Shadee Elmasry – Who Evaluates Islamic Law Ep. 8 Debunking Madhab Myths

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a ruling from the Andersen School of Medical Sciences that states that a doctor who believes in the method of medicine should not be killed. The ruling is not recited as Quran and is directly inspired by the message of Jesus. The ruling also includes a discussion about the levels of each culture and the importance of the doctor's method in the medical field.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, first of all, the Messenger of some Malawi it was Saddam does

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not do his Jihad and he doesn't give a penance he gives you the

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state of the ruling of Allah subhanaw taala. Because to say

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it's, it's Jihad indicates that he doesn't know. And he's trying to

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find out using his mind, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa

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salam, everything, may or may on the planet, however, he doesn't

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utter a word in Huila here, except it's actually white. So the

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prophets, saying is not another. It's not an HT yet. It's the deen.

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It's a ruling. It's from Allah directly. Why you need to know

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they say it's a revelation that is not recited as Quran.

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It's directly inspired in the sense as truth from Allah, God as

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Quran, this hadith could see added Neverwet. Now, the ALMA, from the

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Sahaba, not all of them were on a map, all of them were upright, or

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dual, which means they can transmit Hadith, but not all of

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them, gave rulings and give Fidella. Okay, that's number two.

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Number three, the Sahaba then taught the next generation. And

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every generation, every culture, every discipline has a way or a

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means to signal to the rest of society that this person knows

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what they're doing. And the way for example, Abdullah bin Omar

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said, Abdullah bin Omar when he became old, and he became very

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busy with a bed and worship, and not so much involved in the

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discussions of the day and war. As many people when they get old,

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this happens to them. They're not so in tune with what's happening

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in the world anymore. Good. He used to go to his student site and

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his students say to minimal say you and he used to send students

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to him. He used to say go to site, no longer answer questions. He

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forget sometimes as what happens to elders, right. So he used to

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send people suicide and say, That's a sign and an indicator

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that he authorized to say them and so that's how today we have a

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degree with a diploma, and it's signed off. And it indicates the

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signature of the president indicates that 20 or 30 other

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professors at some point signed off on a different facet of your

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education than the university emblem indicates that back in the

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day, it was more individualistic. One person will say even today,

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it's individual. Today as someone who gives a fatwa and ism which

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dead is in which dead only in New matters, there is no wish to hide

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what they call them, which died Mcluckie may now be our discussion

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may now be what are the levels of each jihad, the scholars tell us

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in the book. So also, at the end, that the levels of HD head are as

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follows In which date and look, look, what lapwings up salute?

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Which dad is someone who goes directly to the primary sources

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and he gives you the answer. That's what I'm which had mclubbe

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is directly to the prime minister that gives you an is there can be

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m which stayed in a certain field guy if you look in the books of

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Kabbalah or or judgment in court, there could be someone who only

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judges on certain matters, like financial matters, marriage and

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divorce, things like that. So you can't have much debt only in those

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fields. Next level down you have them which tended within the

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school of thought. So the parameters have been set down by

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the the meme. And within that using those parameters, he gives

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routes, using those parameters. Next level down is to GIA which is

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he doesn't give his own ruling within the parameters but he could

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judge which is the best ruling most accurate within those in most

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of the schools. There's no need for that. And they don't. What the

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math hubs have today is something called an woodshed for nasbla.

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nasbla is something that come came down meaning something new that

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came into our lives that we didn't know about, or that the previous

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the elders and the previous generations never saw before. So

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in this respect, most Mufti is today there within their method,

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what is in which to head in new matters do he goes back and he

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finds an analogous case. And he sees how, and which died within

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the month have ruled on that case. So we have a long history of

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affetto from the from the time of the first in which to ADMM all the

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way till now there how many federal hasn't been given millions

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upon hundreds of 1000s and millions, right? So they look for

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something similar to that. And they make analogy of that, and

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they give the fatwa so that becomes the ruling on this new

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matter in the medical method. Good. Someone once said The medic,

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he met up on Bitcoin and they laughed and said, You tell him he

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outed him. Bitcoin when when medic is when this because they imagine

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that a med had is only the founder speaking it's not the founder lays

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down the parameters, and then afterwards cut many 50s in which

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to heads within those parameters give rulings so a founder of the

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school of thought the essence of it is he

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establishes the methodology. Well, we call Saul. He establishes the

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methodology. And sometimes he didn't explicitly establish it,

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but you could tell that that was his methodology is Shafi is the

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one who came and said, Actually, methodology is far more important

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than the actual rules. That's why it's called the father of bustled.

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Mo honey was called the father of FIP. Because he's the first one to

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say we need to chapterwise Chapter zation. Okay, of the legal

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rulings, and then medic, you could read very clearly in his words,

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what his method was, and then later on, the scholars say that

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very, very obviously, this is his methodology. So there are also in

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FIP, according to the Medicus also wouldn't have felt according to

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the Hanafi school, a super likewise Shafi and somebody

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