it
okay, if they tell us study of the Quran strengthens your
Your mind we believe
all these things.
Have the Quran has a guaranteed agenda and you go all the way up
based on how much you recite we believe that, all right? We
believe in all these principles better and well again, we'll give
you a longer life. We believe that sadaqa will increase your wealth
that materially doesn't make any sense. But it's a promise from the
unseen. So the now when it comes to materialism, every creation of
Allah is material. The soul is a material thing. It's just not the
thick material that we can see is a microwave material or not, of
course, this material, but you look at the microwave, nothing's
happening. Food just going around on the plate, right?
So you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't it doesn't exist. So
what we the the materialist limits his beliefs to what his eyes can
see. And what his sensory perception can see, the moment
doesn't do that. So I don't see how materialism is must be the
most depressing existence.
materialism has no place Marxism socialism have no place
in the end in any successful resistance from an Islamic
has no place in it. And the the resistance, the stand against
Israel, the support of Philistine al quotes must be based upon
belief in the unseen must we believe that based on the Quran,
and belief in Allah, that's the big or SULI principle here when it
comes to how we analyze all the resistance that we're seeing now a
lot of people who don't believe in Allah
they're doing a great job.
Okay, and good will come from them.
But the ultimate success will come at the hands of a bad Allah or a
bad Alana sorry as a lesson suited to the salah
bath and I lay him a bed and learn how does Allah describe them great
worshipers of ours.
Great worshipers? Allah describes him as worshippers. In one tough
see it the people who free of cuts, okay.
They free the cuts. And cuts is also one of the ways that we
talked about the whole land of Philistines call it up was just
like Syria is called a domestic. They called Syria domestic they
mean a Shem sorry, Hashem, Hashem they meant for by Damascus and all
of Syria, all right. So, the part referencing the whole.
So, those who are going to feel quotes, meaning all of Philistine
are going to be worshipping great worshipers of Allah. Does it mean
that some good will come out of those who protest or
are resisting through other means, socialist or Marxist or atheist
Because Allah subhana wa Tada says, the sorry the prophesy
centum said,
in Allah Allah you do have the deen But Roger Federer, Allah can
bring benefits of this religion by a profligate human being got some
benefit not going to be all the benefit but some benefit.
Can I go and see Sen. Yun have no clue what it is to be quite honest
with you.
I seen the posters for it
said noon.
Chinese show essentially they use I don't know like they swing
around these cloths
here is Misurina from Romania last year you met my sister and her
husband? Yes I did. I remember that. He is now a teddy Masha
Allah. His speech was live on Habib on his YouTube page.
Oh, whoa.
Allahu Akbar. So can I
know string? Can you send us the link?
And tell us what minute on the link so we could find him. And we
could look at it and we could put it up here.
Okay. Sandman, son of Mohammed Mohammed bin Salman, in Saudi and
Salman bin Mohammed on NBF. Checkout our brother Nathaniel on
oxygen. Everyone's telling me you gotta watch Nathaniel on Alex
Jones. He's a Jew. I think he's a Jew who became a priest, a Russian
Orthodox priest. Right. And everyone's telling me to go watch
it. I guess I have to watch it. Tracy, can we wipe on normal
socks? It's disputed in the 100 somebody school? I don't know what
they're they have a dispute on it. Some say yes. Some say no. That
it's misunderstood and that the sock has to have all these other
conditions. But the answer is that the medically school requires the
leather sock. And that's it because it's an exception. The
profit made an exception
The share phase and the Hanafis make analogy on the exception the
magic is dope. And they say the waterproof sock is sufficient
any material waterproof sock is sufficient
you can't post links unless you're a moderator really, to
tell us the title at least of the like for example, they usually
title it. Events such and such a such and such a date. So tell us
the title.
Yep, definitely after one of the mods.
Has the prophets of Allah who sent me granted to solder off both in
this world and the next? Firstly, what is the definition of facade
Allah Adam, what is the correct definition of sunroof meaning the
ability to do whatever he wants?
I don't know what the answer to that would be, to be quite honest
with you. But we do know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam there are many reasons to believe that he is seeing what
happens on this earth.
For example, when the companion Billa Lebanon Baba didn't visit
for two years, Medina after he moved to Syria, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, What is this distance between us
this longing you don't visit? So he knew, say nah, Ali Bin Abu
Talib one day he said,
I had a desire, great desire to see the Messenger of Allah.
And he immediately saw the Messenger of Allah as if the
prophet knew that he wanted to see him in a dream. We have the famous
story of fast forward now
to the last century, where Sultan Abdul Hamid
received a guest in which the guest said I am was told by the
prophet to come to you, for you to fulfill my debt.
And Abdul Halim said Sultan, Abdul Halim, Hamid said, anybody can
come and say I saw the Prophet, right. So what's the proof
that you saw the Prophet? That means you need to tell me
something that only you I would know, the guests. The poor man
said, The Prophet said the proof is last night you were sending
Salah and salam upon me your usual 1000 But you got the numbers
wrong. And maybe one of the beads slipped into 900 Instead of
without something like that. A little added, or like in cabana?
You, you.
You made a mistake in the numbers, but we accepted.
Sultan Abdul Hamid then began to weep greatly because he said will
lie no one in the world would have known that
I made a mistake in the numbers except me. Right when when you're
doing vichara not know what you're doing. Right? Nobody knows what
you're doing and you don't announce it. So he accepted that
right and he gave him a lot of money. Okay. So and that he loved
it so much because the in the dream, the Prophet said Tell Hamid
una our Hamid
right, our Hamid if someone's name Abdul Hamid, you can call him
Hamid with only the exception of Rahman
you can't call someone Rahman in some opinions, at least, like
someone Abdul Kareem, Kareem,
Abdul love him on the
go. So
he loved that so much that he
he gave him a lot of money. So that those examples tell us the
prophets of Allah when he was selling his Hadith was true when
he said, are a sight and sound the meaning is
my life is good for you and my death is good for me. As for my
death, it's good for my life. They said we know how it's good for us.
Oh message of Allah. How's your death good for us? He said your
deeds are sewn on to me.
Alright, cameras out. We'll fix it in a second.
You see multiple
things at once. Yeah.
what's up with this camera?
battery's dead. Try it try maybe the
it's plugged into something that's not plugged in an extension that's
not plugged in. Can you list some benefits of attending? makaras
what is a MCRA? First of all, you
To Hadith recitations gathering, where they sit for hours on end,
reciting a book of Hadith
number one, the amount of Hadith that you hear you will learn so
much. Number two it is the session that type of session that is how
our OMA has forever preserved Hadith
number three melodica attending those Hadith
ki upon Did you study under Sheikh Mohammed Djibouti of Egypt? Yes. I
learned my Tajweed when I was four teen years old
under Sheikh Mohammed Jibreel.
One month, every single day I missed one day.
And we learned to eat from him. In the state of New Jersey here, Mr.
Yes, swan has recently entered a slam son of Zeitgeist tells us
that yes, swan has entered Islam. May Allah bless you. Okay. And
make your
Islam strong and good. Okay.
All right, we have news here, go to the latest on Mausolus website,
the latest and go to minute hour 126 19 and they put it on the
screen for us so we can watch what he said
there was a family from Romania when I went on the tour to England
Thursday night mela today's got click on that one tonight. Today's
go to minute 126 19
I'm gonna bet he's in the house. Good luck with a shaved head
folks. You know, I'm gonna bust out big hair.
He had big hair. And he
buzzed it all off. Right.
One hour one minute 26 Second 19
Yeah, was a new camera
yeah Romanian there is Yep. Mashallah. Alright, listen, go
back to the beginning. We are all going to watch this right now on
the stream. Now you know how to put it on. Alright, Omar will put
it on. What we found it we found it, masha Allah. So seems like
they take people that have just arrived and
if they're good, Habib, you're gonna go and you can give a
Doesn't matter if you have the courage, you're gonna get the
Look at how many people for
1000s Maybe no passing? Maybe 1000 People are at that mode right now.
J Perez, if I remember correctly, you once mentioned texting
messaging doesn't fall in the category of kalua. It doesn't fall
in the category of khatola texting a woman messaging. Does that not?
Does it mean though? It may not contain the harms that would make
it unlawful?
Such as the possibilities of intimacy developing. Of course it
can develop Of course, no doubt about it with a while still guys
and girls do it.
Okay, to text each other and say no, you know, unnecessary things
and flirt etc. Yeah, so it could also
now can it be used with a sincere intention to get to know a
potential spouse matter is possible and Allah knows best, but
probably better to be safe than sorry. Right.
I can't say it's outside the realm especially for adults but
but to what degree it's very slippery slope and a shady matter,
I have to say, very slippery slope. And as you know, are two
witnesses necessary for marriage in the medical school says auto
ship to witnesses are necessary or not necessary for the validity of
the contract. They are necessary before entering into
any intimacy, space space where intimacy could occur. Where can
intimacy occur? A hotel room, a bedroom, going into a car
together, going far in a field where nobody could find you see
you or hear you. That's could be intimacy, even though it's not
there's not a walled area, anywhere where intimacy could
occur. You're not allowed to go in there until two people witness to
the contract even after
To the contract, so the groom,
that father, the Willie and the bride, come out of a room and tell
everybody we just contracted a marriage. Be witnesses that were
now these two are now married. So the contract did not need the
witnesses. But the entry into a place of intimacy needs the
witness. Why? Because Islam is not just that you're not fornicating
in the sight of Allah, you're not fornicators in the sight of
society either. Now, that's not the that's not the only obligation
you have one obligation left. It's hot.
It's hot is too loudly say it loud and clear to the whole community.
So that is easily dispelled when people don't know that you're
So someone says, oh, my gosh, I saw these two people, you know,
going around in a car together and entering an apartment together.
Oh, don't worry about they're married. Really? Oh, yeah.
Everyone knows, you just maybe you were traveling or you were sick.
But everyone knows they're married. Okay, I less doubt gone.
Suspicion gun. That's the concept.
Next question,
how does a coach become a coach, what is and what is its basis and
The concept of Kutub
is based upon this testimony of though. And one, we have to say,
Hadith that may not be of the highest strength in the highest
order. But security wrote write a whole essay upon it.
We have in our concept in the Sunnah, a concept of something
called EB dead. Abdel are the strongest believers on the earth,
their knowledge, and Iman
is so strong, that they are for the OMA akin to the pegs of a
When you get a tent, you put up pegs in a tent. And that's what
holds the tent down, right. But that's not the only thing that
holds it down. You need a pole in the middle of the tent. Right? You
put a pole up in the middle of the tent, the cloth goes around it and
the pegs around that. That's what holds up the tent. So in this
analogy, the dead are the pegs, that that pulled down the cloth of
the tent, but what holds it up one pole, that means from the dead,
there is one person who is so righteous, so pious, so
knowledgeable, so close to Allah, that this person is akin to the
pole of attendance.
That's what the club is. And the source of it is the stewards of
that idea. And this one Hadith that a SUTI wrote, writes a book
a little epistle about, and the ultimate in general, they believe
in this, that the Ummah is possessed of a dead end.
And this is something that you could also say that, even just by
observation, without having to say that their position with Allah is
right, for example,
that to say that, who is the greatest of the odia, that's
something of the hype, but I can go and look at any community.
And spend two years in that community and I can say, Listen,
this community is upheld by so and so. SO and SO SO and SO so and so
and so and so they're the ones who upkeep this community. If they
were to just if you were to backspace them immediately, the
whole thing would collapse. And the most important one of them is
this person.
He upholds
the whole community. So yeah.
Yeah, you could say that.
All right, correct. Now, the only thing is that it's when we make
that observation.
When we make that observation, we're not claiming their position
with Allah though. We're just saying, in our observation, this
community is held up by so and so and so and so.
Okay, they're like the quotes above that community but we're not
claiming a position with Allah. The concept of Abdel an act of is
a concept that you're saying these are hola hola. They have a
position with Allah Allah. That is
the highest positions, the prophesy centum has the Hadith of
the 40 Abdel of Shem.
So how does someone become a quitter by Taqwa and piety and
couldn't make up the Muslims so important that couldn't have the
Muslims has to also be spiritual?
Non stop dua for them OMA and
There is a saying that if you utter a certain dua five times
every morning and every night, then Allah and His angels will
count you amongst those
who the OMA gets a sustenance from God and that is
Yarra Burnham was the welfare Worcester Wofford with the Jawas
and say at the moment, you would be counted in the sight of Allah
if you say this five times every morning five times every night,
from those people whom the OMA
is sustained because of you.
You had a bit of a Muslim Walford was to Rafa what the job was
unsafe to match Muhammad, that's.
So any of these positions of LDS are attainable by efforts for men
or women,
men or women?
There was a one time they said that the such a position was held
by a woman of Syria who was mistura meaning she never is seen
by anybody ever except her family. Like she's always covered, and she
doesn't leave the house. Right.
And some shoe he used to say go knock and ask the man of that
house for the door of his for the drop from their family. Okay.
All right. Here's the next question. Because we've been a
long time today. What did we talk about? We talked about the
separation of principles
and applications. will sue and Fuhrer, this is so important for
you to understand. Okay.
Primary things principles. They're not up for discussion, because
there are that crystal clear.
Secondary things or applications are up for discussion. They're not
crystal clear. And their opinion differing on them should not cause
the chaos havoc, and rudeness
that you see sometimes people doing
and just it doesn't cause anything. It doesn't even decrease
from a student teacher relationship.
in much less friends. Right?
We sit around tables all the time and disagree with each other. on
matters of elf. Now you don't keep saying it. But I'm harping on it
because it's a matter of opinion. That's your opinion. That's my
Right? These are matters of opinion.
Okay, well, second thing we talked about is what is the real DOER of
things? And what is our role with action? We said action you there
are some things you have to take every single possible step and you
have to take on a mentor or a teacher. If you want to achieve
anything got to take a mentor if you want to get a job. Go and pay
someone, some HR person to help you get a job, right? If you want
to do anything in life, take on a mentor advice from the Quran. And
wake up early and don't leave any stone unturned. Okay, but you
can't believe in those actually. There goes the camera and what
kind of cameras has got us the old camera back?
Yeah, let's get them put the old one back. Where's the old one?
What's where's the old one
so that you don't have to keep getting up and stuff like that
bothering yourself.
Wait one second. Secondly, actions you cannot believe in them. We
don't believe in our actions, nor do our enemies actions. Allah is
the only real DOER of things. Our action is not the source of
alright, but now we're in question and answer mode here we're long
q&a session coming today.
Please make dua that me and my family go to Hutch.
Wake up in the last third of the night and beg for it.
Dang bro says metaphysical questions. How do a father sins
impact his children?
Okay, oh, big time. First of all,
the sins of a father will render him if he doesn't make repentance
and even if he does, if you do make repentance, you can be
forgiven, but the stain of the sin is still there on your
personality. The stain of the sin is still there on your heart. And
it affects your temperament and your mood. Okay,
all these things. So you have to keep in mind that aspect of
if a father commits a lot of sins, then
all right
It's critical. It's cameras going crazy. Remove it and send it back.
Send it back to those Jews that we got it from. What's, what's that
store called?
It's the number one camera store in New York City. b&h, okay. Send
it back to those guys.
They saw us Muslims and sold us a rotten camera. So there's some use
Gear b&h is run by Jews. You don't know that. They own it. By the
way, they're very good. It's a very good store. They treat us
real good. I mean, they treat people real good. I think their
service is great. Right? But they sold us a rotten camera. So send
it back. Yeah, no.
We didn't set it up, right? Maybe.
Okay, so a father commits a lot of sins, we know that committing sins
is a source to lose wealth. The whole family can go poor, if you
commit a lot of sense, right? can become poor.
So it's not necessarily that the
sins are falling. The consequence of his sins falls on the whole
family. The whole family, right? A man commit sins, stays up all
night commit sins all night wakes up. How does he got to wake up?
Miserable, right? Full of sins. Misery. Okay.
So we're all in a bad mood now, right? In contrast, a very
righteous father.
Right doesn't do those things, prays to hedge it. Before
everybody's up. He's already recited his, and 55,000
silhouettes. And for Doc as of 200, and wit's end, he stretched
and done push ups before everyone's woken up for fetch,
even. He's going to wake up and with a spring in his feet, and
he's going to be so happy.
He's going to spread the happiness to his family.
is generated are generational curses real?
Yes, they are real. Right? They are real. And it's like we said,
it's a consequence of your sin.
But we just don't know.
And they say that oh, rods can break them, though. rods can break
You understand?
Of course, our rods are of God remembrance of Allah that you do
on a daily basis could break those things.
J Pres. As I remember correctly.
He wants mentioned Oh, we answered that question.
What question and ready to run.
Just Hanafi madhhab allow a man to marry his mother. There must be
some element to that question. For example.
It could be an example of the mother that is from
what nursing in one month how they treat her as a mother of what
nursing but in the 100 feet they don't consider her that maybe
that's what they're talking about. But of course,
at its face value, of course. No.
No, I didn't see it. I just saw what you said. Cap mislim says
what advice you have for a person desiring start herbs that put on
an H 30. Number one, I asked this question chicken with Edie. He
said minimize shrink the verses that
you're memorize every day
and keep going and then review when you can and then once you
finish you keep going again to a second house
and so on and so forth. Alright, hey, why don't you put an image up
instead of that can you put an image up?
Just put an image up until we until we
Until we get this camera go in here.
Okay, so
another thing is that listen to a lot of Quran
such that when you memorize you're ready Can you read it almost know
the verses go
and do it only a small melt amount.
Hussain EO says this story is not about Sultan Abdulhamid what I
said it's rather out So Tanya, who cilium well, that mean the show
must have got it wrong then because the show made it about
of that honey.
Okay, go.
But Hussein, he's got two dots on his you. So he's circus so I guess
that gives him some authority to do
Anonymous says
if the prophet is aware of the affairs of OMA then what about the
Hadith the Prophet so I said I'm trying to save some people but
Allah says you don't know what they innovated after you excellent
because those people
for the prophesy send them
awareness of our Ummah and this hadith can come together how?
Because those people are coming from far away. And they have the
marks of wudu upon them. So they appear from far away as Muslims.
But they're in fact innovators.
And the prophets and the angel says you are not but the prophesy
suddenly you were, they say you don't know what they innovated
after you. Okay.
The Prophet knows about the innovators, what that angel may be
meaning is, you don't know how bad they will be punished for the
innovation that they did. You understand? You don't know what
they did? Meaning you cannot imagine the punishment that's
awaiting for them. That's the meaning of it. But yes, the profit
knows the groups of innovation.
And there are many proofs to show them. Okay.
I would have said that Ashley's experience is one of them. Where
the he says that what guided him out of Morteza anism was the
advice of the Prophet that he received in dreams would indicate
that he's fully aware so you don't know meaning the degree of
punishment that they will get
after you and Allah knows best but that's the best way
Yeah, I do but I didn't send them to all my might have them up from
the from on your WhatsApp. Yeah.
You have a question? Sure. Go ahead.
That when the Prophet was the first revelation then it seized
for a while they allegedly claims he tried to commit suicide, but I
don't think that this is not authentic. Right. So I'm I'm How
did it get into the Bokhari and how how did that narration
if a narration if a narration is in Bukhari is correct. It's the
most authentic book in terms of the tracing of the Senate.
Yeah. But I didn't. Can you find it look it up? Exactly. So we can
not not
summarize it ourselves. We'll read it exactly as it is.
This is use of Gordo eats the Convert brother you met in
Houston. We went for burgers after I'm making my Hijra to Morocco,
Masha, Allah. Allahu Akbar, listen, we're going to be having a
trip to Morocco, hopefully this coming year. And we'll see you
there. Jolla.
if someone follows the opinion of the Maliki school, in which thighs
are not out, that's not the correct opinion. By the way, is it
permissible for him to watch WWE if he skips the scene of women and
avoid the music?
The thigh is considered out of but it is simply different upon but
the majority opinion is that it is
out it must be covered in the medical school, okay, it must be
can a man or woman meet in a public place like a cafe
there should be somebody else there.
They shouldn't there that is not permissible to merely meet like
that. There should be something else why because even though your
bodies are seen what you're saying
right is not known.
Okay. And hence intimacy could occur in the speech. Anywhere
where intimacy could occur is forbidden.
But after a few days, we're reading Hadith on the first
What aka died and the divine inspiration was paused for a while
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became so sad, as we have
heard that he intended several times to throw himself from the
tops of high mountains. And every time he went up the top of a
mountain in order to throw himself down
Then Gabrielle would appear before him and say, Oh Mohammed, you are
indeed Allah's Messenger in truth, then his heart would become quiet,
settled, and he would come down and return home. And whenever the
period of the coming of the inspiration used to become long,
he would do as before, but he would, when he used to reach the
top of a mountain, then Gabriel would appear and say,
what he had said before, if not best said, This means he is he is
it that cleaves the daybreak will blow up.
Okay, so what's the problem here?
I heard but I heard, though, that the majority of scholars say is
not authentic, because it's like, it just says, if l Zuckerberg
reports it afterwards saying that he just heard a report saying, and
it's like
this is narrated from Aisha, what are we saying here?
And who is his audience some liar?
But the thing is that the prophets were free from sin.
So where the Cydia hasn't been revealed yet?
Yeah, but they never did anything.
If it was made haram,
they didn't do things that were indecent before that.
So majority,
not authentic. No, you can't say that. You have to show me a text
that says that. Don't ever say the majority said this, Shafi said
that Abu Hanifa said that show me the evidence. Show me where you
read that, right.
Is it better for a 30 year old to begin hips or pursue knowledge?
Knowledge of Athena and fifth was more important as an adult, and
then Hibs after that,
at least you have to get a strong motor come of Akita unfuck
or anonymous, we answered that yes, you're correct. It does
apparently show that the prophets lack of knowledge regarding the
innovators and innovation. That's correct. Which is that yes, that
is correct. But I've explained it to you that what it means what the
one that we'll have it could be it's it's that we've it's an
understanding, try to bring to parently opposing things together.
Is that you don't know what the degree of punishment
waiting for these people. And Allah knows best. Mustafa Huseynov
Where do people ask these questions? Come join us on Youtube
Safina Saudis YouTube channel and you know, scroll down. Let me see
if anything on Instagram, I do see the Instagram here. Scroll down,
scroll, scroll, scroll, keep scrolling. Scroll like you've
never seen before. What's an example of generational curses?
For example, if you oppress somebody,
If a father oppressed somebody, then there'll be a curse of great
animosity between the two families.
Right later on, great animosity.
So that's a curse. That's the myth. Right? Until it's broken by
some righteous person who sets things straight. Hamza says what's
the best dhikr after Salawat? Number one greatest they could
first of all is the Quran Kareem then Salah on the Prophet then La
ilaha illallah
even you could say that La la la la or he Ryan restaurant, a straw
receipt official liked your story. Wow. This isn't a straw receipt.
I'm sitting right next to a straw receipt fanatic. Okay.
All right. This website is what Islam For see who wrote the
article. Shake Sheffield, man Donald if that Birmingham brevis
Well, Islam is breaded via right
some of it is your Bundy mix okay.
I just want to know who the author's I'm not saying that
it because it records in his Saha
okay, that from my Isha that when the prophets Allah Allah is enemy
encounters in the Djibouti in the hara cave and rushed home his
heart was racing. And he was fearful. It does not say that he
thought he met a demon rather, he was naturally feel fearful for
himself, for he had encountered what he had never encountered
before. Okay, good.
I have to say dukkah deja consoled him, assured him that Allah will
take care of him due to his character and generosity and
support for all around him. Good for all those random that let
allegation that the Prophet tried to come and see it as a reference
to some reports that he was extremely sad. Not some reports
this report in Makati very sad at the long gap in the Revelation
Coming to him after the initial revelation account of cave Hara.
It is reported that he climbed the mountain through himself often
despair and synergy breed will come say no you are the Allah's
Messenger in truth.
This part of the narration he says this author says, describes the
alleged attempted suicide is not actually reported by Aisha.
As part of her narration. It is one of the narrators zody who adds
this to the Hadith text by prefacing in according to what has
reached us.
So zody, who is the narrator of this hadith of Ayesha has added
this part and has not mentioned the chain of narrators.
I don't see where it what's the basis of his claim?
I don't see that the claim has a basis.
The claim that this is from God not Ayesha.
So he says this part of the narration is weak.
zody Natan mentions it from teachers that he hasn't married,
because he has recorded this hadith in full including Zoe's
edition, because this collection was really for scholars of Hadith
who would understand and be alerted to this fact. Or he
included showing people that this part of Zoe's addition is not part
of the main Hadith, then why to include it. And why did he say
anything? Not 100% convincing. I'm not saying he couldn't be he can't
be right. He could be right. I'm saying it's this
is not 100% convincing. Find me another source that says something
else about see what Shika throughout himself says about it,
or what some of the other she'll say
video saying what? Same thing.
In AD apart then why did say Nadeem Ahmed Bacardi
put it in the book without mentioning that?
Because the first of all, I want to praise you for saying they
cleaned. Good. You don't say anything from yourself? Just
Find me more? Can I go to the cinema and watch movie with Mrs.
Inshallah, if it's something that's acceptable and within the
realm of morals of today's day and age? Is having disabled children a
Or is it what the doctors say marrying in the same family a lot
disabled around me are very sad with their condition. Disability
is of test from Allah, a fitna from Allah. Could it have a source
in our actions? Yes, it could be that we married too much in the
same family. Of course, it could be the chemicals in the world. It
could be and it could be not from anything like that. It could just
be a test from Allah. So we have to take the means of not of mixing
our gene pool because that's good. Why? Because Shinya commended us
know, because
scientists, people who know things in genetics have said that this is
good. And that constant intermarriage will produce this
right and it's as if to say hola sang enough marrying within
yourself, go mix your gene pool a bit. It's good to mix it up. And
Allah knows best but we never say it's a curse. How does a person
React is different.
Every person reacts differently. If you react with depression, but
and sadness, but you still do your duties in life as a Muslim, then
it's your sins are being washed away. If you react by improving
your religion, you know what? I'm so down. You know what I'm gonna
do? I'm gonna dive in the Quran. I'm gonna memorize the whole
Quran. Every day I'm going to do Huff's then this disabled child
has been an elevation for you.
It may be a downgrade a punishment for the next person, but for you,
it's an elevation.
And if you're somebody that says, You know what the heck with all
this, I'm so miserable. And I'm just going to sit and skip Ayesha.
Watch TV and eat chips all night long.
And skip fetcher. And that's how now you live every day like this.
Then we say that you now responded to the tribulation by sins. When
you respond to the tribulation by committing sins, okay.
Then no, this is unacceptable, and you are being punished by this
then it's a punishment. This test is a punishment. So what's really
in your hands?
Lucy says if one is finding Hanafy position of bowel leakage,
difficult, some ease please. Yes, you can go into another method
like the Maliki school, which holds that
there are incontinence rules in the medical school.
The incontinent person
is somebody who is recommended for him to make wudu at the beginning
of every prayer, and it's obligatory for them to make wudu
when they intentionally go to the bathroom, that's so you can take
that are the Christian Palestinians killed as martyr to
and because the martyr is someone who dies for the sake of Allah
subhanho wa Taala having believed in him correctly. So the Christian
is someone who adds a god alongside of Allah
so that those are the conditions of martyrdom, Islam, rejection of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is on one skill,
making Mary,
Mother of God on that skill, putting Jesus as the Son of God on
that skill. On the other scale what died for a good cause. He
died for a good cause once your belief is permanent. So belief
outweighs the wrong belief outweighs the best deeds you could
possibly do. Many people get upset by this, oh, they did such good
deeds. They lived so well and they died for the sake of the cause and
the nation and truth and justice. Okay.
That's your opinion. Right? That's fine. Agreed. But they did other
things, too.
They, they consciously rejected God and His Prophet. They
the Prophet salallahu Salam.
Those are beliefs beliefs outweigh deeds.
So Allah Tada is the one who knows and determines what deeds are most
Okay, ar 741451 My wife wants to watch Barbie in them.
Know how Don't get yourself caught seen going into that? Okay, and
watching Margot Robbie, basically, who knows what she's wearing the
whole movie than a bunch of other people. And who knows I'm of the
opinion that it's one of these feminist movies that make men put
down men and they're dummies and idiots. Right? And it's anti
hierarchy, whatever they call it, patriarchy. I'm of the opinion.
It's opinion. Someone could differ with me. I'm of the opinion that
it's it's all that nonsense. Every Netflix movie, every movie that
comes out has to have a scene in which a woman is smacking around a
man physically or metaphorically. Or, like 105 pound woman learns
karate and fends off five Russian KGB what? In what universe In what
world would this happen ever guy? Or that she's the boss and she's
telling off someone or telling off her husband? They have to put this
in there to destroy relationships
to constantly put down guys not saying men are always so innocent
But I don't want to see this stuff. No, I'm not gonna
go into Barbie
What are you showing to me?
You said I want to see another source.
Firstly, what's the source here that you're showing me it's a
source but what is the source
who's the article who wrote the article
just that website go and get a name
calling get a name well a biggest whatever you will call them and
harder to get me a name of the art of the are the articles author
Sorry to make you repeat what is the story with this stick this
stick is given to me by the man who built
and then did all the work on the studio on the local scene. On the
outside of the building. We have the most beautiful house in the
town the entire city of New Brunswick, New Brunswick. That's
not even a matter of opinion. Right? The entire drive around all
the campuses here. The homes don't look at the buildings obviously
Rutgers got some nice buildings, the homes This is the nicest one.
And he's one who did the work. I did the design. And he did the
work. Right. We're still working on it too. So we're not done yet.
It's gonna take a while. Okay.
But he got me the stick.
I always love to hold on around a stick
can I eat fish from McDonald's? I asked them and they said the
chicken and fish oil get mixed. In that case we cannot eat that.
Because the oil has become Lieutenant just memorize it.
Remember it more 10 adjusts. It's a
word that means something was pure but it became ledges you have a
nice pure vat of oil. You now threw in it and Mehta chicken that
is not severe
it's more tender just throw the whole thing up now, how Alexei
says, What is the best way to support someone on their deathbed,
but cannot physically be with them? Da
and da da da.
Ryan, did you find out? How could you? How could you be a student of
knowledge here? Okay. And I asked you what is the source of what
you're given me to read and you say a website
what, what kind of what kind of students or knowledge are we
training here? Oh website, sources, sources sources, okay.
soundscape says
I plan on going to Amara during Ramadan Masha, Allah insha Allah.
This is a Moroccan person here, reading in sha Allah with a C, but
we're Lebanese because they're French there, but have a couple of
years of cobalt left. So I leave my Cadet prayer during my time
there and pray regular no effort with the gym era.
It is said by some of the ultimate that as long as you have a daily
routine of prayer
that you do, let's say you do two days of prayer every day. As long
as you finish that then you may join the gym in total. They gave
that as a Fetzer. Good
Why do you think everyone is boycotting McDonald's?
Firstly, it's not allowed in the first place but
because they also
let you fix the camera right? Mashallah. Why is it not charging
oh, that's a good solution.
So this camera is gonna go out again.
All right, and this necessity and I believe the name was missing.
Yeah, of Romania. Let's go and watch her. This is her brother
what are we watching some nothing but facts. Attendees or watcher
viewers. The brother has gotten now to Teddy, Yemen. And now today
he was given the speech
hurt his Oh, we'll see.
Some volume up. And I'm humbled and honored to be here in front of
this lesson gathering
is me Andre, with a law which I shared with
I'm a convert to Islam coming from the lens of Europe, more
specifically, the country of Romania. And Minnemann Islam to
fill power.
For salsa and to Mengele, Romania,
the light of our beloved prophet and messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa aalihi wa Salam is like a bright sun for all humanity. No,
no, no, you gotta keep
missing the shrimps lead journey especially.
But in this lands of Lost Souls, lacking Phoebe legs, and Allah,
Allah lands of deep darkness and perpetual night
Amit what learning Mr. neuron, the Alia of Allah and their inheritors
have became like the most beautiful stars
of the lives and if it can be the last battle with the new Doom,
and the blessed land of thorium has become like the brightest of
moods that will be led to us will have the home poetry
reflecting the recent irresistible light of our beloved Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa early he was
more than any of them so
when these slides had reached me, it struck me and it broke my heart
and Darkened Heart Subhanallah what's all they need to know?
They're looking smiling,
and PASI and moving them.
In my darkness, I was compelled by its Nature to follow this slight
wizard but let's print we're going to watch about an actor that it
can. Even though this light shone on me several years ago, it has
been only recently that I became to put me back there
It became it became to put me back together I love them and they know
solve any problem service and I won't let him walk around forgot
so that an algebra that we have
inspired by the people that walked this lens I became to implement
the our art of the great Imam Al Haddad, Allah.
Masha, what is the word of
God that you say mornings at work? It's words were like threads of
light stitching my heart together. Can you monitor the whole lot? Can
you move on the defeats but you'll be able to tomorrow following the
trends of these blessed words, eventually I found myself walking
towards the value of Hadramaut
fell off the hill Kelly met a neuron here tonight she is the
By the blessings of the most Hi, I had the opportunity to reach the
city of Tani before Allah subhanho wa
now that's their stream
hit the fast forward button.
Yeah, there's zooming it just five seconds, five seconds. But
it is here that this blessed land and its inhabitants support the
guiding light of our beloved messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam
into my heart
had a woman he had sold the theater will be known in NaVi
Samba love it he will sell them and then if he sold
now that it's It is almost time to return home I can only pray that I
can contain this light so I might be able with it to water the lens
of my home well
in Bender mode as you can
what was the Romania
give delta Intertape as I understand I'm the first to come
here from from Romania. So I asked Masha Allah make dua for the
people of my country and my family. The first Romanian to go
to God must have just two men, Romania
baraka and he is Romanian.
Not like an Arab in Romania. No, he's remained and as Habib Omar
can make dua that my parents and my non Muslim family also became
and Islam worthy they
I thank you all for the opportunity. And there was petty
hospitality that
you welcomed me and I thank you for all the knowledge and all the
light that you put on
my show that's amazing.
Just Sakala Chiron or salat wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Salam
aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Amazing, very good. Really good. Good to see. Nothing but facts,
attendees viewers, that were part of
putting some fuel to get him to go there. And Michelle, I saw him
last year they drove from Romania to England in England driving and
they came to one of the programs I think I saw them two different
programs. Mashallah. A selfhood Allah says, How do I know when to
give up after it's too caught up for marriage? When the matter has
become so difficult that you don't even want it anymore? It's become
so difficult, so burdensome, impossible to to do? That's the
answer for us. StuffIt Allah, his account name is called this
Osman Bey after completion of kneecap parents of the girl wants
to delay the girl moving in with her husband after then a gap by
one year.
Then why they allow them Nikka
one year is too much my opinion is too much. Everything is by
agreement. But marriage is meant for living together one year there
must be a reason let's say one year she because she's in school
in a different state than the husband or something like that.
There should be a reason for that right? But
a year is a bit much
the purpose of marriage is that she lives with him.
So if between the Nikka and the moving in
is only the time that is needed to do something good.
Right needed to do something
then that's acceptable, like needed to find an apartment that
we agree on to buy the furniture we agree on, or you know, things
like that just acceptable. One year seems a bit much.
Um, Hamza says how do we seek advice from schewe without
exposing our sense? Maybe you can use an anonymous account
nonnamous Email
next question here, Samir Karim, who was very generous host of us
in Medina.
Masha Allah Salam aleikum you sent me.
Can we ask Allah for Willa? No, yes, you can. Not only that's the
goal. That's the whole goal of our individual path is with a
sociopath is justice and lifting the poor
and elevating the deen. But individually, our goal is Willo.
Should Muslims be united? Shouldn't Muslims be united under
one Islamic scholar and one federal for everyone? So it's not
confusing? No, but it would make sense only for Block Groups to do
so. So for example, if you have an organization
on financial matters, let's say you're you have a fin financial
company, then it wouldn't make sense to have
a main mufti, you have to have a minimum where you have to have one
action but
I do like the idea of like a family has a method, a community
even maybe one or two methods that they're following. That's
official, right? I like that idea. But in general, the whole Ummah
does not should not only have one no, because that one festival may
not be suitable for everybody. Okay.
What is your opinion if I want to study an omen Cora?
I wouldn't support that because they're Aki does the is a Muhammad
Abdul Wahab Zakia which we know is wrong.
What are you sending me Now Ryan?
Additional sources. What's the source?
Who is the author? Because it says Islam q&a. Okay, just because
somebody says Islam Islam, you think it's true?
Who is wrong?
Are you the judge? You haven't seen something wrong? Are you the
judge? You're not an item. You're not an item for you to be judging.
I haven't seen anything wrong. Here. It says right. The answer
says right here answered in 2019 by Ahmed Guimet. Gehman Egyptian
with a G. Islamic researcher graduate from an outside
university. Okay. Samick studies in English language. I also study
at Temple
Okay, I'll take that that's
That doesn't mean anything to me. No, doesn't mean anything.
And he's saying the summary is what you just said earlier, which
is that it's an add on from a zoete.
It been a Hotjar says, let's read this.
We're talking here about the Hadith in which the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam in Bukhari was so grieved at the
absence of the revelation that he would go up to the mountain to
throw himself off and say the gymnasts would calm his heart and
he would come down in Melaka, Illa, FEMA, Bella vana who was
so in what the say the statement of it has reached us Zoey
was already a second generation Islamic scholar.
Oh man al Kalam Hadith transmitter should say,
and feed Joomla T Mau wa salam, Elena Macavity Rasulullah
sallallahu Hassan if you had the LA CASA whoa a minimal bellava Min
Bella min Bella what is already what a small Sulan so the chain of
it is not present and it is the chain of it is not complete. And
it is what zoete is transmitting without citing a chain.
Imam Abu Shama a democracy stated a similar comment in Shudehill,
Hadith sahih Hadith Animoca scholar considered the modus and
narration of a Zuni week because he is a good memorizer and he
knows very well his narrators we did not mention them. By the way
others say the most what is more said when a second generation
quotes the Prophet directly. By the way, others say the motorcyle
of the early scholars like zody are strong that they don't name
the transmitter because it's such an obvious Hadith, right it's well
Yeah, hidden aside, said moto Silesia. Hurry Sure.
Man morsel of it.
The morsel Hadith again Marisa is one a second
sites the Prophet citizen or third generation or anyone after sites
the Prophet directly. He says it's not good
because he's a half of the will Kulu Mejia.
You send me some, if he's able to name he names when the man took
malice that Jesus can you send me? But he leaves off who he finds not
reliable to name untrustworthy. But how does he know that? He may
have a reason but he didn't cite his reason? How does he know the
motivation of when he leaves off a name?
Again, Morrison second generation sights directly from the Prophet
because Madigan Abu Hanifa have a different view. The senior of the
second generation Muslims, when they cite the Prophet directly,
there's a essentially saying this is so well known we don't need to
cite the Sahaba who said it?
Let's see more a Shafee and even mindset inside zody indena Lisa B
che. That's heavy. The morsel of Zori for us is not acceptable.
At the heavy argues women oh * Murase al Murase still hasn't.
We're Oh her medallic Murase realizzare. The two weakest
sources of motorcyle Hadith al Hassan and the worst of all is
Izadi. So this chain of narrators is not sound because the narrator
is unknown. And one of the main conditions for accepting narration
is the identification of its narrators. However,
not in Sierra
not in Sierra, in in halal and haram Yes. When you don't when you
have an incomplete chain, we reject it in obligatory and
but we don't reject it
in Sita.
the week edition of hadith is not mentioned in the other sound
Hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim and others. All the other
narration state when the revelation was intermittent it the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam used to frequently visit the
mountain where he received the first revelation some narrators
misunderstood the action and wrongly thought he was trying to
commit suicide. Thus these narrations
is considered Sheth
arguing someone was contemplating suicide. Right needs to do a
direct statement from the person himself to tell us his intention.
Because it is an unseen matters to outsiders. So the intention of the
prophets that Allah isn't doing suicide is without basis.
But they, the narration does say he would go up to the mountain to
throw himself off of it, who said to throw himself off of it, you go
up to the mountain as objective, but who said to throw himself off
of it. That alone was best, but then why would stay in the job
we'd have to come when he goes up to the top of a mountain.
Considering the Hadith sound for the sake of argument, alright,
let's see what he says here. If we consider this part of narration as
sound, we can't find any problem with it, especially because Allah
prevented that to happen. It was an ordinary human reaction to such
dejection, which is really hard for a human to overstep.
In addition, the confusion of the prophets of Allah and regarding
what he experienced is an effective factor and understanding
that this to me is a better I don't like going through hoops,
right? I'm not a fan of going through hoops. When we when we
interpret something. The concept also does not underestimate the
status of the prophet because he only contemplated and he did not
commit it.
But he didn't do it.
The intention of doing something sinful without committing it is
not considered a sin. Because Allah says that Prophet Yusuf
himself desired her.
He she desired him and he desired her. This is a great article.
All right. He desired him and she desired her
she desired him, and he desired her. Yep, got my pronouns right
there. So therefore it's not sinful, secondly is shut yet
thirdly, Shinya hadn't come down yet.
All right.
Men, secondly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
Men hammer BC f&m Yeah Malala took the took the put anomala cookie
but whoever intended a sin but did not commit it.
It's not written for him as a sin.
Maryam Allah
I said I'm wished death when she received Prophet ASA yeah late any
Metrocable Hello continuous human say there Maryam herself, as she's
giving birth to Prophet Isa. Afterwards she said I wish I was
dead or forgotten. I wish that I was dead. Or Nessie admin sia so
forgotten that the people forgot that they forgot me.
That's the end Mensa. So therefore, that to me the second
part when you have a hadith in body like that, and he doesn't
comment on it,
it's stronger. It makes more sense to just have that explanation than
to go through the Zoetry hoops right
it's so troops. Oh, it's zoete it's a mobile
balurghat Zori why does it Buhari say that then when he cared so
much to transmit only from the prophets of Allah I sent him
exactly right that to me makes more sense on top of all this the
Sharia had not come down yet.
So Cydia for these things
actually, I need this because my friend send this to me on WhatsApp
please. Because my friend need that.
What are the mother have to solve?
Okay, there are
just like there's sort of ELA in Al Hadith and also and
there's Toluca Azealia with triple Chevalier
as an approach, what are the approaches? Today? A Chevalier
has some leniency with the ego
and the neffs and some diplomacy with the ego and the knifes and
takes the matters very slowly and steadily
and is not about
a lot of rigid regulation on the ego outside of halal and haram
it's accepting of the ego having a little bit of its way as long as
you do a lot of the
that will help guide the ego to become good. Today ghazaliya Who
am I taking this from personal hobby one letter directly. This is
how he explained it to Godzilla Shaadi dot enough's it's very
stern with the ego
puts the ego in his place
and is constantly denying the ego so a little mix of both of these
ends up being really
the best but the main hubs are particularly the total share the
deal Kadri Knox Avandia
prefer a year many total and then took within the total
what does the witching hour correspond to the time of tahajjud
witching hour
three what is the time of 200 get mugged what is witching hour? The
witching hour? I don't know where the belief came but it's like
three devils
who says this The Wiccans
we don't have any beliefs like
demons or demons that's outside the house not inside the house
that's why we're not supposed to be outside the house late at night
walk chillin hanging out outside the house we do have a belief like
this by the way we do believe that in the nighttime the demons come
up but you should be inside the house right
I heard though of what is
the profit the profits have always said the demons come out at
Maghrib prayer time keep in it to keep your children in the house
but when one hour of the night has passed and you could let them go
out and again because the demon dispersed when it's like I didn't
see that you have that? You have that hadith? Yeah
yeah, pull it up. Don't cite anything. Pull it up. Eating cat
Muslim says or Milsom
eating seafood such as shrimp lobster oysters, clams and call
crab meat. It is not permitted in the Hanafi school.
Permitted all the other schools some Hanafy is they permit true
yeah, pictures from the camera chip. Yeah. Insha Allah will
you're on the WhatsApp chat, right? Yeah. So pick pick the good
ones there.
But they're all there though. Yeah, they're all there though.
What is innovation? Innovation is of two types. In general,
linguistically speaking, innovation is a new idea.
But in religion,
it's a new idea that contradicts the religion itself.
Okay? It's a new idea that contradicts the religion itself.
And in acts of worship,
In acts of worship,
it's sinful
to bring a new act of worship that contradicts and does not fit and
has no role in the religion in beliefs.
It puts you outside of the, if it's a well known belief that
you're going against, it puts you outside of Islam.
Well known everyone knows. That means it's clear and has been made
well known that that is part of the definition of Islam.
if it's not well known, then it puts you outside of the
acceptability of your slump. So you're still a Muslim, but your
deeds are not acceptable to Allah until you fix your belief, such as
somebody who says that the Night Journey was a dream.
That's not something every single person will know.
But it's, it's very easy to discover the truth on that. And if
you persist upon that, you're an innovator. Okay, your deeds are
not accepted. That's why it's very bad to be an innovator Alright,
let's go to the Instagram read me that question down from M Hamza
Hamza nine
are you accepting questions from the DM? No, send it either here or
Instagram or, or?
In person when you ask in person
that's going to be tough.
That's going to be tough.
Yeah, because everyone says
my friend
asking for a friend. Yeah.
When nightfalls stop your children from going out for the devil
spread out at that time. But when an hour of the night has passed,
release them and close the doors. And mentioned Allah's name for
Satan does not open a closed door. Try the mouth of your waterskin
release them.
Release them where it doesn't say let them go out again. So you
misquoted it didn't say let them go out, etc. Release them. We
don't know what release the means here. That's why exactly why don't
summarize a hadith give me the Hadith itself. Because you.
You said you said let them go out again. That doesn't say that here.
Secondly, what do I know about this translation?
Yeah, you're a dive NARRATOR That's what both know you're
already one ticking down. He's already down with me. Okay, need
to work your way up, because you just you were working your way up.
But you just took a step backwards. When you said here. The
Prophet said after an hour has passed, let them go out again.
It's not what it says. Firstly, we're operating from a translation
means nothing to me. I need to see the Arabic right because there's
release them. Does that mean let them go out? No, I don't think so.
I think
it's a good website, but it doesn't have the Arabic so you
need to go get me the Arabic. You'll find the Arabic and we'll
see what it means. And and you may be vindicated. Maybe you were it
what are Zedi beliefs? I know we don't support the Houthis I mean,
if Houthis are giving Israel a headache, that's nice to see. But
we don't support the SATs. They don't believe in the uprightness
of Abubaker and Ahmed and Aisha and they will never say May Allah
be pleased with them and they will never take examples of them and
they will never praise them. So as a result of that, my cinnamon
looked at is it okay, just to cut a little bit of hair after I'm
gonna Yes, it's okay. It's better to go bald. Shaved on the one on
the zero. I mean, what you can cut a little bit of all your hairs, or
Shafi it's one lock of hair.
Well, that was the inaugural ombre for you.
I cut it
get brother Phil Ross
The hubby He's great on Kalam atheism alright
Omar Can you
document that
yeah like reading books
What's the meaning of salaam when Allah nor him fit Allah mean
Salam wanna know why do we have to specify nor and why is it in the
wizard? Why is new I specified because Isn't he the source of the
all of the human beings after that right
of He's the source of course by Allah's permission right so that's
why we have to
specify profit new salmonella
all the countries they go back to him
all the lineages
yeah Ark is ark of Noah some people say he put that in the wind
okay as a sign that we're anachronism and and what's going
to be a world of tribulation ocean of tribulation?
Can no Muslim join any school of knowledge? No, you should study
first and examine and learn and use the intellect that you have
and the resources that you have to come to an understanding of what
is the best source of knowledge what is the best one most worthy
of following and learning from did you get the Hadith in Arabic? Yeah
so we can see if you can get vindicated
you may be vindicated
Allah is the Creator of all things yes all actions good bad and the
is there lots of breaks a lot and redo it because one Mr. sunnah
No, no to do that. But remember Sunon will ACA There are eight
Sunon Ekena if you miss it, you have to make it up with
so so do the so
what is the term ended up pointing to is pointing to innovators
because they follow their whims over the clear cut text that is in
the Quran and Hadith. So remember, you're only an innovator if you
part from a clear cut, text and Hadith. unequivocal has only one
possible meaning.
How was it? How important is it to stick to a specific shape? It's
not the only way to be to stick to a specific one shape I follow him
and all things No, it's not necessarily like that. We are
to be in the general Samba of the scholars of sunnah
All right, let's see that hadith here that Ryan spoke about and was
scolded okay for misquoting maybe we will see the fees correct or
not? You better hope you're right. Because if not, this will be an
example of why do not cite from your memory. A Hadith? Okay,
because you cited it wrong in that Kana. Junho lane. Okay. Oh, I'm
SatAM for Khufu, Serbia Anna come for in the shelter in Atlanta. She
wrote it. Good. The Shayateen come out. Okay, and they spread out. As
soon as the sun the night begins. Okay, for either the hubba satin
men or lay for Hulu whom?
Okay, if an hour of the night passes, hotel room, what does that
mean? Allow them to go back out if needed. Maybe.
For every live call a verb with charisma Allah then lock the doors
and remember the name of Allah fitness CEPA shutdown lay after
hubbub and wall locker. The shaytaan cannot open a closed door
Okay, and close the pots and close the water
release them yes, you might be right right. You may be right. You
may be right
yeah, the current for the Christians it's three
well, but I mean 3am is different in every season though. What I
heard that right. Time is one of the devils.
When we go into Morocco for the trip,
we don't have a schedule the lot of questions, a lot of good
As What do you have to say today? Speak with
I'd heard chick awesome Hakeem said the chicken was okay.
He gives fatawa that a lot of mistakes and have to say you know
when I met one of his people who loves him at ombre okay I'm
picking a fight with them I'm just seeing a lot of his festival on
halal meat his off completely is wrong. Okay
can we visit LA Cosina while nothing but facts is streaming?
Yes, you can come and you can come up to the third floor.
Okay, can we do close up prayer before Jummah prayer? Yes you can.
But don't do it
before us because people may think then that you're ignorant person
praying Sunon before us.
So for us to do it after because it's part of our thing is part of
our deen is to make sure that people don't think bad things of
you in the community.
We do care about that.
Shake awesome. Hakeem had declared publicly that all McDonald's and
Burger King food in North America is halal. He is badly mistaken.
Best not to take federal from him says Captain Milsom I agree with
this man.
No, it doesn't take you out of the sun. He's still believing in halal
food, his parameters of Halal food his fatawa about halal foods are
wrong. Other things may take him out of a lesson. Right Allah his
other words but we don't know those beliefs yet. We presume that
his some we know some.
What is the ruling on naming based on the names of Allah, you
shouldn't you can name on the name of Allah subhanaw taala
with abd in front of it,
any name of Allah but you should pick the good names. In other
words do not is not unnecessarily
do not choose the name that you would want not want for yourself
such as the destroyer, the Avenger, Abdullah Moodle, for
Those names that you would not want for yourself, you would not
want the manifestation of that name on yourself. The one the one
who humiliates brings down like that.
You do not have to put up in front of most names except a ramen. For
example, you cannot name someone ramen, because that is an
attribute solely for Allah. As for Haleem the ones slow to anger
intelligent and slow to anger as Haleem anybody can be Haleem you
can be honey, I can call you Howdy, Kareem. Like that.
But certain things
like man you shouldn't have to have out there
I have observed says dang bro says that's an eight. I have observed
that many ethnic Balkan individuals whose ancestors were
forcibly converted to Christianity during the decline of the Ottoman
Empire often find the way back to Islam. That's an amazing
observation must be the job of the grandparents.
One of the best medically fit book in English. US
coming soon, a lot of coming soon. A lot of books.
sha Allah next year, JAMA,
Maliki FIP it's almost like covers all the EdWeb at the level of
reseller living a visit
yet taken from different books without translations. No, it's not
a translation. You know I was gonna use it for for the class.
Yeah, but it's too much. You have to delete a lot. I think I really
liked the fit for teens book that
should change the title though because what should I call it?
Like something something more general? Yeah, it's so good for
adults as well. That's true. Yeah.
Which think of a name my first fake book.
Like too much too childish, right.
Sick one I want something malefic one when you look at the books,
they always have such beautiful Yeah, that's true.
Yeah, all that. Yeah. Yeah. What are we going to call it the starry
Midnight Star and right.
Can you explain what is it Latif? And when it should be read? First
of all, what is what it did? Let's see if it's a it's an
accumulation or a compilation sorry a compilation of prophetic
prayers, prayers the prophesy centum said to do when to recite
it. But after fetch
up to the
its benefit is to give you blessings for the daytime.
You may also recite it for blessings of the nighttime. Okay,
but you just where it says day you replace it with the word night and
you can recite the prayers of the nighttime the O rods of the
or after modem
and you can find this as Safina
Can I combine sulla during rain only the masajid for example, the
her and it's raining so hard that it would become a burden now on
the air then and the Imam to come back for us. So they may pray
though and then us and you may pray with them, regardless of
whether you're planning to come to the masjid or not.
Mother Teresa, same thing.
Such hard rain that will be not like a drizzle, no a hard rain
that it becomes a burden now for us to have to come back. Okay.
So shouldn't Muslim go into business partnership with a non
Muslim no problem as long as everything's written crystal clear
and the contract is halal. We don't have no problem going into
business with a non Muslim. If a strict fat to a spread, says Lucy
with no other opinion it hurts a lot. I respect both opinions,
though but I like the easy one and keeps me away from feeling like a
burden. This is why we are not unified on one Mufti. matters of
opinion are left like that for a reason. Okay, Imam Malik was one
of the first people to say this, that when at Haroon Rashid said, I
will make your book and obligation for everyone on the Ummah, the
whole motive and Maliki right. Maddox said no.
He said,
region has their own shoe.
So matters of opinion should be lifted that this we began the
whole livestream on saying there are principles and their
applications that are well suited and there are four there's a one
single trunk and many branches that also there are no opinion in
them because there's no role for opinion in it. It's so crystal
clear and unequivocal. As for what is beyond that, it's not
unequivocal it can have many different meanings and we should
allow those motherhood to spread and we should respect those
I think we got to stop here been going for a long time
could it be said that if that incident happened it to see if
something would come to save him as a last resort to find out the
truth Allah he's asking about the Prophet go into the top of the
mountain and Allah knows best known as best
so that's why it
can't be you back your authentic that would mean are you given your
own festival
you don't know your limits
don't go and say they're monsoon monsoon from what Sharia the
Sharia hasn't been revealed yet
the Sharia had not been revealed yet.
You understand don't get fatawa
don't give it up
it's I take the opinion as all these scholars who said it's above
of Saudi that doesn't mean it's false and that
they thought he was doing because they assumed
at the top who assumed no one was watching
no one was watching the people he would go up to No What are you
talking about luck
nobody was watching
nobody's watching
Don't latch on to what you like okay and then just accept it as it
is some said that some said that a lot is best for dancers right
you're not yet at the level to be saying I prefer this and I think
that and their muscle
there was no city out here
What does MK DESE mean? It means he's from Philistine
He's from Philistine MK Dessy does not just mean from cuts means any
greater cuts region, area G QA the greater cuts area.
Example The Great hamady scholar and MK to see right was not
necessarily from cuts he wasn't from cuts he was from outside
acquits can you do in this era marriage?
With al Kitab
SON OF GOD Zeitgeist you know Something's fishy. Number one when
anyone wants to do a miss er marriage number two you want to do
with it? Kitab you woman
what is a miss Er, oh,
no, miss your marriage. to devalue the definition of a miss your
marriage is an on the go marriage, meaning that she agrees that you
don't fulfill all your conditions. Right? We say in the medical
school, at least I could tell you that. We don't accept such a
If it so happens, that you don't fulfill all the full obligations
and she's accepting of it fine, but you can put that in the
contract. I'm only going to be your husband on Tuesdays. When
when work sends me to Philly. Right? Then I'll be your husband,
Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, don't
call me don't text me. Right? All that stuff, none, we can't do that
that cannot be part of the contract. You can have a marriage
in which it generally
is an understanding that you're busy.
And that you're living apart. But it cannot be conditioned in a
contract. Secondly, the Miss er marriages is like two witnesses
from the alleyway who don't need to speak English
are testifying to this English Nikka ceremony. A taxi driver will
be back in one in Karachi next year and the other will be
deported the year after that.
This is a secret marriage at this point. But technically, by the
law. It's very juicy what you're doing. Okay? No, this is not
acceptable in Islam. All right. We believe in the obligation of his
heart. Okay. It's hard. People should know that you're married.
Okay? Why so that it's not just between you and Allah, you're not
committing Zina, between you and society, you're married, you're
not committing sin. So
could I be I'm someone who travels to another country take away from
there. Yes, you can. But don't put in the contract. I'm only your
wife on the business trip your husband on business trips? If I
don't have business trip? Don't ask me for anything. If you need
money, don't call me. You can't say that. You are on the hook for
her upkeep?
Does it? Does a Muslim husband have to pay for everything for his
wife? No. He has to pay for an acceptable living at her culture
in her level for her home, her clothes and her food. Right? And
her general life. Now the she wants more than that. That's not
on you. That's on her. Right? If you want to be generous, you can
be generous. But if you don't have the money, you don't do it. You
don't have to, you're not wrong. If you don't do those things. I'm
not saying the marriage is gonna go well. But I'm saying you're by
Shinya you're not guilty of anything. Pete keep in mind by
shitty or you're not guilty. And marriage is going well.
And not the same thing. Right? They're not the same thing by
Shinya, you're not guilty does not necessarily mean, therefore the
marriage should go? Well, you have to understand that. Okay.
So yeah, what does he owe her? A minimal amount, right? Enough?
That's of your upkeep of your culture. Now you want to do extra
things? You want to have a new this or a new that? Are you on any
of this vacation or that vacation? By Sharia. It's not on you. But
that doesn't necessarily mean the marriage is gonna go well, because
generosity is the source of happiness in a marriage. have to
understand that. So a man can do that and have that wife in that
city. And he only and he lives somewhere else. That's possible.
But the responsibilities of husbands still upon you.
The miss your marriage is a type of like marriage where she is
agreeing, listen, you don't need to do anything. Just come visit me
once a month. Come take me out on a date every two weeks.
Sleep spend the night if you want. She's saying that. Essentially.
She's okay with that.
She couldn't be okay with that. But it doesn't go into the
contract. Neither orally nor Wink, wink, none of that. It's a wife.
So that's how we have to approach marriage. Secondly, can't do it
There has to be well known that these two people are connected
through marriage.
All right, hey, what's going on? She's in North Carolina, and he's
in Colorado. That's not your business, because that's their
business. Right? And if something bad happened, sir, it was who's it
It's on him. If a thief comes in, beats her up and steals her gold.
She can go to the judge and say my husband and it was his job to take
care of me.
Then you have a problem with the judge.
You mentioned the Saudis. They do this all the time now.
And that there's a big difference between when you have a right,
like how can you forego a right that you don't even possess yet?
Correct. So once you get married now, it's a different story. Yes,
exactly. She owns her right. And then she can forget it out.
Correct? Yeah.
Like, for example,
how she gave one of her nights to say the shadow the Allah. But
that's after she was a wife of the Prophet size on them and the
prophesies of them needed. Essentially he asked her or she
did it because she knew it make him happy. And but she owned that
right and then she gave it up. So very important to say, when you
marry you own all the rights of a wife. Now later on, you realize
your husband's
Busy, right?
And you want to be forgiving that he's not present. That's up to
you. And you could take it back and you get divorced based upon
That he's not fulfilling his duties.
Dang bro says hello Rick's question isn't allowed to work as
a software engineer in a FinTech company. Do we need to boycott a
debit based institutions altogether if the company does
many things Ribba is only one of them. But it does other
things for people then you could work on those other things not on
the debit but if all they do is it but only thing they do is whatever
then you can't work I don't eat any change the light bulb there
we gotta go. What time is it?
330 Ladies and gentlemen.
Subhanak Allahu Mobium no shadowing
Illa illa Anta NetSol Farooq, one or two in a while us in San LFU
in LA Alladhina amanu our middle side had whatsoever Sobin Huck
what soba sub was seller money much a lot here but I gotta