Shadee Elmasry – What is Istikhara Ep. 28 #Shorts

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The customer is asking the agent if they made the right decision and if the agent will give them a sign. The agent explains that the sign is not about a decision, but rather about moving away from a situation. The agent warns that if the customer makes a decision, it will make a distance between them and move them away from it.
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istikhara is to make a decision. But I want to know if this
decision is good for me or not. And in this case, is Takata
essentially is asking a lot did I make the right decision? And the
sign that Allah will give you is not going to come down and answer
you directly. He's gonna give you a sign, what is the sign? It
doesn't have to be a dream. What it is is actually mentioned in the
door itself. The DUA is Oh ALLAH if I made the right decision, make
it easy for me. So all of a sudden, the obstacles are going
away. And if I made the wrong decision, then make a distance
between me and move me away from it and move it away from me. So
you start seeing obstacles come in between you two impossibilities
occurring that render your choice. Even if I haven't, no matter how
much I want it. It is now impossible.