Shadee Elmasry – What is Istikhara Ep. 28 #Shorts

Shadee Elmasry
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The customer is asking the agent if they made the right decision and if the agent will give them a sign. The agent explains that the sign is not about a decision, but rather about moving away from a situation. The agent warns that if the customer makes a decision, it will make a distance between them and move them away from it.

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			istikhara is to make a decision.
But I want to know if this
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			decision is good for me or not.
And in this case, is Takata
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			essentially is asking a lot did I
make the right decision? And the
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			sign that Allah will give you is
not going to come down and answer
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			you directly. He's gonna give you
a sign, what is the sign? It
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			doesn't have to be a dream. What
it is is actually mentioned in the
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			door itself. The DUA is Oh ALLAH
if I made the right decision, make
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			it easy for me. So all of a
sudden, the obstacles are going
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			away. And if I made the wrong
decision, then make a distance
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			between me and move me away from
it and move it away from me. So
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			you start seeing obstacles come in
between you two impossibilities
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			occurring that render your choice.
Even if I haven't, no matter how
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			much I want it. It is now