Shadee Elmasry – Which Madhab Should I Follow Ep. 5 Debunking Madhab Myths

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of choosing worthy individuals for one's religion is highlighted, along with the need for observe actions and conditions to be successful. The Mahdi's methodology is a "Theological" approach to learning, and methods for worship are advised. Different deemings and de recognizes are discussed, along with the importance of understanding deities' methodology and applying it to one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now I want to talk about some very important how do I pick them out?

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The answer is very simple as Allah subhanaw taala says, In the Quran,

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who is most worthy of following, which scholar based on his life,

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and his methodology is most worthy of following. That's how simple it

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is so called your yacht's has a beautiful thing it's you had with

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me or it's to add, we'll call it the HTML of the non scholar is to

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study and come to a conclusion on who is most worthy of following

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so are it she had it she had is like using your mind, thinking

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they had she heard of the non scholar, us regular people. It's

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the study of the four Imams, not necessarily just their

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personalities, because all of the luminaries of Islam are pious.

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But it's to study their methodology. And the previous

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video I mentioned, about the four methods how their methodology

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slightly differ, good. And how they treat the Sunnah. And which

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Sahabi they lead to more than others. For example, the Hanafi

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school is essentially saved, not even ever thought of and Abdullah

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bin message narrations, the Maliki school, you could say is Alma and

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Ayesha and Abu Huraira. That they rely on most. So the idea of a

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meth lab is that you we all need to use our brains and study the

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methodologies of these four methods, right? And then that's

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how we make a choice. If all the meth hubs are valid,

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good, then why do I need to pick one? Why don't I go in every

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issue, right and pick the easiest one, or pick the one that's most

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convincing to me. So I'm going to tell you the ruling on that. And

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if you're going to behave that way, then there are some caveats,

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there are some things you need to observe. But I'll tell you

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firstly, why that's not a methodology. What you're doing is

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rendering yourself, the referee of these great Imams when you don't

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even have 1/10 of the qualifications to do. So. That's

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number one. Number two, you don't want to look at the conclusions,

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the right way to do anything good. And Allah says kimitaka, when How

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do you judge the right way to do something is not right to look at

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the conclusions and pick from there and work backwards, right

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way to do something is to say, what's the methodology? What's the

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right way things should be done. It's to choose a methodology. This

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is the right method, this is the right way to do things.

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And I'm following that all the way through. So that's the right way.

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And that's why it's a credit, it's a critique and the methodology of

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let me just draw valid, let me just choose one guy, or in each

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situation, I'll choose what's best for me what I agree with most, or

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what's easier, in one sense, you're elevating your intellect,

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beyond where you're out of your paygrade. In the other one, you're

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elevating your whims and your desires and your laziness.

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people are going to do that. So let me give you at least so that

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you don't make too much of a mistake. All right. Some

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conditions you need to observe. Number one,

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you need to choose for each method for each act of worship. Alright,

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one method. In other words, you cannot mix between two or three

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methods in one action. And the famous example that all the

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scholars give is the example of marriage. The contract and

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marriage according to Matic does not need witnesses. Witnesses are

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only needed before consummation, but but the contract itself does

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not need to witness if that means the father, the bride, the groom,

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all right, they can contract the marriage right then and there. But

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before the men enters privately into a private space with

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his wife, then they need wills. So the contract is valid. Without

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witness, what would happen how do you feel the contract is valid

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without a woody if you combine the two you end up with a marriage

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contract of the Willie is the guardian. If you combine the two

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you end up with a marriage contract that's not valid with

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anybody. Nobody considers a marriage contract valid if there's

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no lien, and no witnesses so in each act of a bad what do you need

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to follow one of the methods it needs to be sound in one of the

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methods well why can I miss match them up? Because nobody did that?

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And Allah subhana without says let's up format, so that can be a

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don't invent your own things. You're not qualified. You don't

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have certain knowledge yet, so it has to be valid in one. That's the

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first caveat. second caveat. If you want to be a mixer and a

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matcher, and you want to treat the methods like Chinese buffet, then

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in that case,

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Don't tell anyone to do that. Don't fall don't gather followers,

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you're not worthy of follow. You can't now take this methodology

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and said alright everyone do what I'm doing. Keep it to yourself at

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its Allah you are incorrect in your methodology but you're not

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sinful. If you want to be that type of mixer and matcher and you

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observe these two conditions, then we're you're not sinful. Alright,

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now we're gonna look at a question that comes all the time. The

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prophet the Quran, said Allium committed to Allah come, Dina,

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come Watchmojo at a company Amity, what are the two documents la

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Medina, today I've completed your religion and completed your

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blessing, my blessing upon you. So how can you say now that there are

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more why do we need these methods as we set the foundations the

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methodologies are finished? Yes, the foundational the updated, the

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foundations of our law is finished. But there are constantly

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new matters and there are matters Allah has left to the automap This

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is why he said asked the scholars and not read more Quran. Alright,

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so that's number one. Number two methods. What do people imagine

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the methods are? Do they imagine the methods are trying to find

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some unique ideas outside of Islam and then put them inside of Islam.

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Med hubs are meant to understand what the Quran is saying in the

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first place. So they are an explanation of this blessing that

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Allah Tada has told us, the religion is complete. The blessing

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is complete. Now the question is, well, what does a blessing mean?

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What does this religion mean? What are the verses mean? Whether

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Hadith mean? How do we act upon them? That's what the methods are

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answering not bringing anything new, so that you could say, the

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religion is finished, and we don't need anything new. Next question I

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want to answer is a question people say the deen is easy.

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And I find following a method difficult.

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Rather, they say for example, it's much easier to just see what

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people are doing and go with your local community. Look, I've done

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I've been missing who'd said couldn't it man, Elmo, Charlie

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Manuel, Ima be a scholar or be a student, but to not be a roaming

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animal? The ima just follows the herd. What is the imao? Here? It's

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the lazy person is lazy. Got this attitude? Oh, the deen is easy.

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Why do I need to go on these big books and learn terminologies? Why

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do I need to stick to one thing? And sometimes I don't like the

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ruling. What is the basis of this other than laziness? The deen is

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easy. And it's easier when you put effort in learning what it is

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learning its methodology.

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And then living by that and studying becomes even easier. It's

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harder to follow something that you don't study and you don't

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know. Then to follow something that you do. No. I'm telling you

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this. And you're

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telling me, Abu Hanifa said that.

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You hear this all the time? And it's a very it's a scary question

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because Hold on a second I we've owned the property about

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the assumption here is that Abu Hanifa and mannequin Shafi and

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Achmed. They're following the Torah or something? What are they

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trying to follow?

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The question is your understanding of the Hadith versus Abu Hanifa

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his understanding of it, you know what, once that person told me, he

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said, I cannot follow a man made opinion. These are all the efforts

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of men. I'll leave all the book in the sun, okay. You follow the book

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and the Sunnah according to your understanding? Okay. According to

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your understanding. So, in fact, it's is is your understanding any

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less men made than Abu Hanifa, Medic, Chevy and angle got? So

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really the question is your understanding of the Sunnah,

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versus Abu Hanifa is understanding of the Sunnah. That's really the

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question. Your filter your mind the filter of your mind, versus

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the filter of Abu Hanifa and Maddix. And schaffen admits might

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all else equal

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what would you rather follow your own conclusion? Or a sad face

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conclusive? You're gonna go to Allah with one more deed to go.

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Here 5050 You got one more deed. You want to go and judge audit

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yourself. Or you want to say look, as Schaeffer he was trying to get

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to the same goal that I'm trying to get to, which is understand the

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religion properly. Manik is trying to get to the same goal that I'm

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trying to get to, who was more reliable, who was more

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trustworthy, whose words and conclusion has been checked and

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checked and checked and checked over the centuries, them or me? So

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it's not the prophet or medic. It's your understanding of the

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Prophet versus medic, and it's not the local. There are scholars who

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built their empire of knowledge on this idea. We only go back to the

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book and the Sunnah. Hold on a second, Mr. Scholar, then why are

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you writing a book?

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Why are we given speeches? If you're only going on the book and

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the Sunnah, then leave us to the book and the Sunnah. Why are you

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writing a book? Because you are in none

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No less categorizing, prioritizing and interpreting the book on the

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Sunnah. So the question is not prophet or medic, the question is

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medic or you,

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your understanding for medics understand.

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Another question I want to bring up, someone may say, there are

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centuries that passed between the Imams and between us centuries.

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Don't we need to revive? We need new math hubs. This is a

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misunderstanding. If you think that to be a medicate means to go

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and only read the words of the mimetic making a big mistake, to

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be a Hanafy or savvy or somebody is that you're only reading the

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words of those emails, you're making a big mistake.

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times changed after those Imams. Those followers use that

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methodology and answered those questions. times changed again,

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new questions are opposed, got those disciples answered them,

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again, using the original methodology. modahaus are living

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things in the sense that generation after generation,

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they're constantly answering new questions. When you're studying a

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school you're studying a whole heritage that is following a

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certain methodology and questions this way you remember no he is

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such a elevated figure in the chef a school but from the time of

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Shafi to know we a lot of things changed. A lot of new things came

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into the world and no we answered them. Good. Same thing in every

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month up until today.

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Next video I'm gonna answer the question of why can't new methods

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come about

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