Shadee Elmasry – When Can We Innovate in Islam

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the word of God and its layerings in various verses of Islam. They also mention the need for innovations in order to address the issue of multiple----
The speaker discusses the need for innovations in order to address the issue of multiple dramas and multiple clippers in one city. They also mention the importance of the third item in Islam, which is the necessity of three things.
AI: Transcript ©
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Even the Quran itself, which is the word of Allah has layers of

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the are different types of verses verses in which the meaning is

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crystal clear. And it's often repeated verses in which it could

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be understood in two different ways. We call that Vani. Right

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speculative, it could mean this, it could mean that, right? That's

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where human, its Jihad by pious Muslim scholars comes into play.

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And we do hold that those opinions are semi sacred, semi sacred

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meaning what? Meaning that it's rooted in the book and the Sunnah.

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But it requires the thought of a human being. All right, so we

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could say that the word of God and His Prophet is sacred text, the

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words of scholars interpreting those words. All right, we could

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say it's also

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semi sacred, we're not gonna say it's sacred, right, but semi

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sacred. So in that respect, there are multiple schools within the

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truth. So you have the one tranche no one can disagree with that is

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that which has been repeated over and over and over, and is crystal

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clear is not up for discussion at all.

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And it's not up for discussion, even if it wasn't repeated over

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and over. If it's one time it was revealed in the Quran, and it's

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crystal clear, and there's no discussion about it. The meaning

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cannot be interpreted away, then there's no discussion, and that's

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Islam period discussion over, okay. Then there's that other

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layer of Hadith, it's a verses and Hadith, sayings of the Prophet

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peace be upon him, that could be interpreted the other way. And

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then there is on top of that problems that didn't exist in the

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early era of Muslims.

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And scholars have to give rulings about those problems. They have to

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solve those problems. They have to, they don't have a choice, you

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they must if you're a scholar of Islam, you must and there's a

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fitna in your community, you must, the scholars must come up with a

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solution. Okay? And that's where you have now it's a fork in the

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road, and these are innovations, but they can be necessary

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innovation. What's an example of unnecessary innovation that every

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Muslim observes today, multiple mosques in one city?

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You shouldn't have Joomla except one Joomla in the town, there

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should only be one Joomla in every sound, that's the rule of Islam.

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Why? Because that's how the Prophet lived in the city of

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Medina, there was one Juma prayer.

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As a result of that, the Sahaba took that as a as a rule that in

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the city, there should be one Juma prayer the city should unify on

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one clip every Friday. Well, that's in the case where it's

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physically possible. As soon as the city now becomes so massive,

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and so huge.

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You have to accommodate multiple dramas. That's, that's unnecessary

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innovation. Okay. So necessary innovation. How about this? You

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cannot have multiple GEMA multiple GEMA prayers in one mosque for

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example. You can't have two of those. Hey, there's a thought

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Salah at one and then we're going to pray vote again. At two the

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second Imam we got two Imams that's not allowed in Islam.

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We're not allowed to do that. Why? Because we can only pray as the

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Prophet prayed. The Prophet never did that. The Prophet ray comes to

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Salah. The Prophet clearly said prayers you see me pray. So the

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methodology of learning how to pray is only from the Prophet

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peace be upon then comes. Now imagine what about Joomla Joomla

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is far more important, right? Joomla is far more important.

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Juma prayer is founded on a an adult male who's resident and

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praying in the Jamaat is sunnah.

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So how know what an hour about the fact that we have multiple jamas

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cookbooks in one Masjid multiple clippers in one mustard every

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Friday. Why? Because the parking just won't allow for it.

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I don't know of a single message out there that is of a sizable in

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a sizable community that has one jamaa in North Jersey and Paterson

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they have for Joma Solas the parking just won't allow for

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otherwise. So that is unnecessary innovation. What is the

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recommended innovation and innovation we all observe as

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Muslims that has no basis in the action of the prophet or the

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companions? And yet everyone does it Tada we're starting the first

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night with ls la meme suited to the Bukhara and all the way we

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recite at the end.

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Why is it recommended so that everyone can hear the Quran exam

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of Quran is highly recommended.

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To do this, haven't ever did it, the second generation never did

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it. Who knows, maybe the fourth generation fifth generation is the

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first generation of Muslims to do that.

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So, when we talk about innovations, there are obligatory

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innovations, necessary innovations, permitted

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innovations, discouraged innovations and forbidden

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innovations. And that is the philosophy of the great commander

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of right for better or wrong great scholar Sultan. Allah is inept

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Saddam, the Syrian scholar who was expelled from Syria by the

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governor because he forbid wrong, he was forbidding wrong. On some

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matters, he expelled him we went to Egypt is not the set up then is

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the firt is one of those who classified the innovation in this

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The habila never accepted it.

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So we have to be fair and say that there is another

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view of this. So they they they don't accept it. And so how do

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then do they explain.

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They just have different terminology because they also

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recognize the necessity of the three things that I mentioned.

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Multiple dramas in the city, multiple clippers in one masjid,

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and tada we from hats, from fat to Hudson s or a buck rottenness.

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They also do this and they recognize that but they just term

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and term it differently. They give it different terms. I don't know

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what they call it. I'm not an expert, when it comes to humbly

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innovations in the hamady school.

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